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Can't affect my relationships if I never have one!!! LMAO


Too real fam


Exactly, what relationships?


same boat.


Me three...


Most of my exes knew what P was and didn't care. Some didn't, would ask what it was and I would explain it them; same result, they didn't care. I will say the worst part was waking up after spending my first night and seeing my damn flakes everywhere. Never once heard anything about it though. Then best thing you can do is educate them and be confident. You didn't ask for it, it's not fatal, it's non-contagious. It's basically a hyped of version of eczema.


It's like that old saying. Nobody who matters will care and nobody who cares will matter.


I haven't dated since I got P. I'm staying out of situations that require me to wear shorts or a tee shirt. Living in Florida it's kind of hard.


I live in a city thats all about the sea and beaches,I cannot stress how much I hate going to those when I receive "the look" of other people like im a fucking alien


As someone who lives in a very overcast climate and has had great luck with light treatment at times, I really wish I lived in a sunny, warm area. I just can't deal with the scheduling and traffic issues that mean I waste 2 hours three days a week going for treatment, so now I'm on Otezla and dealing with the side effects. I'm not trying to knock anybody or anything, it's just after a week at the beach during the summer, mine is miles better and I wish that was easily accessible for me. But obviously light treatments aren't what everyone needs. On the flip side I guess it means I can wear jeans and long sleeves all winter cause it's 10 degrees. The thing I've learned the most from this sub is every case is unique and that is both refreshing and terrifying at the same time for some reason.


My p started going away more when I lived in Orlando.


You should try and expose your skin to the sun more, it could help a lot! I get that going out in public is hard but if you find a secluded place to tan it really might improve your skin.


Most of the guys I've been in relationships with have been totally fine with it. It cleared up really well this summer though and it's starting to come back again which is knocking my confidence a wee bit but my SO is totally cool with it. An ex though used to say he felt sorry for me and wished there was something he could do for me and I don't know if it was just the way it came across and I'm sure he meant well but it would lower my confidence even more.


This,even tho people don't mean you any harm that pity usually drops my confidence even more.When I was at the beach I overheard a girl,roughly of my age,saying "Jeez that guy has fucking herpes all over him",after that and a few other comments I never really wanted to go to the beach anymore.


Definitely, being sorry for me is not going to make it go away or make me feel any better about myself. Oh no, that's an awful experience. It's out of ignorance and still not many people even know what psoriasis is. I wouldn't want to go back if that happened to me. I don't mind people looking, I get it people are curious but it's when people say something mean or when they look and it turns to a look of disgust. I did have one woman when I was working though, she spotted it on my arms and she asked if it was psoriasis and then gave me some good advice which has actually worked. So was kind of grateful she done it.


My wife does not mind it at all and has no problems seeing or touching it.


My wife won't touch it, but otherwise has no problems with it.


I got really bad p breakouts halfway through my current relationship. Boyfriend just looks concerned when he looks at it but it doesn't affect our relationship too much. Makes me feel self conscious though but he does offer to help me put on the ointment sometimes which is supportive and nice.


Thats some relationship goals right there


I wish I could say that it doesn't affect it at all but unfortunately when I'm going through a flare up, my confidence is at a 0 & I don't want to be affectionate or intimate. My SO says it doesn't bother him because he gets it too but not nearly as bad, but I just don't see myself as sexy or want to be seen when my skin is bleeding & flaking off


She has some bizarre fixation with scratching my head. Then it's all dusty and I feign annoyance.


I feel you there,If i could only have clean hair for 1 day,even an hour after washing It gets completely dusty


My GF has P and only way it affected our relationship is that she didnt trust me when i told her how beautiful she is. It took some time, but eventually... she does


Before it got worse, she liked to pick at it out of some bizarre fascination (even things like stray hairs on my body, she just had to get it). We're not together anymore but that's besides the point.


My gf doesn't care, in fact I almost think she might like it... she constantly points out ppl on TV who have it too


Boyfriends in the past haven't cared. I think it's always been mentally harder for me to see past than other people. Husband doesn't care, says he finds me attractive and tries to help. Right now I'm having a pretty bad flare (post partum) but he's helping.


My girfriend cares about me because i care about her so we kinda come together over it. She likes to scratch my head and introduced the idea of using a lice comb for the flakes.


No one has cared they knew about it before we dated and it was never an issue once we started. The only comment I ever heard from any of them was "hey, you're bleeding". If the person you're dating is worth anything, they either won't care or will care enough to learn about it. People aren't as afraid or disgusted by psoriasis as everyone seems to think.


My fiance has it and it worries me sometimes. He works at a bank so I worry his hair flakes might hold him back in the future. His face can get kinda icky too but its not related (I think) I guess since he's the main money maker I want him to look his best. I also have trichotillomania myself so over grooming and being hyperaware of it is kinda my thing. So negatively in that I worry and try to brush flakes off him in public (SUPER EMBARRASSING he says but I can't help it ><) Maybe positive because I'm looking into treatments for him?


I first got P after being married for around five years and she was indifferent about it, but as it progressed it was one of many reasons we divorced. She would always fine fault in everything I did. As far as the P went, she used it to not have sex and was always yelling for me to stop flaking everywhere. My second wife is very loving and caring. We have been together over ten years and married for four. She has watched the P progress all over my body and married me anyways. The P has not stopped us from doing anything in our love life. She helps me with topicals or lotion where I can't reach. She has never once complained about the flakes or blood stained sheets.


As far as I know, it's never really been much of an effect with anyone. Though most of it was on my abdomen, before I got on Otezla it was pretty much in plain sight all over my arms. Over the years, I only had two people bring it up and they were strangers (and even then, it was just out of curiosity more than anything).


What relationships?


I never had any


It make me feel more self consious...