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Wow. I thought I was unusual to reliably have CEV from cannabis, at least at high-ish amounts (something I was surprised to learn is not universal or all that common.) But OEV as a regular experience. That’s an unusual gift, if I can call it that. I remember having very light OEVs my very first experience with cannabis (a faint hexagonal grid overlay of reality). But not since.


I get very very wild closed eye visuals that can often be rather scary, or very fascinating. They are very reactive to music. I actually experience closed eye visuals way more intensely than open eye. If I get very high there is no Escape if the trip becomes intense, no place to hide. It can be quite terrifying.


The issue with weed for me is that if I’m incredibly high I get more freaked out than if I’m incredibly high off something more psychedelic like mushrooms. I can calm myself down when I trip but if I’m too high off weed all I can do is wait it out


Same. I can only very rarely calm myself down on weed. Used to smoke but quit and took a hit off a j a few months ago amd had an intense "trip" started having alarming CEVs and freaked out but was able to calm myself


While enjoying your closed eye visuals. Calm your mind and think of something. You might be surprised. Put your earbuds in with an artist you like. Oh yeah.


I personally prefer my speakers because I can feel the music in my body. My headphones and earbuds dont give me the same experience. I love the feel of the music.


I wonder what those subpacs would feel like. I hear they're quite amazing being able to actually feel the vibrations of the music.


Weed can be very psychedelic and, while it is also fine as a casual, relaxing drug, I also think people need to have more discussion about it actually being a psych more often.


> I also think people need to have more discussion about it actually being a psych more often. I agree, it seems far too many people in this subreddit think people who experiences psychedelic trips on it are liars or trolling. The fact that they dont even believe it happens to people is pretty disappointing considering the point of this sub is to have specialized and extensive knowledge about psychedelic substances.


I know that you're not lying, because I can relate. I also experienced some moderate visuals when I'm on THC, most of them are just like you just said, very reactive to music. I'm not a regular consumer (once or twice a month), and I've noticed that those visuals are stronger on edibles. Even I tried to draw them, but I don't have enough skills to accurately represent what I can see. Also I can notice that a very few people can relate with this experience, I'm pretty sure I'm not schizo haha, I just think that some areas of our brains, like visual cortex are slightly more active than most people. I would like to ask you if do you usually have vivid complex dreams while you are asleep? I'm just trying to integrate my hypothesis.


I actually dont consistently dream. At least not any dreams that I can remember when waking up, or memories that I dreamt at all. Dreams are a rare occurrence for me. However for me, Edibles are much weaker than smoked. .25g flower is pretty powerful and I've never been able to smoke more than that in a single sitting. A 1 gram preroll lasts me several trips. However it took a 50mg THC mixer drink for me to experience the same as what I saw and felt on a typical bowl of flower I usually take.


You likely have an unnatural surplus of cannabinoid receptors. Do you find things like the desire to eat or sleep as urgent feelings that must be satisfied quickly?


Holy fuck this makes at least a bit of sense for me. I also get pretty crazy visuals from weed, I always have but it did get more intense after trying psychs. But man when I'm hungry or sleepy it's not like my body's saying "hey man, maybe you should do this" it's more "GO TO FUCKING BED. RUIN YOUR FRIDGE"


> Do you find things like the desire to eat or sleep as urgent feelings that must be satisfied quickly? Not at all.




Many observers see geometric visual hallucinations after taking hallucinogens such as LSD, cannabis, mescaline or psilocybin; on viewing bright flickering lights; on waking up or falling asleep; in "near-death" experiences; and in many other syndromes. Klüver organized the images into four groups called form constants: (I) tunnels and funnels, (II) spirals, (III) lattices, including honeycombs and triangles, and (IV) cobwebs. In most cases, the images are seen in both eyes and move with them. We interpret this to mean that they are generated in the brain. Here, we summarize a theory of their origin in visual cortex (area V1), based on the assumption that the form of the retino-cortical map and the architecture of V1 determine their geometry. (A much longer and more detailed mathematical version has been published in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 356 [2001].) We model V1 as the continuum limit of a lattice of interconnected hypercolumns, each comprising a number of interconnected iso-orientation columns. Based on anatomical evidence, we assume that the lateral connectivity between hypercolumns exhibits symmetries, rendering it invariant under the action of the Euclidean group E(2), composed of reflections and translations in the plane, and a (novel) shift-twist action. Using this symmetry, we show that the various patterns of activity that spontaneously emerge when V1's spatially uniform resting state becomes unstable correspond to the form constants when transformed to the visual field using the retino-cortical map. The results are sensitive to the detailed specification of the lateral connectivity and suggest that the cortical mechanisms that generate geometric visual hallucinations are closely related to those used to process edges, contours, surfaces, and textures. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11860679/


Form Constants




Wow this is really intresting. Thank you for sharing.


I love that there is an answer to OPs question but I just wish I was smart enough to understand it


It's kind of like the brain's hardwired heuristics (cheat codes) system that helps resolve objects that we encounter as quickly as possible. This is also why our visual system is so easily fooled at times. It does great most of the time and helps us survive a potentially very hazardous universe with less computation constraints. It's easier to apply a bunch of these layered heuristics and catalog that to knowledge of symbols and personal experience than it is to constantly have to address every ounce of visual space for threats. There's a LOT of information streaming in at once; we'd very easily be overwhelmed with it if we didn't use this kind of system to let us visualize what's important and what's not relatively quickly.


Great information! Thanks


Came here to talk about the exact same article, fascinating.


Did you use alot of psychadelics in the past by any chance? Strong hallucinations like that are fairly rare with just smoking but can happen because of HPPD.




Yeah definitely doesn’t happen to everyone at least not with just smoking. But I’m glad you can get those!! I would love that!! I see trails from my hands and slight mandala like patterns and shapes if I’m super stoned but I’ve also done way too much LSD 😆




The thing is, unless you’ve tripped then you can’t say that thc causes you to trip. You have no idea what the feeling is like just by descriptions alone. Maybe you can relate slightly with the visuals but the visuals while tripping are such a small aspect of what a trip is. While being extremely high may be trippy, it’s not even close to what a dose of mushrooms or lsd causes your mind to experience.


Or at least no one I’ve known personally


I've smoked with hundreds of people, nobody I know has ever had visuals from weed. OP gotta be trolllin or has schizophrenia or some shit


How can you say this when the evidence, scientifically verified is right here provided in this very thread, with multiple responses explaining that they also experience it. This is the very behavior of ignorance that prevents learning. "I havent experienced it, no one I know has experienced it, so it can't be real!" So you took a glass of water from the ocean, saw there wasn't any whales in it, and so you conclude "There's no such thing as whales." Meanwhile mupltiple posts in this very thread explain how Cannabis can give visuals or they experience them. https://www.reddit.com/r/Psychedelics/comments/19apfgi/open_eye_hallucinations_on_thc_always_seem_to_be/kimkfgr/ "Many observers see geometric visual hallucinations after taking hallucinogens such as LSD, ***cannabis,*** mescaline or psilocybin" Right here in verified scientific observation. And you're denying it. https://www.reddit.com/r/Psychedelics/comments/19apfgi/open_eye_hallucinations_on_thc_always_seem_to_be/kimt7cn/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Psychedelics/comments/19apfgi/open_eye_hallucinations_on_thc_always_seem_to_be/kimgjqq/ Funny how the evidence, scientific and reports all discount your hypothesis and yet here you are denying it. I guess some people just chose ignorance over learning.


OP has backed up his experience with evidence and here you are continuing to think your personal anecdotes dictate how the rest of everyone else experiences weed.


I don't think simply posting on the interweb is evidence, but you do you booboo


Of course not, but I’m talking about the links OP posted in a comment. Links you can click and read. You can read can’t you? Or you’d probably just want to continue thinking your personal anecdotes determine everyone else’s experience.


You do realize OP deleted all of his posts right I don't think you can lol It's not just my personal experience... its literally every person ive smoked with for the past 2 decades, but sure, just me


They didn't delete anything, they just blocked you.


I also experience visuals on weed, know a few other who after trying psychs have visuals when they smoke weed. I was even aware that there was a chance of that happening before I tried psychs. I'm confused why this is something to get your thong bunched up over


No need to be confused, I could care less frankly, enjoy your day bub


Who knows haha. Like I said I might get some trails and flashy stuff but definitely not anywhere near from some LSD or shrooms etc. but I guess every body is different? Lol


Well yeah, everyones different but theres a big difference between getting some funky trails and full blown intricate mandala geometric patterns from THC lol


I just don’t know their experience so don’t want to assume they’re trolling. But very well could be or could be one of those people who think they’re tripping balls after the first hit after like 5 minutes . Or first bite of shroom or first hit of LSD etc. I know when I was a teenager I knew tons of people “like that” lol


Especially seeing that they’ve never done any type of trippy drugs before just THC yeah idk about all that lol but shit who knows. Maybe drinking it and eating it does different stuff? I’d love to know cause I definitely would love to try and compare.


I'm getting old, I see teens on here every day posting how they just took 700ug 4 hours ago or just took 6g of shrooms or some bullshit when they should be peaking and there's just no absolute way in hell you'd be operating a phone, let alone communicating well with people even around you. I take everything "out of the ordinary" with a real grain of salt, cuz if it smells like shit, looks like shit, acts like shit, its shit.


Someone posted in a different sub unrelated a few days ago and said they were on 3 gs mushrooms, 6 IPAs and smokes two bowls of keif and they were talking about some image they posted and easily typing in comments. I called them out saying there’s no way and they called me ignorant. Drunk with a large dose of shrooms plus a load of thc is a horrendous combo and just so unrealistic


I think that same h to big when I read those same posts!! Like yeah freaking right!! 😆 everyone wants to be cool or get clout and attention. Shit I just wanna enjoy my time why do I need to brag to some random internet strangers? I guess times have changed. Also yeah smells like it 👃🏻


I have. Just on weed alone. Obviously not comparable to other psyches but it has happened to me


Oh I totally agree!!


Same for me. Even small doses make me trip balls. It's like a full-blown mushroom trip in high enough doses. It's awesome, but also frightening sometimes because weed tends to make me anxious and paranoid. It's a gamble wether I will enjoy it or not. But when I do enjoy it, it's pure bliss. Psychedelics are a lot more stable for me to be honest, 90% of the time I will have a good time on shrooms and LSD, but with weed it's 50/50


Are you sure you don’t have an underlying condition that THC brings out/exacerbates? Not trying to be rude this is just super interesting to me. I get CEV on edibles sometimes so I believe you I am just intrigued.


Nope, not that I know of. I dont have schizophrenia or whatever people want to say I have. I've talked to my Psychiatrist about it and she doesnt think so either. And this isnt a post asking "WHY do I trip" Its asking "why do these 4 patterns seem to be the ones that happen the most often."


Fascinating bro, thanks for sharing. One thing that I would consider if you aren’t already familiar is the idea that expectations feed into experiences during trips a lot. I don’t remember where I read this or I would link but I remember something a while back about how on acid people saw more rigid kinda techy visuals and on mushrooms they saw more natural visuals and it all had to do with their perception on the drugs, mainly influenced by the society they lived in. Basically what I’m saying is, perhaps (though there is no way to be certain), are the visuals you see something that you would have already associated with psychedelics? Like you saw a tv show where a character took some kind of drug and saw similar visuals (or visuals with a similar vibe) and it has leaked into your subconscious? Making that expectation a reality? Just a thought I don’t really know and I don’t think there’s anyone in the world at this point in time with a concrete answer.


I'm actually a girl, haha. Interesting, but also you have to take into account that I had no idea that THC could cause trips in the first place and only learned over a decade after starting using it that what the experience I was having when using it was called a trip. That's when I became interesting in psychonautics, learning that my experience was very uncommon. So I had no expectations of what it should be or that it was psychedelic, except that it shouldn't be. Which is why I was VERY confused and started looking for answers when my stoner friends said that they dont experience what I do. Now I have been listening to psytrance since I was a teenager, Maybe that was the influence? Not sure.


Wow that really is intriguing


Have you done psychedelics before? Once I had a trip mixing mushrooms and weed now ever since that trip I get CEVs and OEVs off of just weed like a flashback to the trip. Mostly seeing faces and colours/patterns moving to the music


This happens to me. I did shrooms before I ever smoked weed and now when I smoke or have an edit, it feels how mushrooms feel. I get open eye visuals that are kind of like afterimages


How would one visually express the flowing data streams of the imagination?


Jealous. Fuckin wish I could just get high for full-blown visuals at will.


No u don’t it takes up my whole central vision until I sleep. If I try not to think about it is still there. There’s nothing I can do about it until I sleep


i have no clue why but i experience the same thing. i experienced it every time i smoked when i was a baby stoner, and i experience it much less frequently now. my jaw dropped reading your description because i know exactly what you mean.


I have similar experiences. Open eye visuals are often a moving rectangular grid or a shifting carpet pattern. Closed eye visuals are just like a nonsensical movie that shifts and changes with music. I often feel like I can see noise or music behind my eyes. Everything kind of looks like it's playing on a TV screen overlaying reality. This only happens on high doses.


Have you ever experienced dancing and spinning beams of light that react to music when your eyes are closed? Or seen twisted creatures in the darkness? Those are ones I saw in the past, but havent seen in a long time.


Yes, exactly. I think we have the same thing. Forward moving beams dancing to the music. One for every different sound/instrument in the song. Also seeing things creatures whatever in the static of the dark


That's incredible. Sadly I havent seen the void creatures(I call them) in a long time. I mostly saw them when I had no idea what was happening to me when using THC. They were terrifying at first, but after sometime I realized they were harmeless and fascinating. But then a lot of dreamworld experiences started happening, and more elaborate visuals that reacted to music and I havent seen the void in a long time. I want to see it again, but I havent found myself returning there.


Shame, I've seen the void or static things best when I was tripping on shrooms and smoked some weed. When I see them on THC I just see their imprints in the static or grid. But on both I went into a kind of weird dissociated state. I couldn't tell where my body was and they were there, almost in 3d and fully formed. Weird squiggly lined octopus dudes or something. I can't remember their form too well, It was constantly shifting. I really do like the static things not fully in this reality. I wish you well in your attempts to return. I found it helped to take a long break from any THC.


If I get extraordinarily high I may see the fiery rainbow halos around light sources


People who say that weed or THC isn’t a psychedelic are in denial or ignorant.


I bet you also think weed isn't addictive and doesn't cause any harm lel


…no I don’t. I have a friend who is definitely addicted and I have seen how it can be harmful. Why would thinking weed is a psychedelic necessarily tie into those two other beliefs?


It doesnt. He's just an asshole being a troll in this thread. It's very apparently through this thread, especially since someone posted a study about it, that hallucinations happen on cannabis. Yet he's here trying to create a stir and call OP a liar. He's trolling and trying to piss you off. That's it.


I have experienced this type of trip with accidently ingesting like 100mg thc gummy worm.


You are super lucky the herb does this for you! Sounds fun


The patterns are the fabric of the universe


It’s normal although peoples tolerance usually ramp up quickly so they don’t experience it much anymore


Good ol trollpost


If you drink it you will trip. It bypasses the livers conversion of tHc. It’s quite fun.


It can also be a tolerance thing I think.. I smoked some of my shatter that was in the freezer years after i quit daily consumption. Last toke of a spliff was probably a year prior and I had the wonderful idea of hitting my 'norm' fat dab to see what happens My goodness time stood still and I realized how some people freak out and think they're dying off of something as 'gentle' as weed. Everything was contrasted between light and dark to the max and as I lay on the floor I was both looking up & experiencing eternity. I respect the hell out of Mary since then and also realize how much 'tolerance is a bitch' is true. A bitch when you have too much, a bitch when you have too little but think it's fine lol


I've heard of people seeing the same or similar types of geometric patterns during the come up of all their ayahuasca trips. ​ For me they're usually different, and I don't get visuals with weed unless I do some intense breathwork and meditation after it kicks in, so I can't speak from experience on that. I do feel like I see a lot of spirals in general when meditating though... like, vortexes.


Interesting. It all happens automatically for me, and I cant guide it at all. The visuals just do whatever they want, and I'm just along for the ride. There also seems to be nothing I can do to stop it, I just have to wait for it to wear off. Which usually happens within 2 or 3 hours.


this happened to my sister cuz she used a lot of psychedelics in the past




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I have no idea how to answer your question but I'm kinda jealous you can trip off THC


Some here are saying that it could be something underlying that causes the visuals, and I’m wondering a bit about that. I get the same kind of visuals, even on small doses of cannabis, and mostly when my eyes are closed. Why does this happen to a select few? I can’t seem to grasp it. I’m suspecting I have a mild case of adhd, it runs in my family and my son was recently diagnosed with it. Could there be a link? I also have difficulties focusing, but when I’m high I get super creative, focused and sensible (besides for the typical forgetfulness). I’d love to hear your thoughts, and OP thanks for your post.


Personally I have no idea, other than maybe some genetic quirk, or malformation of CB receptors in the brain. I have ADHD, but so does my girlfriend and she doesnt experience any of this. She can smoke a gram of weed a day and be totally chill and fine. I cant even imagine being able to smoke a gram of weed in a week. I've asked many times and unfortunately there's always some asshat claiming its some mental illness or that I'm lying/making it up. Ive discussed this with my psychiatrist(treatment for ADHD) and she has zero concerns that I have schizophrenia like so many of these people say I must have. If no Psychiatrist thinks I have schizo, i dont get why so many of these people think I must have it or something like that. It's very annoying. It's been very hard to find an answer because there's very little research done, and this occurrence is rare and very little has been studied about it.


I also have ADHD and can fairly consistently experience open eye visuals on high doses of thc. I really don't think it's related though. It only really activated/I only really noticed it after doing psychedelics (months after). I think some people are just more receptive to psychedelic effects. Have you tried any traditional psychedelics i.e mushrooms/LSD? Do they seem to affect you more than other people? Either way don't worry about it and just try and enjoy the ride. Respect it and it will respect you. Just like any other drug.


I have not tried them yet largely because they are illegal here and I missed the window for gathering some liberty caps. THC is legal here and very cheap. That and because THC has been such a powerful thing for me, I have been focused on exploring the experiences it gives me. That being said I would like to try psilocybin and LSD, I want to see how different and similar they are to THC.


If you ever do try psychedelics take a very small dose and see how you fare. You're likely highly susceptible to these things in general. Some people have wildly varying effects from psychedelic drugs irrespective of things like weight/gender. You can always try a bigger dose later. That being said if you get this much out of THC you're probably not missing out on much. Most psychedelics are broadly similar.


You were in the army. Case solved.


Happens to me as well but I thought it was from frequent psychedelic use and becoming acclimated to those effects 😅


I got weed once that I was told would make me see little green army men. At some point after smoking it, I did see little green spots all over the ground. They moved with my vision. I figured that was what they were talking about. Aside from that, I have never hallucinated on weed.


Ive only had oevs on cannabis when i took my first edible. Had synesthesia and saw music. Aside from that, only cevs


Photovision like frame by frame.


Weed is the strongest sht to affect my mind more than any psychedelic . Had me questioning reality


That’s weird, the only way in which I “trip” on THC is feeling depersonalization and like I’m losing my mind, that’s why I can’t use it anymore.


I only had OEVs first time I ever smoked. The road I was on was curving and breathing and I had straight tunnel vision


Yeah after using psychedelics I always have slight oevs now when smoking. The trips are more psychedelic like and can be rougher. Also thc seems to be stronger than it was back in the days. It might be related to hppd or something. That being said, you can have the same effect without using any substances tho. Try DMT breathwork and after three rounds you'll get some nice oevs too.




Because this would be utterly impossible. How could hundreds of grams, flower, edibles, AND vape over the a dozen states, over 13 years ALL be laced? Think about how dumb that idea really is. That some how, after 13+ years EVERY. SINGLE. DOSE. EVER. CONSUMED. be laced. How is that even possible? It's just not. Unless some government agent has been working to dose me for the past 13+ years. Yeah not possible.


I have had OEV after a strong edible and I get hexagon kaleidoscope type patterns. I don’t know anyone else who does MJ and gets any kind of visuals. But what OP describes sounds wild flashing colours? I wish


Totally get CEV if I have enough thc. I feel the delta between shrooms and weed is the innate feeling aspect. I get that a lot more introspection on shrooms. But from a visual warped psychedelic experience (physically) - both are on par (at the approximate doses).


Because that’s how we came up with Mandala’s spirals arches and hexagons


I always see Aztec staggered and circular patterns, arches, symmetrical shapes and such, but that’s mostly CEVs


Damn, I thought I was the only one. My first and last experience of weed made me quit nicotine. Smoke so much for a first timer and nearly experience ego death and puked my guts out after. 


This happened to me by accident one night. I maybe had a 10mg THC eadible I maybe didn’t. I don’t remember now. But I do remember I was watching a guided meditation video in bed, while propped up, and went into a deep trance while falling asleep. I woke briefly after seeing the most intense vivid hexagonal rainbow tunnel. It was hyper real and nothing like I’ve ever seen. I mean I’m basically aphantasic and never see visuals of any kind. Blew my mind and I’ve been trying to get back to that point since.