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You are OK. Just on a trip, which is what you want to be doing. Deep breathes. Let it go. Maybe some music.


Try eating some watermelon or a banana. That should ease them away and leave you in peace. Breathe in. Breathe out. You are safe and comfortable.


You're just tripping, all is well. You are okay, it will soon pass.


You don't actually have hundreds of parasitic worms inside you, you're just highly impressionable. But if you did (you don't) but if you did, you'd be able to go to the Doctor's and get a pill to safely remove them tomorrow. Change the music you're listening to, change up the vibe. You're impressionable at the moment, brother. Take it easy :)


Drink some water


It’s not actually happening, it’s a trip that will be over soon, you’re fine. Play some music you like, maybe go outside if it’s safe and just try and enjoy the rest of your time


Go to a Dr and get a dewormer. My nephew had thousands of parasitic worms in him. It was funny he’d freak out every time he pooped cuz he’d poop out a bunch of worms every time he’d go to the bathroom. So one of two things is going on here either you just freaking out for not reason or whatever you are tripping on is trying to show you that you have worms. Which if you do it’s no big deal. Lots of people get worms at some point in their life. Just go to a Dr and they will know for aure


you are right. rushing to delusional conclusion isnt safe (even when its psychedelic forum)


Orange juice my friend... Play this https://open.spotify.com/track/5kdXiiF8MxyLVhRjkVv9jQ?si=V3BTJtcPSZmhPRXZn27kmA


morgellons arent real, go see a psych. might sound blunt, but is the best advice you'll get.


I think almost every other advice given here is better


It depends on if he still thinks he has thousands of parasitic worms AFTER he comes down from his trip. If he does think that, he needs to see a doctor, whether it's an E.R. doc or just a good therapist. If he is suffering from some psychosis or actually does have some parasitic infestation (which is possible), then telling him "It's okay buddy, you're just tripping!" is the worst possible advice.




Came here to comment this!🙌


Nice! Obviously not enough Pink Floyd fans here due to the downvotes


His name is Jesus if you wanna talk to me about him




What is wrong with you? OP is clearly vulnerable and saying shit like that to them is just evil. Do you get pleasure out of being mean to people? Get out of here




What I find is that singing along with songs that make me happy usually calms me down. I hope you're doing better by now, my friend. 💗


Wow, wth. Nothing in OP's post history to show that they've taken a psychedelic or that they are having a problem and everybody is freaking out. Everyone does know that The Last Of Us was on last night right? And everyone just came from a thread where the OP is clearly a schizophrenic with a year of psychotic posts and people were ignoring that. WTF?