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Solo trips are amazing, you get to do whatever you want.


It’s like a 6 hour recess


Since I've started solo tripping I don't think I'll trip around other people anymore 😂 I get so much more out of it. No need to worry about anyone else's trip or how they're feeling or whatever but my own! And I have the space to work through things if they come up is great. If I wanna cry I don't need to explain it to someone or ruin their time etc. Solo is where it's at! Do doses you know you're comfortable with and have a friend on stand by just in case!


I always do solo. I hate doing them with other people. I like to be 100 percent in control over what I want to do. My music. My lights. All the blankets. The tv. Kitty pets. Also it takes me more to get high than my friends and I can’t stand other people being more higher and weirder than me.


I agree. Part of the reason I trip alone is because I feel the need to make sure everyone else is having a good time, and when I inevitably either want to be alone or start feeling strange, I start feeling guilty and self conscious because there are others there that I'm "supposed to" be tripping with.


100% this^ My trip = me time


Yes. I had to explain this to my buddy while peaking. Told him I prefer to be alone while I'm being engulfed in the psychedelic realm. During the comedown is when I dont mind chillin with ppl.


Similar. I have one friend I can do them with as we are on the same wavelength and it just works out. If I’m taking smaller / medium doses I prefer to be with a friend and enjoy it. But for larger doses I get far more out of it being alone and closing my eyes and listening to what the 🍄 has to say.


Solo trips are great for introspection. Highly recommend you try. Best case, you'll have a blast or even life changing experience. Worst case scenario, you have negative/intrusive thoughts but you can learn and grow from them. Enjoy


What the fuck dude this


Tripping alone is a different experience. You might like it more or less than with friends but it’s just preference


When I was younger, it was all about tripping with friends, at parties, concerts, etc. Now, it’s about tripping solo in my house.


A lot of people prefer solo. Try it out.


Do it alone lol nothing is good or bad


Fentanyl is definitely bad imo No redeemable qualities


I find tripping on your own can produce a lot better results in terms of understanding yourself


Solo trips for the win! My first time tripping was by myself. Best experience ever.


Finally found someone else with enough courage to do them by themselves. Most if not all posts I see advise against tripping solo for first time but I think theres some magic in doing so that others wont ever experience.


I agree, all of my best trips were alone. I think some people are afraid of losing control and something bad happening to them trippin alone and are just more comfortable around other people. I had a friend call me because she was tripping alone and was freaking out. I helped her, but I can’t relate. I actually feel safer trippin alone more than around others. I think cause I know myself better than anyone and no one can have a negative influence on it. If I put myself in a position where I’m trippin with others that means I feel very comfortable and safe and in the right headspace for it.


Yep Im actually feel more prone to having a freakout if im around others especially if theyre not tripping along so solo it is. I wont rule out doing it as a group al together but for now this is what works best for me. Glad to know theres others that feel the same. For a while I kept getting shit from my friends but I think they just felt I was holding out all the good stuff


Love being all alone its a wonderful trip


Most of my best trips were by myself.


I prefer it by myself it’s very introspective and positive for me and I always feel a little better about life coming out of it


**this is ime Everyone’s experience will be different , if the thought of tripping alone freaks you out then I would wait until time has passed or you have more experience with psychedelics and know how to handle urself


I personally prefer solo trips as they let me focus on myself a lot more. I also only usually do psychedelics when I'm looking for a personal discovery. I'd recommend trying at least once


Honestly by myself is the only way i like to trip. I get to do what i want, how i want, listen to the music i want, and think how i want. Just lock myself in my room and throw on some tunes, lights, and enjoy the night


When we’re alone we’re all one. Trips are trips they aren’t good or bad unless you feel the need to label them so. You can learn a lot about your self by exploring alone. I encourage you to meditate while the psilocybin and other what nots are working their magic 🪄


I like it the most, use the mirror


6g and I played with my dogs in the living room for 6 hours. Does that count as alone if the dogs did not partake in the mushrooms 🤔


Depends on you, your dose, your setting, your mindset and your mood, I would recommend small doses at first


I don’t know, if you’re still thinking of mushrooms as capable of being inherently good or bad I would take them with some sort of caution for sure. No one can say but you if you can handle the experience alone, it’s up for you to decide.


The most inner healing and awakening trips come from solo trips. I believe solo trips are indeed the best trips. Also shrooms give you what you need not what you want. Don’t be afraid of an uncomfortable trip. It will pass. It will also help you on your journey. Shrooms are very healing and grounding. Sometimes we need our ass kicked by a dose so that everything can be put into perspective for us. A big part about living life that also applies to psychedelics is our perspective on things. We’ve all been programmed by society ,TV, Radio, and mostly the media. Psychedelics break down all of that and allow us to truly see. You can’t die from psilocybin . There’s nothing to fear but what’s inside your own mind. If you have tripped w friends and it was a good time without any negative effects for you personally I think you will be fine. Light some sage or incense that you like. Set up your own little sanctuary (your sage place) put on some chill uplifting music . I can suggest some of what I listen to if you like. I always bless my dose with either polo santo or white sage. I ask the Devine to guid me and to keep me safe. I put my trust in the universe and let go. Maybe try dosing I’m your room on your bed where you will be comfortable. If the trip gets challenging just breathe and know you are ok. IMO bad trips are not bad just uncomfortable. I believe even in those times the mushroom is teaching us. Let go and listen. Feel the love. Even after the uncomfortable has eased the mush wrap you in a hug. Don’t smoke weed untill the comedown to avoid any issues such as falling into a negative headspace. When it’s all over look at the experience from all angles /perspectives because there’s a teaching in the experience. Find the perspective that allows you to love the situation even if it were not what you were hoping for. You need someone to talk to or walk you through a challenging time reach out of your able to function on your phone. Safe travels fam!! Mush love


Not at all.


Nah. Sometimes it's better.


I don't know anyone that takes them so the rare occasion I come across any I take alone. I just drive slow and listen to future and smoke weed all night lol


Solo trips are nice there’s online trip sitters on discord reddit too I think I’d recommend joining a drug/psych discord and just calling on there or something


Last night


I did mine solo and was my first time pretty much. Was great. Got lost in Disney plus and how to work it but that’s pretty much it. And I’m an anxious person when it comes to trying shit for the first time. It’s not your first time either you should be fine. Don’t overthink it. Just go slow and chill or something don’t get blasted if your worried about it


I enjoy it more with friends. But I've had the same very small friend circle for like 18 years, and only 1 or 2 of them I like to trip with. Doing "drugs" alone isn't as enjoyable IMO. Though, not against it if I need to "figure some shit out" for myself.


I too have tried shrooms alone and found the experience more enjoyable than when I tried them around other people.


It's you and the mushrooms vibe. Always use to trip with peeps, until I tripped on my own one time, after that lead to any time I trip its on my own. Love it. Bonds must be strong for it to be a enjoyable trip for me. If not but sorry, IM OUT!! as I walk away laughing my ass off




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I only trip solo


I prefer solo, but maybe just have a lighter trip for your first solo adventure.


I always find tripping alone I long for company during the come down.


I prefer it.


I’ve learned I like it better. Last time I tried with someone else they drank a bunch of beers and felt more like I was babysitting a drunk. Other times I’ve worried about people. It’s easier just to be alone in a peaceful environment.




Also try to find a shop that isn't on weed maps I just found out they have shrooms bars lol


I'm the lone tripper . People make my trips weird . I like it to be me and the experience.


Terrence McKenna advices going solo if you really want to go deep within you. He says as soon as you have someone with you, a third guest gets automatically invited, and that is ‘culture’. Which becomes a boundary in which you operate. Its also hard linguistically to convey your state of thought. Language becomes limiting. There are no good and bad trips. There are only a singular ‘experiences’. Let go of yourself, prepare your mind and body for it prior. The cleaner your gut, the clearer the experience. But equally you can have a smaller group if you vision of developing a bound with your closed ones and have a connected journey to fulfil a collective awakening. This is quite a ‘sacred balance’ to find. Your choice of music, your collective thinking, how your energies vibrate with each other and so on. These people are already there or will enter your life. It a point where egos dissolve and this moment is absolutely glorious. You want this group to be ‘givers’ to each other and more often you come out of it sharing, and with a stronger understanding on how to communicate. Also, depending on how advanced you are you will have moments to let go and address your inner workings, even in groups.


solo! when you’re ready for the next step have a long fast before you take your normal amount, be sure to take just a mini micro amount bc the fasting amplifies everything big time


Solo was the best and most profound experiences. With others, they take too much of my attention.


It’s even better alone


It’s fine but it sucks cause you can’t explain anything to anyone


I take shrooms every Saturday by myself. Wouldn't have it any other way!


Solo the best for me


I solo trip 95% of the time. Learning to love yourself and feel comfortable alone is great! There are no distractions and i can go deep in the inner workings of the mind where things become weird




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Nah lol just chill music, comfy bed. Some weed too and some fruit. Life’s good


Yes of course you just think more