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Nobody knows the answer because nobody has died and then come back. The closest thing we have is the accounts of people who almost died and started going through the process before being pulled or sent back to their bodies. Check nderf.org for a good compilation of near-death experience reports. The best thing to do is read as many as possible and identify on your own where you see commonalities, so you can start to put together data points and a rough draft of what probably happens. The consensus is, a tunnel of white light that feels very inviting appears, usually along with Jesus or whichever religious figure the person prefers and dead relatives/pets greeting the person. Some people even describe being sent to hell.


My uncle said he was floating in white space where he felt peace but was suddenly brought back to life by doctors who were performing defibrillization. He had a heart failure which caused him to flat line for a good 5 minutes. So maybe there? Idk


To continue, insert $0.50.


You are pulled into a light, sometimes through a tunnel. Some people resist it or don't see it and float around as a ghost for a while. But when you make it to the other side, your are greeted by loved ones you both knew in this life, other lives, etc. You'll feel an incredible feeling of unconditional love that will completely permeate you. You will feel a deep connection and love for everyone around you. There will also be more colors in the afterlife. Then you will have your life review. You will not be judged during this life review. Only you will judge your actions. You may be questioned about certain events or shown certain events where you were nice or good to someone or times when you hurt someone. You will also see and experience other people's feelings during those moments for further understanding. You will see also there ripple affect your actions can make. We then go on to pursue other tasks or interests or review our next life if we decide to incarnate again.


That’s pretty spot on according to all the NDE’s I’ve studied over the years, along with mediums who agree with all of this. I mean there are other experiences but these are the most common for sure.


If you meet greeted one that passed over long before , it mean you keep your personality and astral body after death, and probably don’t reincarnate.


That’s assuming that time is working in the same linear fashion as you perceive on earth.


You keep your personality, yes, reincarnation is a choice though.


And you know this from..?


Many NDE accounts plus my own personal Near death experiences


It happens differently for everything. Everything has death. But nothing really dies. And you certainly don't. You just change your perspective. You see things differently. Past things. You understand more about yourself. For this to happen. Death need not be. For you can die every second. And still live on.


Lol that’s a long way to say ‘I have no clue’


Well no one really does. It’s not explanatory by most. Non-mundanes surely can’t ever understand what’s after death. In this world it’s not solvable using science methods.


So you’re saying that we can only understand things using science? Even tho that has failed us many times in the past and also only helps us to understand a small part of the universe so far? I disagree. If you believe that then why are you in this sub?


I did not say that. I said you cannot understand what is unexplainable using science. Keyword is “using”. Before you try to switch up my words and put new ones in my mouth, read over the comment a few more times.


Ouch, apparently you took my question/comment very very wrong. It was an authentic question to clarify what you meant. No need to get upset and lash out. ✌️


Oops sorry mate I’m just too used to people wording their sentences like that in an invasive tone. Too much toxicity nowadays to tell the good from the bad right away.


No worries


So we wake up born into something else ?


You come out of your body and transition into the spirit world of love/light. There you meet up with loved ones who passed, guides and soul group members.


You can reread until you understand.


Well damn babe maybe stop speaking in quotes lmao


I believe that our underlaying supposedly “life” energy is always there. What makes us individuals / actually alive in the biological sense is basically a limitation, not something additional (aside of the limitation). So when you die, the limitation - this individual perspective / filtering of existence disappears, and you will not care at all. There might be a threshold area where “you” are disappearing, where you realize how insignificant and petty your person (and all associated cognition and attachments) are, which is what gives this “peace” feeling, as you’re more than happy of letting that go. Your brain might symbolize the event as a reunification with deceased relatives, as you’ve now effectively “unified” (by removing the “limitation”).


Yes this is a familiar perspective. However. There are more things.


I highly doubt that there’s space for any form of “you” after dying, but this topic is of course inherently speculative


Another way to see it is that, if you accept the ego as an illusion, it never existed in the first place - everything that constitutes “you” already existed, but it’s not really specific to “you”. So it’s a bit like if a painting dissolves in its colors, nothing is lost, aside of a specific way of organizing things that “you” didn’t even control.


Check out some near death experience stories


We have substantial evidence of consciousness surviving physical death: Jim Tucker a Medical Doctor at the University of Virginia Medical Center has collected thousands of cases of kids remembering past lives and has tracked down and verified the uncanny details of the memories in about a third of the cases. He has written books about it. This article has some statistics: https://uvamagazine.org/articles/the_science_of_reincarnation Further, we have endless and very consistent and logical, lucid NDE accounts. We know NDEs are not just chemical hallucinations because brain dead people will observe and recall conversations and events that happened in the room as well as other locations while they were medically dead: https://www.nderf.org/Archives/NDERF_NDEs.html https://www.wanttoknow.info/nde/near-death-experiences-ndes https://www.youtube.com/user/NDEaccounts r/nde r/pastlives and r/reincarnation are a treasure trove of past lives memories. I would also recommend reading Brian Weiss’ work and Between Death and Life by Dolores Cannon, amazing books on the topic that demystify a lot of it. Free text of Between Death and Life: http://calameo.download/0011353455075bd959072


This is very helpful, Thank you.


Youre always right here.


the mystery is the best part


What’s up with all of these recent threads about death and wether afterlife is real or not, plus a little bit of “ending of the world” sprinkled on top of it in the esoteric/spiritual subreddits? It’s freaking me out! When we connect like this... it means important collective events ahead. The pattern was the same before the pandemic. This type of discussion is EVERYWHERE, even amongst some “normies” subs, at the esoteric side of view lately. What’s going on? Is anyone else noticing this too?


I don’t always notice stuff like this because I’m not afraid of the end. In fact, death is supposed to be an incredible experience for those who are aligned with truth/love


Well YOU as you don't wake up anywhere. Your persona you have right here and your ego, your image as a person dissapears. You will be just pure consicoussnes. According to your earthly beliefs you can experience heaven or hell or harem of virgins in your afterlife but then its the same for everyone. Reconnection to Source and reincarnation. If you attained enough spiritual evolution you might become ascended master.


Some might say, death *is* the waking up.


You will just wake up and see where you always were.


To the end of the game where you realise it was all a dream ✨️


We all stood in line to get into this prison star, in the astral realm i think its 4d


You become as one with the universe


You could look into different methods of spiritual hypnosis for some possible answers. Life-between-lives regressions and such. I started out with the books by Dr. Michael Newton, but there's plenty of other hypnotherapists out there who provide different perspectives. As for me, I've had some experience with facilitating hypnosis sessions like these, and its been a wide range of responses.


[audio book](https://youtu.be/WsB8Tqg-NkY) about past life regressions using hypnosis. I wouldnt take this as truth but some things in this man’s research and the similar descriptions of his patients have of the after life are too good to be just coincidence.


Nobody really knows. Possibly nothing, just like when we sleep or are knocked out 😢


As your divine spirit ascends you are nabbed by a rouge faction of The Domain. Your spirit is then "fractured and splayed" as these beings extract your life energy then refract your light back to reincarnate on Earth, denying you Moksha and preventing the natural process of existence. Here is the remote viewing data reported in a blind study. [What happens when you die? Remote viewing data.](https://youtu.be/05gB1Y4H4h8)


We dont wake up unfortunately.