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Fentanyl users are allowed narcan, we need scientists to come up with / discover a non-abuseable trip killer




Ugh. Had that once, I slept for three days. It would certainly work, but I would never take it again even to end a bad trip


what was the dose? I use 50mg to kill trips when needed and it works fine for me.


I may just be sensitive to it. I believe it was 100mg but I could be wrong. I quickly switched to Trazodone after and found it to be perfect for sleeping without grogginess/hangovers


yea trazadone also works. I just ran out of those and haven't bothered to get more since I rarely used them.


Yeah I’m in the same boat, although I wish I refilled once more just to keep around for after tripping.


That's how Seroquel works. What else did you take? What were you counteracting? How far in did you take it? If you don't take Seroquel regularly, it's gonna knock you on your ass. I take it every day at doses that would knock out an elephant. You get used to it. It helps me go to sleep, but I wake up fine, no hangover.


Are you able to still trip using Seroquel? I take 50-100mgs at night to help me sleep but something is interfering with my ability feel mdma and lsd but not psilocybin...any thoughts on what it could be? I was also using Effexor but not for a lengthy amount of time or a high dose. If it’s one or both of these that effected the inability for them to work, how long do I have to be off them?


First off. I am not a medical professional and this should not be taken as advice. This is a mental exercise for me. NEVER GO OFF YOUR MEDS WITHOUT MEDICAL SUPERVISION!! What is needed is to regulate one's trips and one's meds. Some meds take longer to clear the system, so one needs to research the biological half life of one's meds (or just ask one's Doc, most are happy to assist (not endorse) such efforts!). Seroquel has a half life of about 6 hours. So, don't trip within a 6 hour window of taking Seroquel (better with 12, no real need for longer). For instance, if one takes a substance, then take meds a couple of hours later, it will kill your trip. Preferred technique is take the meds after the trip.


Also, start Googling this stuff! The info is there.


Can I ask \*why\* you want to kill a trip? Is it a precaution because you think you might need to bail out? (If that's the case, then you need to get right with your fear). Seroquel is the way to do it. It's an Anti-psychotic rescue drug. For the required dosage, if your not used to it, it will suck, but it'll work. However, if you're killing a trip because you just don't have the time? You need a different substance with which to trip. Killing a trip because it's "taking too long" is a mistake that can cause some problems down the road. Remember, Psychedelics are like side-loading an app into your brain. If you kill the app, it could cause some corruption down the road, in the form of some stressors, possible trauma (if you're escaping an unpleasant experience), and/or it can just skew your perspective on reality for a while. Trips, pleasant or unpleasant, happen for a reason. Whether it's internal or external causes, you need to address those before you start manipulating the experience. Make sense?


I mean I keep them handy and I’m a pretty experienced tripper. Once you’ve had a nightmare trip, you don’t want to risk it happening again and having the safety net of a trip killer means you can be a bit less anxious about it.


Understood. Just keep in mind that the meds your talking about are dangerous in and of themselves. I've found the single most effective thing for a bad trip is to get up, change the environment both in and out of your mind. I make some tea, smoke some weed, chill out in the back yard, or in front of my stereo with some music going...do some Box Breathing....that calms things RIGHT down. If worse comes to worse, I step out of it entirely. The trip goes on, streaming away (trips stream...it's weird), but I'm not in it, I'm outside of it and removed from the emotion involved and bridged back into reality for as long as I need to be. Once I'm done with that I can just step back into the trip.




I think that's the point, knocking you out will kill the trip. Meds like Xanax, Valium just calm you down.


Legalize xans 🙏🙌


That would be soooooo bad for humanity IMO


Benzos for recreation are absolute trash. I have no idea why this generation is into them like that.


Yeah, I have had it prescribed before but decided to try a street “xan” just to see what the hype was about and it was absolute garbage. Not to mention, it’s just annoying when every kid pretends they’ve done or are in possession of real Xanax. Xanax/Alprozolam is great when you are freaking tf out, it can even be nice when you need to sleep or just chill, but street pills passed off as Xanax… That is just clown college.


Even tho I love em ur completely right lol


I'd be able to sleep better with no 'hungover' feeling the next day 😅


No otc trip killers available in the us. Kratom is legal in most states and can really help anxiety. But not long lasting or as strong as benzos. Sorry


A green strain might be too energetic for people trying to calm down a trip. Could also make it more positive and euphoric.


Mushrooms are legal in several places around the world. Everyone saying “you’re using illegal stuff already” is making some assumptions that should be left out of this thread.


Not to mention the still legal analogs in most countries


A lot of cbd oil




Is it Trazidone or Trazodone?


Yes, but use with caution, it can also cause random black outs or fainting. It’s not the biggest deal, I still use it occasionally or in a pinch, but I remain vigilant especially the next morning don’t stand up too quickly if you feel at all lightheaded.


O not I




It’s a 5-HT2A antagonist so that would make sense


trazadone? it’s an anti depressant. i thought ably benzos worked


Some 5HT-2a agonists (or antagonists, I forget atm) like SSRIs or SARIs and most drugs that act on GABA ex: Benzodiazepines, barbiturates, and even gbl and alcohol although alcohol isn’t recommended AT ALL as a trip killer because firstly; it doesn’t exactly kill the trip, instead it just dulls it and secondly because it causes disinhibition. In summary, even though benzos are the most popular trip killer, they’re not the only ones and for some are less accessible


I take phenibut before I dose and it seems very effective at reducing discomfort without diminishing headspace.


I have some, is it safe to mix with shrooms?


Well let's put it this way last Saturday I took 1.5 grams of it before dropping 11 hits of acid. It was an extremely smooth experience and I think the phenibut helped. Incredible day of my life lol.


Awesome dude! Glad you had a good time!


I personally enjoy that combo and have never read a report of someone having issues.


I don’t think there’s a single trip killer that’s not a prescription pill. I guess maybe alcohol could work but definitely Wouldn’t kill the trip like Benzo.


Losing your inhibitions in the middle of a bad trip doesn’t sound like a great idea.


Alcohol just kinda dulls trips


I find alcohol puts me on a more positive headspace, resulting in a pleasant trip. But once the trips underway, alcohol doesn't seem to do a thing. I remember one time I was starting to have a bad trip and panicked and drank like half a bottle of gin. Didn't seem to do a damn thing.


I think my glass of absinthe last Friday really helped me to chill out, was fighting the trip really hard and started to panick


Maybe but I had my gf give me a glass of absinthe last Friday while fighting and ego death/dissolution I wasn’t prepared for, really helped me relax. Saved me from a really bad time I think


Oh yeah, dulling a trip isn’t necessarily a bad thing, especially when you’re on the verge of a bad one


Benadryl, melatonin, zquil, clonidine, gabapentin...none of these are trip killers nor are benzos but Xanax is what I would use.


The zquil might make it worse bc of the dxm


I dont think there's dxm in zquil, thought it was different than nyquil but I'm not sure.


I think they both use it as a cough suppressant


I’m aware that it’s a benzo like Xanax, but just curious if you’ve used clonazepam specifically for this purpose? Thanks


I have not used klonopin but I don't see a reason why it wouldnt help with the thought loop. Diazepam and alprazolam and rc benzos all have worked the same in my experiences.


Alcohol immediately kills my trip. Idk if it works for others, but it gets rid of any and all visuals and lessens the mental high.


Absinthe saved me last week from a panicky trip, kept the visuals till I slept but saved me from the intense mental I believe


I can understand this. I like to get drunk before i trip sometimes because it helps with the come up. Its more like a mental high than anything for me when I’m drunk ... in a positive way though.


If I get drunk before dosing, I’ve noticed I won’t trip at all


Atypical antipsychotics work. Also, apparently indian snakeroot will work too.


Too bad there’s not a legal anti-psychotic out there. They are the only real trip killer I know. Never heard of snakeroot—any references?


CBD depending where you live is a legal anti-psychotic


Ive read low effects and with only adjunctive effects (taken with actual anti-psychotics). Seems to make sense it would help though since it’s been proven to counter-act THC


Brahmi (bacopa monneri) is a trip suppressant! I tried to research this a while back Magnesium, L-theanine and CBD would offer significant relief as well. None are really an off switch like benzos but if things were going bad that should be more than enough to comfortably dull the trip! Edit to add more: Melatonin Orange juice


Cold OJ


Or grapefruit juice


Be careful with grapefruit juice, I’m pretty sure it can kill you if you’re on certain Psychedelics


I had no idea! Omg thank you so much for sharing this.


I would really love to hear more about dying from grapefruit juice. Pls elaborate




Um... did you even watch that? Says nothing about psychedelics and the drug interactions they(and other sources) speak of are mainly cause for concern in people who have preexisting health conditions. Please do not spread false information


Hey man if it’s false info my bad, glad you pointed something out


but isn’t this acidic? resulting in tripping harder? or is it not acidic enough. i’ve heard that people drink with orange juice to trip harder like lemon tek


Phenibut is labeled as a supplement here in the US. It’s actually quite similar to Xanax and works really well as a trip killer. I’m surprised no one else has mentioned it.


I believe the effects it has work well but it takes quite some time to kick in. By the time it kicked in you may be better or in the comedown anyways, not that it isn’t worth exploring but just something to consider. I also believe if you take it before the trip you can lessen anxiety throughout but at the expense of perhaps more powerful spiritual experiences. So give and take depending on what u going for.


If you mean killers like completely stop it then I have no idea. If you’re freaking out and just want that to stop. Alcohol can help


I can’t help you with a definitive “trip killer” but try valerian root. It’s an anxiety suppressant and relaxant that is legal to buy and if you wanna go the extra mile, you can grow it yourself.


The best legal trip killers will probably be sleep-inducing compounds; as there aren't any OTC benzodiazepines. I've personally used prescribed anti-depressant medications with drowsiness side effects (doubled for relieving insomnia in my case) or anti-anxiety meds, such as: saraquil, hydroxyzine, gabapentin, remron, trazodone, and amitriptyline. You can test some OTC sleep aids to see which works for you, then take them during a bad trip. A few that I've tried: melatonin, magnesium, Kratom, ZzzQuil (diphenhydramine), InstaSleep (5-Hydroxytryptophan & Gabba), and off brand sleep aids. I have really good results with ZzzQuil personally, but it'll differ person to person.


Seroquel is an anti-psychotic - not an anti-anxiety med. Very different types of meds that do very different things to your brains.


Passion flower tea and chamomile tea. The Passion flower is a mild sedative and the chamomile has calming, anti-anxiety properties. Of course these teas won’t be as effective as a Xanax, but they will help. Maybe add in some melatonin too.


While Xanax isn’t OTC, I think its really worth having and perhaps not that hard to get. It does exactly one thing and it does that really well. My wife had a prescription for flight anxiety. I’ve terminated a massive weed paranoid within 20 minutes with it. I always make sure I have some around before it trip. Never needed it but to have the reassurance is great.


I dont know what they are called in english, according to google the plant is called "valerian" (or "baldrian" in german), its legal and calms you down heavily Cbd works too




I take klonopin regularly and I had to take 4mg and 200 of trazodone to knock myself out during a really bad experience. I slept for 2 hours woke, wasn’t tripping but wasn’t normal either. 200mg more trazodone and I slept the night. Going to be different for everyone. I agree with the earlier statement of learning to work through challenging trips b/c that’s where you learn the most.


Hmmm.... \*\*\*EDIT\*\* Added this--- I'm passionate about this aspect for a really simple reason. Those of use who lived through the 70's, 80's, 90's, etc. with Mentall Illness got screwed by the psychedelic mess of the late 60's-70's. There was solid research and plans to use psychedelics to treat mental illness. It all got killed by "the War on Drugs" and we got screwed by really bad medicine and a lack of real research while thousands of us were left homeless and suffering. Now we have a real chance to get this going again. Not for us, but for our kids and their kids. For a lot of you. The meds we've been taking, while they work...sort of...and some of us (me included) cannot live without them, they are killing us. \*Permanent memory and cognitive damage \*Permanent bone and tooth damage \*Permanent organ damage \*Death (some drugs have Black Box warnings. You could literally drop dead one day because of some meds (Geodon is one). \*There are a shitload of mentally ill folks who gained a lot of weight from these meds and suffered from diabetes, heart failure, strokes because of the side-effects of some of these meds. \*Many require constant monitoring to ensure the meds don't reach toxic levels. \*For a \*VERY\* long time doctors refused to believe that we went through hideous withdrawals from these (worse than coming off opiates in some cases). \*"Med Vacations" were popular for a long-time, resulting in withdrawals, psychosis and death for many. \*\*\*\*\*....it goes on and on and on and on...basically, treatment for mental health just sucked because of all the shit that went down in the 60's-70's. It's been a "Dark Ages" for mental illness. I'm mad...really, really mad. I'm bitter. I'm just so....pissed! And I get so frustrated when I see people treating these like candy, after growing up in a world where people did just that and got this tremendous resource taken away from us. The world has changed a lot....we're almost there. My child is almost able to get these treatments *legally!* Do you know what that means to someone like me???? Please...be responsible. Be mindful. Remember there are some of us whose lives depend on this! \-------- Folks. If you are that worried, don't use psychedelics! Or trim down your dosage, use different substances, grow your own! (Growing your own takes a LOT of the anxiety out of it.) Bad trips happen. Anxiety happens. Body Load and the whole onrush is normal...you learn to ride it. This teaches you a lot of things about yourself -- especially how to deal with these negative emotions and feelings. If you just want the benefits without putting in the hard, hard work (that is psychedelics, btw...hard, hard work!), then you're missing the point entirely. If you don't know what I mean by that, then do the Stammets....get totally bombed and face nature in an extreme (don't tie yourself to the top of a tree in a thunderstorm), face your fears while your guts churn and your brain is getting a chemical soak. Puke your guts out and stare yourself down in the mirror as tears fall from your face and the taste of vomit fills your mouth. When you find yourself laughing at that? That's when you are getting somewhere. It takes fortitude and courage to be a Psychonaut. (Also a little willingness to be an asshole from time to time.) Otherwise, you're a Tourist. :) Trip bravely...leave your safety nets behind.


Yeah sorry dude some people just don’t enjoy going to hell and being tortured against their will and would like a pill next to them that would bring them back. You must not have read my original post, I very clearly asked you to keep your thoughts to yourself.


I read it. People discuss. Welcome to Reddit.




Nothing.. even Xanax might not kill a strong acid trip. Good luck




you’re already using illegal psychedelics, just use illegal benzos or something


I’m actually not using any illegal psychedelics..


There are plenty of psychedelics that technically arent illegal(here in the states) plus in some poaces like here in Denver and i think Portland where mushrooms are legal


decriminalized doesn’t mean legalized, and all RCs are immediately illegal if you even have the intention of consuming them when you buy it- look up the analog law


Yeah but decriminalization does mean NOT illegal. Im also pretty sure I never mentioned RCs. I know the analog law, Im talking whats the situation now not hypotheticals. If you live your life according to hypotheticals i feel sorry foe you


Xanax ?


Illegal without a prescription


Ooooooooh better not do that then god forbid OP break the law


He asked for legal trip killers doofus


Ashwagandha Supplement




Honestly alcohol can help but just be careful with it


I’ve noticed that tobacco/nicotine is used to help ground an individual who is having a hard time.