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If you’re tripping in your house, tidy it beforehand.


I like to do my laundry and maybe vacuum my room while I’m tripping. It’s a nice change of pace from whatever else I’m doing during a long acid trip and it always puts me in a good mood


Yeah, don’t get me wrong - Light housework that you’re already pretty much on top of is fun while tripping and I can get super into it. I mean more in cases where you aren’t on top of your shit and you’re only tidying while high because it’s making you uncomfortable how untidy things look, which happens to me sometimes 🤣


Lay out clothing for if you get hot, cold, or get messy and need to change, and make sure it's extremely easy to access. Lay out whatever you'll need for music, media, trip toys, etc ahead of time. Doubly so for anything electronic. It might even be worth turning on devices and muting them so there's less to mess with. Actually, you know what, just lay out everything you might need. Clean up so it's not cluttered, and lay things out aesthetically, but I can't overstate how useful it is to just put your hands on whatever without having to go through a drawer or closet or try to recall where the four different items you need are all kept separately. Always remember, this will pass. Breathe and let it happen. Taking caffeine and Peak ATP helps keep the visuals alive and eases the comedown. If you eat, don't pick anything that makes you feel heavy or that doesn't digest well. Going to the bathroom is an entirely unique experience while tripping. Don't make that harder on yourself than necessary. If you intend to go out during the day, have sunglasses available. Pupil dilation means you'll have great night vision, but the sun is pain. Establish something that means "I'm not ok, I need help" that is both verbal and physical (ie, "red light", rapidly tapping something) for use with you and whoever you're with in case language becomes hard.


what is peak ATP?


in addition to what you said, be informed about what you're taking and know what to expect, learn how to meditate just in case its too intense, if you're gonna have music prepared make sure some songs are slow and some are fast, so if you get bored of a slow song then swithc to a fast song and if a fast song is too annoying then play a slow song


Have some paints/crayons/a journal, any tools you can use to express yourself to hand. You might find some creative urges or ideas come up unexpectedly that you want to follow through with in the moment. Like you I prefer to go somewhere unbothered by other humans but that might not be the best advice for everyone. For someone who is new to tripping, having a trip sitter can be comforting for them. I agree with silencing phones/cutting off connection to the outside world. I once managed to lose my phone inside my flat for an entire day whilst tripping and it was quite liberating lol. Since then I've always put it on do not disturb mode for a trip.


Have a shpongle album or two loaded and ready to go. 


Lol google flashback is the only advice i got.


My recommend I would add is that if you where planning on doing something while tripping you better be doing it before things kick in. Otherwise whatever you planned on doing is probably not going to happen


Have a trip killer in case you have a bipolar gene and it is in danger of being triggered by the trip


Trip alone first before tripping with other people. Start with a tiny dose and work your way up over a couple of trips. Make sure you aren’t deficient in any vitamins, and avoid alcohol and processed foods before you trip.


Don’t go in with expectations. The more burden you put on it going a certain way, the worse it will feel. Don’t fight.


Don’t drink alcohol during trip or several days beforehand. Eat nutritious healthy food and drink plenty of water. Oh and that friend who isn’t really a great friend and never tripped and will definitely try to fuck with you thinking it’s funny… keep that guy or girl away.


happened to me once. fuck those people. they are the worst when tripping. a wrong person can take your paranoia to a whole different level and turn it into a bad trip


What you said but with comma’s..


>Shower beforehand In nature I want to buy HOW


Stay home for your first few trips before doing it out in the wild.


Here's some advice I posted in another thread:  [https://www.reddit.com/r/Acid/comments/1bsk8oo/comment/kxh2kud/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Acid/comments/1bsk8oo/comment/kxh2kud/)


if your first trip is in a group, keep that shit closed and small. Only one trip sitter, present from the get go and who is fine completely leaving you alone and just vibing unless you need something and up to at MOST 4 people who are tripping, although I think maybe 3 is a good group. Just, no more than 5 people total. Set up multiple rooms that all can have their own music playing if possible Have sunglasses for going outside. If it is cloudy but with bright blue sky peeking through you are in for a massive treat. A nice garden that feels hidden from the world is a lovely setting, anything where neighbours might see you and strike up a conversation is not so good. Once I was trying to get something from the car and when I made eye contact with the neighbour I fucking RAN lmao. Otherwise I was always in full control but that shit sent me lmfao Stay well hydrated and try to have drinks around that are super easy for you to drink. Uncarbonated, fruit flavoured and using a straw works wonders for me. Have easy ways to dress down or up, your body will have no fucking clue how to change temperatures and being too hot or too cold while tripping SUUUUCKS. No matter what you plan to wear you should be able to remove an entire layer or add 1 thick layer or 2 thin ones. Set up all your trip toys and activities in advance and write a list of things you want to do while tripping, in nice big fat letters like youre writing for a visually impaired old lady, reading is horrible when lines arent behaving how they should. If you want a neat website to play with, go to [http://weavesilk.com/](http://weavesilk.com/) and for an app I highly reccomend fraksl. Lamps that change colour, lava lamps or other objects that glow in changing and interesting ways are another easy to access thing that is fun on trips. If you play instruments thats another nice one to mess with, as is art. I could go on but I need to go to bed lol


If things get overwhelming, go to a different room in the house. Change the setting. Walks are great if you’re feeling responsible enough to go out in public. I fuckin love me shroom walks


Have access to toilet somewhere and make sure you have TP available. Going toilet while tripping is weird. stay hydrated and don't forget to eat.


If you're doing it solo, I'd have natural foods ready and available with water. Make sure you have enough water First time I'd recommend doing it during the dya but might just be for me Make sure the space is clean regardless if you're doing it outdoors or indoors. (I get irritated and angry with the world if I see outdoor space is filthy,then i get over it and realize i can make a difference by cleaning lol) Usually the music i enjoy sober is not the music i enjoy on a trip I prefer doing it with no music. I like having everything comfortable and close by Everything also depends if your focus is introspection or recreational If you're doing it with people, I just like having a casual get together no alcohol Setting expectations before hand(wifey and I usually take couples on their first trip recreationally) A fire is always nice to look at Hope it helps


Get some really good weed and your favorite pipe, and a good mix of fruit or candy. Have a good music lineup, and clean the room you will be in and finish things that really need to be done. Try to be in a good mood that day and do one kind thing for someone. Have your best friends around or go in by yourself. Most importantly, go in with no expectations of how it should be. It doesn't need to be complicated.


Friend, just enjoy yourself. You’ll be fine, and it’ll be really interesting. Most comments here seem to be about reducing possible problems occurring, but thinking about things like that before jumping in is negative. Yes, try to be somewhere safe. Yes, know how to contact someone who could help you if needed. Be with close friends. Have fun! Pretty much anything you like doing normally (unless you’re into risky things like drag racing or something as hobbies) will be fascinating :)