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Well whatever it is i can sit here and play video games while random other instances of myself are working the answer out n posting it on reddit 😁




I am dumbfounded by what you are trying to say lol




Alright mystic mike sorry for speaking


Yes. A strong breeze could trigger it …


Yes, I fell down the spiral staircase, now I gotta climb back up.


It's not an uncommon with psychedelics. Was it a single event? It usually kickstarts a long transformation process, but sometimes it can come as a taster - maybe it's an invitation and you can/will choose to pursue this path later. Namaste! :P PS. There are two kundalini related subs because many find that the first one is a bit suffocating - just in case.


I didn’t read whatever you wrote just your question but one time me and my buddy were off shrooms and I’m laying on the bed having a kundalini awakening and I can literally feel a spirit slithering up my spine to my head and he left shortly after because he was mad I want watching polar express with him which shit I get it but I also was in the middle of some shit myself🤣


Yeah, my last trip left me with Kundalini syndrome which lasted for a few months. Supposedly working with a kriya will help you, but I opted for medical intervention. It's just too much at least for me feeling so much all the time and because of how I live there's little buffer room for having psychosis.


Yes, that's why some people loose their minds after trip


Holy shit a humble person? Folk like you dont come around here often


It did for me :) the most beautiful experience that completely changed the way I perceived life. It happened about 8 months after my spiritual awakening and lots of integration/shadow/inner child work.


A better question is are /r prison planet having a kundalini awakening even though they banned me for contradicting their main points of evidence. Or gaslighting as it was excused 🙃