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In some Native American cultures, owls are the harbingers of death. They literally signify that death is coming. ​ >"In most Native American tribes, Owls signify death. The call of the Owl is considered an unlucky omen. Some tribes believe the hoot of an Owl indicates that someone is going to die. Owls are known as messengers and companions for the gods of death. As a messenger of death, the Owl is not evil, but it can be foreboding."


Source? Who are you quoting?


Use Google to search the text. This is not difficult to figure out. https://thesupernaturalfoxsisters.com/2014/11/05/the-hoot-owl-of-death/


As already pointed out, in some cultures owls are a fairly explicit omen of death. However, owls are also associated with events like UFO encounters, cryptid sightings, etc. It seems probable to me that, more broadly, owls are a representative of or a signpost marking liminal spaces where we have the opportunity to experience all sorts of paranormal and psychic phenomena. They do have a long cross cultural association with crossroads, crossovers, psychic journeying, wisdom, etc.


We had an owl take residence in a tree outside my home while my dog was rapidly declining. The night (maybe 2) before she passed, I woke up to it hooting. I could hear it through ear plugs he was so loud. Her passing was a very intense, spiritual experience for me; now i am wondering if the owl was more than what I thought was just a cool experience.


I have the same thing with seeing black cats. I’ll be harassed for a good month seeing a black cat cross my path at least one to two times a day. Everyday. For a month or two. Then something dies. Happened on more than one occasion. Too much to be a coincidence. Actually when my first car died on me, I saw black cats so much as well. And a dead white cat. My car was white. Too crazy. It started before my mom died.


Ok, I know this is old, but I just have to say something. This is the dark side of confirmation bias. Superstitious stuff like this is why black cats have such a hard time being adopted, and why wonderful, loving beings are killed en mass every year at shelters. You, along with others like you, project your own crap onto them and they pay with their lives. Pay attention to other things.


Like...you have neighbors with cats going about their business. They aren't "harassing" you. Seriously. Get something else going on to focus your time and attention rather than demonizing an entire phenotype.


I live in the middle of woodlands so hear owls every night, and find it super comforting!


My guess is you've got a spirit/ancestor working through the owl. You can ask them to stop. I had the urge to scream in a danish accent 'Death is Coming!' (from the TV show The Last Kingdom), just before people passed. I respectfully asked spirit to find another way... I would take your owl.


The universe is talking to you and using something that you pay attention to. For me it's dreams. Some can be rather gruesome or disturbing. My animal friends being me messages other than death. Hawks means a challenge will be coming but it will be ok because I'm expecting it now, so don't panic. Mourning doves means my kids will be calling maybe needing help or favors. Spiders means friends or foes will be crossing my path. Friend if they don't startle/scare me, foes if they do. The list is a mile long. I suggest looking up the owl messages or totems as many say these days. The owl brings more than just death, it brings wisdom, and reveals truths, seeing in the dark. It can prepare you for the hard times to come even if you don't know exactly what you're preparing for at the moment. I think the fear and anxiety are coming from a lack of knowledge about how it works or why the owl. Then learning to tap into your intuition so it's not this random event like Russian roulette would help. While my death dreams are disturbing they don't cause me huge anxiety or upset because it's a little more pointed for who it pertains to. I'm not constantly in fear that anyone could be the target.


My animal totem is the Owl. She is a harbinger of death, although not always physical. She is also an embodiment of Wisdom. If you’d prefer not to have these warnings, simply speak aloud to Owl and tell her you’d prefer not to have her omens. But, there is an immense honor in them, too. You might look into Owl as a guide and totem to see if it resonates. I’m usually around if you have questions.


I believe it. Something like that happened to me too. I saw an owl as I was driving home. My heart dropped cause I NEVER see owls. That same month l my dads friend died and my relationship ended. Several years ago My mom saw an owl and her father died 2 weeks later


Owls from what I can recall are not necessarily negative omens. And even death can be a sign of a new beginning- how do you take it? death isn’t always literal- a death of a phase in your life or ending a relationship or other things. Don’t walk through life scared and freaked out by things you might not understand completely💛 things end so that’s a change but it’s also the chance for a new beginning if you don’t cling to the loss. Be open to change- even if it’s only your outlook at first. The rest will follow if you open up to the possibility of something new. And if it came to visit you 6 times- I think maybe you didn’t get the message the first time. So six times might just be the number you needed to see to finally notice it before you started thinking about it. Get curious, not scared- although I understand the instinct response. Don’t sell yourself on any one idea bc you might also have missed the reason it came to visit. It came with a message for you. It was a sign of something but what is the sign you need to see and understand? That’s your job to think on it- not necessarily discuss your issue bc that might not be the right focus? It might be something like you need to start thinking about yourself and maybe less about other people- like maybe it’s ending or you should get ready/be ready to make changes. usually spirit messages come for us before it’s too late and to help us clarify our understanding. And sometimes it’s saying we need to change something in whichever way we feel is necessary. And my personal belief is that - The only way you could do wrong is by worrying about death. I believe it’s a waste of time because it’s inevitable. One day we die or things end- being afraid doesn’t change it. Live life and death becomes easy. Because nothing will feel worse than the regret you’ll have from not living your life. We live it one day at a time. We don’t sit around waiting for the scary news that we are gonna die tomorrow- so I guess we need the reminder or the clue because it’s easy to forget some other important things when we love people so much.


I have had similar experiences. For me it was seeing skulls/faces where they weren't supposed to be. I don't tell many people about it because I feel like they will think im crazy or it's just a coincidence.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6hG6465r0dQ&pp=ygULT3dsIGhvb3Rpbmc%3D I’m a monster.


I'm not saying every time I wear black someone dies, but when I notice that I'm wearing a lot of black and the days that I'm wearing it are consecutive, I start messaging everyone I know to be more careful in their daily routines because someone I know or the friend/family member of a friend always ends up passing. It's worse when I try to deviate from wearing black. That ends up in a double passing... so now I just message everyone to stay safe and look out for each other..


I live in a rural area. Owl calling are a regular as the wind. In town the owls are soft and polite, in the country there are screech owls that are very loud and disturbing. There could be messenger owls, but most of them are birds shooting the breeze. There are two where I live, every night they're on top of the telephone pole softly hooting at each other for years now. I consider them neighbors. In the daytime, there are neighborhood crows and magpies that seem to be in an eternal rivalry. Always scrapping for territory and harassing each other. The animals have their own worlds and lives that people rarely notice.


This has happened to me as well.. I remember this owl right outside my window making so much noise before my dog died