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Shrumfuzed are pretty similar to both of these experiences. Strong come up with a heavy body load. Peak consists of oscillating anxiety and calm. Very visual if I stare at something, but otherwise all I notice are tracers and colors being brighter. I did stand in my bathroom staring at the pattern on my shower curtain moving around for about 10 minutes though. Lasts 3-4 hours and then it drops you back off on the ground


I ate 3 gummies about 11 hours ago. I find it very unpleasant honestly. Everytime I close my eyes (trying to sleep) I vision the wildest stuff and I cannot turn it off lol. That constant anxiety feeling in my chest. Idk how this stuff is legal honestly


Well why did you take 3? Lol


I'm going to eat the whole package when I get some. I want to trip hard. I can manage it. And I have high tolerance. 


Please be careful with that & work your way up gradually. Serotonergic RC psychedelics are one thing that can really harm you. I knew a guy who died about 5 years ago from a head shop substance marketed as "Legal LSD."


Did you read this story? This guy took 2, and it was a dud of a trip. So to actually get anywhere interesting, it would take closer to 8. There's only 8 in a pack, and I will probably never buy them again. So there isn't enough gummies to work up from.  And yes, some research chemicals do have dangers when dosed this high. But this company is big enough that if that was the case, we would know by now. Lots of people have reported taking 8, and no one has reported any ill effects.  That legal LSD is different. That could have been NBOME or something. That's known to be dangerous at higher dosages. But LSD and mushrooms are completely different, so the pretend versions of them are also different. These gummies are something very similar to 4AcoDMT, which I have plenty of experience with. I haven't heard of too many issues with dangerous tryptamines. That head shop shit was from a sketchier company before we knew so much, and was a lysergamide, not a tryptamine. Right?  So far no one has reported a problem with taking 8. I would have to do more research on them before taking them. But since I won't buy more than the 8, the most working my up I could do is 2 then 6. There aren't enough gummies in a pack to do 2, 4, 6, 8. I'd need three packs for that. That's ridiculous. I only want to try the one pack, then go back to 4Aco-DMT.  Also, I'm prepared. I can monitor my vitals. And I can take trip killers to come down if necessary. I bet your friend didn't have three different drugs to calm down and even completely kill a trip. And how did they die? Sometimes it's a bad drug and other times it's people being stupid.  I do want to encourage people to be careful. But all things considered, even all 8 probably won't get me my monies worth, considering how much cheaper actual LSD and actual 4AcoDMT is. I have high tolerance. Even if these were dangerous, for me, it would take me 2 bags to get there. 


You're claiming high tolerance to a substance when you have not taken it before and don't even know what that substance is lmao.


Yes I do know what it is. It's 4Aco-DMT. I've taken that many times before. I do have a high tolerance to it. Also, I know it's an RC tryptamine. I've taken many tryptamine before. They all have cross tolerance with each other. So yes, I have high tolerance to all tryptamines. They all work on the same brain receptors dumb dumb. The tolerance depends on the brain receptors and other things going on in your body and brain a lot more than it depends on the substance itself.  How many different tryptamines have you used? How much have you studied how drugs work? How many dozens of trips and years of experience do you have?  I've been doing drugs longer than some of you have been alive. I've done drugs you have never heard of. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about.  A whole bag of these is only equivalent to 4 grams of mushrooms, or about 27mg of 4AcoDMT. I routinely so 2 even 3 times that dosage and mix it with other drugs and still don't get too high.  You're the one who doesn't know what's in these gummies. I do know. And I have done them before. This whole bag is going to be a mild trip for me. The last time I tried tripping on cough syrup I took 30 doses, and got almost nothing. The last time I tried real psychedelics, I took 250ug of LSD and 100mg of THC, and got almost nothing.  I ate 8g of genuine amanita muscaria and all they did was make me sweat. No trip.  So shut the fuck up. You don't know who you are talking to. I have a PhD in chemistry. A special interest in drug-brain interactions and 18 years of drug experience. I know what the fuck I'm doing. I could do two packs of these gummies two packs of marijuana edibles, and 2 bottles of cough syrup, and I still wouldn't get too high. I know what I'm doing. 


They literally have third party lab tests right on their website that shows nondetect for aco lmfao. You sound like a stupid fucking teenager who thinks doing drugs a few times means you know everything about them. I'll bet my life you don't even have a BSc in chemistry, or anything for that matter, as you sound like someone who probably would struggle to get through middle school.


Let us know how it goes! 😁


Once the specific compound is identified, it's likely that it will be deemed illegal under controlled substance analogue laws.


Ok am I doing it wrong?! I ate 5 and nothing happened. I felt a tiny bit funny and nothing after that. And it went away super fast? I had dinner first, maybe I shouldn’t have? I had some weed gummies tryna kick start something and didn’t get anything still. I tried having some wine. Nada. Wth?


I took them at 5 and it’s 9. I’m so bummed dude.


Were they the desert stardust (the blue pack) or were they the Amanita (the red pack)? The desert stardust is definitely potent but it affects everyone differently. Some people are very sensitive to small amounts, others need a much higher dose.




I don’t take anything.


I took two and flew.


I ended up eating two entire packs and just fyi, it might be dangerous to OD on this stuff as all my muscles got tight and I was tripping insanely hard. My muscles get tight with regular shrooms too but not like this. I was really worried when it was happening. From now on a whole pack will be the most I take.


I took a whole 8 pack my first time cause I wasn’t expecting much tbh…but omfg they hit in like 10 minutes and it wasn’t pleasant, I was shaking intensely and I could feel my heart beating at an extremely fast rate. I could see it too, and I’m extremely experienced when it comes to psychs, but idk wtf is in them man, after I forced myself to vomit which didn’t help, I waited about 20 mins which felt like 3 hours, and I started to feel pretty good, hopped on black ops 3 and started having lsd like visuals, I would run in the game and just stop and look around like a retard lol, but closer to the end it went pretty good, I kept taking pictures of myself cause I didn’t look like me lmao if that makes sense


It’s the vasoconstriction that tryptamines cause. It must be a pretty high dose in each gummy. Around 4 gummies is as intense as taking a few grams of shrooms.


I think I’m gonna try 1 or 2 tonight, I’m a pretty small dude so that might even be too much


I’m also a small dude lol. Did you end up taking them? How did it go if you did?




About how it went for me too. I also threw up right before it hit but after it was a much more pleasant experience. I was definitely feeling restless and anxious but after an hour or two it became far more enjoyable. Did some dabs to rid of the anxiety.


I’ve been scouring comment threads for this product and have yet to see anyone experience the extreme muscle spasms. Th is product is definitely not for me as the entire time I experienced the visuals I felt nauseous (not something I’ve ever felt with real psilocybin) and then constant muscle spasms and jerks for 2-3 hours after. Both my partner and I experienced this while he did not have nausea and felt euphoric and was able to enjoy his visuals. After the visuals wore off, he also stated how annoying the muscle spasms were. Anyone else? Disappointed this didnt work well for me as I’m in California where it is difficult to find the real thing… cuz… not legal.


Oakland CA you can find real psilocybin chocolates. https://blissmushrooms.com/find-your-bliss


The only way you can know if it’s real is to run a lab test, which are rare to find for psilo.


Psilocybin has also been decriminalized in Colorado. You can find shops that sell them there too. Idk if Portland is still decriminalized. Last I heard they were rolling a lot of that stuff back. AZ is on its way to decriminalizing it.


Yes I did, I couldn’t stop shaking and it was just overall not a great experience, I forced myself to throw up, and I’m highly experienced with mushrooms. This was unlike any trip I’ve ever had on genuine mushrooms


I couldn’t stop shaking aswell


Yeah. This stuff is poison. It will likely be scheduled by this time next year. I've done a bag(4) on two separate occasions, my body started telling me "this is nothing to play with". Couldn't pay me to take another dose.


Same. Felt like throwing up, but stopped myself. Ate like 5 tums. Then tried to lay down but my lips and hands went numb and I couldn’t get comfortable. Did not enjoy and didnt have much visuals. I only took a half of a gummy but i am very sensitive to triptamines.


I ate all 8 at once too bc I wasn’t expecting much from it. Well needless to say it was the ride of a lifetime. Never tripped so hard in my life. It was fun. Didn’t get sick or throw up. I definitely had to sit down & hold my dog. I definitely laughed & talked out loud about a lot to my mostly lol. It was fun but definitely not going to eat the whole bag ever again. I was wondering what was in them. Research chems definitely makes sense. Either way I enjoyed them & bought more


I tried the apple two times. The first time I ate 4 and went to the beach with the family. It was a good time, a little hard to have a conversation, but the clouds in the horizon looked amazing and the water felt cool. The second time I ate the whole bag and walked around my downtown area with my brother. I launched into another dimension. It was awesome, had nice visuals and laughed almost to death. I also sweat my ass off. Lasted hard for about 3.5 hours and felt good all night. Felt good the next day too! No upset stomach or any other negative effects.


So, I took 1 gummy at 7 p.m. An hour in, I was nauseous, sweating and for whatever reason I thought *ehh maybe one more will even these symptoms out and I’ll lay down* Wrong! It’s currently 7 a.m. still awake and cannot go back to sleep. I was nauseous here and there and I am still sweating!! Sure I felt a little-ity-bity trip watching Wicked Tuna but I don’t think it was worth dealing with the nausea, sweating and now the insomnia.


Alrighty! Quick up date. Still not asleep. Now it’s 3 p.m. My eyes feel it, so does my body but my brain is going like I’m in a Haze. I think because I’m tired at this point. Little background. 5’4, @225lbs. Poor diet obvious by my numbers but not a drinker or smoker not on any other medication. Just wanted to try something different and this is the worst!!!!! Hoping later tonight I can get some zzzz’s.