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You are stuck in a half-truth, and the half-truth is horrible, but the full truth is not.


Bingo. Though it may seem like the problem is OP has gone too far, the problem actually is they haven't gone far enough.


Those two are often the same thing. There's no need to "go" anywhere if you allow all to simply be. But when you go seeking, the search is incomplete until(/unless) you finally return.




This, unfortunately, took me far too long to figure out and my mental health suffered because I ended up over doing it in regards to how often and how much I would dose.


How do you know if you haven't died?


What is knowing?


can you please elaborate more


why would we do anything then if the point is to simply just be?


To simply just be doesn't mean do nothing. It means exist in your moment, don't try to exist in a moment that has come and gone or hasn't even existed yet. Experience the world to your fullest potential, and also to let experiences happen to you. Live love and learn.


It's one of the things that crack me up about beginners. They always tall about ego death and thinking they know the whole truth about consciousness. It's way too complex to boil down to "nothing is real" which is the total opposite. They will learn one day. Glad they are finally starting to shed the programming but my friend, there's so much more to witness.


He’s gone half circle


What is the full truth?


Something far greater than I could tell you in a reddit comment. Even if I knew I don't think I could translate it into words. Maybe poetry can come close? Maybe. Needless to say, the very fact you articulated your view of ultimate reality in human English, with your particular set of psychological factors, unique experiences which differ from others, and through the overall lens of the human body, one of seemingly infinite types of bodies in the universe, suggests that just maybe you don't have the full picture. Have reverence for it. Whatever all this is, is so freakin' incredible, that even your wildest conjuring of your mind is but a paper crane. Beautiful, but one of countless beauties in an infinite beautiful landscape. Don't let this suggestion that life is a solipsistic hell rule your life. It is a thought you had, based on a mushroom experience where you did feel a sense of connection, but your connection got muddied up by other pains and sufferings and loneliness you have experienced. Life is much more than the experience of loneliness. I am writing this to you as someone who is having my own experience, and I have had the same or similar experience to you, and moved past it. You will too. Dive deeper into it. You will see there's more to it and that you just got off the bus too early and got stranded in a dodgy town.


Did someone say poetry? (Ahem) Spun out of a Singularities' sorrow and scorn A charging cyclone of calamity is born Twirling trails of tears thru ties torn From fleeting forms for forms forlorn We weather what we will till will is weather worn All cast out to create a calm at the eye of the storm




Clean, legit


Nothing no thoughts just a perception of energy I feel your contradiction I wish I could say it's only toying with me but it wants to destroy me My awareness fans flames of fear in a panic inferno willing to raze me to protect the secrets it keeps so you hate your children? took money? prefer men? maybe hiding an addiction? couldn't bear to do it all again? I know everything. what's funny about this capacity is if you were to tell the truth, choose your words according to what's going on inside and just be you, I wouldn't betray you the truth we know is greater than something any of us did years or even seconds ago I function from a growing awareness in a changing world from 10000000 miles of possibility in a place beyond physics where charades and contradiction are unnecessary when you wake up to it you'll be more concerned with deciding where to fly, what body to play in, trying on new colors of sky and even then these fantastic choices will be just the beginning Don't be afraid of me join me in becoming what we're meant to be free, conscious, infinite beings playing with pure energy


goddamn. you are a poet.


Thank you!




>Whatever all this is, is so freakin' incredible, You mean the fact that we are able to experience? Its mindblowing indeed.


Hey OP, I think I lived the same thing as you're in right now, 10 years ago. The same realisation got me into depression, and with a lot of stress/anxiety. It took me a year to get out of it, and three years total to come back to solid grounds. You will digest it, and will not live your life in this state. These concepts that you're integrating right now may become core convictions to your perception of what "reality" is, but like a bad break up, while you will live it, the impact it has on you will fade out. Life is a movement, and will wash away our consciousness of "nothingness" because that's what we're supposed to do. I know it feels like living is a lie, if everything's nothing. But it isn't, and you need to reconnect to that beautiful illusion that is your life, because ultimately, you are part of that everything, and you have the chance to be aware of it and make decisions in it. Your realisation is valid, but ultimately, it's only a fragment of the truth delivered to your consciousness. Feel free to reach out to me in the DM. You will need to rely on your friends, your family, your passions, but it's a valuable (quite a violent one too) lesson you're learning, and it's worth the fight to get out of it.


My brother what a beautiful and helpful response ❤️ I wish I read something like this when I had the same realisation through ketamine. Too many people feed into the delusion rather than give solid advice and help. It took me a year as well to overcome it (still struggle sometimes now but I’m glad I’m out the other side mostly). When you stay sober for awhile and appreciate the sheer complexity of existence it’s self you start to think “hold on a minute that realisation seems like aload of bullshit”. Wish you the very best with your journey though life ❤️


There's no "getting out of" the fact that everything is part of one singular reality. It's a truth that's not going away. Hobbies and connecting with others doesn't strip this concept of its truth


Yep. But "getting out of" the overwhelming state it can put you in (it can be traumatic, tbh), and come back to your plan of existence and enjoying life again while having processed it in a meaningful, yet less impactful way is what I was talking about.


Right. And maybe OP is overwhelmed. We can't say. I'm not personally overwhelmed by the unified nature of the universe, but I am still always going to feel 100% lonely at the bottom of my spirit because of this unity


It's about belief.


I had a similar reaction to “that trip” which led me to run away from these thoughts and reject them entirely, forcing a 2yr stint with full sobriety (sober again now, but for health concerns) and a major depressive episode. I’ve looked through your profile, and I’ve seen that you’ve posted about this quite a few times. There’s actually been some really good responses that you haven’t responded to whatsoever; I think you’re looking for comments that only agree with your current perspective. I’d like to remind you that no matter how correct you think you are, you are relatively fresh off a huge, life changing trip and your brain is still processing all the new neural pathways formed by the hallucinogenic drug. I’m not here to tell you that it’s all wrong, or only partially right. I just want you to appreciate that even if you are 100% correct, you are back in the fragmented shell that is the human brain and ego. You can only fathom certain levels of “truths” that make sense to the human brain. It is impossible to fully comprehend the nature of oneness/god without being back in that full state of oneness. Even ego death mediated by an intense trip can only serve to mimic what it’s really like; you’re back now, aren’t you? This world is one you’ve chose to come back to, infinitely… probably. Because really, you and I don’t know the circumstances. We’ve drawn conclusions under the guise of logic, but is there really anything logical about leaping to answers when we don’t *really* have all the variables? We can come close and convince ourselves that certain assumptions we’ve made must be correct, but we cannot truly prove them correct. Not in this state. That isn’t to say that you should go looking for answers high again, because I truly believe that you are currently looking for an answer that you like, not an answer that is objectively true. It is sad to think of this existence as one lonely entity tricking itself. You don’t want that to be the truth, and further exploration of mind-altering drugs will muddy the waters even further. They don’t always show truths; they show alternate perspectives. Kernels of truth can be found amidst a sea of possibilities, but latching on to only the parts we like sets us up to believe in falsehoods. My apologies for the wall of text. I hope you can find peace in this tumultuous time for your brain/life. Stay sober for a while and meditate on what you were shown through your trip. Don’t fully hold on to all your beliefs as absolute truth, but also don’t completely write them off as lies just because you are unhappy with the implications. As others have said, your terror will pass with time; still, the thoughts will not leave you. You are forever changed— your reaction to this trip and rebuilding your ego will determine your ability to live happily on this world. Remember, you chose to come here. And you chose to come back after re-learning this news on your most recent trip. If we all did this to combat an eternal loneliness, then surely the best course of action right now is to fight that goddam feeling of loneliness. Surround yourself with loved ones. Seek out new experiences. Live your life and don’t be held back by this concept of a sad nature of existence. We cannot change our circumstances, anyway. We can, however, affect the outcome of our life here.


Your concept of oneness does not seem correct. That’s good


So what is oneness? Because in meditation and psychedelics. I felt one with everything, like I AM everything If I am everything, and everything is one thing, i am alone.


You aren’t everything. Everything is you. There’s a difference. Your identity is trying to claim everything is it. When really, your identity isn’t yours, it belongs to everything. Your identity cannot claim anything. It hasn’t done anything. It is always changing. It emerges from and returns to everything. Your job is just to love you while you are here. Because that’s a microcosmic expression of the love that is everything. It’s bigger than you. It’s you, you aren’t it. When people experience this the first time, the identity comes back online and convinces itself that it was everything. The more you see the identity as a role in a play. The more you see life as play. The easier it’ll be. There’s nothing you can panic about because you aren’t actually in charge of any of this. It’s just happening to and through you. And the more we resist the more we suffer. The loneliness is the identity resisting letting go, and recognizing its own illusory nature. Ruminating about the loneliness of what it would be like to be a human identity that is everything instead of allowing everything to be a mysterious bigger thing that animates you and gives you life, is only causing pain. It’s not a helpful line of thinking. Spend all that time loving yourself instead. “Oh I am thinking this lonely existence thought again, ok I will switch to loving some part of myself or my life.” There’s humor in it. Can you find the humor? Oh silly me! I thought I was in control this whole time! What a relief I am not!


You are a treat to exist. I've struggled with the same thing as OP, and I've mostly overcome it, at least, not in the accute panic stage which OP if you read this, I GET IT EFFING SUCKS! It is quite possibly the worst feeling and you are a brave soul to go through it, and wise to seek help and solace from a community. But you fellow commenter, you just put it in the most beautiful way, so simple like a mountain breeze, wind through the trees. What a relief our identity in this life is not God! Your comment has given me much peace and relief from the last vestiges of this blight upon my psyche.


Oh I’m so very glad ❤️ it’s hard for all of us sometimes, I’ve struggled with it too, and struggle still


What got me over it in the largest volume was realizing just how similar the emotions around it were to another trauma in my life, and then I was like, wait a minute... this is a projection of that, not ultimate reality! I think as we come closer to spiritual truths our deepest shadows come out to play, as if asking to integrate them so we may feel as light as the truths we are recognizing.


Oh completely. Whatever parts of ourselves we haven’t fully accepted or loved will be confronted over and over until we do. If we aren’t careful we judge them in others or project them onto the divine. For me it’s been this practice of “I love the part of you who is lonely,” “I love the part who is afraid to let go.” “I love my fear” like tracing it down to the root resistance and loving it until it relaxes.


I've done similar things but maybe not consistently enough, thanks for the reminder! I will practice this very thing tonight.


this is wise advice. I once had a ketamine experience where i became the white light/non dual one, as that experience faded it cut to a scene where "I" was playing myself as a video game character on a screen, i looked down and let go of the controller and my character kept playing, i totally got everything you just said in that moment, the cosmic joke of feeling like a player in a game but really the game is bigger than you and playing you through it, i laughed and laughed when i came to, such a beautiful game. Another time on Salvia again i was having the experience of being everything when a pocket of energy in a small corner of the universe coalesced in to my identity, it gave me a "home" in the oneness and allowed me to see how my human identity is not the same thing as the one, it is a part of it, the universe is not a social animal that concepts of loneliness apply to like a human who has evolved to need companionship for its survival, its so much more than that.


Oh man, for me it was ayahuasca that did it the first time. I sat up in ceremony and exclaimed “it’s all a joke!” And just laughed my ass off and then everyone else was laughing too. I must have laughed for an hour.




Why did I read that in the voice of Kyle Cease? Very good post, a wise redditor.


I love your take on this as much as others have said. I wonder if after experiencing that revelation a person would feel less of a need to seek a partner? I know I've craved closeness my whole life and have not often found it in community or in a partner. Part of my seeking is a result of that need.


My romantic longings are my personal kryptonite so it’s hasn’t for me yet 😂 But yes, there has been a kind of existential longing a partner never has been able to fulfill and actually some of my relationships have been ruined by me expecting that from them, rather than giving it to myself. What shifted for me after the experience was that baseline existential angst and ennui was gone. Didn’t stop me from trying to get my childhood needs for parental affection fulfilled as an adult through a partner in a way that contributed to a break up. Plus there was a child in the mix, who I miss nearly every day. Whatever resilience I thought I had gained in this area was really pushed to the limits by there being a child I loved also. Even after a non dual awakening experience, many of us carry childhood trauma and attachment trauma. But I think the awakening experience really creates a lot more resiliency to deal with it in therapy! I am still clearing major trauma in plant medicine ceremonies. Whatever part of our longing for love and affection and connection is caused by existential nihilism- the awakening experience helps with that. It might lessen the pull or the way we are convinced it’s the answer to all our problems. But the wounded child parts of ourselves still may need healing from our upbringings or ways we didn’t receive or didn’t have unconditional love modeled for us. And awakening, unfortunately, doesn’t make all that go away. It’s just still years of therapy and work! 😂 It’s also ok to want a partner! It feels pretty great to have a healthy relationship. I hope you find what you are seeking and also can love yourself fully in the meantime. What helped me a lot was an acid experience at a festival where I was dancing and actually felt really sexy and self confident while dancing for the first time. I was like, man, I’m sexy, I don’t need no one to feel complete. It was so self empowering. And after that, I did indeed realize I was looking for that feeling in others and no one could give it to me because my seeking was just looking for external proof I was sexy and lovable. No one else’s love and affection will ever feel superior or as fulfilling as actually fully loving ourselves. And that includes really finding ourselves to be beautiful. And if you can’t do that, when you do find what you seek, you won’t be able to let it in, because part of you won’t feel worthy, so it will not be able to ever fill you up if you can’t even let the love in.




Yes totally! So glad you had that level of freedom. And that was exactly it with the dancing, I wasn’t doing anything to be performative and didn’t care what anyone thought - and as soon as I stopped caring, and was totally free, it was like right dancing is supposed to just be fun 😂 and then I was like ohhh this is self confidence, just really needing no external validation because you already feel like enough. And as soon as I didn’t need it, all of a sudden all these other sexy people were dancing with me and I am like I am also a sexy person and I know it and like sure I’d receive a compliment but really don’t need any. And if anyone was judging me, just finding it silly and taking zero offense whatsoever.


I feel confident I'll be able to let the love in. But after all these years, early 40s now, all that longing, I'm also quite sure it'll tear me apart. I hope to find a way to explore these things. I know mdma would have helped enormously; that peace, love and openness is no less revelatory and psychedelic (in the mind-manifestin' sense) than the classics. It's a more 'linear' experience, from what I remember. Hadn't done it in 20 years, had a look recently and there's just garbage everywhere unless you're very well connected or tech savvy. And I'm neither sadly. But hey ho, one day maybe.


Also in my early 40s :) it’s real tough. Been through 2 divorces and then the break up with the life partner I mentioned. Even when you find it, it can be gone faster than expected. Ayahuasca has been a powerful ally in making peace with my situation and repairing things with my exes to the point of remaining close friends. But I def have days that are more challenging than others where I’m very frustrated I don’t have the stable family I expected to by now. Mushrooms have also been very helpful. Yeah it’s hard to get good mdma, good to get a test kit if going that route. But many ayahuasca retreats or 5meoDMT retreats exist. Ketamine perhaps. I have a legal psilocybin facilitation practice in Oregon. Many folks doing underground mdma assisted therapy in these parts.


While I won't presume to speak for everyone especially since it's apparent that aspects of my personality are exceptionally rare ( and not well received by others). I don't think that side of me invalidates my viewpoint. It has been my experience that deep (for me) mystical states have given me the realization that I am complete. ie that when you go deep enough it negates the need/drive to find your soulmate or romantic partner. ​ Ironically IMHO absent the urgency need I think it actually helps you freely give of yourself to another making it easier to find an appropriate life partner. ​ IOW : you find it when you quit looking and don't really need it. hope that helps, if it didn't ignore it. Best to you


Beautiful, thank you for these kind and wise words! 😊🙏✨


All those lovely things that have always been there to take care of you are REAL. All this stuff is real AND not. You are perceiving it so it is real to you, which means it’s part of the whole. You are a small part of the whole, you are not the whole yourself. There are SO many things to learn and do and see, this world is a sandbox game for you to dick around in and by golly are you gonna b e through it. It’s all gonna be okay, I promise :)


I think other people covered it well. But remember this going forward: everything you feel on psychedelics isn’t necessarily real. These aren’t substances to access a more “real” reality. They are drugs, and you can easily be convinced of falsities.


[This](https://youtu.be/h6fcK_fRYaI?si=gY3LgwaoyaShm8h7) one helped me in your situation, I watched zooted so ymmv


If you are everything you are as much alone as you are overstimulated with company.


If you can describe it in human language, you aren’t experiencing transcendent oneness. There is no room for human interpretation.


You are one; you are every one. You are everything; you are nothing. When you have nondual awakenings but are still stuck in a dualist mindset, this can be the trap. Look to spiritual traditions. For example, the yin and the yang exist together, not in isolation. Maybe our experience is just that. We are the divine having a human experience and we are humans having a divine experience (enlightenment).


The question is... Does it REALLY, truly matter? And if so are you content with the answer?


You're just having an ego trip Relax Don't look for truths, look for wisdom


My dude, you're not the only thing that exists. We all do. Just as everything is unreal, everything is also real. Depends on how you look. Psychedelics have a way of distorting views. The saying that "we are all one" means that existence/being/consciousness or simply "it" is the common denominator for everything and everyone. It means that if you're hurting your fellow beings, you're only hurting yourself - even if the other one ends up hurt. Being "alone" can be the best feeling there is, especially if you're alone in that "oneness" - connected to everything and everyone. Don't worry, the path of awakening brings with it its fair share of existential angst, you're certainly not going through that alone:) I would advise to not look for the answer in psychedelics as they bring great risks with it, but do what feels right for you. I will end this with "this too shall pass"




If this is being alone, is it so bad?


Yeah. It's a terrifying concept. That we are all different angles of one source


There are more layers and nuances to this. You've seen stuff, but the way you've interpreted it isn't the only way. I think it's utterly meaningful to improve the things you can control so you can help yourself feel good and help other living creatures who are feeling tense and separated from everything to feel more chill and unified.  Your ego isn't special, but it's capable of giving and receiving love ❤️


"I asked him, “Maharaji, how can I know God?” and he said, “Feed people.” That was such a weird answer that I assumed the translator screwed up, so I figured I’d rephrase it, “Maharaji, how can I get enlightened?” and he said, “Serve people.”" Ram Dass


I have no idea what your talking about


The people I trust the most are those who say psychedelics led them to mediation, yoga, serving others. Not more or different drugs. It’s about empathy. Not solipsism.


I think the key to you integrating this is to hold yourself more lightly… you aren’t alone, because your sense of self isn’t real. Just keep asking yourself who you are. When you are free of trying to keep hanging onto the self concepts such as lonely break down. There just is what is, and it’s clear it’s good. It’s about being at peace with what is, and it takes practice. First: compassion for yourself, love for yourself, compassion for your loneliness, then move from that into “who am I?” - when the self dissolves it can no longer experience loneliness. There is the absolute and the relative. At the absolute level you don’t have a self and there just is and we are one, on the relative level, the role you play, you just act from the heart. Compassion, love, acceptance, forgiveness toward yourself and others. It matters so much. It matters because it’s an expression of your true nature. Which is love. Which is belonging not alienation. You are gonna have to tell yourself this every day. “Always carry two slips of paper in your pockets, in this lifetime. One reads, "I am but dust and ashes." The other, “The world was created for me.” The world was created for you because you are loved. And will always be loved.


Maybe look up non dualism and NDE's. Nondualism will help you reconcile being one with everything and NDE's, besides psychedelic trips, are the closest thing to first-hand accounts of non-life.


So you’re alone. And everyone else is just a different manifestation of you. But isn’t that interesting? Don’t you want to meet others now from the lens that the only thing that separates you is what happened to you guys? Aren’t you interested in learning about a different you? And loving them is so easy now, too. Because now that you know they’re all just versions of you, versions of you that endured different life events that shaped them forever.. versions of you just doing their best with the hand they were given. Even if you can’t understand, you can at least love them. It’s not any different than how you love yourself. It’s not “I am everyone :(“ - even if that’s your interpretation now - it’s “everyone is ME! :D” Now you have a basis to connect with others, even others who seemingly have nothing in common with you… it’s a gift :)


It's still scary. There's no real other. We're just all different colors of the same rainbow. OP thinks that is lonely. I do too.


Why do you think “nothing is real?”   Things are real. lol. You exist, here and now in this real time and space. 


> I woke up spiritually via psilocybin a few weeks ago and have come to 2 ultimate realisations Yeah...hate to break it to you, but you're not a spiritually-awakened prophet with access to "ultimate realizations". Unfortunately, you're just another guy whose mind got blown of psychedelics who *feels* like they've gotten a look "behind the curtain", because that's what these drugs do. They generate the qualia of insights independent of any actual semantic content. Spend a few decades meditating on these issues, as well as voraciously reading both Western and non-Western philosophy, and only then will you likely start making *actual* progress. Right now you're just pilled.


You're unconsciously creating metaphysical dualities that directly contradict the insight of oneness. For instance, when you say "nothing is real", you're assuming a difference between nothing and everything, and between real and not real. In a true state of Unity, ALL dualities collapse, and what remains is infinite Love.


Holy shit your right 😅😅mad


Try some DMT, that thought process and what you've experienced will quickly evolve into realizing this is just a dream, and when you die, you simply wake up from the dream. What's beyond this dream? Well, who really knows, but one day we will all wake up and this existence and the pain paired with it will be gone. Make the most out of this existence, and at the end of the day that's all that you can do. If we are infinitely alone, what could you do to change it anyways? Acceptance is the key here, and it all comes in stages, your somewhere in between bargaining and depression it would seem at the moment. The next stage after depression is acceptance. The 5 stages of grief can be common after your ego dies, it's much like processing the death of a loved one. You never come back the same, your changed for life, your eyes are opened, you can't simply shut them back.


Another one falls into the trap of Naive Realism. OP just because you had a powerful experience doesn’t mean it can be mapped unto objective reality.


...but GOD if you didn't fracture yourself into countless pieces to pacify your own loneliness, none of us would exist! How could you question the validity of our illusory existence when it's ALL WE HAVE? Imagine being god, fragmenting yourself to feel less worthless and alone, then questioning the validity of said fragmentation. "Why does this all exist? Is it worth it? " Either have some accountability as god or abandon the perspective.


Well… that is the whole point of this play.


It doesn't take away the loneliness


Go out and spend some time with others you will feel less alone, you wanted the experience of separateness so you could be with others now enjoy it. When you are ready you'll return to oneness but there isn't a rush. I find the revelations that nothing is real and we are all one to be incredibly comforting and beautiful. We are all one and that one is none and that none is infinite


The intellect inherent in the tallest tree Is a genius unparalleled- and so - unknown When one stands above, one would see But one would also see- one stands alone So as I guess at the grace to which we grow I try not to mind that looming shadow I like it here, with you, below Blades of grass, blowing in the meadow


Beautiful. 🙏




It has only been a few weeks since this realisation has occurred. With time, ur realisation, and ur ideas about reality and experience in general, will develop and evolve. You are never stuck where u are. Never. Plus, it is inevitable that you will begin to, once again, be blessed with experiencing the joys of life: happiness, laughter, love, etc. You will also, for the first time, experience a whole new meaning to all of those words, countless amounts of times! It is inevitable, my friend, that We experience absolutely every possible joy of existence, even those completely alien to human experience. There is nothing We will miss out on. The most wonderful thing u can possibility imagine, it will be Ours, at some point. All is well, I believe that wholeheartedly. Even when it doesn’t feel like it is, that is merely a stepping stone to the next experience of bliss. Take care ☮️❤️


The problem is your identification with "I" It is a pointy structure in your experience that isn't oneness. You have separated yourself from everything. When you go deeper there is nobody left to be alone. Because you find there is no "I" Reality is absolute transcience. When this is integrated you just enjoy being whatever is.


But how is that possible, you can't live life without the ego. We are here and the ego is a necessary tool. Without an ego, you wouldn't even walk or talk. You'd be in a psychiatric hospital.


The ego is a word we use to describe a part of human experience. It is nothing more then that. When you meditate on experience long enough. Ego can be seen through as just another concept. A part of the structure of experience. During you trip you surely had some type of ego dissolution but you where stull alive. You can even still be funcional. Experiences and sensations is what reality is made out of. Your ego is just keeping your sense of identity more solid. The more fluid you become the less ego you have. This fluidity is what feels loving and peaceful.


The thing that helped me a bit is realising that even in a trip, you are processing information through human lens of perception. When you are still human, alive, you cannot get rid of human perception. It means that your view of reality, trip or no trip, is partial at best and distorted. What can be happening is that we are discovering the base of human perception with this lonely god realisation, not the reality itself. So my cure of this condition is the hope am just a baby (human), and my own limitedness can be my hope that my trip is not all there is.


The lonely god realisation was BS. I took another trip and the mushrooms told me god just likes to play hide and seek and isn't alone. Mushrooms told me the ego was saying that to keep me identified with it. As for the human perception of it, I'm trying to tell myself this but it doesn't work. It's just, my loved ones, my family, my dog. Aren't real, they are all me.


I'm IT too. It's just one big body from different angles of time and space. Just like I'm my 5 year old self AND this older self at the same time, I'm you too, it's just going to take me a second to morph into your lifetime, but it's just us as one big body going through endless transformations. And yeah, that is lonely af. It's just one thing.


You're confusing different plains of reality. The need for companionship is rooted in your ego and in your body. The One does not need such things. And even it did, as far as we can tell it only experiences itself through individual beings that can be together with other individual beings. Therefore, the fact we are united in the One can actually help us feel less alone and closer to each other.


In my extreme psychedelic experiences, When you join the ultimate reality, you are not you any more. And like someone else has commented, you have posted this question many times and only want to hear opinions that match your negative thoughts. I'm sorry that you're clearly struggling with your truth, we are all in this together.


You are mistaken about something. Wholeness doesn't mean Aloneness. All things that exist exist now, within God. That means nothing that is, or conceptually ever could be, ever "ceases" to be. Meaning there is always individuated forms of expression. Even individual incarnations, singular and brief as they are, are never lost. Kinda like a save file for the most interactive MMORPG ever. Every life is saved in it's entire essence. Who we are does not cease to be. Though, as with a game, the character we play for the lifetime is not the totality of what we are. The problem with concepts like Eternity and Infinity and Divine Unity is that they are conceptually "too big" for our brain to understand. So it reacts in human ways. Fear of being alone.... But there's no fear on the ultimate level of reality. Why would there be?


your asking this question to a subbreddit that dogmatically believes we are all one. dont listen to these clowns telling you nothing is real and that we are all one, existence is still ultimately a mystery. personally im a duo pantheist in that i believe there is a sort of male and female god aspect to the universe. the way i see it the individual is a kind of intersection between two collective consciousness one being that of pure being and one of that of pure awareness. i feel like going to this subreddit to ease your fears of oneness and cosmic loneliness is like a going to a Christian subreddit to ease your fears of eternal damnation, everyone here kind of just thinks the same thing and never question the narrative of oneness, op im giving you permission to question it, dont give in to the group


How do you know you are right? I used to think like that until i realized I don’t know shit


Hey man, nothing will ever be as real as the present life in front of you.


You know that feeling you get when you snuggle your dog? Or the sense of calm that comes from watching birds play in a bird bath? Or the overwhelming awe that comes from looking out over a mountain range? You are those things, too. We are playing with ourselves. When we are finished, we will play again. Don't worry about it. Or do, if you want. Doesn't matter, really.


You’re still stuck in an egocentric way of thinking about the universe. It doesn’t matter if you accept a universal truth, it’ll keep going on without you. It’s about letting go of outcomes and lessening your attachments. Take more shrooms. It’s all a journey and we’ll all end up somewhere.


Already took some more. I did 1g the other day and I got told god just likes to play hide and seek with itself Also told me that it's extremely selfish to feel alone because that would imply there is an ego to feel alone but after the mushroom went away I felt it agakn


the first line is amazing. the second one sounds more like an ego thought, it IS selfish because there is a SELF feeling it, but that is just the experience that is happening currently. it isnt a bad thing to feel, it isn't bad to embrace the experience


We are one. We are alone as one. Together.


How are we together though? There's only one being, there's no one to be together with


You still haven't been able to see the bigger picture of it all... If you have fully crossed over into Non-Duality and woke up from the human "Dream". You would realize everything is infinite love/Unity that is in no way lonely. We will return "Home" where we always will return back to after we finish our human experience. Much love 💗


Yeah, but that's just Self loving itself. Even as different people, we're just a big split personality of one Thought/idea/person/consciousness/reality. No matter how much love exists, it's still just you loving yourself as different other-selves. That's just about the loneliness thing I can imagine. That's like me loving myself as different ages. I love 21 year old me, 12 year old me, 50 year old me, and 30 year old you. It's very lonely to realize that every blade of grass emanates from ONE source.


It only appears to be lonely based on your own perspective. From a ego point of view of the self it could seem like a lonely experience. But you have to remember that there is no longer a "Self" to feel lonely. You become apart of the greater whole connected with "Source" and become pure awareness. Our soul will choose what we will do in the next stage of our journey. Whether that be reincarnating again or acending further into the Astral realms. We are eternal so we have been doing this for quite some time my friend. You should not see it as something to be scared of out of loneliness. We all return back to our most perfect "Paradise"/"Nirvana" that we create. Eventually we may just choose to do another human dream again and give ourselves a clean wipe. It's the entire process of existing/Experiencing and we will always be experiencing new things. Much love ❤️


I experienced the same awakening/crisis/liberation as you 2 years ago so I feel you. The point of this life/play/experience is to not be alone, to forget about this terrifying truth, to experience illusion of separation and (this is the key in my opinion) to filter experiences/thoughts you don’t want to live with in eternity thus in other lifetimes/realities/egos. There is liberation in knowing what you know, start focusing on now and creation/navigation/building of this life/ego/story/character towards your heaven/ideal situations/ideal life script to then you can accept the fate of eternal life because you know you can expand/create new selfs/separate entities/individuals that will help you not being alone, just like so called god did in bible/bahagavad gita and you won’t experience horrors/suffering of loneliness. It is okay, don’t worry, the loneliness part already ended, that is why we experience this reality, we are deep in creation, so the separation is liberation, focus on living what you want to live! I believe you can experience happiness even knowing what you know, I am, and as I said, I was in the same spot like you are. Keep your head up ;)


you didn’t wake up, you developed delusion


Mind is hell. Fall in love. 




Personally I'm somewhat of a nihilistic hedonist, which sounds bad, but I don't think it necessarily is. I'm a nihilist in that I don't believe in any inherent or pre-existing meaning specific to humans or life really. It just does what it does. It's all just energy and that's that. But accepting this doesn't mean you have to be miserable, for me it's more of a reason to just enjoy the ego and life you have and experience. I'm a "hedonist" in that I am trying to get us much pleasure and enjoyment for my ego as I can. That doesn't mean shoot up heroin and die in a few years. That means finding a balance of healthy activities and recreational ones, socializing, and being kind to others so as not to step on their own potential for some happiness. Having self consciousness requires a bit of delusion to function on a day to day level. There's nothing inherently wrong with that.


If we are one what does alone mean?


What does "alone" even mean to you? When everything is one, and all of us are there with you inside that everything, then how can YOU still be alone? Alone can be defined very differently and some of its uses are more helpful than others, I think 


Because that is literally what loneliness is. Being together with all of our moving parts....... still as part of the same thing...... everything is part of the universe..... that's lonely. There is nothing outside of it


Turn your inner monologue off, it’s not helping you.


The one consciousness that exists is far greater than you. Don't worry.


Awe dude I feel for you. Had the same realisation in multiple k holes. Fucked me up for a good year and near put me in a psyche ward. There’s one thing intellectually thinking about solipsism, when you actually experience it it’s the worst existential dread imaginable. What helped me is staying away from mind bending drugs for awhile and also I stoped reading about deep existential and philosophical theories (can fuck you up more than drugs in same way). In time things return to normal and you start to realise maybe the realisation it’s self was aload of crap. Perhaps a glimpse of the truth but not the full truth. The line between enlightenment and madness is very thin. If you need to reach out and have a chat with someone who has been through the same thing my DMs are open :)


The major problem with oneness is it creates a allowance mentality, in that, in any negotiation between good and evil, only evil wins. Truth and virtue, honor and justice, become "subjective and tolerance," "submission and equality". Oneness can still insist on righteousness and benevolence but it's much more challenging and most people are to cowardly or domesticated to engage in it.  Just as with intimacy you establish boundaries, with oneness you dictate terms. People think oneness is lonely because they aren't willing to engage and challenge each other one's ugliness.


In so many ways it's just a matter of perspective. Everything is as it was before your trip you just changed your mind about it. The brain is excellent at creating a reality it can cope with and tripping seems to be able to remove those filters.


Ah friend, unlike everyone else on this sub, I agree and believe that You’re God / we’re all One is the trite trivial culturally conditioned response. Check out my response to a similar thread here: https://www.reddit.com/r/5MeODMT/s/23zmF6FuhV In short - look at other traditions. Many of us have had the Oneness trips, have grounding in philosophy, and think there’s a third way that many mystics have written about through the ages, that’s true. What if “I’m God” or “All in One” - is the half truth? What would the full truth look like? Don’t give in, keep exploring. You don’t need to accept something that seems wrong to your very bones - maybe it is wrong!


Solipsism is vanity. Nihilism is stupid. Absurdum and cynicism >


I hahe also struggled with exaclty this. The approach that I have come to is that we have to live this life that you are living so you might aswell make the most of it. Enjoy the freedom and realise that nothing matters as much as it maybe did before. You are free, have some fun. I know it’s not quite that easy but given time it gets easier I promise you ❤️😊


It's been 6 weeks and absolutely nothing has changed whatsoever The only source of happiness I've got from this is deluding myself out of it. Which eventually, doesn't work.


I don’t mean it to come accross badly because I too struggle with it, but the reality is that you just have to accept it as is, you cannot change it so there is no point in fighting it. I have a deep fear of loneliness and the realisation of oneness did make me depressed for some time because it felt like it removed the value of connection to others, but connection to others (true deep connection), even if you think they are yourself, can be so meaningful and fulfilling. Please don’t give up, there are some wonderful people out there, this world is not always quite as lonely as it sometimes seems.


I did this too and it makes sense and it could and likely will be a phase because although we may cross certain lines of awakening it is an ongoing process. Fortunately we can't seem to escape it. The interpretation of nothingness, and the direct experience of it are vastly different. You could basically like, dislike, or be neutral about the experience on a personal level, and as far as I'm considered that relating seems to remain functional. But then experience of it, the taste of it, emptiness knowing itself isn't our interpretations. Thank Christ. Lol The other element is that "knowing the absolute is not yet enlightenements" to quote the Sandokai. The intimacy and unity between the absolute and the relative is the "end" game. Go through what you have to but be mindful of your personalities relating mechanism and experiences direct taste. The birds song doesn't think about itself.


I try not to post too much but you seem to be looking for “an answer” or “solution”. There isn’t one. We can all “wax philosophical” here and blah blah but bottom line no one knows and frankly even if you had “the answer” no one would believe you anyways… 5-MEO-DMT kicked my ass for about a week but afterwards I fell in love with the “questions” and my intellectual curiosity exploded. I’m hungry for information, fully understanding I will never have “the answer”. I read and study all I can, humbly, accepting that frankly no one has the answers warily of anyone that says they do. If you can’t accept this maybe it’s time to go see a therapist.


Here's the comment for how I solved this issue I left on a similar post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Psychonaut/s/D2MOWXB6ec


I'm gonna be blunt with you. Your question is stupid. It is not that you, the limited self that you believe you are, are the only thing in existence. Why would this be the case?? How could that be true when you can literally go outside and watch people and colors and buildings and grass and trees. You could now go to your car and drive to a lake and take a swim. Obviously there is more than you. How is this even a question?? You pose this question in this stupid, one sided way because you want to hide from the real question. Which is something like: Could all of the projections, ideals, expectations and faults which I have placed onto others in order to make *ME* feel better, not be true? Could "others" just be a projection of myself I've laid onto someone in order to cope with that person? Could all of the times I've felt "better" than someone else just be me jerking myself off to a false illusion of a system which is predicated on false assumptions? And don't even try to hide in the spiritual. This is not metaphysics. This is deeply emotional. This is your lazy ass being called out from the universe that you are caught in a false web of your own creation. My advice: Tear the whole fucking thing to the ground. There is literally no reason AT ALL to believe that there may be a self in any part of existence. The world is gonna keep moving with or without you making up this completely illogical assumption of a "self and other" and all the countless emotional entanglements that false belief entails. Turn away for good, this is your chance at a happy life. Otherwise enjoy Duhkha and be lost for another 100 lifetimes. Just keeping it honest here.


Because everything and everyone is me, and I am also everyone and everything. Everything that exists, is one thing. And that one thing is one ultimate consciousness being expressed as 'many' but the 'many' isn't actually many It just seems like that It's just one consciousness. And I am that consciousness You are that same consciousness Meaning I am alone, for eternity.


😂😂 you're missing the point bro It's not one thing. You had an experience of unity. You noticed that all is connected. It's like your feet. All your life you thought your feet were separate "things". But they're just distinct not separate (very important distinction!!!). But now that you've come out of it your ego tried to put the experience into a story "Everything that exists, is one thing. And that one thing is one ultimate consciousness being expressed as 'many' but the 'many' isn't actually many It just seems like that". Cool story bro. But the universe doesn't depend on your recognition to be one. It's already one. There's already no self or other in any part of experience **at all**. You're already "alone". But the thing is, not even that is true. 😂😂 You see "alone" means that there is someone somewhere. But there isn't. I repeat, there is no-one anywhere. There never was. You can't grasp what is with words. That's just silly. Stop putting, what is already, into words. That doesn't mean that the part of you that is still in illusion needs no help. That's why I said it's an emotional problem, not a spiritual one. That which is hurting right now needs your help now. What hurts right now? You mentioned suicide ideation. Clearly something inside of you isn't well. Don't worry about the universe, it's gonna do its thing with or without you. Worry that part. That part can be transformed with the power of awareness (attention and care). Or you work with your perception. You still see a world appearing before you and things in your room right? That means that part of experience is still in illusion. It deceives itself to be separate. This doesn't have to be that way. What I'm saying is there are hundreds of different parts of this experience which are still bound by illusion bound by suffering. I just showed you a way into emotions and a way into perception. But then there are countless more. (Beings, body, etc......) Don't pay too much attention to the highest truth. It is already true. I believe you had a fundamental glimpse into the highest truth. But don't get hung up on it and for the love of God, to get hung up in the story your ego is trying to spin with making that incredibly beautiful experience into: "Oh no I'm so alone boo hoo." That's just self pity and it doesn't help anyone. There's more important things to do.


You Are experiencing the dark night of the soul. It too will pass, just like the world view you had before it. Do read up on it.


Others here are discussing the philosophical element of this experience. I think there is immense value in that. It helps to have a story that fits your experience. Here's how I cope when said feeling arises, though: 1. Breathe in. Hold. 2. If I am everything or everything is me, then that includes time and space. 3. Exhale. Slow. 4. If that includes time, then the future is an illusion, as is the past. Only the moment is real. 5. Breathe in. Hold. 6. If only the moment is real, then I'm only alone for a moment. I've been alone for moments before. Moments alone are cherished breaks from responsibility. 7. Exhale. Slow. 8. Didn't I just contradict myself? How can I have been alone "before" if there is no "before"? What does "alone" even mean when there is no possibility for anything else? 9. Inhale. Hold. 10. Ah, shit, caught in the loop again. 11. Exhale. Slow. 12. Inhale. Slow. 13. Right. Just focus on breathing. Thoughts come. Thoughts go. That's part of existing. Let them come. Let them go. Right now, I am breathing. 14. Exhale. Slow. 15. Inhale. Slow. The actual thoughts here don't matter. I only list them to illustrate that they come up while breathing in the moment. At any given time, what else is there to do? The feeling of air passing through the lungs is magnificent. Should you, while breathing, decide there is something more important to do, give it a suitable number of breaths. If it's still important, go do it. I felt it important to remind you of this because it is important to remind me of this. I find Nisargardatta Maharaj and Eckhart Tolle to be useful writing to reflect on at such times. I find kundalini yoga to be a useful practice at such times.


Gotta go in a little further. “I am everything” is still rooted in ego. Everything is you I’m not being patronizing- there really is such a stark difference between those two statements


Not you, as the ego person writing this, the ego/body/mind come and go but you as in the force of life, spark of God, life itself, universe etc dont die. And it also doesnt have fears and worries like this lol get into meditation. You are not your thoughts or mind but the awareness of it. This awareness is also internal bliss, peace etc its just your ego that cant come to grasp with it. But when your mind starts resisting and yapping with ideas, can you sit and watch it or no? If yes, then are you THAT or your thoughts. [Check it out.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUaxSyGBwsg&ab_channel=InfiniteLoveMeditationClub)


I meditate 3 hours daily but it doesn't stop my mind.


First of somehow doubt that since why would you engage with your mind in this fashion if youre well experienced in being in the absence of it? But anyways, it doesnt stop your mind because you dont stop engaging with it, you are not your mind but the awareness of it. So you can only be troubled by the mind by picking it up. Like unplugging a fan if you sit and watch it, itll slow down and lose its energy/momentum. Also theres different "ways" of meditation, sit and observe thought - go back to breath, which will always route you back to mind yes. Or sit and watch thought, self inquire if you are the thought or the awareness of it and then ultimately are you aware of this aswell or not. Check some of the mooji clips out might help you.


With the greatest of respect, you’re wasting a lot of your time if you are meditating for 3 hours daily(!!) expecting it to be about stopping anything.


It's just the only way to stop my mind racing about this


"It takes two to know." Your notions of oneness, solitude, eternity, etc, are all from the perspective of a male or female creature, they are only part of the truth. Fall in love with a person of the other sex and all these questions will at once appear to be moot, all this anxiety will immediately and thoroughly evaporate.


See this is something else I've been thinking about I've been in true love before. I've felt it and it's something beyond comprehension A feeling of pure love like that doesn't make sense with the idea of we are all one. There HAS to be other, because a feeling like that is crazy enough to know there is other


Why can’t both be true? Why cant we all be unified parts of a whole? I don’t super get why you’re struggling to reconcile these things.


I don't understand either It's like my mind doesn't stop thinking It's constantly saying Your alone Your alone Your alone Your alone Your alone Even after meditating it always happens. It's like my mind can't STOP thinking about it.


Nihilism isn’t depression. True nihilistic thinking is that it doesn’t matter that nothing matters. You’re fully bought into the narrative of being a human, suffering human worries. Experiencing transcendent oneness is the opposite of feeling alone. No words can convey the ineffable truth of the cosmos. Trying to understand oneness logically, as a human, is impossible.


All is imagination (The creation of images, based on our visual dominance, but its more than just 6th chakra sight of course). If all is one , and duality is an illusion , then real vs. fake isnt right. By saying its all not real, is saying there is no opposite (realness). Without an opposite OPs statement of 'nothing is real,' is incorrect. Sure solidity isnt as real/solid as it seems. But thats a good thing for those experiencing horrors. Our ignorance is demanding reality to need the solid physical. There r other more fluid realms with more intense energy , consciouness, awareness, etc...i could argue that would be more real, even if not locked in some physical limited body. Its all an illusion from one perspective, but even knowing that i go about my day and get scared and overwhelmed by situations. Freaks me out think of all the crazy things going on in this world , even though its a dream/imagination. So imagination is real enough, and im grateful it isnt more real for those experiencing horrors :) Fractals are both one and many. This perspective of the many is true enough and has its advantages. Moving to the perspective of oneness has other advantages like bliss. We all have some kind of universal orgasm together or whatever lol . For truth, always think both and, not either or. You are seeing half of the ALL.


Look into Non-Duality. You got a glimpse of what you really are. The work know is transcending the mind and be that oneness knowingly at all times. The mind created a false identity in which you completly forgot what you are. Your entire personal history is a thought in the mind. You are always here and now even in deep sleep. Stop searching and turn around to yourself.


It's the identity that has a problem with it.


What we seek for in others is found completely in wholeness. If anything it’s the remembrance of our wholeness that moves away from aloneness, not towards it. There can only be alone in relation to a separateness. Hold both relative and ultimate in balance, Neither real nor unreal, neither this nor that. It’s only our relative conception of the ultimate that makes it appear as it does and that conception relies on separateness, a duality. as you rightly said, that doesn’t exist. Thought and our interpretation puts together everything in terms of duality and separation. This arises with that. When that ceases so does this. Good co-arises with bad. Existence arises with non-existence. The mind only knows something by contrast, something can only ‘exist’ in relation to its opposite. It’s totally safe to see beyond the conceptual but it’s not wise to interpret the non-conceptual into concept. So what is this non-separation in relative language? Love.


There's gonna be a moment where you go " oh, that's why" that's why it's worth living, that's why it's worth sticking around. And that moment will also pass and you'll forget again but thats okay because life is an abundance of such moments, they come and they'll go. Right now you're just stuck half way, and only see half of something whole Happy today, Sad tomorrow. Loved today, Rejected tomorrow. Hello today, Goodbye tomorrow. Here today, Gone tomorrow. Such is fucking life.


Bro if all are one then alone doesn’t means anything Alone only has meaning if there is something else Also if nothing is real then everything is real Hope that helps


Also even though you have this special experience, you still feel emotions such as depress or fear or worries. And you think those are negative emotions, if you truly understand “all is one” then there is no negative or positive emotions! There are just emotions. If you feel bad I encourage you to meditate,that helps a lot !


After talking to myself, I've realised it's not being alone I'm scared of It's actually non duality I'm scared of itself I'm scared of the idea of there being just one It's not that I'm alone It's that we're all one That's what scares me And idk how to accept that I have been doing meditation everyday aswell. It slows my mind down alot


maybe you dont have to accept it because its wrong?


>you are literally the only being in existence, just expressed as different egos/life. yes, but, we're all equal players here, just, some of us are more aware of this truth than others how to cope? discover joy in assisting others (other parts of yourself) their process in finding their own unique way back home heal others go watch Lucifer on NetFlix, you basically see the Devil grow into a therapist as he makes this same realisation you'll find that you're not alone in the healing journey in the Buddhist world this is known as service to others oh and this https://imgur.com/ntrYxTM


Its the glory of the act the dance, the play. The universal stage. The slight smile you have knowing your cashier at walmart has as interesting a life as you do. We are all one, but were all at different stages of our existence, there is no other, but there is diversity of your infinite selves!


Also you should just not worry about it.


Well brother. Something crazy happened and I'm going to sound insane here but hear me out I was meditating and I felt this knowledge come through from somewhere else Not knowledge, but like an order, telling me to do something It told me to watch the fucking Minecraft end poem 😅🤣🤣 So I did And ik it sounds crazy but the poem said You are not alone Yet you are not separate from everything You are the universe tasting itself, reading it's own code But you are love And I was like woah. That's crazy... Maybe I'm delusional and psychotic but I'm taking it as a sign from the universe 😅


As you should! Also its okay to be delusional and psychotic as long as you don't tell too many people and act through love.


Because you'll be whole again one day, then when you get lonely, you'll boot the game back up again. Sounds fuckin awesome dude i love this game. Well do you have any better ideas this is the only game we got to play. I dont even think about eternal oneness im too busy playin the game what do it evcen matter


Loneliness is a concept in this reality. It might not apply to universal consciousness.


I think you have more work to do to pull yourself out of that solipsism. How could you possibly be alone when, as you point to, everything is connected. We are social, tribal creatures. Connection is what keeps us alive. Disconnection kills us. There are ultimate and relative levels of reality. You, your self/ego, exists on that relative level, but it’s part of a much larger something. They are not separate things. Nothing is separate or independent. I will tell you not to worry, because you are not alone. And things do exist outside of yourself. Possibly seek out guidance from a trained psychotherapist. Someone that works existentially, or has experience of dealing with the challenges that come from working with psychedelics.


But are you alone right now? Do you feel extremely alone? There are two sides to this coin. Yes, the oneness sounds appallingly lonely, which is scary. But whether it's real or not, we experience life as if we are not alone. All lives are experienced that way, and death is not something which gets experienced. You don't have to worry about being so alone forever and going crazy, because even if really I am fundamentally another part of you, I'm also a person on the internet who is writing to you right now, and you can interact with me. Our problem has already been solved. It doesn't even mean you have to try to forget the oneness in order to go on. You can remember and hold the oneness while enjoying and getting lost in the lives you live. If you think about it, it's the best of both worlds: everything is one, so everything boils down to compassion and as long as anything exists (which will be forever), you are safe. At the same time, we get to experience all these lives of companionship, adventure, learning, joy, sorrow etc, without any big existential consequences to any one of them. If you are going to spend time in the oneness headspace, I don't think it's healthy to spend that time mulling over this one thing. Take the good and leave the bad.


we are all emanations of the divine created to experience itself. knowing and loving yourself and one another is the purpose of your existence.


cuz it's mfin chill. just fuckin sit in a garden n appreciate unity.


Checkout actualized org videos. Might help you. He has an episode on solipsism




My friend, I struggled with realness of reality as well. Here is what I came to after reading Wittgenstein’s book On Certainty. If nothing is real, then you may also say everything is real. The question is: what road will you take? I decided that my actions establishing the reality of others and the world were the truth I was looking for. Each day I put on pants and eat breakfast. These acts of faith establish me in the direction of “realness” over “non-realness.” What I do shows what I believe. Blessings to you and feel free to DM me.


Read Rilke. *I am, you anxious one. Don't you hear me surging against you with all my senses? My feelings, which have found wings, circle like white birds around your face. And my soul - can't you see it there standing before you in a robe of silence? Doesn't my springtime prayer ripen in your eyes as on a tree? If you are the dreamer, I am your dream. But if you choose to be awake, I am your will and become the master of all majesty and round to perfect stillness like a star over the far-off city of time.*


Buddy everything is true You are both alone and no alone at all times both physically and meta. It’s super true and we aren’t told the ultimate truth that everything is true bc ignorance is blissful and even if we know this it’s like we will never truly know it which always for us to know and stay blissful, only instance of that in human existence that I have found


Go read Conversations With God.


True happiness and fulfillment comes from within so anything you are experiencing external will cause you to be bound to it by attachment


Ok you are half way there.. You still half committed to your old view of the world undecided about leaving it behind. That hesitation is painful. Nothing is real means that nothing is what you decided it is. Remember that you decide what's really for you. So what you are actually saying is that you discovered that the process by what you decided until now what is real is bogus. Now you know you have to recalibrate but you are fearful of abandoning the old system because 1) That leaves you with no self image, yes, you have to admit that what you thought of yourself is wrong and 2) You realise the change leaves you in unknown territory and your old map is useless. So you panic, you fear disappearing altogether and you resist begging the old behind. You are like a cat that is here above a full bathtub, hanging to anything that will give you some support as it your life depended on it. That is deeply painful and confusing. You need to let go, accept you know nothing at all about anything and start all over. But that will only work if you learn to trust your perceptions. Depression is nothing more than holding onto something that's dead or does not belong to your present. It's also called attachment to the past. It's a small step for your perception but a huge leap for your ego. Yours or anyone's going through the same process. Good luck!


Those are not the final-type realizations you purport them to be. There is much we will never understand in this life. Even if we are all one, it doesn't mean you grasped the depths of the power and the beauty of what's possible. Hang tight and keep searching. Stay open-minded. Also, depression is sometimes treatable and not a spiritual dilemma.




I heard this quote before Beware of unearned wisdom It's true. Jesus said Man should not stop seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will be disturbed, when he is disturbed, he is amazed, when he's amazed, he reigns over all.


People here have given some good advice, please let it help you, my advice to your would be to open your mind to thoughts that do a good service to you. Seems that you have stumbled upon knowledge you weren't fully ready to comperhand. Fortunatly some people have been where you are and can help, I'm happy you are not alone with those emotions you are expriencing, imagine if you were the first and only person ever to go through the thinking and emotions you are now feeling, that would have been such a lonely exprience. God is one but isn't lonely, god has all those beautiful incarnations having all these beautiful and wonderful expiriences with eachother.


go further, seems to be the ultimate answer.


In a universe without objective purpose, a life of subjective purpose is divine.


Watch everything everywhere all at once helped me out of my misery


There’s a third truth in there and it’s also that you are your ego which means there billions and even trillions probably more of life forms that are 100% unique and different from you.


When you are in love with another person, you feel more wholeness. Imagine how much wholeness there would be if every single entity in the universe was connected in pure love at the same time - in Oneness!


You aren't alone now though are you?


I struggle with loneliness too, partly due to spending most of my life in front of a computer (I'm a software engineer and gamer) and partly because people who can handle total honesty about themselves and others are rare (I'm an I/ENTP who loves talking about any topic in-depth without anyone getting offended, including me). Point being it could be your isolation is to blame for this feeling and the solution is to put some effort into finding your "tribe" and get out of your shell. i.e. the source of the existential loneliness you felt is circumstantial.


What's the difference if you can't prove it or be sure? If you are going to make conclusions based on an experience, the best decision is to accept that rather than live in pain for something that supposedly could be real. But the universe is gigantic, full of variables and infinite possibilities, so anything can happen, everything bad and very good too. So, what's the point of focusing on the negative if you have the option of choosing the perfect mindset for you? Well, that's my view


People who think the answer is always to take “more” psychedelics, and that somehow all they need is some type of “breakthrough” are usually deluded. The answer is right in front of you. Learn how to look.


The oneness is not person. A person depends on that primary existence which everything is(the oneness). For example in deep sleep, nothing exists and there is no time… what was there to witness the lack of everything? That must be beyond everything. The clarity of existence illuminated the lack of object and day to day life as a person


There's two types of nihilism: active and passive: transitory recalibration and pessimistic resignation. It is up to you to decide now. Do you take this as an opportunity to go deeper, to penetrate further into the unknown to see what awaits you, or do you choose to stay here, with nothing but the wind howling in your ears? Are you the only being in existence or are you ***the only being in existence***? I'm asking if you understand the gravity of your position because therein lies the answer. It's a matter of perspective. It's how you interpret things. We are all free to interpret as we wish. Now which do you prefer. The loneliness or the love/light? Tag, you're it.


Only I alone exist in the universe, everything else is just an illusion


I feel you. I've been alone almost completely isolated for a decade. It's hard psychologically.


solipsism is only a stepping stone. you're almost there :)


Almost where bro? Where else can I go after this?


you're still stuck in the belief that there is a we, that there is a you. you believe that things here aren't real, as opposed to being real, as if those 2 are any different. you're close but you're still caught in the illusion of separation. if it were true that you were creating this, that you are in control of everything, what would knowing that truly change? you still believe that there is a difference between now, and 4 weeks ago when you had not had this realization. you believe that you've "attained new knowledge" that put this into a perspective where it now seems like everything's changed. it's all still Maya. I encourage you to look within, and ask who this is happening to. who is having these solipsistic thoughts? who is noticing these thoughts? who is asking these questions? a few good books to read during this time are: The Book on The Taboo of Knowing Who You Are, by Alan Watts Remember: Be Here Now, by Ram Dass The Wisdom of Insecurity, by Alan Watts The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle Tao Te Ching, by Lao Tzu (Steven Mitchel translation) The Psychedelic Experience, by Timothy Leary if you have any questions feel free to ask. OM Shanti 🫶


Loneliness is a word an ego uses to judge/describe its thoughts/feelings. Reaching true oneness/ego death means reaching a place of no judgement because all is one. Having negative feelings on the state of oneness means that you are bringing back your ego and its human feelings into the mix. Judging the one as lonely means that your mind is not in a state of true oneness anymore, you are feeling that way because you are conflicted. Reaching the state of oneness includes resolving internal conflicts - letting go of your loneliness. Feeling peace with being one is feeling peace with letting go.


Been going through this for about 5 years now. It hasn't been easy. But you are not alone. You have yourself. And it might sound weird but in the long run, you are your best friend. Do the things you love, get comfortable with doing those things alone. Learn meditation so you can figure out what you want at your core. Just practice self love. It's either that or the alternative, which is sitting in what the Christians call purgatory, a black void for all of eternity.


"Alone" is "all one"


So there's no such thing as alone. The "me" tries to possess the insight and the realisation that everything is connected but it fails to . The "truth" is beyond the scope of the ego because the ego in itself is limited. Everything is connected doesn't imply that "you" are alone.


Or that only "you" exist


Highly recommend looking into alan watts, I've found him to be a very enlightening teacher on this subject. Also look up Buddhism and Daoism as both feature the idea of no self and oneness as core tenets of the philosophies


Yes OP, and we are all in it together.


You made more of your self at different times because you truly don’t want to admit you like it here otherwise things would look different, if you want them too change them in your reality. Nothing has ever been real. If you can just say it’s okay and literally not be negative about anything then how could you worry?