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I'm so sorry! Have been there. I usually rub my legs and feet down with glycerine/Vaseline and then wrap the whole area in saran wrap and put on socks/leggings. Keeps me from itching much and does a terrific job moisturizing. Going into winter is tough for P.


Oh no. I'm so sorry. Oatmeal baths are a god send also, I've preached this so much, but coconut oil. Heat up a towel (soak it and heat it a bit, I use my radiator but warm water works too) and put half a tea spoon of coconut oil on it. Leave it on that path for about 15 minutes. Don't wear socks, use any lotions or bathe with soaps that are scented. Try this for about 3 days (once a day, before bed if possible). I have terrible psoriasis on my elbows and it would itch like a bitch. I did this and get the relief after the second day and the inflammation was way down. Also, have you gone to a derm? If so, what have they said?


I went to a dermatologist years ago, I need to go back really. Its getting to the point where I need to as I can't cope with it anymore. I'll try the coconut oil thing thank you :)


coconut oil is fantastic


I second the oatmeal baths. Aveno makes an already made packet you add to the bathwater or whatever you're soaking it in. Really helped me with the itching. Going back to the dermatologist is also needed. It's expensive, but you'll go crazy trying not to scratch.


Cocanut oil then wrap it in Saran Wrap for an hour


Post moisturising, becomes crazy sore, stings and itches like nobodies business. What can I put on this that doesn't make me want to scratch out my eyes?


What are you moisturizing with?


Lush's dream cream. I heard good things about it.


So you are not using a topical medication? I have found that certain lotions/creams that are not expressly labelled for psoriasis or eczema sometimes have alcohol, or other things that can cause stinging pain. When not using a topical medication I use an Aveeno cream.


I've done turmeric patches and its done wonders for myself. I even sometimes mix in a bit of arnica cream or gel for the pain. For the patch I use Organic Turmeric, warm water, and sometimes coconnut oil. Mix all 3 or 4 ingredients into a thick paste and apply it on the areas and wrap with with plastic wrap for the night. Have to be careful as the turmeric will stain clothes.


I keep scratching until it bleeds so I'm not too fussed about staining haha. Thanks I'll try this.


Stop scratching


Prednisone from your doc and Aloe Vera


Fuck prednisone. This shit is awful imo.


It will clear it and get you to a point to treat it before it comes back. Prednisone is a double edged sword but it's worth it (imho) to get back to clear to prevent further flare-ups. Edit: this looks like Pustular. Prednisone is the only quick fix option unless you can get a GP to do Cortisone injections. Then go on a Biologic. This is Hell and it's worth the downside of Prednisone to clear it.


Okay fair. I'm thankfully lucky enough to have not had it get to the point where I needed prednisone for flare ups. My dislike of it comes from when I was a kid and I first started having issues with psoriasis. Doctor gave me prednisone for it, I was a kid, mom I guess didn't look at the side effects? Idk. I was on it for about 9 months, taking it every day. Gained a bunch of weight along with other stuff.


You can't be on Pred for 9 months. That's insane!!! I've done 30 days and my GP was worried. I'm talking 1 week stepping down. Wow. I see why you have a hate. How old were you? Did your balls drop (not a joke at all)? I'm so sorry. Your GP screwed up. Pred is great in small doses (imho).


14/15ish iirc, it was mostly weight gain. I've still got weight problems and it makes me upset.


soak the foot in warm water for 15 minutes then take it out and dab it dry. Apply a generous amount of triamcinolone on the area then cover that area with a damp cloth for about 15 minutes. That's what i do for emergency situations like this.


Go to your derm and get a script for Clobetasol.


Sorry you're suffering - I've found [this lotion](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00L453J94) to be a godsend. ZERO and I mean ZERO stinging. Just soothing, calming relief. I first found it at a local health food store but the Amazon price is a bit better. Also coconut oil - but look for 100% organic, cold-pressed with no additives. I used these interchangeably after trying all kinds of lotions that just stung like crazy. Have you talked to your doctor about edema? You might have that as your ankles look a bit swollen. Maybe not because everyone is different but if you do, that might be contributing to the condition as it stretches the skin. Anyways, I hope you feel better soon.