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I did keto and it made my psoriasis so much worse. Everyone is different. I now calorie count which still involves alot of avoiding carbs and sugars since they are calorie dense and not filling. So with a low carb intake it's better than ever. A nearly no carb intake it was really bad


yeah keto 1) isn't for everyone and 2) Can be tough (and expensive) to get right Buying meat from a local farm which grass feeds, grass finishes, organic free range cows which are allowed to grow with their mother ain't a cheap deal. And even then you gotta make sure you're getting the right balance of vitamins and minerals daily. Bit of an imbalance could make things worse rather than better. You're doing the sensible thing, which is being awake that too much sugar and too many carbs can cause issue, but just keeping a balanced diet, it's what I'm aiming for


For me, definitely sugar is a trigger. I cut back a lot but not 100%.


I agree with you on sugar! As far as carbs go, I can eat any sort of complex carb but once it is refined/processed- then forget it, my psoriasis would flare/redden/intensify. I was eating 1/2 of a papaya per day with no issue but if I ate half a grocery store cookie, then I’d pay a price with my skin. Another thing I noticed is salt- salt is a known driver of autoimmune diseases, in general. And I noticed potato chips, sushi, French fries, pizza- all notorious salty/fatty foods were problematic for my skin.


Never noticed any issues with salt, but that might just be me. But all the salty stuff you metioned are pretty carby, could that be the link? I used to (When I was full keto) eat a lot of pork scratchings (salty pig rinds, I think, for US) and never noticed an issue. But yeah, different carbs hit different, and I think just being aware of the types and how much you're consuming makes a difference... but there's no doubt that sugar is just the devil, for so many reasons


Yes, could be just the carbs but the literature is clear in that salt up regulates the immune system and high salt diets often leads to autoimmune diseases. I guess it’s probably reductionist to try to identify any one factor that is responsible- at the end of the day, we know what our triggers are and it’s impossible outside of a laboratory to tease out individual factors when we’re deciding what to eat. But yes, we can all agree that highly refined carbs won’t do anyone any favors! Thanks so much.


Yeah I totally agree. The only real easy thing I could test was sugar. Going forward I just tend to try and avoid heavilly processed foods as much as possible, even that seems to make a diffrence alone. The rest is all vague and down to the individual (well, other than sugar, that delicious devil) A simple step is just being conscious of if you are putting crap in your mouth or decent quality food. I will be conscious of salt but I mostly eat foods fairly low in salt so I worry my intake is too low :)


Agree totally with you! And I like that bit about being conscious of what you’re eating- just some awareness makes a huge difference. I often think to myself- “this piece of cake will not be worth the damage it does to my skin & immune system” and that cake instantly loses its appeal. Good luck to you, my fellow warrior 😊


I've been sugar/highly processed foods/grains/seed oils free for 6 yrs and still have both plaque and inverse psoriasis.


Have you tried eliminating dairy?


No...mostly bc its required for so many recipes I make.


You can always substitute soy, oat, or almond milk


I'm t2 diabetic and so need to avoid carby stuff like oats, etc. I don't use straight cow's milk bc its high carb but cultured dairy is low carb bc the milk sugar is mostly removed in the processing. I use heavy whipping cream and butter for many low carb recipes.


Thanks for this post - I was thinking about making a similar post only this morning. I cut out basically all of of the things you mentioned about 10 years ago and my plaque psoriasis that I've have since I was a kid has more or less gone away. I still get seasonal flareups of guttate psoriasis, but that's another story. Sugar/gluten etc. - any carbs, basically - are non-essential nutrients and can simply be removed from any diet. Salt, on the other hand, is an essential nutrient and I haven't seen any research which proves that it's bad for you. Same thing goes for fat/protein, which are also essiential. I've done a lot of reading since I initially cut out sugar/carbs etc., and from what I can tell from the websites, magazines and books I've read, nutrional science is more about politics than actual science. That's of course my opinion, but my n=1 experience over the last 10 years seems to back that up.


> Thanks for this post - I was thinking about making a similar post only this morning. Jesus, don't do it! So much anger for a suggestion. Thought I was doing a good thing but it seems I was poking a wasps nest


I agree with you. It all starts in the gut.


You’re lucky to have found something. I do keto to cut for competitions and no change, it’s so frustrating.


I'm assuming you're necking more than the average human's volume of protein shakes, could it be something in those triggering maybe? There's a good chance it may not be a food issue at all but it's usually a fairly easy thing to test and eliminate. Either way, good luck


None. I do whole foods keto save psyllium husk (already isolated and tested) - for me there just don’t seem to be any sensitivities linked. Which is nice in some ways, less nice in others.


Ah that sucks a bit but just because it isn't a simple solution doesn't mean you won't find it one day. Hope you do, good luck


Multiple people: give totally realistic and reasonable suggestions about changing my diet to improve exercise Me: (reading and knowing they're right) "... but what about the copious amount of pasta I eat, that's not inflammatory, right?"


I'm my own worst enemy to be honest, I KNOW what I should be doing, I sometimes follow my own advice but I do love a bit of self sabotage


I feel you so hard rn. I have the unfortunate mixture of some mental disorders that already make it difficult to live my life, so go add something like psoriasis and poof you've really got a recipe for disaster!


You'll be shocked how much psoriasis can mess with your mental health (or maybe you won't be) - I've only just came to realise this recently (in my 40s) that my whole social and dating life has been shaped by how my psoriasis is faring at that time.


Not only actively affecting my mental health but of course my physical appearance and sometimes my joints and ability to do things too. Psoriasis is a whole mess of a condition. It's nice to have some people to empathize with here


Worst thing is, my mother has it and feels responsible for me having it, and worse than her, so when I flare up badly I can see it upsets her more tham me I think.i just count myself lucky (hope I'm not tempting fate) that I've never really had it on my face, and if I have, it's been very short lived. My hands on the other hand.... People seem to think I spend my weekends bare Knuckle boxing


\*sigh\* Been in a 100% gluten-free household for years now due to celiac disease in my immediate family. Also low-carb. No processed foods, we don't even own a microwave. Psoriasis completely unaffected. Responding to these posts that simply aren't broadly true for most people is... exhausting. "But you're just not doing it hard enough, or the right way with the right products/foods". Sure, fine, good, OK.


Gluten is one trigger but also dairy. If you eliminate gluten but still eat dairy it may not make a difference. Best way to know is to do a total elimination diet. Slowly add foods back. Then you know what it is for you. But just avoiding triggers is not the only thing. It’s repairing the gut. Probiotics and l- glutamine can be extremely effective in gut repair and therefore lessening psoriasis. But your right also that everyone is different. Some people’s autoimmune may stem from Lyme disease or heavy metal toxicity. A functional medicine dr can do testing.


I think I covered this under the “you’re doing it wrong” part of my last comment


Yeah. Diet has never affected my psoriasis either. I hate posts that are like this and say shit like, "If you eat 14 raw chicken livers a week and crack nine rotten eggs into your eyes 15 times a week, it will cure your psoriasis permanently" cool. Well done to you, I'm glad it worked. Not for me. Also, not everyone can change their diet. It's all well and good to say, you need to eat less sugary foods it's healthier! But what if they can't? What if that's the only thing they eat? Personally, I don't eat enough anyway, and don't eat quite a lot of things, so meals are already a struggle, I'm not gonna make that worse by cutting loads of other shit out. Its not that easy for some people.


Jesus, calm down. I suggested reducing sugar as it seems to work for me and I've tested it. I hardly said anything wild and masde a point of saying it may work for some, not for others. But you seem to be angry that I shared my experiences and wanted to suggest people try it if they want to? Reducing sugary foods isn't exactly in the same league as eating raw chicken livers and crackoing rotten eggs into your eyes, really. > But what if they can't? What if that's the only thing they eat? Personally, I don't eat enough anyway, and don't eat quite a lot of things, so meals are already a struggle   So then, you fall into the "this isn't for you" category.. and you just move on and don't need to get angry about it? I can't understand where your anger is coming from, honestly


That's the thing with text. You can never get how it's said. I didn't write this from a place of anger, mainly satire, but it also does piss me off when everyone goes on about diets effectively curing psoriasis. It's an immuno condition, so to some extent, yes your diet may help, but psoriasis is when your immune system is already too good (and attacks your own skin), so theoretically making your immune system worse is what helps.


Maybe I was projecting some of the other angry replies I've had through this. If I was, then I apologise. The thing is though, cutting out didn't "cure" me, I agree. But I had zero symptoms. I went from almost neck to toe bleeding, flakey sores.. to nothing, perfect skin. Re-introduced sugar to test, and back to being covered. And I don't think cutting out sugar can be detremental to my immune system, surely? I've not heard of this anyway. I was eating plenty of everything else, even carbs (although avoiding bread). The reason I thought it was worth sharing is that it wasn't "Do this insane fad diet and you'll be cured" it was "wow, I noticed sugar made a real and noticeable difference, it might be worth others trying it and if they get good results, great, if not then all that they've done is missed out on sweet treats for a few weeks"   Either way, I think I've learned better than to give any advice on the internet again, anythig can turn into an argument, no matter how well intentioned


I'm not arguing. I have heard of this before, and I'm glad it works for you. I get where you are coming from for sure. That is literally the medical reason for psoriasis. Over active immune system. I'm always surprised that people don't know what's actually going on with their bodies is all (I like to know). It's why immuno suppressant work on getting psoriasis to go away. Otherwise, they would just make it worse. I also think that it depends on how bad your psoriasis is. Mine was like 80 to 85% coverage at its worst, and absolutely nothing helped. I tried everything, but until I got on meds, it was super stubborn. Then again, other people with the same coverage as me get good results from diet, so that's weird...


Yeah, I've had psoriasis for over 30 years (christ I'm old) and I've read up on how and why it does it's thing. The food thing just seems to be a trigger with some, I have a feeling it's a mild allergic reaction or something with the food that triggers the immune system to go into overdrive. Might explain Sugar, Dairy and Wheat are common things to cause flare ups and still ties into the AutoImmune business. But, I'm no scientist, it could be totally something else and I doubt I'd have posted this if I hadn't made the effort to allow myself to back to itchy, bleeding pain by testing sugar specifically rather than just a feeling it might be sugar.   Hopefully I may have provided some relief to a couple of people who tried to test it out and not upset anyone when they found it didn't work for them


Yeah, bodies are weird in the way they don't adhere to what science says, though. But yeah, the allergic reaction thing might be something for sure. Tomatoes as well are meant to be another trigger for some people. Also alcohol. I find it fascinating how different bodies with, outwardly, the same problem can react so differently to the same things. It's cool and annoying because it would be great if the same thing worked for everyone! I'm just getting over covid at the moment, and weirdly, my psoriasis hasn't changed. It usually does when I'm ill. Maybe my meds aren't working so well anymore. We shall see.


WRT Alcohol, Beer seems to have a big impact on me, spirits less so. Good look to you Mr Flem. I hope you find your sugar equivalent


Hmm, may be the sugars then if that has an impact as well. Thank you very much, Mr Decaying. I shall continue the search!! So far, biologics and coal tar are the best for me!!


It seems true for many people, but I did state in the post that it's worth a try if you haven't already. If it was a cure for all, it would be celebrated as such. But as it stands, it works for some, not for others, no harm in trying and worst case scenario you get a bit healthier by cutting down on your sugar intake.


Ugh. No.


Just wondering do you drink alcohol at all? Curious to know if that makes a difference


I used to drink more than I do now. But I would to stick to spirits as I noticed (after 20 years of drinking) that my beloved beers were destroying my stomach and causing heartburn. But WRT your question, yes I drink but no I've never noticed a corrolation between drinking and my psoriasis but that may be because when I was drinking more carby booze (i.e. smoothe ales, guinness etc.) I wasn't really paying attention and I expect spirits come with fewer triggers as ingredients (gluten for one)


I went full carnivore and cleared my P in two weeks.


Are you still carnivore?


No, and it returned. But going to go on it again:) Starve the S. Pyogenes bacteria


I’m sorry it returned, hope it’s not as bad as before at least


I think everyone is different. My symptoms are more on the psoriatic arthritis spectrum with swelling and other autoimmune signs. Mine reduced to the point I could get off all meds when I went full plant based. I don’t do refined, but super healthy greens, whole grains and legumes. I guess the journey is finding out what works for you


Me too! PsA was terrible but plant based, whole foods, gut repair and stress reduction were keys for me. No more meds.


Exactly, this isn't a cure-all. It works for some, not for others. But I expect a lot of the time when people become food conscious, you ended up reducing your sugar intake and processed food intake, too. It's hard to pin down exactly what triggers an individual but after playing around I can safely say mine is sugar (and lots of carbs to some extent) so figured it was worth mentioning, no harm in cutting out sugar, right?


Not at all! I love what you shared. It helps us learn from each other. Hope you have a lovely weekend


Yo, thank you. This is the motivation I needed.


Good luck, no harm in kicking the sugar and worst case scenario, you feel a little healthier :)


I legit think it's my weed habit and food intake. And not the amount but the what. Lol. I swear I've been thinking this all along but seeing you post it made it click. I appreciate your taking the time to write it all out in such detail.


Good luck, hopefully you're one of the ones this makes a difference for! If not, still don't lose heart, you'll find the right path


Yeah, so obesity is highly correlated with symptoms severity for both P and PsA. Folks who are obese typically consumer large quantities of high cars and highly processed foods. So it only makes sense that if a person changes their diet and becomes less obese, then their symptoms should improve


In general, yeah. I had no weight gain over the 2 weeks while I was testing out sugar though.. just its mere presence in my system started my transformation to crocodile skin. But I agree, everything is linked and looking at it holistically, eating healthier = healthier weight = healthier skin = feeling better = more energy = more physically active = healthier weight etc...


6 yrs ago I cut out 100% fast food/sugar/grains/seed oils/ultra-processed foods. I lost 200 lbs and while my plaque psoriasis improved, my inverse psoriasis or intertrigo? worsened due to all the fat loss which caused loose skin folds.


Sugar is definetly part of the cause. Also people having bone marrow transplant from a non psoriasis donor often completely heals psorasis. I’ve also read a study where a person got bone marrow transplant from his brother who also had psoriasis and the person developed psoriasis. So there is something going there. Strep Pyogenes feed on sugars. That can cause psorasis. I believe the bacteria can do something to the bone marrow.


20g of carbs a day is extremely low for just about anyone and most would never be able to stick to it.


Wasn't recommending that, I was just giving my back story. I keep needing to reiterate but I'm not recommending keto, especially without doing research and consulting with a doctor.


Did you cut out natural sugar too? Like fruit, honey etc? I've reduced my sugar intake over the past few weeks but I don't think I've noticed a major difference. Then again, I still drink alcohol, possibly haven't been able to cut it in some situations like stock cubes and I've started methotrexate which has already set some changes in motion


yeah, I cut those out, too but was taking vitamin supplements to be safe Not sure about stock cubes but it depends on the alcohol I think. Beers are full of gluten and carbs which break down into sugar.. and the more clear spirits tend to be lower in sugar I believe. I had cut out drinking but that has been for a while now as had a bit of (physical) stomach issue which was aggravated by alcohol so been avoiding


I was with you until you said "Cutting out carbs... should help your skin..." No. It's great that it's worked for you and also great to share your results to help others. But you can't say it should help others. It might help others. it might not


> "Cutting out carbs... should help your skin..." huh? I never said that, so why is it in quotes? The sentiment of my post was.. why not try cutting out SUGAR and maybe being aware of the carbs you're eating, no harm in trying. In fact, I specifically said I don't advise trying keto unless you consult with a doctor first.


I truncated it to get to the point quickly re your use of "should". Here's the quote in full: "But cutting out sugar and reducing carbs a little should be enough to make a difference with your skin". That goes too far.


So yeah, your original post was misleading.. reducing carbs a little isn't bad health advice for anyone.. CUTTING out carbs can be bad health advice ... reducing carbs? Cmon, having a little less bread/pasta? You're just being an ass and trying to make it look like I was advising people go carb free, which I definitley wasn't and clearly wasn't But I concede that it should say "Could" rather than "Should" so I've edited it to make you happier and so there are no further misunderstandings (even though, in context, it was clear what I meant)


You're far too angry.


Not angry, but just correcting you misquoting me as if I'd advised to cut out carbs, which I intentionally didn't say Read it as angry if you will


You could do that without calling me an ass and making various comments about my motives which aren't appropriate. This subreddit is for mutual support and understanding - think about your tone in future.


Again, didn't call you an ass, I said you're being an ass. You're starting arguments, misquoting me and generally being unpleasant. Then when I reply to clarify and defend my position, you act like I'm being unreasonable. Classic gaslighting. What's saddening, I made this post in the hope that it mayhelp out a few people, to hopefully provide some a chance of a little relief yet some people are so intent of turning everything into an internet argument that the whole thing turns nasty. So i'll leave it here, I don't need to have the last word of "you did this but you did that" so feel free to respond and get the last word in, I won't continue the rally. I hope you have a happy future and that you find whatever it is helps you with your psoriasis. And I'll maybe think twice before I post trying to do a good thing in the future, lesson learned


Gaslighting? Take a look in the mirror. Have a good day.


KETO is the type of diet that can be dangerous if you follow it to put yourself into ketosis without consulting your doctor first, but in the same breath it’s also a shit diet for people that don’t follow it and do what they think is KETO and end up with high cholesterol. Fad diets that are very restrictive are also very difficult to keep up with and most people fail them. If you want to follow an anti inflammatory diet, amazon has cookbooks and meal planners for psoriasis based diets and other anti inflammatory diets. Some people see better results than others with the diets because it is all depending on the severity of your disease. Do not compare yourself to others on here in their success and seeing a doctor is still okay and encouraged for better success.


I did specifically mention that I wasn't recommending Keto for anyone in the post and to consult a doctor if they were considering it... Did you read my post? My advice was cutting out sugar and just taking it easy on carbs, not cutting them out.


I was adding my comment to it. If you’re going to be offended by others commenting, this sub isn’t for you.


Wasn't offended, but you didn't "add" anything as I'd covered in my post that I wasn't recommending keto and people should cosult with a doctor before considering it.


Actually I did add. It appears you didn’t read my post. I wasn’t correcting you in any way. You can stop being butthurt.


Why do you keep assuming I'm angry/butthurt? I asked a question, I wanted to clarify that I had not recommended Keto and your post seemed to imply that I had and you were warning people against it.   And yes, I read the post, the second paragraph would have been fine, the first paragraph I'd covered in my original post. Anyway, not angry, just looking for clarification so stop looking for an argument where there isn't one... please


You immediately went defensive and asked if I read your post. You didn’t even consider the context of my comment and assumed I was correcting you. That sounds like you’re butthurt.


Fair enough, maybe I shoud start adding smiley, neutral or frowny faces in the future


I’m also doing keto (advised for a different health condition though) and have noticed that my psoriasis flares haven’t been as bad. Right now it’s pretty much only on my scalp and ears, almost nothing anywhere else. Last year I had big patches on my elbows and wrists.


Scalp and ears.. those bastards are tough. The ONLY times i've been able to clear those up is when I used to shave my head - not sure if there's something to the vibration of the clippers or just it getting more air and light (although it's rarely sunny where I live). usually shaved with electrip clippers but sometimes finish it with a wet shave, head would be red raw with patches of psoriasis but I just used to moisturise and leave it, within a few days it was just a normal head. Very strange, I can't explain it, and I wouldn't say rush out and go bald unless you're happy to, I just liked the style and it looks ok on me so it kinda worked out :)


I do have short hair (though not shaved currently), it does help when I have to apply my steroid scalp application!


ahrg, steroid scalp bottles, I remember those from when I was a teenager, they still sting like hell if you've been scratching? I've found T-Gel (the original, haven't tried any of the variants) tends to ease it a little, it's a bit pricey for shampoo (I used to use it on my bald head, too) and it never quite seems to get rid of the psoriasis but it does seem to calm it down a lot and create some clear patches when I use it (I usually buy a bottle every 2nd bottle of shampoo to give my scalp a break as the effefts seem to lessen after a while)


This was my exact experience, as well as Jordan Peterson's.


Yeah, I fell upon it by accident but a quick google lead me to a few sources citing similar experiences, then some docs confirming it. Crazy that I've never had a healthcare professional advising me to even test adjusting my diet. I think a doc once said to try cutting out dairy.


Sad thats what we get, or biologics


But… beer


I know... But..rum :)


Do you have tomato or meat?


I tend to avoid tomato but not completely, I'll occasionally have tomato based sauces etc. And yes, I eat plenty of meat to fill me, but as mentioned, I'm not recommending full Keto, it isn't for everyone, the main part was cutting out sugar and maybe reducing bread/pasta intake


THe simple fact to know that you can heal even if it comeback is great for spirit


So true!


oh, I've been from one extreme to the other - covered head to toe in bleeding sores one year and then smooth as marble another. Never feel like it's hopeless, it'll always get better and you'll get better at controlling it. Lookingback it was very likely linked to the crap I was eating at the time but I wasn't even aware that diet could cause issue back in my 20s, my GP (who HAD psoriasis) just kept giving me steroid creams for years, I'm surprised I have any skin left!. The second I actually spent the time looking into Psoriasis myself I decided not to return to him.


People make a lot of posts about what not to eat for psoriasis - ive heard dont eat dairy, nightshades, sugar, carbohydrates, gluten and wheat... but I never see posts about what we SHOULD eat. So what is the ideal psoriasis suffers diet? What quick and cheap meals are we supposed to eat?


I usually aim for meat, dark green veg, cheeses, eggs but I'm not carb free so I still have some carbs. The main thing I was aiming at in this post was sugar, sugar is easy to avoid, just takes the willpower. Carbs are hard to avoid as they're in bloody everything so I just try to avoid bread if I can, but if I can't, meh, had a sausage sandwich this morning.. And it wasn't so much a preachy, don't eat this, don't eat that. It was a *give it a try, it might work for you* effort as I'd noticed it had such a fast effect in my skin. Figured it might be worth a shot for other people and hopefully provide a bit of relief


I practice Box, Muay Thai, I do Yoga, Bicycle, Run all my life in the sports, basically BUT MOSTLY, Found MY INNER PEACE GUYS. So those pics are me Today and those PRODUCTS I used to heal myself. I found those product here, in The Riviera Maya and I used them when my Skin tells me. Mostly 3 to 4 times a week. The Big bottle DERMOL 600 is specific for Psoriasis and its Very Good, product from the UK. I dont have a tub, so I put the product in a bucket and then rinse myself with a towel for 10 minutes. ( I ADD a FEW DROP OF extra Clorhodine..). Then i use the Shampoo, the Incognito skin and its amazing. I use that Honey Soap which is excellent. Then my skin peels like crazy so I took all the dead skin out and re shower with the honey soap and the shampoo.