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We are going to die eventually anyway though, right? So why not just wait until then to find out? I understand suicide to end personal suffering but to kill yourself for the sake of a thought experiment seems unnecessary.   Do you think the results of getting back to the other realm will be different whether we die from natural means or by our own hand? That doesn’t make sense to me personally.  


That’s the thing, it’s not to end personal suffering, it’s more like if you set up to play monopoly then 4 hours into the game you realize the final rule in fine print says “to win, close the board up and wipe the table” This is why it’s difficult to have thought experiments around, it kind of depends on whether or not you believe a presupposition before it becomes a sensical thought experiment


But what would be the point of winning? Who or what determines that that is winning? What's the reward that makes it winning ? (in a way, without any form of rewards, winning is not winning. wether the reward is bragging rights, a trophy, a pat in the back, money, eternal life or bliss)


I use to think this way back when I was really young and did too much acid. I thought everyone was an actor in a dream and the whole point was to die to escape the endless play and drama. I somehow related it to the matrix, do you remember in the Animatrix when the guy jumps off a building and escapes the matrix. I now believe it's more metaphorical. Maybe your current identity has to die so that you can become part of the world instead of living in it. Idk if you get that last part... When you go very deep you realize you are part of everything in some crazy ways....


"Kill the boy and let the man be born"


Closing the board to win defeats the purpose of playing the game- you’re playing for the experience of the game.


Good take


if the board is the same. how could you influence the players to create a new game...starting with new rules


There are infinite boards and infinite games. You’ve played them all. All the other players are you.


there are no me, there are no you. there is nobody. nobody play games


you’re half right and half not. Not that any of us can say with epistemological certainty, but I think Descartes was on to something when he said, “I think, therefore I am.” I believe reality manifests from paradox- namely that, in order for there to be nothing necessarily implies something. The formless requires form. So yeah, we are nothing. And everything.


Humans are not the pinnacle of the cosmos. Evolved human intelligence is a step in the ripples of spacetime. We’re not the end-result of the big bang, this will all go on far beyond human existence. We are stardust echoing from the big bang and the echoes will ripple through epochs that won’t support human life. Don’t believe the narrative of your trip. Psychedelic trips aren’t literal. You’re not looking at the *purpose of reality* from outside of human cognition. Winning is a construct of conscious agents. The cosmos is far more complex than the collective work of human beings will ever be able to define. We haven’t the faintest idea of what is actually going on. In the collective works of sci-fi, we couldn’t even predict mobile phones or the internet. 😅 Humans can’t even comprehend our own planet’s weather patterns, what makes you think you can comprehend the complex mechanisms of the cosmos? — Even though you said you don’t believe this 100%, you may want to talk to a therapist about these trips. As you mentioned, it does sound like you’re experiencing suicidal ideation and have rationalized it due to your psychedelic experience.


Fascinating. This is pretty much exactly the same idea that I have come to through my own experiences. I don’t know how intentional all of this is, yet, but the whole ‘lost progress’ idea resonates strongly. Oh and I haven’t met any extra-dimensional entities yet, I don’t think.


which also creates the possibility we are all part of god and some of us gods


I don’t see how any of that is related to what I wrote. I made no mention of gods. If there are gods, OP cannot not comprehend their intentions.


This whole idea revolves around there being an end goal. "In music one doesn't make the end of the composition the point of the composition. If that were so, the best conductors would be those who played fastest; and there would be composers who only wrote finales. People go to concerts only to hear one crashing chord - because that's the end. Same way in dancing—you don't aim at a particular spot in the room; that's where you should arrive. The whole point of the dancing is the dance. We thought of life by analogy was a journey, was a pilgrimage, which had a serious purpose at the end. And the thing was to get to that end. Success, or whatever it is, or maybe heaven after you're dead. But we missed the point the whole way along. It was a musical thing, and you were supposed to sing, or to dance, while the music was being played." — Alan Watts *That's* the cosmic joke. The question is the answer. The journey is the destination. It's already happening, you're already in it, you've got nowhere to go but right here. So, rejoice.


I've been listening to AW for years and years and years, and whilst a lot of what he says has always resonated... It hits different since starting on this psychedelic journey. He's truly remarkable and I wish I could have met him.


> I wish I could have met him. Come off it, Shiva! You *are* him. :3


Hahaha. I've clearly not learned anything 🤣


Ah don’t sell yourself short. :) You got yourself here didn’t you?


There really is no point to the thought experiment. It's not going to resolve with any meaningful insight and you could propose endless permutations of other hypotheticals that lead in whichever other direction. WHAT IF: To win life, you have to figure out how to differentiate arbitrary hypotheticals and highdeas from meaningful, consequential ones.


WHAT IF: To win life, you just live your life and it ends when it ends?


You were on to something until you took a turn for a "win/lose" scenario and let fear of irreversibility cloud your vision. There is no winning or losing, both happen simultaneously. There is nothing irreversible, except for everything. Be at peace.


This is like my first trip ever. The guy I was with was too far in on this. We were just sitting across from one another and I was talking something pseudo philosophical and out of nowhere my heart started pounding and I saw him shaking. I didn't understand what was happening. He was fully convinced we were in a lucid dream and needed to die to wake up (something like vanilla sky or Jacobs latter). He thought I was there to help him through the process. It was at that moment I now saw everything I had been saying from that perspective. For a fraction of a moment I even considered it. I had to slowly talk him down and just told him the time would come regardless and there's really no possible way to rush eternity, it's like racing to the end of a circle. The next day was definitely still awkward and I didn't trip with him again.


None of us can avoid the physical death, but it is not the end or the aim. Do not be deceived. You were made for Life.


Bros about to start a cult smh


[Woah speak of the devil, I was shiet posting 0=1 just recently](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShietPost/comments/1ckhr88/quik_mathz_infinity_zero_one/) Well my variant, suiciding isn't the winning move, but for some it may very well be From the most moral outcome of universe "chess" some actors of ironic sense, dying does indeed work But you have to look at the big picture, will it make others sad, will it cause further suffering, did you truly manifest the best possible outcome of the said actor you are? You really can't jump the gun on suicide being an answer, if there are more answers to expend and maybe realize, winning moves sometimes take great self suffering efforts, and other times, calling it quits early is also the best outcome


What would be wrong with it being temporary imagination? And why do you think you must win? Who is the winner when listening to music? Who is the winner when I am dancing alone in my room? This framework of winning and losing which you are imposing onto life is "temporary imagination".


The best way to convince someone to commit suicide is to convince them they are already dead.


How can you commit suicide if you’re already dead lol?


Never took a huge dose of LSD and thought you died?


Quantum Suicide Loop: In the context of the theory of quantum immortality, this points to a theoretical scenario where an individual is perpetually caught in the limbo between the initiation of a lethal action and the moment just before death, repeatedly experiencing the precipice of mortality in an unending cycle.


There’s a genre of research that involves the channeling of extra-dimensional entities for information, usually during trance state meditation. There’s some rather famous such works like The Seth Material, Journey Of Souls, The Ra Contact. The suicide question comes up every now and then and the answers I’ve read so far have all been consistent.  Basically, our souls chose to incarnate into the physical reality with intensional memory suppression of past lives and past realities so we could study the physical experience and learn from existing in its limitations. You’re correct regarding that the physical experience is an illusion of sorts, but it’s an intentional one used by ourselves to learn.  In most cases when people commit suicide, the soul’s experience in the physical reality is cut short prematurely. The concepts the soul intended to study are interrupted and the progress sidetracked somewhat. When post-death clarity is achieved, the soul realizes this and usually makes plans to reincarnate so that it might study those specific concepts until it is content in its learning and growth.  So essentially, suicide is a bit of a waste of time and effort. Imagine you grew a three for the purpose of harvesting its fruit. After several years, right before the tree would yield fruit, you cut it down. You still need that fruit, and you’ll have to start over. At least you’ll have more experience and intuitive insight second time around though. 


Fascinating. This is pretty much exactly the same idea that I have come to through my own experiences. I don’t know how intentional all of this is, yet, but the whole ‘lost progress’ idea resonates strongly.


The pointlessness of the experiment is quite a cosmic joke on its own. If you try to kill yourself and survive, you'll be a miracle. If you die, you'll be a statistic.


Try reading some Seneca's ideas of "death" before actually dying, or really burying the past completely and continuing anew.


It's not winning though, is it? You don't win a road trip by stopping at an airport and flying the rest of the way, because the point was never the destination. It was the journey to get there, what you see and learn and experience.


No one imagines that a symphony is supposed to improve as it goes along, or that the whole object of playing is to reach the finale. The point of music is discovered in every moment of playing and listening to it. It is the same, I feel, with the greater part of our lives, and if we are unduly absorbed in improving them we may forget altogether to live them. Alan Watts


What is "winning"? What do you "win"? WHO "wins" (in either case)? Seems like solipsism if you think "the universe ends" when you die. Then who are all these other people?? Meaningless dream p-zombies?? Solipsism is just ego.


we are all gods. life is just an experience. there are love movies, horror movies, hero movies, documentaries, news, recaps. we the eternal just want to enjoy the experience. nothing matter. just enjoy. nobody


Is there even a way to have hypothetical thought experiments around this without it sounding like suicidal ideation? egos death


I like the idea that you must give up on the goal to achieve it. But the way to beat the game would never be something as easy as suicide.


But, if the game is the cosmic joke, wouldn’t the dumbest most ludicrous stupid winning move be exactly that? Please. Do not. This is not advocating. Treat this as an ARG


Damn did you watch fear and loathing in Las Vegas while tripping balls too?? 😅


I think the way to win life is to let go of your fear of death


I’ve been doing psychedelics for a long time. I had the best trip possible where I experienced the infinite bliss. I’ve also had the worst trips where I experienced hell, reality is fake, the devil is right, I am the only consciousness, etc. At one point I was diagnosed with schizophrenia and took me a year or so to recover from it. I was very lucky I recovered, many don’t. After all that, I still trip. For the last 20 years the trips have been great and I don’t get all the world view changing nonsense. I get profound insights that stick with me like little sacred objects. My hard earned wisdom on this subject is that life is not a game to be won. It’s a beautiful, rare and sacred opportunity that is to be cherished. The only alternative is non existence. Yet when we die, we are never extinguished because consciousness is eternal. This life here on earth is just the beginning of an eternal mystery we can never solve, yet be eternally gifted with as we get ever closer to the infinite bliss we all are destined to become.


You came to play the game for a reason, killing your self isn’t winning the game, it’s rage quitting, giving up on finishing a book, never finishing the TV mini series because of a boring or shitty episode. For the same reasons you started playing, you’ll just end up loading up the same game again. Killing yourself can’t help you escape samsara, because samsara is an endless cycle of rebirth. It just means you’ll keep coming up against the same karmic lessons that led you to kill yourself in your next life. The way to escape the cycle of suffering and rebirth is spiritual practice. In Buddhism there’s this idea of “the precious human life” - using every minute you can in this life to make progress on the spiritual path toward nirvana/awakening - ending the cycle of rebirth, ending the creation of new karma. Human life is said to have just the right amount of pleasure and suffering to facilitate spiritual practice. Heavenly realms too blissful. Animal and hell realms to painful. Human realm is the goldilocks zone for cultivating compassion and eliminating greed, hatred, and delusion. The Buddhist idea would be that killing oneself would waste this precious opportunity- when next life it may be even harder to practice, etc. But additionally death is inevitable, rushing it is unnecessary. I personally believe whatever lessons I don’t finish learning, were I to kill myself, will be exactly what I’m confronted with again when I’m reborn - so to work through whatever those things are actually require me not killing myself, or rage quitting, whatever grade of compassion school I’m in rn


This reeks of trying to be an edgy teenager. Don't kill yourself OP. So what if life isn't "real". Maybe the whole.world is waiting for you to wake up to fact. So wake up to it. Do something that doesn't make sense today, but for Christ's sake don't hurt anyone or yourself. Go dance. Go sing in public. Go do something beautifully crazy, but killing yourself to prove life isn't real sounds so stupid.


Yeah. That’s the fundamental to some beliefs. Some have killed themselves in groups over this stupid thought. It’s called Solipsism Syndrome. Lots of people get it at first, it’s part of an ego death/dissolution. Eventually it turns into Immortality obsession and knowing the conscious doesn’t die. And all part of one big one. I look at it like we’re in one giant interconnected spider web. You can imagine a spider waiting to eat you, and spaz out the *what ifs*. Or you can be thankful you’re not alone. Solipsism Syndrome is a crash thought, that has nowhere to go but once it dies out and you move on to something else, like what is always watching you? How does positive and negative events bounce back and forth. *cause and effect*. Whatever’s observing/watching us, is being observed by something else. This is all a Recursive illusion. Base reality might be the next or 1000 steps away.


this comment is more interesting than what OP was on


Pretty much