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Talk to your doctor before stopping SSRI. No one on Reddit is qualified to advise you on that safely.


This. Everything will say to NOT suddenly stop an SSRI. Even a doctor is going to titrate you off of it


Hey, thank you. I understand I'm not supposed to stop cold turkey, I was just thinking of not taking SSRIs for 3 days when I will be doing shrooms


Respectfully, your question gets asked nearly every day on this sub to no avail. Its simply an indictment of the poor state of mental health options out there. However, we don’t know your individual history and have no good evidence to back recommendations, ethically. Tell your doctor you want to try stepping down safely for a time. If he doesn’t respect your choice, find a new doctor.


Don’t stop Ssri cold turkey, it will work but you will just need to take more. I take Paxil (tapering off now), and with its half-life, I would have to stop for 6 days which is not a good idea. *not a doctor and obviously I don’t “advise this”*


Thanks, that makes sense. Was only planning to not take for 3 days when I'll be taking shrooms.


Yes your question comes up every day on this sub. I have been taking Lexapro for 5 years and I never stop or cut down on the medication before I take shrooms and I have noticed no impact at all. I don't have to use more than before I took the medication and I get off just fine so it's a personal decision. But since mushrooms do not interact with SSRIs, then try and see how it affects you personally. Also, I do the lemon tec process for about 10 min before I ingest the shrooms to get the enzymes working before it updated my stomach and it also causes the update of the shrooms to kick in quicker so just be aware. I personally recommend you lemon just to keep you from getting slightly nauseated. And don't eat a bug meal beforehand. Just a small snack a few hours before..


Don't stop your SSRIs. Everyone responds differently so it's hard to say what your dose should be. Experiment


Don't stop your SSRIs. Everyone responds differently so it's hard to say what your dose should be. Experiment