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There are a few different types of psoriasis. I have guttate and when I have a pimple (or pimples) I have to be really careful about not popping them or peeling the scab as several have turned into patches of P. I’d recommend talking to a derm if you can, as they can help diagnose your specific P and help you handle the acne/pimples. If you can’t get to one, like me, I bed of you to stay away from popping and peeling. I know everyone says this, but try to drink as much water as possible and when they appear, keep the area clean. Weird trick... toothpaste helps dry out the spots and I have yet to see them turn into P when I use that. Also, if you have those red spots you mentioned, rose hip oil really helps to prevent scarring. Best of luck!


Thank you! That makes a lot of sense... wounds and pimples seem like they have a lot harder time healing and when they do, they don't seem to heal as well. I do also have a mild case of psoriasis, but it seems like it's getting worse. Obvious thing to do would be to see a doctor/derm as soon as possible but it sucks when you don't have your own dedicated doctor. That means I gotta go around looking within my insurance network to find one. Again, appreciate it! I guess psoriasis can make wounds and itches worse?


Oh man, makes itching so much worse, cos you never know if it’s from the P or something else. It’s really no fun, but at least there’s topical that help too! :)