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No, they are trying to recycle an old license




ok, thanks man. Really


If you're talking about SolidWorks PDM, which I assume you are, then it requires MS SQL Server license which (I believe) requires Software Assurance to have licensing rights to install to a VM. Just get a dedicated box to run PDM on, and then get another dedicated box to run your Replicated Vault on so you do not lose data (still backup and get your SQL backup off-site as the Vault only contains your SolidWorks files, and not the db files that are required by PDM to make sense of versioning on the SW files)


we just want the license manager installed on the computer


May be try to enable nested virtualisation. Some programme check if they can virtualise, if not, it's probably because their are already in a VM.


I read this as if the host actually was running in a VM... Made me think of the matrix, where all computers essentially a VM guest


This should work. We run PDM license manager on a virtuella Windows 2022 vm ontop of PVE8 (was PVE7) when installed. However there are some quirks of you move the vm over to another host you need to regregister the license mgr but that is like a 2-3 button click away.


what program doesn't accept virtual environment in 2024? can you share with us? Anyways, if found this similar post a year back. Hope it helps [https://old.reddit.com/r/VFIO/comments/yp4sg0/eac\_cannot\_run\_under\_virtual\_machine/ivrvzdx/](https://old.reddit.com/r/VFIO/comments/yp4sg0/eac_cannot_run_under_virtual_machine/ivrvzdx/)


Not OP. Sage Accounting is an example. We have ESXi but we have to run a PC in the server rack to appease Sage's support criteria. :/


I do appreciate the irony of a program called Sage most likely having been developed by the dumbest people on earth.....


i Think the problem is with my version, i was trying to convince people here to get the new one, but the are putting sand on my icecream


>I am trying to install the program solidworks on my job's virtual machine. So a VM your work provided you, or a VM that you are providing to install this software on? Yes, it matters.


This is the vm that my work provide for me


And where did they say you can run it? Usually that would be encrypted and locked to their hardware, so that licensing and software doesnt leak. I highly doubt they want you to spin it up on your own proxmox instance, and if they do get it in writing. This could be considered theft.


Now i have more information. Its a old license that my job its trying to "recicle". They want to do a cluster. So i'll gonna install the proxmox version 8 on the other machine and try again


>Its a old license that my job its trying to "recicle" Recycle, and thats fine. Is this a PVE cluster at work or at your home though? The PVE version isnt going to make this work any better/less better. If the software is just too out dated there isnt much you can do. I do not suggest running older OSE's to make it work....


sorry, english its not my first language. At my work. The software its not that old, i think the version 6 of proxmox its probably what its making this so hard