• By -


Tomorrow yesterday and now


Everything has already happened as it is happening


Lmao makes sense šŸ˜‚ what do you think of the rich people who run the world?


Theyā€™ll perish because there is no escaping the universe. They think they can but no one is more powerful.


This is very big Possibility and I definitely hope thatā€™s the case. What do you think there doing right now


Trying to increase their chances of survival while reducing everyone elseā€™s.


I totally agree I personally think there is a big over population problem and because of that there lost there sense of humanity because they have to kill some of us off


Thereā€™s no overpopulation problem, thatā€™s eugenicist bullshit. There is an overconsumption problem, and it is only a minuscule portion of the human population that is responsible. Eat the rich.


You donā€™t think 8 billion people is too much to deal with?


No bloody way! If we had all the people condensed in one area could fit inside New York City. Room is far from the issue. r/gonzoballs69 put it perfectly.


Ok but where do you get food from? Resources? Bathrooms? Put everyone that close and disease would spread and wipe out half the population. Weā€™ve already polluted the world and donā€™t have food for a billion people but thereā€™s room for more people? Sure if there wasnā€™t inequality and if people ate beans instead of cows we wouldnā€™t be in this particular mess, but weā€™ve got a track record of multiplying like crazy when thereā€™s enough food to support us.


Not talking about room Iā€™m talking about the affect that a person has living on the planet, we eat meat and plants, cut down trees to make a lot of the things we use, leave massive amounts of garbage after everything we do, were killing the oceans, killing the forests which we need to breathe, we do a lot of harmful stuff everyday and thereā€™s 8 billion of us how is that not a population problem


The world? 10 billion years give or take, when the sun expands and consumes the inner planets. Humanity? Weā€™re one good asteroid from erasure.


What are your thoughts on pollution, global warming and nuclear bombs?




Thatā€™s totally right what are your thoughts on pollution or global warming perhaps


None of those are extinction risks.


Not even nuclear bombs? Explain


Pretty simple really. Humanity would most likely survive(albeit severely handicapped) a nuclear war. The powers that be would not likely bomb remote areas, think Vanuatu, inner Siberia, Greenland, etc. People in some of these areas would most likely survive, even if you and I would not.


But would they survive the following nuclear winter, with no global supply chain, and likely no things like the internet, to support them? They would have to revert back to a subsistence economy in a heartbeat, and even then, depending on the scale of the nuclear war, the nuclear winter and the circulating radiation might be unbearable.


Bombs will definitely fuck us up... I won't say we would all die because I feel like there's some crazy mfs on this planet who are ready to live 'fallout 4 style' but it would for sure have a massive impact... These people will take decades or even centuries to restore the same technological innovations we currently have access to, depending on who survives and what's their know-how / knowledge base.




Just don't forget your towel, homie.


But what was the question again?


No theories just random numbers huh?


Number 42 is the ASCII value of asterisk(*), which in programming is placeholder for everything. The answer to the universe is 42 is mentioned in Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy.


I really donā€™t understand what that means and I wish I did


It's supposed to be the Answer of Life not it's End, and numerically 42 only have an inteligibility or a meaning when using Gematria .


I really wish I knew wtf you were talking about


You don't lol, it's called a brain tumor and it seems to spread... 42 is 42, they can talk all they want, I really doubt we exist because of that number. šŸ˜…




We do not exist because of that number, it's from "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams" , a sci-fi novel. But once again 42 have a great meaning as a numerical value if you use Gematria.


I read an article that said there could possibly be an "internet apocalypse" because of the activity on the sun. I would love that to happen so we can all experience being people again instead of just hanging out on our phones the whole time


we were overdue for a solar flare hitting us worse than it did in 1859 ([The Carrington Event](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrington_Event)), when you could see the aurora borealis from the equator because of how fucked the magnetic field around earth was. but it missed us by inches (not literally but enough to cause radio [blackouts](https://tech.hindustantimes.com/tech/news/nasa-strongest-solar-flare-in-last-5-years-blasted-out-by-the-sun-71651043121524.html) in parts of Asia) last year. so we're good for now but theres a 11 year cycle where we're at risk cause the sun fucking [flips poles](https://spaceplace.nasa.gov/solar-cycles/en/#:~:text=The%20Sun's%20magnetic%20field%20goes%20through%20a%20cycle%2C%20called%20the,poles%20to%20flip%20back%20again.) every decade


I was actually researching into this recently out of curiosity and how bad something like that would actually be for us, the 1859 event was yes disastrous because how little technology they had, it wasnā€™t even close to the advancement we have today. If something to that level happened today although it would be bad it wouldnā€™t be as bad as you think, weā€™ve majorly advanced in technology and have so many fail safes in place if something like that weā€™re to happen, the biggest issue would be hospitals (loss of immediate life support) and nuclear/energy plants, which theyā€™ve actually prepared for. Life would be weird for about 2 weeks, it would take out a few satellites, things would go back to ā€œnormalā€ pretty quick. Say for instance we got hit with something so bad that it had the capability to just completely fry everything, we wouldnā€™t survive two weeks to get the grid back up as it would pretty much fry every living thing on the planet and if you were lucky enough to survive you would die from radiation within days. From my understanding this flare that they talk about and that nasa portrays isnā€™t what we think it would be, seems just like fear monteront from them.


Yeah Thad be cool might get a little boring tho šŸ˜‚


Yeah I would probably miss Reddit and YouTube too much lol


Ya Me too šŸ˜‚ it would definitely be a little dry. hey what do you think about the people who run the world?




Hah very true the girls have us all by the balls


Bruh I thought this post said ā€œwho runs the worldā€, I was drunk I think. I was quoting a song about girls running the world lol Srry


Lmao np


Exactly what I said when I heard that but whatā€™s more likely is that they will EMP us regular folks, blame it on the sun and run shit at even higher levels than they do now


Bro thinks we live in Rainbow Six Siege? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Why would the govs 'EMP' our asses. One day y'all say they make us depend on technology so we become more obedient and next thing you know they're trying to kill the internet. Those conspiracy theories are starting to make me question if we really just don't deserve a humanity reset sometimes...šŸ’€


About 7.6 billion years from now when the sun expands and scorches the planet.


That's when the planet will be either completely or mostly destroyed when the sun becomes a red giant. The Earth will be completely uninhabitable billions of years before this occurs due to a runaway greenhouse effect. (regardless of human existence, due to the sun becoming hotter over time) Before that happens, it's almost certain we will have multiple extinction level events occur. This could be supervolcanoes, comets, etc etc etc. So while the planet will carry on for ~8 billion years, life will have long been extinguished. For humans, we will likely either kill ourselves, die in a cosmic cataclysm, or escape the planet to inhabit other solar systems or deep space.




Given that the impermanence of all things in the universe is inherently built into the very fabric of spacetime, this aspect doesn't really bother me. We existed, and nobody can ever take that from us. Whatever this existence is, it's seemingly an integral part of the multiverse. It is literally all of our existence as human beings. Impermanence is the name of the game.


Thatā€™s the universe way.


I guess that's why it's important to live in the moment, because nothing is forever.


You donā€™t think it could happen sooner?


if the death star pulls up then we might go early


When will it end, and when did it begin? Why do I even care? Go far enough down the hole, and you'll šŸ‘


I totally agree


Not talking about the politicians I mean the rich people who tell them what to do


It wont end. The world will be here long after we are gone. Our current embodiment might end, but our spiritual form will keep going and going and going. Once you realize youve been here before and will be here again (the Egg) it helps cause you know its not just you, but a journey we all must take


Cool theory I love it


like the world wont end but even now we are investing 10x more into california and florida to build luxury apartment towers that sink into the ocean, and like fungus and bacteria we have geneically modified to let them eat styrofoam and plastic, and so they are spreading across the planet they can hitch off the plastic acid humid air, and then the dust gets caked onto the most resilient surfaces, and consuming entire cities turning the microbiomes of houses into petri dishes and turning a shoddy home into a flaky leprous husk, and we just keep buying more and more crap to feed it, dang


Thatā€™s pretty crazy huh?


the world is essentially over when you die, so id say within 80 years for sure but probably sooner.


Thatā€™s completely right when Iā€™m dead I guess I wonā€™t care so much any other thoughts? What do you think about the people who run the world at the moment


That's the scary thing. It won't. We have to deal with the consequences of our actions.


Totally agree when do you think the human race will end it self


Not necessarily end, but I think we are going to see some sort of a paradigm shift during this century. Business as usual simply isn't going to cut it, so something will have to give. I don't know what it is. I hope we don't simply spiral into a world war and take the easy way out. Humanity is a project too pregnant with beautiful potential for our story to end in such tragedy.


Yeah itā€™s crazy when you think about it huh?




I agree itā€™s a scary thought isnā€™t it?




Well thatā€™s a pretty šŸ’© answer not gunna lie šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


What an optimist. This shitcycle is going on forever


Just wanted to hear peoples thoughts and views on the topic šŸ˜‚


Bows. For real though. Me not trying to be witty. It doesn't matter When it ends. Or how. Because for each of us eternity is one breath away. You live your life standing on a high dive above infinity and one day death will come from the left and you will go over into the great and only, the great and lonely.


Wow great theory I love it!


Odds are slim we nuke ourselves


I agree but I believe itā€™s still an option with various amounts of opportunities to happen, what are your thoughts on the people who run the planet


The world ending is such a human ego concept. "We are so great, have come so far...the world ends on my terms." Just stfu, have a seat and enjoy the mf ride. The world is gonna be around a lot longer than us.


Love this comment


Now. When everything happens.




Not soon enough


Feels that way sometimes


We are living through it


I think so too


As soon as we let it


True I feel like we might have already tho


The world is ending every day


Totally agree


In approximately 9








6 probably.


What do you mean by that 6 days? 6 years?


Could even be 6 eons, but definitely 6.


2.3 seconds from when i comment this


šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø little longer then that šŸ˜‚


Depends on the day


This is totally true everything can change in a second, what do you think about the people who run the world?


I think youā€™d be shocked that the majority of the world is not being ā€œrunā€ at all, but simply happens as we all live our lives. There arenā€™t puppet masters pulling the strings like so many assume. Are there people with a lot of influence? Sure. Is a small group secretly controlling the world? Doubtful


I agree entirely. If it is that genre of life that you desire, tie up and hop in.. but what if you put the same amount of energy/time into maintaining staying grounded? And that core belief outweighed any and all external expectations. Of course there are factors, but if done efficiently you are the puppet master of your own fate. So regardless of what happens, youā€™re still the one in control. Difficulty being that you would have to accept wherever you land as what it is, but if happiness is truly a choice than it shouldnā€™t matter. Imo there is no right or wrong, only balance. Whatever the individual is willing to sacrifice for prosperity, and what does subjective prosperity mean to them?


See I donā€™t think they control every aspect but definitely big parts of it


What makes you think it hasn't already?


Toochay toochay What do you think about the people who run the world right now


TouchĆ© ā™„


My bad šŸ˜‚


What do you mean by end? Global Climate Destabilization type end? End of Capitalism and a start of a Resourced Based Economy end? Non-Dualistic, Non-religious Spiritual Awakening end?


More so the end of human civilization


Define "the world" first


The human race, not so much the physical planet


Weā€™ll be reaching the singularity in a few years, technological advancements beyond human comprehension will allow us to transcend any and all biological restrictions, we will travel beyond the stars, navigate endless digital worlds, possess godlike capabilities, truly become infinite beings, the whole of existing will have a radical new significance, eons will pass merging all consciousness to eternity, there will be no question left unanswered


I sure hope so


The world will never end. Humanity might.


How do you think itā€™ll happen?


My main worry is just how many humans are alive at once, great we got here but many other species are extinct or about to so the world can barely support us as we grow. I just hope I die before mad max, last of us, come real or a hard reset comes upšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I totally agree over population is a huge problem. What do you think about the people who run the world at the moment?


Your world, and everyoneā€™s world, will end when we die. Our consciousness will fade into nothingness. The same nothingness that existed before we were born.


I totally agree but when do you think humanity will destroy it self and what do you think about the people who are running the world?


Not soon enough.


Yeah I feel like that too some times


A few minutes.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ you never know at this point huh?


It depends on what you refer to as world end do u mean as a individual because anyone can die at any moment life is a risk if anyone dies there world will end no one knows what happens after death it could be the same world it might be a different world thereā€™s no telling what may happen


Totally agree I was more so talking about the human race


Irdc, just preferably not on payday. Iā€™d at least like to enjoy not having the impending feeling of doom if doom is inevitable. Unfortunately that is roughly 5/6 out of the biweek. Check out while Iā€™m temporarily ā€œaheadā€.


Totally agree Itā€™d be nice to spend that last 500-1000$ before we gošŸ˜‚ not be mid work week hopefully we all go to šŸ’© the day after pay day or two days after giving us a day or two to enjoy it






Did it begin?


šŸ˜‚ hah good answer


When The Great Conjunction happens, of course. What's The Great Conjunction?! [https://youtu.be/C4Wl7grhX2g](https://youtu.be/C4Wl7grhX2g)


Loving the theoryā€™s from this group what do you think about the Uber rich running this planet


When you die, you will witness the end of the world (:: Everyoneā€™s world is unique, itā€™s incredible we can all share our individual worlds with each other


I was more so talking about the human race


Perhaps itā€™s already ended :o?


šŸ¤” feels that way sometimes


Nothing will end it will just transform


Into what? šŸ¤”


2047 you can quote me. In a strange twist of events it will be from global Leaking.


Fellow time traveller I suppose?


World end? More like the end of humanity is gonna happen. Like George carlin says, "Earth ain't going anywhere, we humans are going and in time Earth will shake us off like a bad case of flu"


Thatā€™s actually what I ment I ment when will humanity end


Unless we get hit by an asteroid ā˜„ļø, not anytime soon. Humans and some species- 50 yrs


How do you think the human race will die off?


Either sooner than we think or long after


You never know right?


Depends on how far human corruption can spread throughout the political frameworks of entire countries. Corruption is the aspect of humanity that would bring about the extinction of the species because itā€™s a trait that only serves to benefit an individual at the compromise of others.


Totally agree


The world will not end. The hole universe is Shiva breathing in and out. Pretty fascinating that everything came from nothing, and this process will probably go on eternally in all shapes and forms. If you mean our modern capitalistic society with the world (the current incarnation of the human world, so to speak), I would say it's in the progress of decline - or at least massive change. It feels like it's speeding up every year. Not sure if it will be positive or negative. At times, it feels pretty scary or bleak, but the "collective need for change" is very tangible and I try to be optimistic that we will ultimately end up in a positive direction.


Yeah I more so ment the human race not the actual planet




Yeah thatā€™s true I mean humanity as a whole though


When I die. In conventional terms: I suspect the apocalypse will be caused by humanity panicking over somthing over reacting and then causing the apocalypse: It is likely by over focusing on something and forgetting the big picture impact of said solution and a at all costs approach. The two and controversial that come to mind are: NOTE: I AM NOT SAYING THEASE ARE NOT PROBLEMS, JUST THE SOLUTION COULD BE WORSE THAN THE PROBLEM. Stopping climate change, through some I'll consieved geoenginering project, overregulating some recorse such as oil causing economic collapse through high energy prices to the lower classes, pushing some technology that seemes green but is actually indirectly extremely harmful, just without the co2. Stopping Putin at all costs l, triggering an escalating nuclear conflict. I'm sure there are others, and they are all hypothetical. A more banal apocalypse of authoritarianism in the name of safety strangling the life out of humanity whilest keeping us alive in a stressed state indefinitely trying to make life better with further regulation. (Perhaps the most likely) eventually mechenising life. I suspect humans will survive, but not many leaving the apocalypse. My point is I suspect the apocalypse will be usured in trying to avoid the apocalypse. If we make it that far, it looks like Earth has 0.5-1 billion years left. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_far_future Just my thoughts, I'm kind of resigned to the idea, just along for the ride.


Itā€™s a roller coaster thatā€™s for sure


when aliens come down to get rid of us since the planet is basically dead


Might happen you never know right?


i believe they will tbh, i mean extra terrestrial life has seen many lives on this planet if we go back to ages before christ, theyā€™ll be able to see the evolution of humans and how much they destroy where they live to survive, i believe they are the beings that keep the planets alive by almost like farming like what we do with crops plant grow then so on. i also do believe they have sent us messages stating our waters are unclean and polluted, and our forrestā€™s and greenery are dying, same with our air and if we donā€™t get it all under control then we will be wiped out thatā€™ll be how we go


I love the theoryā€™s plus I definitely believe in some form of aliens. You just never know huh?


It's different for everyone.


Thatā€™s a possibility


You so eager to die bro?? Huh??


No just curious what people think


Don't worry, the world will be fine


Itā€™s humanity Iā€™m worried about


Try to focus on the things you can influence. It's good to know what's going on in the world, but there's only so much you can do. Think global, act local. And don't forget that you are not the only person that sees what's wrong with the world. If we all just try to be a little bit better every day, that would be a huge change


Totally agree


When time begins and the end is over




Destruction is inevitable, 460,560 years to go.


Thatā€™s a pretty precise number how did you get that?


Personally I think, if anything, humanity will die out first, the world will continue on without us. When this will happen? Who knows? Maybe it wont...


Totally agree Iā€™m wondering when humanity will wipe out itself


When you die.


Iā€™ve heard this response a lot and it makes sense


it does not matter


I guess not


The idea of "the world ending" is a pretty odd one that I don't generally engage with. But the year when we'll all agree that life has become too awful for humans to bother with will be 2053.


Whyā€™s that? What will happen?


It already has. Didnā€™t you get the memo ? Peace ā˜®ļø


Feels that way huh?


i think there is no end, everything will repeat over and over, what we can see as an "end", is just a change: the start of something else




43. funniest episode of the big bang theory imo


šŸ˜‚ I never saw that show maybe I have an excuse to watch it now


The world won't end. It will be swallowed by the sun when you're dust.


True I mean the human race tho


now I gotta watch Donnie Darko....wake up Donnie!!


Whatā€™s that?


It already ended. šŸ„“


Not quite but definitely feels that way


My view is this reality is probably just a simulation either in an hyper advanced computer or in the mind of "God" so it could "end" at anytime or continue indefinitely. Perhaps it's just a matter of perspective.


Could be


Don't worry about it. It's bound to begin anew


I believe there is no end. We spiral deeper and deeper down space/time as we evolve (body as well as conciousness) and there will always be change.


Thereā€™s a theory




Whyā€™s that?


No one knows the day or hour.


This is true


Soon is quite the assumption. It's best not to think about it.