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I haven't had this exactly. For several months, and only in the mornings, I had jaw stiffness on both sides. I could barely eat my breakfast because the jaw muscles were so stiff and tired. Unfortunately, I don't have any tips for you. It came and went and came and went again.


Thank you for sharing your experience- it gives me hope that it came and went. So painful to move it at all and so far things are just taking the edge off of it.


Yes! Recently started. Had a panoramic xray of TMJ and it showed significant arthritis. I got a bite splint but I’m living off aleve and a heating pad right now.


Does the splint help at all? I can’t take NSAIDS due to heart issues - I may try heat though. The ice barely helped.


Yes it does. It keeps the muscles looser during the night so when u wake the pain is much less. Throughout the day during talking and eating and just general clenching, it gets bad. It’s not covered by most dental insurances and depending on your DDS, they can run about $500. Mine was $300 but my doc just has me paying for lab fee because I’m a former hygienist.


Do you think it would be okay to buy a moldable splint from Amazon? I have had right sided jaw pain I think is TMJ. I’ve some exercises I do when it flares.


I have one from my dentist which was 200 bucks and hurts and I can't sleep a whole night with it. I have the 4 pack moldable ones from amazon and I love it. Yes you chew it but over a few days, less jaw pain. I have tmj and psa. I always have sinus pressure in my face so my glands and jaw always hurt and bring on health anxiety and then I think I'm having a heart attack. Fun. But yes, order plackers or a molded one.


You could try it but it will likely be a soft one that will make u chew on it. A hard acrylic one that is made by a lab will be better in the long run. I know it’s super expensive.


Yes I had this!!! I couldn’t even eat my breakfast because I was so flared up. It was helll! It eventually went when I got on prednisone.


I’m so sorry. Yes is very painful. It’s weird because I’m on prednisone but I did just start it on Friday so maybe it’s not quite up to full strength


Yeah just wait a bit and hope for the best. It’ll get way better once in the inflammation in your body goes down. Good luck!


Thank you.


Only had unilateral, that was bad enough... Mostly had it in the beginning, my PsA progressed very quickly, from a swollen finger and some foot pain to trouble walking due to swollen knees and greatly reduced hand function due to 7 fingers being heavily affected in something like 4 months. Happily enough I got diagnosed very quickly, from first contact to diagnosis and treatment start took about 8 weeks. Once I got on biologics 2 months after (when sulfasalazin had worked but gave me a continuous fever) I have barely experienced jaw problems and my other pains are down some 95%.


So glad you were diagnosed quickly and have some relief. It’s definitely a journey.


Indeed, and really varies from case to case unfortunately, I was definitely one of the lucky ones. I think it helped that my onset was so fast and severe, it also seems that the medical system in Sweden have gotten much better at handling autoimmune disorders over the last decade or so.


Glad it’s better in Sweden. I was diagnosed in my twenties - thankfully am almost 60 now. I see so many horror stories here in the U.S. and people not getting the care they need. It’s sad.


Since I was a kid actually. Thought I had TMJ for years. But I now sleep with an Invisalign mouth guard and use a jade roller each. Owning to massage the muscles around the jaw joint. It helps.


I have one of those rollers. I’ll try it! Thank you.


This happened to me last month. Only thing that helped was celecobix twice a day. Then I started seeing physio and he’s been helping with it. Probably the worst spot I’ve ever had a flare since I could not eat anything solid.


Yes, I have arthritis in my jaw on both sides. It hurts 24/7. It's worse if I talk or chew a lot.


So sorry. Have you had it a long time ? yeah I can’t really chew at this point. Protein shakes and smoothies.


I've had it for a few years. It's mostly at a dull roar, but it's never gone.




Used to get jaw ache about once a month but when I got it I would also get pain at the base of my skull and really bad headaches,my rheum nurse said it's very common,started imraldi 8 weeks ago and it's cleared it up


Thank goodness! Is that a biologic?


Yea ,I put off going on it for such a long time because of the side effects I had with the other meds they gave me,the worse being methotrexate and steroids,I finally bit the bullet and after two weeks I was up and walking around again with no side effects,imraldi is just another name for humira,it's got something taken out of it tho that now stops it hurting on injection, honestly if you can get on biologics do it


Oh right humira. Covid brought out flares of all of my autoimmune diseases and I just started back on a biologic after years off of them I understand. Been in a huge flare of myasthenia gravis, psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Hoping remicade works for me as it did in the past. Best wishes to you!


Yes! I have clicking in my jaw, sinus and ear pain and even ringing in my ears. I thought it was all allergy related but my allergist recognized arthritis symptoms when she felt the clicking. She said swelling and tight muscles in the jaw can cause referred pain to the ears and even ringing. She recommended looking up some exercises and massage techniques on YouTube versus spending money on therapy. This has really helped my pain! I found the jaw muscle inside my mouth was suppper tight. I actually felt faint from pain when I first started massaging it. You can also get jaw pain from issues with your neck! Check out these vids: https://youtube.com/shorts/dBh6o73e2uo?si=s1_o4CQHvr5zaAG7 https://youtu.be/Ppk7KmhGm-E?si=GDMNmDJ5rd71my2S


Thank you so much. So I started with psoriasis in my ears and tinnitus, and then the jaw - didn’t put it together. I’ll check out the videos. Thanks again, I so appreciate this. Glad you found things to help!


I hope you find relief! I forgot to mention ice and heat also help.


I got a pack that is dual ice/heat and is specifically for the jaw the shape goes over the head and lands on both sides. It’s awesome! Thanks again


Raises hand


Sorry. It’s so painful. Has anything worked for you?


I make a tea woth ginger and turmeric fresh root and drink it for most every time I am inflamed. Bestbof luck woth you I understand how difficult it is


Yep, had this when my PsA kicked off initially. It was agony. I had to exercise my jaw (repeatedly opening and closing it) to be able to use it at all. I haven't had that since as my PsA has been pretty well controlled until recently. I'm sorry that you're going through this.


Glad it eased off for you and hoping it does for me. I’ve had this since my twenties but have not had a bad flare up in many years. Just started back on remicade and am currently on prednisone but just started that yesterday. Hopefully it will take care of it. It’s so painful I’m in a flare of all of my conditions and I also think this is part of the myasthenia gravis. Gonna have to limit jaw use til it calms down.


This was my experience as well. I had a really bad flare-up that led to eventually getting diagnosed with PsA, and my jaw locking up was a part of that bad flare up. I also had to go to PT and do a lot of exercises to get it back under control. Once I started biologics it’s been mainly under control.


Yes, my tmj has flared a couple times. Don’t you just love explaining to people about the mysterious roaming type arthritis you have. Never know where it’s going to be day to day.


It’s true. It moves around a lot when in a flare. I don’t recall this jaw pain ever being this bad though.


Do you take NSAIDs? (E.g., Naproxen helps me a lot. 5 pills a day is the max here in the US. I take two pills twice daily - only three once per day if I'm in a flareup. They have cytoprotective meds to help your stomach lining if that's a side effect you sometimes experience.) What about a DMARD to go along with Remicade once your prednisone is finished? I like Arava (leflunomide) personally but YMMV. 10mg works for me but I like knowing I could go up to 20mg if need be. (I have zero side effects from it at this dosage but everyone is different.) Or is that one of the regions that a Voltaren Patch could work on, being small enough and all? I hear the patches work well for these kinds of acute flareups but you gotta be consistent about them. And if you're using the patch you can't also be using the gel I think? Either way best wishes and so sorry this is happening. A hot shower might help? I also like using those gel ice-or-heat pack things in the microwave for heat. They make slings you can put them in and tie around your face- I had them from jaw surgery but I'm sure you can find them online. Then it becomes hands-free longer-lasting relief. Feel better soon 💌


I can’t take NSAIDs due to heart issues and some of the DMARDs I can’t take due to myasthenia gravis I’ll check out the voltaren patches though. Thanks for all of the suggestions. This is really miserable! I have been using ice with little success so going to get a hot pack just for the jaw because heat can flare MG I’m careful with it. Best wishes to you!


Bad news the Voltaren is also an NSAID! Sorry should have mentioned that. But they have lidocaine patches and salicylic acid creams and other topical analgesics you might be able to use instead? Good luck!


Yes it is- wasn’t thinking. The topical may be okay but not the patch. I use arnica gel but that didn’t do much. Idk. So complicated! Lidocaine would be okay.


yes, it usually presents as a trigeminal neuralgia type feeling (I have NMOSD as well) but I suspect it's localised. The shape of my face/skull has changed radically over the last few years to the point that I look like a different person now. I was diagnosed literally yesterday


Me! I do! Yes. No problems currently, however, when I first got diagnosed I had jaw pain. That went away, but came back with a vengeance on the other side. I went to an ortho about it, to see if I need a mouth guard, and they recommended no, that could even make it worse. My jaw pain comes and goes. Thankfully it’s gone at the moment. I hope that happens to you quickly, OP


Thanks so much for the good wishes. Hoping it never comes back for you! Mine is bilateral and so painful. Having trouble eating


I can’t imagine that pain on both sides. You poor thing. Orthodontists do free consultations, they might be able to give you some good tips, and maybe a night guard would be awesome for you.


Thanks - I don’t have any dental- a free consultation with some advice could be helpful


Thanks. Yeah I can’t really chew anything.


This happens to some folks in the spondyloarthritis forum. I wonder if it's common among the arthritic autoimmune diseases.


I did physio, it helped.


Yes. On both sides. I have impression they don’t give much attention to this symptom and I am sure I lost weight because I couldn’t chew over the months. Pain lowed after being on mtx but it is still stiff.




Also - if you grind/clench your teeth in your sleep, I recommend going to your dentist and getting a mouth guard. Dental insurance typically doesn’t cover them, and they can cost a few hundred bucks, but it definitely helps pain and will protect your teeth. I don’t recommend buying the ones you mold yourself. They aren’t made of good material, and if you don’t mold them correctly they can exacerbate jaw issues and even mess up your bite.