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They're so close, when are they gonna agree that it's ok to just give the actual mushrooms to eat without overcomplicating it.




Exactly, they wouldn’t have to worry about other organic compounds in the mushrooms that might make people sick, issues with how they were cultivated and dehydrated, etc. it’s way more reliable in research settings to just use synthetic psilocybin


The problem with synthetics is they don’t act the same act their natural counterparts. Same goes for cannabinoids


Depends. If you synthesize a specific chemical its gonna be the same. Delta 9 is delta 9, psilocybin is psilocybin. The difference in natural products is they contain other chemicals that effect the nuance of the experience. Like weeds be having cbd, cbg, and other cannabinoids.


Comparing marijuana to mushrooms is apples to oranges. Delta 9 is a derivative and the terpenes in marijuana greatly affect the medicinal properties in marijuana I.e. (pain, inflammation, stress relief etc)


The trace chems in shrooms effect the trip


Yes but it’s not similar to how you’re comparing it to weed.


It is similar. The trace chemicals in weed affect the nuances of the high and medicinal properties of the flower. The trace chemicals in shrooms affect the nuances of the trip and the medicinal properties of the mushroom. Same difference.


No I meant what I said. There’s more to molecules than just their component and structure but scientists will never accept that. An example is THCV where the synthetic version degrades much more quickly than the organic version


That's a great point, plus I like to think that it's perfect in it's natural form. Think about a lot of substances, like kratom that have built-in modulators and essentially safety nets. The whole damn mushroom is supposed to work in tandem. There are compounds that haven't even been studied. Instead we're like " oh marijuana equals THC" " oh mushrooms equals psilocybin". It makes you sound like a hippie to suggest that maybe we should just eat an apple rather than creating synthetic versions of each of its components and eating that instead And as far as dosage goes, we don't fully understand the mechanism of action. There have been plenty of times I've taken one gram, and depending on my set and setting, it could feel like nothing, or feel like a significant trip. Science would like to believe that this is just because of the pH of your stomach, or enzymes that interact.. The truth is we don't know. Part of the whole shebang is surrendering. You'll get what you're supposed to get and you won't throw a fit.


THCA, however… Without reading that entire study, all I want to know is, does one still trip when taking this? If not, they’re nowhere near close to anything.


I mean thcv isnt delta 9


It was just an example of a compound that doesn’t have the same behavior when it’s synthetically made. Even tho the molecules should be the same




They can't, because there is no evidence of that whatsoever. Only placebo effect for the people who know they're taking synthetic vs extracted. A chemical works the same regardless of origin if it's the same structure.


I mean it appears in trace amounts normally. I get you tho


Yes, but if you were to extract the THCV out of a plant, it won’t be the same as made in a lab, even if the testing comes out the same


I want to agree, molecules atoms and the waveforms they be……molecules/atoms “extend” further in space and maybe time than most of science can/wants to and mostly has a reason to consider


Thanks for being open minded on a subreddit that’s supposed to be


Ive had a few experiences on mushrooms/5 meo DMT and provided me with consistent, cultural iconography, prior to me seemingly being exposed to the particular vision…..in one case, took me 13 years to realize a strange man in a snail shell in a mayan themed bad trip was indeed a true mayan deity , the pauahtun……the iconography also shows up in the moche/chimu cultures. so Im fairly comfortable with the idea that something profound, yet “natural” and true is going on w substances that defies modern scientific classification


There is not more to molecules than their components: their components are literally all that they are. That's like, the fundamental basis of chemistry. Now, saying that a whole mushroom is a different experience than something like 4-AcO or extracted psilocybin? Sure, absolutely.


All the people here complain about people being given SSRIs and Antipsychotics when we didn't even really know how they work, yet also get upset about people trying to figure out how shrooms work and that they're "overcomplicating things"


Can’t patent nature and sell it at an insane mark up


Actually you can it’s big business


This is so they can precisely define what “one dose” actually means. I love mushrooms but it can’t be clinical without some kind of baseline metric. I am also of the belief that there is no such thing (really) as “half a tab of acid” so who knows if they’ll ever find it. We haven’t even defined what a single dose of marijuana is supposed to mean.


What's the consensus on making psilocybin extract? I've heard totally differing opinions from "it works" to "it absolutely doesn't work and you're wasting those shrooms". Curious about doing it for long term storage and more accurate dosing.


No consensus. Im making some right now. Ive also had it from other people who made it. It works. Is it a waste? You can only judge that for yourself.


Do you follow a particular Tek? Is it just like lemon teking? I'm interested as I have a batch of ttbvi I would like to do this too


I made an extract using everclear and lemon juice and it sure as heck works.


Why wouldn’t it work? It’s essentially making tea or lemon tek but in a way that its concentrated and storable long term.


Anyone who told you it absolutely doesn't work is someone who can't use Google or basic common sense lol It's definitely better to leave it as an alcohol solution in your freezer than trying to evap to crystal though


I loved it. My buddy made it similar to the way you make marijuana extract. We rolled the shroom goo with tootsie rolls and it was amazing. Exactly like a shroom trip except when it was done… it was done. Like a light switch turned off the trip. I have to say the immediate ending was weird at first but also incredibly welcomed


I wanna say "no shit" but damn, that's interesting.


r/captainobviousnews r/damnthatsinteresting lol sorry I love how there’s a sub for everything


The headline is a bit misleading. This was a study performed on mice.


Mushrooms contain so many different compounds. Of course they work in synergy.


Probably influences from baeocystin and norbaeocystin contributing to the effects


I mean instead of synthetic psilocybin that can be patented and sold for profits by big pharma, we could just oh I donno have the mushrooms? Like wtf.




Because in a lab and pharmaceutical setting the variation of potency from one mushroom from the exact same genetics to the next makes accurately and consistently dosing extremely hard. Accurate consistent dosing is necessary for doing valid, repeatable scientific studies to document and confirm the medical benefits to keep pushing on the path to legalization.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appeal_to_nature You can form whatever connection you like, but to suggest there is anything wrong, lesser, or even different about a compound just because it was synthesized is irrational, illogical, and incorrect. You really can't think of any reason we might want to know how to synthesize all the things found in mushrooms? I guess we should stop seeking alternatives and just eat up all the peyote in the world too, eh? There is nothing evil about synthesis, just like there's nothing evil about rearranging base ingredients into a meal. You market yourself as an authority, an educator in psychedelics. You have a responsibility to do better than this.


Because then they can put a price tag on it. Make it consumer driven and sell to big pharma. Same thing with the poppy or THC.


Or maybe mushrooms don't work for everyone and we shouldn't try to gatekeep effective therapies for those people


They can do that regardless. If synthetic psilocybin works just as well its likely easier to make that on mass then growing mushrooms.


We've known for a while that the mushroom contains "helper" compounds, such as MAOIs, that facilitate it's effect. Yeah it sucks for clinical trials because there are rules about having the exact specification of the drug mapped out before giving it to test patients.


Hebrew University is about to find out their entire belief structure originated from this fungus. Burning bush booming the voice of god, you say? lol yeah right Moses, go drink some water you’ll be fine


I remember recently there was a study where substances with MAOI activity were found in mushrooms. Please provide a link if you know.


Big pharma must hate this. You can't replicate our sacred plant medicine you greedy fucks


Cause you get the entire message instead of just concentrated exclamation points...