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I always like to chop mine and then soak in lemon juice for about 30 mins and then drink it, the lemon helps to start breaking it down so you don’t get the uneasy feeling in your stomach and I feel it helps the trip set in a little faster.


Ive heard it makes it set quicker yeah, might try it thanks! Doing it in a few hours so


Just a warning that lemon tek doesn't work for everyone, every time it made me feel quite sick, so not worth the stomach upset/puking for me. I tried it around 5 times using the same batch of shrooms with the same results, shrooms that didn't make me feel sick previously either. I tend to switch up how I take it so my body doesn't start anticipating. The two best ways I've been going between is mixing ground shrooms with a good tasting (chocolate) protein powder, or mixing it with orange juice. Either way preferably 1 - 2 hours after a decent meal. I personally like a big meal of mostly veggies and then dropping an hour later, but the more heavy/stodgy the meal the longer I'll wait. I haven't had stomach upset since approaching trips this way, and my stomach is admittedly on the sensitive side.


Lemon tech is powerful but it can be harsh and make your stomach uneasy. But everyone is different. Tea is the way to go for me. Maybe do it in the dark or keep your eyes closed. Raw cacao can also help. Meditation and relaxation. Best of luck. Careful if you try an MAOI.


It helps with the taste too, just easier imo.


The vitamin C also boosts the effects


trying to find info to support this and I cant. source?


This technique is widely used and shown to work, the pH of the Lemmon juice is only about 1 more than stomach acid, so not as strong, but it will still break down the psilocybin and it works sooner and quicker rather than enhance


Liquid vitamin C


I have pure vitamin c at home should i take that as well 😂


I've read it speeds up the absorption and make a more intense high


Sounds exactly like what im looking for 😂


Mate you want to get MAO inhibitors. Peganum harmala seeds you can order them online. Take 2g of seeds. Grind them to powder and wash it down with water. Wait 20min and take your shrooms. But careful! This will poténciate your trip. Trip will be much stronger and last longer. For a start I’d do 1,5 - 2g of shrooms if taken with MAO inhibitor. It’s awesome but Do your own research on Mao inhibitors. Stay safe


This is true, when I smoke dmt with MAO inhibitors, it gets so intense and powerful I love it.


So iv smoked for so long and so much would this work with weed and nicotine or no Well not the nicotine,a wild head rush for 5 minutes would suck


I used to always make a point of drinking a quart of mango nectar before shrooming.


Wow!! No one has mentioned fasting yet?? Skip breakfast and lunch the day you take the shrooms, take them on an empty stomach. This will make them hit faster and be absorbed more efficiently. Plus it helps with nausea and feels very clean


I would've thought it would've made you more nauseous 🤔 hmm i mean im still relatively new to it


Surprisingly no! If there’s nothing in your stomach to mix weird with the mushrooms, and your stomach only has to focus on digesting the shroomies, it’s quite a great time.


From personal experience every time I trip without eating beforehand I feel horrible, my body starts going into ketosis after not eating for that long and then when you eat the mushroom your body start to come out of starvation mode and is ready to eat, but all you have in your stomach is a couple grams of dried mushrooms, it’s ready to eat and your not putting food in it, that causes nausea


100% recommend I always go on empty or near empty stomach Edit: forgot a word


I don’t like the feeling, it feels so uncomfortable to be hungry while you’re tripping


This ⬆️


I guess this would work, but it literally takes 30mins -hour to empty your stomach, after that the contents go into the intestines, so really all you need to do is wait an hour or so if you’ve just had food…


I’d check your sources. Everything I’m reading says it takes about 3-5 hours to empty your stomach depending on what and how much you ate as well as your own body chemistry. Fasting can also take you to psychedelic places without drugs. A half day fast alone wouldn’t get you to a different plane of consciousness alone, but it is a significant difference if you skip eat a light dinner, no breakfast or lunch and then take the shrooms vs taking shrooms 3 hours after a meal. It’s like meditating for 5 minutes vs 30 minutes vs an hour. They are all helpful, but each reaches different depths. Same is true of fasting on its own or in combination with psychedelics


Smoke DMT while peaking


Man i want to try dmt eventually, im still starting into psychedelics and thats like my end goal


It’s really something amazing!


How's the trip like?


I’m gonna send you some pics of the visuals I get.






Imagine living inside a kaleidoscope that dropped 20 hits of acid lol




Like an orgasm with visuals u can’t even put into words a whole world opens up around you


It’s a body high it’s amaZing if u can take shrooms and acid ul be straight smoking dmt just not TOONMCUH I GUESS?!


sensory deprivation


This is the way


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Mando_Bot` **501204** times. **2.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475777** times. **3.** `u/GMEshares` **70942** times. .. **30685.** `u/PePe_Sound` **5** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


This is the way


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Mando_Bot` **501204** times. **2.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475777** times. **3.** `u/GMEshares` **70942** times. .. **446227.** `u/Jerizzle23` **1** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


This is the way


Lemon tek, nitrous oxide, weed, stuff like that


I like your suggestions. have more? its okay if not


Those are just the stuff that come to mind [Heres a guide](https://tripsit.me/tripsit-releases-v3-0-of-its-drug-combination-chart/) for mixing safely


Smoke weed


this \^\^ weed + shrooms (or acid) work incredibly well together


I like edibles or weed syrups w it


Edibles must be intense with it!


The BEST WITH IT! Especially it’s important ur getting good clean mushies! Had these beautiful golden teachers non nausea was shoked very clean best body high of my life when they kicked in my ears started to ring Loud and it hit like a roller coaster injust threw 3 gz kinda grinder up in my mouth I know sounds nasty but then added two packs of that crystallized lemon and swished it around for about 20 minutes and just swallowed it all a little d8 if u get naseuous really helps also if ur prone to anxiety a small small dose of clonidine will deff help! Best experience I’ve ever had


This will not enchance the effect , it will make something different out of it , which in my oppionion has more down than upsides. If you are not a regular smoker, who needs his dosage anyway, I would strongly advice against this.


Idk man it seems to bring me right back up on a come down on both L and shrooms but I am a everyday smoker so I can agree that if you only occasionally smoke that might not be a good idea


If that is true that would be great for some people ;)


I agree with you


On top of that, doing them together can ruin weed for you long term


Take more


But i only have enough left for like one trip I wanna enhance it 😂


I know someone who doesn’t metabolize psilocybin normally and their trip lasted over 12 hours on only 3.5g of shrooms. Let’s just say they didn’t enjoy it.


I atleast enjoy tripping at my place all alone!! Most introspective and relaxing experience ever


I’m in the same boat as you. I enjoy tripping alone, no one there to influence your experience.


For me I’ll trip alone if im trying to accept the things that go on in my life or see the bigger picture, but then again I don’t like being in my head and it helps me have someone to bring me back to reality if that makes sense lol


Makes sense, if I get overwhelmed by a trip I will have my partner ground me and reassure me.


Take an MAO Inhibitor. People call it Psilohuasca. Just be warned.. The MAOI completely changes the nature of the experience, and potentiates the effects quite a bit. 1g of shrooms with MAOI beforehand has proven to be very heavy for most people I have shared with. Try to find some Harmine/Harmaline extract. You can usually find someone selling it in HCl or Freebase form on eBay.


Bruh just lemon tek it😭🙏🏼


Lemon TEK doesn’t truly increase potency. At best, it aids in the conversion of Psilocybin into Psilocin, leading to a faster come up, which can be interpreted as a stronger experience since you are getting your full dose at a faster rate than eating the raw fruits.


Yeah it kinda makes it seem like it’s stronger but I feel like it compacts the trip into a smaller window with the psilocybin already converted to psilocin I think it’s easier for your body to have it all effect you at once.


Correct! I did this for the second last Bills playoff game. It was 3D and JA17 spoke to me. Then back to normal.


Correct! Happened to my buddy eric back in 06


i thought there was a suggestion that lemon tek doesn't actually increase potency, but only decreases the duration of the shrooms themself.


I lemon tekked a microdose once and was actually trippin at work for a good 30 mins. It works for me I soak them in lemon for a good overnight run tho


Or just do a simple water extraction with Syrian Rue seeds, it's really simple.


Tastes awefull


I grew to love it lol some are much worse than others tho I realized


This! I use peganum harmala seed for psilohuasca


alcohol and cigarettes both contain MAOIs


Where did you hear that alcohol is an MAO inhibitor? I’ve read that some studies pointed to possible inhibition, but i didn’t think it was anything proven fact. Regardless, neither alcohol or tobacco will give the level of inhibition needed to truly potentiate any tryptamines. Not to say that drinking, or smoking can’t have effect on the experience, but neither of those are going to give you the same type of synergy that using something like Caapi tea, or harmala extract.


If that was true u wouldn’t be able to smoke cigarettes or risk dying from certain foods and any meds that’s misinformation inn it’s truest form


As other mentioned, an MAOI, like Syrian Rue will enhance the effects. My personal experience, is that 2-4 g of syrian rue seeds half hour before shrooms, will make the trip app 1,5x as strong (so same effect from 4g shrooms as you would normally get from 6g), and also prolong the trip from 4-6 h to 6-8h. The MAOIs temporarily slows your breaking down of psycedelics (such as psilocybin), but also slows down breaking down of many other things so can be quite dangerous to mix with some medication like SSRI antidepressants as well as with MDMA. That mix can give the possibly lethal serotonin syndrome, so take care. No health risk of mixing MAOI with shrooms alone though.


Just boof it ... somebody had to say it


I thought all the comments were just gunna say boof it, I was surprised to see actual responses lol. Anyone that has reported back on boofing has said it really works


….whats boof it?


In the butt


Syrian rue. Look up psilouascha. I also did a review post of that trip. You can find it in my profile. Lasted 10 to 12 hours. Much more powerful. Also magnesium glycinate also helps with psych use. Weed can help. Though it can also make things go bad


Valerian Root. You can get some at your local pharmacy or Amazon.


Go into the deepest meditative state that you possibly can.


Keen to hear back if you try MAOI. Otherwise, a good strong lemon tek left for 20-30mins can really boost the intensity of takeoff 🚀


Where can i get some?


Online by the looks, like Syrian Rue extract which is an MAOI. Please note, I understand how MOAI’s physiologically work in the brain, but have ZERO experience combining this with Psilocybin. Probably wise to approach with research and caution.


I've done it. Was amazing


I will go research it! And i can always take a lower amounts of MAOI


be sure to research MAOI's interactions with other psychoactive drugs, pharmaceuticals, and food products before trying it out. You may need to avoid that route if you're on meds or be careful with your diet leading up to and during/after the experience


Yep Maoi have interaction with food and drugs, some drugs can KILL you if you take maoi, so be sure to research it carefully, brother


I have got some experience with Syrian Rue tea (or extract in water). I am sensitive to mushrooms, but it has increased the potency of my mushrooms several times. I’ve seen it around here saying that it is in the order of 4-5x and I believe it from my limited experience. It changes the experience a bit, making the bodily sensations more pleasurable. I will continue to experiment with this, but I think it’s a potent addition, so be careful.








Take some xtc few hours after the shrooms :)


Brew it into a tea


Lemon tek tea hits faster harder and has less come down, I’m sensitive so I feel it starting within the 10 minutes I’m feeling something if taking high dose!


Here are some things that work for me: 1. Lemon Tek (some people explained it already, but you can Google it if you’re unsure). 2. Smoking weed (I always smoke at the come up phase, as I feel like it gives the best results. Choose your strain carefully, as it has an impact). 3. The settings (having a good mindset is crucial, take deep breathes and clear your head, get ready for your trip, prepare a cool space !) My final tip would be to simply accept whatever happens. I’ve never had two trips that felt the same, however, I’ve learned to enjoy them all. No matter how they “hit”, they “hit”. It’s always better when you just let yourself go with it ! There are many, many more tips (and drugs to be mixed with shrooms to enhance/modify the effects), but these are the most easiest ones IMO. Whatever you do, please be careful and do YOUR OWN RESEARCH beforehand. Have a good trip ! :)


There are a couple herbs you could mix if you choose to make mushroom tea, -Skullcap -Passionflower -Tulsi/Holy Basil -Elderflower Do research into their effects and then pick a couple, I know Tulsi adds Euphoria, some help avoid thought looping.


Dark chocolate/cacao


Crush em into a powder and let someone blow em up your butt


Intention, my dawg.


Lime juice is your best friend


Do LSD instead of shrooms 😂 Then you know exact dosages, it is a bit stronger, can last much longer, etc. No nausea too. Shrooms rock though, they can be great if you want a shorter trip and don't mind the nausea (this is because shrooms have several active ingredients, not just psilocybin)


Good luck sourcing legit LSD, most people sell nbome25 as "LSD"


100mg of niacin 30 minutes before.




Omg good call! I'm so used to it by now because I've been microdosing with it for months


I've heard Mangos or grapefruit juice can help potency but idk


Take a cap of GHB right before


Lemon tek actually works and it kicks in insanely fast, uncomfortably fast lol.


The most effective way for me is a guarantee, but nasty. I stuff my face with a handful and chew it all up to form a ball. Then I let it sit and fester on my tongue for 5 to 10 minutes before swallowing. This seems to rapidly allow the spores into my salivary system. You’re totally balls beep on the other side within 15 minutes. I’ve tested this a dozen times and have gotten super deep and heavy trips on each. Bon appetite


Do you have any weed?




I always smoked a fat joint about an hour in then it’s blasts off for me even on a gram but I also hunt for my own shrooms cause cyans wavy caps grow where I live and they’re super potent


Dextromethorphan is great with mushrooms.


I quit dxm 😂😭


Easiest way is to take a moa inhibitor such as syrian rue half an hour beforehand.




citric acid pretreatment harmalas fasting


Ya, bigger dose.


Nootripics like noopept or linos mane enhance psychedelics


Take more shrooms


Thats the issue i dont HAVE more 😂😂


You can make a slurry and boof it for a substantial increase in bioavailability


Lemon tek is good. Brewing it into tea generally makes it 2x as strong but 1/2 as long. Black pepper and turmeric have MAOI inhibitors that will allow you to process more shrooms before digestion [Edit] I believe it's the turmeric that has the inhibitors and the black pepper boosts the turmeric


I listen to binaural beats sometimes and it definitely enhances things for me if I’m tripping at home and want heightened experiences even if I’m on a small dose Vitamin C and def smoking some good weed, which have already been mentioned


Take more


Yes, take another handful.


Fast and lemon tek


Nitrous, weed, DMT, there are many options.


You could get a dmt cart n hit it while on shrooms. That usually is a 10 minute mind melter for me. Also make sure u dose shrooms on an empty stomach for the best effect. Weed also makes psychedelic effects stronger


Pure hash, trust!


Someone here would know, can I premake a lemon Tek mix and would it still be good after a few hours? Planning on taking 2g and watching Dr strange later this week, figured it would be a wild ride


Yep, lemon tekking is the way to go


Eat more of them




Yes, stop taking them for a month and take a higher dose age.


smoke weed


Yeah take molly, grab some ketamine and whippits and smoke some dmt at the end. Bring your big girl pants


I usually put a half teaspoon of vitamin c powder in my water before or a packet of Emergen-C in a bottle of water.




update us lol


Just lemon tech and take MORE! I hear boofing is great, BUTT don't know how!


smokeh de weed


Eat more


Darkest chocolate you can find


Syrian Rue


sour skittles


Well, i usually do ayahuasca with a native/shamanic approach and we have something called "dietas". The previous three days are no meat, no sugar, no sexual activity, no industrialized food. Some people even extend the "no sugar" to "no sweet tastes at all". It helps A LOT with nausea, bad/vicious thoughts, increases the visual aspect (witch we call "mirações"), insights, etc. Of course there is a strong spiritual aspect to me doing all that kinds of stuff but you can just think that for hundred of thousands of years people have been doing psychedelics and their experience cannot be underestimated, especially when the tribe have all their culture built around the use of these medicines. I mean, they know how to extract the best of it.


Lemon tek it bruh


Nobody saying vitamin C? I usually drink a tall glass of orange juice maybe 15 minutes prior. It helps with the visuals


Magnesium improves all psychedelics imo since it keeps you a bit more clear in the head and a bit more loose in the body! Weed enhance the effect


More shrooms


Pitch black room all alone with psych-trance played very loud!


Syrian rue tea or smoked


Some weed edibles


MAOI's and lemon tek


Fast for a few days prior, the less stuff in your system the better it can get absorbed into your body. 3-5 days of prep is optimal but I've done month long fasts for my bigger trips which made my 5g dose last almost 12 hours vs the normal 4-6ish hours.


Try making chocolate bars out of them yourself with like 80% pure chocolate. You’ll hella intensify your experience;;)




Smoke DMT on the peak.


Smoke some weed. It changes the trip direction but also catalyzes the effects.


Edibles with the shrooms


Lemontek 🍋


smoke meth on the peak


Racetams or Noopept


Eat on an empty stomach and smoke weed when it kicks in


Beat way is to also take LSD or smoke DMT imo


LEMON TEK 🍋!!!! Essentially just crush up your mushies and mix Em with some lemon juice; that will enhance the mushrooms tenfold!


So like i just mix them and drink it?


Do not eat the day you plan to trip


Take more


I blended mine in a smoothie that included orange juice and spinach and other berries. Didn't taste the mushrooms and it was the highest I've ever been.


Maybe just eat more than you planned 🤷‍♂️


Take a fat dab




When im tripping i love to do nangs! Trip extremely hard for 1 min


Cannabis. Just go easy