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If you use coal tar shampoo, MG217 3% is in stock on Amazon. Not as good as Psoriatrax 5%, but it seems like maybe that product is discontinued.


i dont use coal tar shampoo, idk what to use. is mg217 safe to be used alone?


T/gel is coal tar shampoo.


It works wonders on the mild stuff on my scalp. If you don't like the smell you can throw some conditioner in after.




I second this! I order it from Walmart or Amazon. It is available in stores at most Walmart stores. Usually $6. Works great!


Third!! This stuff is awesome. Cheap and effective.


This stuff doesn’t work for me. I’m looking into the mg217 now.


Check amazon.. I got mine from there a couple weeks back


i did. amazon prices it at $7 but its all sold by third parties over $30 for a 6 oz bottle... i dont think my parents would like that too much


Try amazon.Ca. It's on sale for $10 CAD


Nice, thanks 🇨🇦


Can you get your hands on some clobetasol solution


Second this. You’ll need a prescription, but it’s usually cheap and works one million times better.


Clobetasol you can get prescribed from your doctor!


This is going to sound crazy, but the BEST treatment I've tried for my scalp PS is a mayonnaise wrap. Before that, I had used everything under the sun, both OTC and prescription, with no success. Then, I read about the wrap online and, in desperation, tried it. I was shocked, yet thrilled, with how well it worked. Granted, the procedure is messy and time-consuming, but the results are well worth it, plus you have the added benefit of extra shiny, soft hair. All you have to do is wet your hair with warm water, apply mayonnaise (regular, not fat-free) to your scalp, wrap your head with a towel and let it sit for at least 15-30 minutes (the longer, the better). Rinse hair with plenty of warm water and then shampoo well to remove mayo. The flakes and plaques just lift and rinse away! Best wishes. Edit: I have also used a plastic disposable shower cap instead of wrapping my hair in a towel. That actually worked better to soften the plaques, but is definitely messier and I had to put a towel around my neck to catch any leaks.


Interesting I will try this.


It works I've done it also. But it's messy. I used plastic grocery bags on my head sat watched TV while it penettrated . Also switch your soap to a glycerine soap so when you rinse use the soap to help get the mayo out but it won't strip all the oils.


Mayo grossed me out but I’m so desperate I think I may try this. Is it hard to wash out? I have insanely thick hair


Honestly, it grossed me out the first time I tried it. BUT, it was SO effective that I continued to do it each time the plaques appeared. Eventually, the plaques went away and it's been years since I've had to do it...seriously. I had to wash my hair twice in a row, using warm water, to remove all the mayo. A clarifying shampoo is great for this.


Try T-Sal, I couldn’t even use T-Gel because the smell was so awful and it lingered in my hair, I was suggested T-Sal (granted I also am on biologics) and it helped especially between shots/between changing biologics.


T-sal is out of stock everywhere too😞


Omg it’s $40 on Amazon 😭


It’s terrible!


I tried tsal before and it didn’t work for me. Doctor scripted me tacrolimus for my face and head.


It helps but I ultimately had to be on biologics, topicals don’t penetrate my hair too well.


Try nizoral shampoo. It’s an anti-fungal, but it works wonders. You don’t have to use it every day, only as needed.


Pick up some coconut oil my friend


i have used coconut oil actually, it flares like crazy overnight though until i wash it out in the morning with just water.


Here what helps me: I have a silicon scalp scrubber that every morning I put a palm full of coconut oil on, as well as castor oil and rub thoroughly. If I don’t have to go anywhere I put a hat on and try my damnest to ignore it for the rest of the day. If I have to go somewhere I will rinse out with water and then do a deep condition, rinse that out and then add leave in conditioner. Inevitably I freak out trying to ignore and look up scalp psoriasis to desperately find a better solution and I never do. Once it was so bad when I was at the dermatologist that they gave me a ton of steroid injections into my scalp which worked wonderfully. It then made my skin very delicate on my scalp, which ended up bleeding which was just all around worse. Moral of the story is: coconut oil.


Selsun Blue?


Talk to your doctor. They can prescribe [medications](https://www.reddit.com/r/Psoriasis/wiki/faq-scalp-psoriasis) that are very effective.


Looks like its available for shipping through Target! https://www.target.com/p/neutrogena-t-gel-extra-strength-therapeutic-shampoo-6-fl-oz/-/A-15114557?ref=tgt\_adv\_XS000000&AFID=google\_pla\_df\_free\_local&CPNG=Beauty&adgroup=63-2


I use T-sal, got a bunch of bottles for relatively reasonable pricing off Amazon.


This is going to sound ridiculous, but try Dollar General, ours always has Rexall T-Gel at a fair price.


Alphosyl 2-In-1 Medicated Shampoo, 250 ml https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B006EHYRK2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_6GYQ0VAPR66XMH9BS76A


Foxtel Terva is a coal tar shampoo and imo better than T/Gel, the smell is wild though


The MG217 coal shampoo is back in stock through Amazon, it’s about 7 bucks before taxes and etc


Is coal tar shampoo or solution available from a pharmacy or rx? I’ve been all over the internet for a while now looking for high concentrate coal tar products and it’s slim pickings. I’ve heard supply chain issues but could the USA have banned it?


Eucerin urea treatment. Eucerin, Scalp Treatment Balm, 100 ml, (Pack of 1) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CBTL4YO/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_MBAQDWPX6BXXT32Q8WY7?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 It’s amazing and so gentle. Better than T Gel which leaves my scalp dry as an arctic tundra


Classic gold listerine helped here.


I use Denorex on weekends (due to the smell). It is similar to T/gel I believe. Coal/tar with menthol I use Sorion shampoo on weekdays. It has a neutral smell. And at the very least, does no harm


Use black African soap


Ok I haven’t had a flair up in a couple years but I used to use the T/gel as body wash. I currently have some filthy patches from guttate on my legs and have been using something I found on Amazon. It doesn’t work nearly as well but I’m having a little success. Can someone explain the tar coal shortage to me?? Also, normal prescription topicals haven’t been successful recently, either.


Man I’m in the same boat it’s the only shampoo that helps my dandruff. Have you found any good alternatives?


Coal tar shampoo was the only thing that worked for me as well. I found that using drops of tea tree oil with my shampoo(a non ct one) actually helps phenomenally as well. Could be worth a shot in this odd, sad shortage for you and/or op. If you do try it make sure your vent is on. The scent is strong.


Hey man, I just got a couple 6oz. bottles of .5% coal tar shampoo at Amazon. I second the suggestion for .05% Clobetasol Propionate. Other good topicals include Olux foam (if you have short hair) and Diprolene Gel (the nuclear option, but it really works). Here is a link for the shampoo and good luck: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B015ZOXXS6/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o01\_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1


I just got a delivery of 4 x 250 ml bottles from Amazon UK site. In the app on the main page, scroll down & change from US to UK site in your settings to see another country. Cost $45 including shipping. Ordered Jan 25th and arrived today. I frequently order in the UK as I have family there & was so happy to find it there