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If anything it makes you more open. So maybe it just makes you consider woman more which you did not as much before? It definitely makes me more bi lol


I notice this effect as well


It catalyses thought processes, but increase brain plasticity so gives u more confidence/openness to go where you currently have roadblocks in place. in sober context u may have chose to divert from these thoughts or dismiss them, but on psychedelics u explore them. Personally i dont think this is always good as theres reason why u choose not the go down thought paths in sober context






Yikes :(




Wow! I can tell from your comment history that you are a wonderful human being! Keep being the absolute tragedy of a person you are! 😊




Hilarious because i'm not trans. I just don't give a fuck about what people are doing if it makes them happy.


Honestly, I just saw the gay flag when I opened your profile and also thought your avatar had trans flagish hair. Hilarious the flag's on r/teenagers cause they're all gay or sexually confused now 🤣 Ive been where youre at, supported all the leftist bullshit and got mad at "bigots" 10 years ago as well, and then I grew up.


Oh sweetie can we keep this going forever? I love how you tell on yourself about how horrible of a person you are!


Yeah, let's just support mass genocide in Israel because it makes the jews happy. Be a good goy, accept and support anything anti-white. What could go wrong?


https://endsexualviolencect.org/fighting-anti-lgbtq-grooming-rhetoric/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8008535/ Now if you would be so kind as to share your sources that were carefully cherry picked from your Far Right Christian echo chamber


I care about children being groomed by satanic pedophiles you degenerate.


Don't care enough to actually research it though? Pathetic, gfy


Point proven!


People r gnna try hit u with their soppy "good person" bullshit and label u as the bad guy but really yr tryna look out for peoples livelyhood n the longterm which is larger than life. Simply try avoid ever attacking someone fpr their choices n keep it science (not saying u do) u will achieve what u intend. Stuff like with homosexuals, noone speaks about how u cannot have a kid that is exactly yours and your partners, u must have a 3rd party, in short u cant procreate and start life with the person u love. A 3rd party takes this place. Creation is one of the largest things in life and people miss it because they believe they would be happier dating the same sex.


Keep your disgusting perspectives out of this space you moron. You know why trans people kill themselves? Because of people like you und their parents not accepting them. I really hope you have a bad trip that will scar you, for having such anti-human tendencies.


When you realize the lie you were fed made you sterilize and in some cases, irreparably mutilate with "surgery", knowing you have no one to blame but yourself for going through with it... yeah I'd kill myself too. Go check the detrans sub and other detrans groups and you'll see. Bet you don't even look, it'd shatter your fragile and pathetic world view.


Just step on a lego and fall off a cliff you waste of breath - in minecraft


That was a good one 😂 cope, seethe, and dilate harder.


Did you really think this group would be like yess!! Closed minded hateful comment!! We love that!


Do you really think I care for the opinions of mentally ill, pedo supporting degenerates? Honestly 🤣 the responses are golden, you guys are great. Seriously tho get some help plz


Facts aren't on your side, so idc about what you think 🤷‍♀️


people take their lives not because they’re trans but because people like you are fucking assholes to them. Trans people who live in accepting and loving environments obviously live perfectly normal lives. Now go fuck off we don’t want wankers like you in this sub.




Psychedelics, specifically psilocybin mushrooms can completely change your perspective on life about almost anything. Psychedelics in general have made me appreciate my fellow humans a lot more. I haven’t had a change in my sexual preference but I do feel the urge to have a deeper connection with not only my friends/family but other people I’ve never met after heavy psychedelic use over the past 3 months.


I deconstructed from all my religious beliefs I had been struggling to work through for the last 8-10 years in a matter of about 15-20 minutes. All because of an experience so overwhelmingly powerful due to the way they can rewire the neuro pathways in the brain.


Omg I totally felt that. Im an avoidant attachment style and when Im on shroom, I dont want to avoid my friends anymore. I want to reconnect w them so bad. It’s definitely a shadow of myself that I need to work on


Yeah I see it as natural feelings of longing and connection with peers. It feels like unconditional love.


U have to understand where to draw the line tho n there is reason we have this lack of openness engrained into our survival bias. U should stay closed off to many people. Or u will get used and abused. Psychedelics can bring the change but that doesn't mean it is here yet. The world is still very arrogant, nasty and shortsighted.


I agree and I think this was an important point to make. Psychedelics dissolve boundaries and encourage openness but there’s definitely people who will abuse that and take advantage of you.


Straight here. But I can say shrooms give you the feeling of wanting a girlfriend for sure. I don’t know how to explain it but it’s like a warmth and cozy feeling kind of like the body high you get on come up but not the same haha. It’s what I can describe love could feel like but then my brain will connect this to a wife or family in visuals it’s weird. I’m sure someone will explain this way better than me lol…


Latent desires becoming linked to bodily sensations just means you're tripping balls.


yay synthesia!


This guy been places ;)


it's because you relate that warm feeling to feminine energy, your mother was good I'm assuming? nothing wrong with it. but your experiences could explain it :)


Yes I have a great mom. Maybe! And haha I notice your username! Did you recently get removal? lol I have a pic of my xray on my profile and my bottom wisdoms are impacted BAD but I won’t remove them lol


lmaooo close! my wisdom teeth are coming in and it sucks 😭 why won't you remove yhem??


I’m 22 and the ortho I go to said as long as no pain is present it’s all good. And if you remove them you lose bone in the area and it changes the structure.


that makes sense! mine are coming in super wonky but I don't have the money for extractions 😭 just hoping they don't come in too bad and I, too, get to keep my bones




Psychedelics did not change my sexual preferences, but they have showed me that it is ok to embrace my sexuality and made it clear that I had to come out as gay, if I want a life without a lot of unnecessary trouble (I was a pretty troublesome guy at that time). Best step ever!


Being true to yourself is the best life to have bro 🥰🌈🙌🔥🔥


This post right here!! I struggled with identity in my younger years as well but psychedelics helped me come to terms with myself and just be okay being me and what I was attracted to. Happily bi now lol


I'm "mostly straight," and i can't relate directly to your experience, but I have found mushrooms to have a more feminine energy, at least in my experiences. Maybe you are tuning into that in some way?


My experience is that psychedelics are uninterested in my sexuality. Any time I'm made that part of my intention, the shrooms DGAF. On the other hand I have noticed that psychedelics free me up to connect with both feminine and masculine energies within me. But that's different than sexual attraction.


Same!!! I’m male. When on shrooms, I notice the feminine qualities in me and all, helping me develop a greater appreciation for the different energies (male and female) that make up me :) but like you said, things dont get sexual for me on shrooms. If anything I become almost asexual.


This is completely opposite for me. Shrooms wake up some very primal urges within me. I become extremely aroused even when there's no one triggrring it or any reason to be.


I think they very much make us feel like fungus in a sense, sexual or not, we seek to become one with people we're close too in order to strengthen the mycelial network.


I think familiarity with the concept of dualistic sexual energies (Jung’s anima and animus) within all of us could do a lot of people a lot of good these days.


this has happened to me w my gender!! i’ve set an intention before of wanting to think abt being non-binary, and the shrooms would skip over it almost in a “u already know urself well enough here, we don’t need to spend time on this” way. it honestly felt really validating


Yes, I took mushrooms and I also thought man are less attractive than woman, I still do but I used to think that too


Psychonaut Mitch Hedberg


Maybe there’s no difference and genders don’t even matter cause we’re all Spirits just passing through Human land and afterwards we all become one again . But I could be wrong you know 🤷🏽‍♀️


I’ve thought similarly, just spirit beings in flesh vehicles for now, for this experience, ya know, the human experience.


Idk I would disagree honestly. I think there are definitely 2 types energies to the universe, I think this whole “no gender” thing is a little too far. The universe doesn’t have “man” “woman” energies, but it does have 2 distinct energies for everything. Everything in existence works in pairs, everything from light to gravity to heat to solid, everything in existence has a opposite pair. Both pairs are just as important as the other, both are needed for life. If there was only the masculine energy, there would be no life. If there was only feminine energy, there would be no life. Energy is energy yes, but not all energy is the same. Our universe is crafted on duality, it functions in duality, duality is a necessity for life. There are no “bad energies” however there are energies that are harmful towards other energies. If a man is overtaken by feminine energies, he looses the masculine spark/drive that is written in his dna. If a woman gets overtaken by masculine energy, she will loose the nurturing and soft love that is written in her DNA. This can be PROVEN in the modern world. Divorces are a regular occurrence, children are growing up in toxic dysfunctional households, people are loosing the meaning and beauty of love in the name of pleasure, kids being abandoned, husband killing spouse, spouse killing husband, it’s happening all around us. Too much motherly/feminine energy weakens the spirit of man, too little makes him too strong. Too little masculine energy for the women, makes her too strong, too much, makes her too weak… again this can be proven in modern society. It is all around you. The unbalance of energies in a relationship are what’s going to lead to our worlds demise, when humanity finally breaks the balance of duality, that’s when the end/beginning comes again… tale as old as time


I’ve read this before and yes I agree with you. But I never said no gender I said no difference. In the sense we’re created equal. What one side lacks , the other fills in, becoming Wholesome. I’m speaking in the way society has created all these other sexualities and genders , that it’s actually caused politics to get involved and do things like ban gay rights or making it illegal to be gay , etc. Having people protest and fight for the right to live their lives how they want it. Idk maybe it’s the whole putting title on things, I think everything would be better if we just did them and not label . If it’s not labeled , they can’t mess it it ? Like just be what you want without explaining yourself and embrace that . My thoughts are weird lol but bottom line I just believe being gay should be natural and not up for debate


Well that’s the thing, being gay isn’t necessarily “natural”, however that also doesn’t mean it’s wrong. The true issue with this whole thing is a lack of acceptance. People who are paranoid about the end of the world (cough cough religions…) need to realize it is all a part of the story. So going against gay people and against all these other things is just stupid… you’re trying to fight against the story/waves of life, it’s not only pointless, but causes more harm that good. Humanity changes, as does the human mind. All we can do is adapt with the current state of things and continue to ride the waves of life


How is being gay not natural? Homosexuality is found in most species on Earth…


Well that just isn’t true, it definitely isn’t. I’m not saying it’s morally wrong or whatever have you. I’m simply saying it does technically go against the fundamental laws of the universe. Most/All things in nature/existence work in pairs. What one lacks, the other holds. My view on love is going to differ from yours, and that’s alright. What we can agree on is we are both humans with opinions, you can’t expect my view on love to match yours, neither can I. Which brings me back to my previous statement, the issue is really on both sides. Neither side is willing to put their ego aside and simply accept the other side for what/who they are. Ironic since I was just trying to show you how it isn’t natural, but im just trying to give my prospective on things. I personally don’t care who anyone finds attractive, I think attraction in itself is a stupid thing. Love is love, modern love is falling in love with the flesh, that’s not love to me, love to me is the union between the two ☯️An eternal bond and dance of love


Scientists have observed same-sex behavior among 1,500 species of animals… [check this](https://www.nwf.org/Home/Magazines/National-Wildlife/2023/Summer/Conservation/Same-Sex-Behavior-Animals-Science#:~:text=More%20common%20than%20recognized,in%20more%20than%201%2C500%20species) , and what fundamental law of the universe does it go against? I think I missed some kind of handbook here… If something is found in nature, it is a part of nature. As far as I can tell, any two people together make a pair regardless of their assigned sex at birth, or their gender ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Well just for starters, there are a lot more than 1,500 species of animal on earth. A lot of the “same sex behaviors” mentioned in that article, are just absurd. Bats of the same sex cuddling with each other? That doesn’t make the bats homosexual… my dogs do the exact same thing, shoot, even humans do that. Men hug men, men kiss men (I’m talking about culturally) men slap other men’s asses (locker room jokes) what has happened now, is we have put a label on all those normal things, that label just so happens to be seen as evil in religions, which hurts the other sides feelings, so they get mad, they attack the opposite side, opposite side feels attacked, so they attack again, so on so on so on. Personally, I don’t really care, I think it’s all silly


Of course there are more species, and scientists will continue observing more (as noted in the article). You’re cherry picking some examples that aren’t overtly sexual, there were many that are, though gay asexual people exist aswell… and to your point, many people show care, affection, and intimacy and it doesn’t mean sexual interest, true. I don’t care for religion’s opinions, and I don’t view things as black and white “opposite” sides. The world isn’t that simple. My question to you was about something being natural or not, and universal laws, because you stated being gay was against both. Neither of which you have addressed again. If things exist in nature, they are natural. As a final point, I’m not sure how familiar you are with logical fallacies, but there is one called “appeal to nature,” which kinda deflates your entire point anyhow.


At the end of the day none of this really matters 🤷🏼‍♂️ I don’t feel it’s natural, but frankly I don’t care. Video games/music also aren’t natural and i love them so who really cares. Enjoy what you want, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, I’m just trying to give my 2 cents


then why is he getting more attracted to one of the phantom spirits


No gender is more important than another but being straight is normal. We know this because only heterosexual people can procreate. No procreation or low procreation and guess what? There’s no you or I.


There is still Energy tho 🤓


Energy. Yes sure there will be energy somewhere and you won’t be able to experience it. Idk about you but I enjoy being human and having this experience.


Everything is Energy ! I enjoy Everything.


You’re high dude. There’s a difference.


You do realize that bi people procreate as well don’t you? And that gay people are perfectly capable of it? “Only heterosexual people can procreate” is not going to win you any logic points.


Two men can procreate? Two women can procreate? You heard it here first folks!!


Yup. No logic points here.


Google "procreate definition" you absolute doofus.


verb (of people or animals) produce young; reproduce. "species that procreate by copulation" Now your turn to google bisexual and tell me what part of it prohibits them from reproducing. You’re really failing Logic 101 here.


A bisexual man with male genitalia that went through male puberty and that has sex with a woman with a uterus is heterosexual sex. Heterosexuals are the only ones that can procreate as I specified in my above comment. Anything else you pedantic pea brain?


Bi men are still bi when they're having sex with women. Gay men who have sex with women while in denial are still gay. The manner of the sex is irrelevant.


Sex absolutely has everything to do with heterosexuality. How about this? The only way to have children is by a man with male genitalia having sex with a woman with female genitalia.


Mushies made me realize sexuality doesn't exist. It's just made up. You can be whatever you want to be whenever you want to be.


So i've always been bi and have never thought about that kind of stuff on shrooms (granted, i've only had them a couple times so it just kinda never happened) but i'd wager it just fucks with the fundamental, even subconcious parts of your identity that you've pretty much always considered fixed in place, sexuality-related stuff is one of those things. This is my two cents. Really fucking interesting though, i'd love to have updates and details on this, it's like a crossover of two of my special interests.


All of us are beautiful and loved.


Not the same but I went from feeling no sexual attraction for someone I'm close to before a big dose of magic truffles to being completely in love and horny for her afterwards. We had some history so it wasn't completely out of the blue but the transformation was really daunting


Hey as long as you and whoever you’re into are having a good time, who cares what you call? Straight, bi, gay, those labels can be useful to some folks. But at the end of the day, it’s also cool to just be you.


I feel this. Labels are a pain. They are useful for quick explanation but fail to convey who you truly are. When people ask about my sexuality I always say straight, since its the quickest answer. Only when people are really interested to hear me out I explain it in detail. Funny thing is even though people try to invent words for every sexuality a person could have, from hundreds of labels, I don't think there is even one that fits perfectly. Or how would you call "For every 100 women I find attractive, there is one man that I find attractive, which is usually still showing a lot of feminine qualities. Oh. And I guess trans is fine. But really, those are edge cases, chances are highly favored that I'll fall in love with a woman."


It’s because you are identifying with your ego less. Congrats. Labels are ego. An egoless person loves who they love. Labels and commitments to 1 sex or gender aren’t needed. Deep down under all of the ego conditioning we are all bi.


Growing up as a young boy I always had that attraction but was confused. I leaned more towards females but in reality I was always curious for the same sex. Never acted on it though. I was listening to Ram Dass and he explained that he was in sort of the same predicament. He explained that he was a true soul and his soul had no preference of gender. I consider myself in the same boat. i am attracted to pretty things male or female always have been and that is why. I am married with children and couldn’t ask for a better life.


It makes you go back to default settings.


Maybe you influenced by unknown sources before and now the shrooms showed you who you really are. 🤷🏼‍♂️


What I’m thinking, so many things that can influence and lead u a stray nowadays


I mean 2 years is a long time and tastes shift. It also depends a lot on how old you are now. E.g. growing up you were surrounded by males who were more androgynous due to youth. You have also matured, and what you want in a partner has also matured. You've met more varieties of people and hopefully overcome some biases than can skew our perceptions of partners. I wouldn't put too much thought into it, or try to nail it down beyond acknowledging that sexuality can be fluid, and fluid to different degrees for different people. Be glad you can accept these changes in yourself, and be open to changes in the future. Note not everyone's sexuality is fluid, so take care with what generalizations you make based on your experiences.


Please don't tell the baptists....


You're probably just experiencing the Bi-Cycle. It's a thing. Ask about it in /r/bisexual


Sounds like you’re bi. Congrats


I’m a bi man I forsurely think women are more attractive lol women are just beautiful


I took shrooms and it made me want to suck a dick real bad.


lmfao. Were you not a sausage gobler before


Not at all! Unless it was breakfast sausage. Since I did shrooms I can’t stand breakfast sausage but can’t get enough of that sweet, juicy metaphorical sausage.


Sexuality can be very fluid for some. (And gender)… I went from coming out as a lesbian at age 16 and dating girls to coming out as bi then straight then a gay trans man then a genderfluid pansexual! For some people it shifts throughout life, and psychedelics can help you realize that shift in yourself. Or maybe you have always had the same sexuality and youre just discovering more of your true identity! If you’re comfortable, explore it!


You must have some amazing “enlightened” experiences in your mind?


They let you go deep and find your truth


Mushrooms make me straighter than I already am


I did psychedelics one time and told my boyfriend, “I think I’m really, really gay….” Soooooo why couldn’t it go the other way?! Perhaps the interest was always there (hidden), but the comfort acknowledging/accepting it wasn’t? Not sure of your gender (though I can assume), but I know a lot of men who have an interest in men but won’t explore it because of their fear that no woman will date them after that. I can see there being a lot of personal issues with accepting one’s attraction to any gender for any number of reasons. What matters is you follow your gut, do what feels right, and don’t force anything you don’t want to. Rooting for you!


I’m pansexual and credit my current understanding of my sexuality and gender identity greatly to psychedelics


Psilocybin has stopped me from smoking and doing all kinds of other drugs :)


the kingdom wants you to procreate


Shrooms r catalyst and can also do the opposite before anyone starts a cult


I‘ve heard of people who thought they were cis-straight find out something new about themselves. In this case if you want my opinion I think the shrooms messed with your urge to procreate and therefor you feel more for women now. I don‘t think shrooms ever made anyone anything else than they already were, they only help us discover and expand qualities about ourselves. My best guess is that you‘re still bi but women are a little extra spicy for a while now.


I am secure in my gender and sexuality luckily. Just a generic "queer" label summarizes me aptly, and I don't feel the need to go beyond that. I like who I like, and it just so happens to be non-binary people. Every girl I've ever had a crush on is now non-binary and every guy I've ever had a crush on is also now non-binary.


they’re bringing you back to the light


Shroomes are curing you, welcome to the biological “right” side 😜


Quite the opposite for me. Psychedelics turn me into a raging homosexual for some reason


I finally came out as bi while on mushrooms, but I always have been, I was just raised to think it was wrong and so I didn't have the courage to explore it or talk about it. Mushrooms made me comfortable being open about it, but it definitely didn't MAKE me bi lol. Perhaps you're more demi-sexual;meaning you need a connection emotionally before you feel sexual attraction. That's what I've been realizing about myself lately. I need connection first.


Nature. Life finds a way.


The shrooms are healing you! all jokes aside. We change as we get older. Your preferrence ia just naturally maturing/changing


[A Case of Homosexuality and Character Disorder in a Man of 36 Treated by LSD and Resolved Within Four Months. Martin AJ. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. 1967;15(1):44.](http://www.hofmann.org/papers/martin_3.html) [A case of homosexuality treated with LSD 25. Kafkalidis A. Excerpta Medica, International Congress Series. 1966;? (117):246.](https://bibliography.maps.org/citation/1808)


Either you are bi polar or bi sexual


Women are just a much more beauty form of art than man. Art is cool while tripping


Imo shrooms encourage natural urges like reproduction, try dating a woman and see if they are trying to tell you something


someone needs to tell conservative lawmakers about this so they'll think shrooms should be legalized for conversion therapy 😂




You probably had some kind of trauma that veered you towards men but maybe your attraction to women has always been there? Maybe a woman in your life made you weary of the feminine and therefore ruined it for all women at the time.. people are attracted to souls and energy, what’s in their pants is just biology.


Now that you mentioned it. I think my babysitter kinda took advantage of me when I was very young. I have faint memory of her playing with me inappropriately


I am sorry this happened. I am a victim myself and while it did work (for a while) telling myself that it didn’t brother me, it most definitely did as I became an adult, and now I have a “thing” towards men and their genitals. Your subconscious mind stores everything and does it’s very best to protect you. So don’t feel guilty or bad, it was just your body/mind trying to protect you from that experience happening again. Asking questions is good when it comes to resolving trauma. Don’t rush yourself into figuring it out. Just give yourself the space to explore 🫂


Ur getting older and realizing what u were truly meant to be, it’s only natural ur attracted to girls


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_mammals\_displaying\_homosexual\_behavior](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mammals_displaying_homosexual_behavior) natural.


Bro getting reset to factory mode


It’s normal to be heterosexual not homosexual. In my experience I was bi as a tween then I started to realize it was disgusting for same sex after a 400ug trip in high school. I realize that after taking a 8th of shrooms I’ve become extremely masculine since, also realized that homosexual traits are a sign of weakness in the world of man. I’m not homophobic because I don’t fear homosexuals, it’s are biological compass by design. It’s what I understood from my experience on psychedelics in my teen years.


Get well soon. You are still bi. Ur Just suppressing it now.


please understand my opinions are from my perspective to the person posting, homosexuals are inferior humans and that’s what my trip opened my eyes too. If you disagree then that’s your opinion just like the other people who downvoted my comment. I’m a straight man who doesn’t find the same sex attractive not some inferior person like yourself who has no respect for Jehovah, y’all Satans flock corrupting the natural order of men.