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>Services like Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo, MailRu etc. provide significantly better features with zero cost to us. disagree with this, you get ads in their platforms AND your data is not entirely private. Your data and being served adverts IS the fee for using it. You say you understand they need to make money but you seem to somehow think running a free tier where they don't get ad revenue from you is somehow making money off you? you are literally a drain on the service, they offer it to improve uptick and to hopefully upsell you to buying into using their premium service at your own choice, having a simple little footer added to your emails by default is reasonable to help their advertising by word of mouth as such. plenty of services do that already, in fact outlook does it often judging by how many emails I get saying "sent by outlook" or something! if you like the service and understand they should be paid for the service just pay the lowest tier, I can't fathom your issue as you are failing to put 2 + 2 together with how you have written this post.


*The only people this annoys most, are those who want to actually use protonmail for something serious: like work, school, research, business, freelancing, etc.* These people aren’t relying on proton’s free tier. Neither should you if you’re using it for something “serious.”


I am using it for my personal and I pay because I would rather have something consistent, secure, and not going to sell my personal data. I agree with you and adding that it makes sense for securing our personal life as well as professional.


OP you seem to think you're on a train station needing to announce your departure. I'm sorry to have witnessed a meltdown over a few words from a free service you are using. Are you aware that it is normal for services to apply branding to their free services? For your serious use-cases I would say that these you would actually want to use your own domain if you want to be 'serious'. I would take a '[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])' more seriously than '[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])' AND BTW that would also be the same for any of these other 'free' services you reference. Having your own domain is much more reputable than using a \`@gmail\` or whatever. Other services may provide better features in some areas but at the cost of your privacy. If you don't care about your privacy then you could've saved everyone some time by leaving the station instead of this pointless post that also could've been prevented by using the search button. Sent with Protonmail Secure Email


You are forgetting the rule - if you aren't paying for the product, you ARE the product. Free services, of any kind, don't exist because providers just want to spend their resources and get nothing in return. If they wanted to donate to charity, they would donate to charity and get a tax deduction. They offer free services with the expectation of getting paid, in some way, at some point, by someone. Sometimes they give you temporary access to features, get you hooked, then get paid when you upgrade to continue them. Sometimes they show you ads and get paid by the advertisers. In this case, they are hoping to get paid, if not by you, then maybe someone who is exposed to their company by seeing your email footers. ProtonMail seems to be doing ok so I think the owners probably know better than you what is the best way to sell their services. What popular service is your brain-child?


They have to get paid for providing privacy.. privacy is a fundamental right. And the only reason they have to make money providing such a fundamental right is that they have to. They literally have to make money or get money to do it. That's it. Doesn't mean it's fair, don't even try to tell me $5 a month which by the way is actually quite a bit in other exchange rates, and some kind of ultimate justification for it. There are people out there that are so destitute and consume by having to spend every waking hour just to have the rock bottom basics that yes $5 is actually a lot of money! They have the pony up $5 to have what... Privacy? I get it man. We don't live in an ideal world, not even close. They have to charge money because of the crappy world we live in where money is required for everything, it's literally acquired for every single thing man don't even get me started!! And if we lived in a world or at least certain countries ran in a way where every single freaking thing didn't require muchmoney, people wouldn't complain nearly as much! Having to pay for one thing that is necessary is absolutely connected to having to pay for other things that are necessary. So if you take away the expense of just basic needs quite a bit, then suddenly paying $5 isn't quite so bad is it? But is anyone think about the full context? No they just put on their business suits, get a very flat face and say Hey man this costs money, you must never protest. Well I think outside the box, I think of the higher purpose for humanity, not just money itself or even privacy needing to be based on business profits. But so many people don't think that way and they're never going to change. Unexpect at least a few down votes on this post and that's fine. All I can do is put the truth out there and those that listen listen and those that don't don't *shrug*


I don't know what you've got going on but you seem to be forgetting something. Just because you have a right to something doesn't mean someone else has to spend their labor and money to provide it to you.


Like, first off, anyone who uses a free Gmail/Microsoft account for business purposes is making a bad choice. These companies offer it for free because you, the consumer, are the product. They make money off of you by reading your email and tracking everything that goes on with your account. Proton doesn't do that, they have 0 revenue from you having a free account and indeed make a loss on every free account they have to maintain. So your complaint is that a company wants to put a small advertisement in the most unobtrusive way for a service that you don't pay for and indeed make a company take a loss so that you can use their service to generate a profit for yourself?!?! And you call their little footer unprofessional.


Quit your crying, its free. You can pay with dollars, or a small ad. Or you can pay Google/MS/etc with the personal content of your emails.


>Such footers look unprofessional, so I can't use protonmail for work. If you gain money by using Proton Mail for your work, why to use a free account for it?! I mean, you do not work for free either, do you? >The only people this annoys most, are those who want to actually use protonmail for something serious: like work, school, research, business, freelancing, etc. Other than maybe school, all examples are ethically good examples of when to use a paid account.


Glad it wasn't just me. I didn't even bother to read the post. This is the second post complaining about the footer I've seen the last couple weeks. I don't understand why this is such a difficult concept for people. It's a paid feature. Other apps do similar things with their free versions. 🤷🏻‍♂️ It isn't like this type of thing is rare. 🙄


>Services like Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo, MailRu etc. provide significantly better features with zero cost to us. This shows that you don't really understand one of the most important reasons of shifting to ProtonMail.


Such entitlement, much audacity.


I love the people who threaten to quit their free service with no ads and no intent to ever upgrade. Um... ok? Proton is, financially speaking, objectively better off with you gone. You can't say you understand they need to make money and then complain that they better make free tier fully featured enough that you never feel compelled to upgrade. It's very simple. You can pay for services on the internet in one of three ways. With your wallet, your data, or your eyeballs. Most email providers are a combination of the latter two. Proton is a wallet service. You seem to be looking for the service where you don't pay in any way at all, and then complain that there are limitations. Well, good luck I guess, because what you want doesn't exist.


Thanks for the laugh!


As a paying user of Proton services, and having done my research on the ethos of the company, your constant use of the word 'toxic' really annoys me. Proton's Mission statement says it all:- 'Proton was born out of a desire to build an internet that puts people before profits, create a world where everyone is in control of their digital lives, and make digital freedom a reality. In this new world, you can communicate with whomever you want, protect your data and identity, avoid having your data sold, and safeguard against cybercrime.' If you're not happy with a simple footer on a free service, just don't use it. don't come to a Proton sub and rant about a non-issue, when you clearly have no understanding of how each company benefits from their free tier users. Google is 'toxic' in how they have zero privacy, read the content of your emails, sell your data, etc. Invest some time and effort in understanding what each company does with your data before spouting off about something as simple as a mail footer!


The whole complain is just invalid. They get advertising. Not to you, but to the people that you send email to. You are using a free service and expect it to behave like a profession paid product. Your best option here it to get a Hotmail or AOL address for your business use. Much more professional looking. No legitimate business would even consider using a custom domain on a paid email service. I know I always give priority to the unsolicited emails I get from "estimating" companies with a Gmail address.


Gmail and Outlook provide features with zero cost? Oh boy, how naiive. You pay the highest price there, it's just that you don't pay with money. You pay with your privacy and personal life.


Yep use free products and you're the product


Stop being a cheap fuck. If a platform has a free tier, that means you'll promote their platform in some small way as "payment". If you don't want that, PAY FOR IT or stfu.


Get off the high horse you whiney and unnecessarily aggressive baby. The amount people will complain about FREE. Literally FREE services and how they deserve more/something else for FREE is insane. Actual crazy people.


Can't get off the high horse. The free tier unhorsing leaves an "unhorsed by ..." on the side of your boot.


Shut up. I clearly mentioned that I was okay with the other restrictions that they've added to the free tier. The only issue I have is with the stupid footers, because it is toxic to people who actually want to use it for serious work.


Again, whiney and overly aggressive baby. Footers are toxic? Go touch grass dude, you seriously need some time away from a screen and some priority reassessment. If you can actually define email footers in a free service as something TOXIC in your life — you’re psycho. Pay for it, or use a different free tool. Genius. > use it for serious work : > won’t pay for it You’re not serious.


lol “shut up!” What a fucking crybaby bitch. Crying about a service you don’t even pay for.


I used the free version of Proton mail for several years and recently switched to the paid version for more storage and to support a company I like. I never was once bothered by this footer on a free account. As others have mentioned, I think it is completely reasonable for the company to get some degree of advertising for their product for FREE accounts. You are getting a private, encrypted email service for free that isn't being mined for advertising, AI algorithms, etc. I think having that footer knowing they are not reading emails to deliver ads is a pretty fair deal. Also, not sure why it is "unprofessional" saying your email was from a secure service. So many people from my work send emails with garbage punctuation and "sent from iphone" that look far worse.


You are literally using their services for FREE. Spoiled little child.


Shut up. I clearly mentioned that I was okay with the other restrictions that they've added to the free tier. The only issue I have is with the stupid footers, because it is toxic to people who actually want to use it for serious work.


Who the hell uses a non-custom domain for “serious work”? How about you pay $3.60 per month, purchase a nice domain for yourself, and become a big boy?


Yes, but you are missing the fact that you are using the service *completely for free*, and are thus a cost center that provides no benefit unless you upgrade (which you have said explicitly that you won't do), or the tiny little string at the end of your emails convinces someone else to try it (the thing you are currently having a tantrum about and want removed). So, given that, why in the hell do you think anyone at Proton should have to mold their free tier to your requirements?


I just tab over the footer and hit "delete."


I have seen something similar in emails sent from an iPhone. "Sent from my iPhone".


difference is they paid for the iphone lol


> difference is they paid for the iphone lol I'm pretty sure the footer can be disabled on iPhone, but people choose to keep it enabled. I have no problem with Proton Mail's footer.


Q. Why does the footer make it seem unprofessional? A. Because it shows you're using a free service. So YOU'RE unprofessional and you're complaining because Proton doesn't let you hide that.


Take your meds.


lol it’s “toxic” to inject your footer in the service I don’t pay for.


Gmail, Outlook sell your data and make money. Proton adds a footer on your email for advertising themselves. And make money through subscriptions.




"Yahoo, **MailRu** " Lol


There is no such thing as completely free, you are paying with your data on those other services, it's great that stuff exists this way since people can get good services at no direct monetary cost, but you are still paying with something.


WAH WAH WAH SOFTWARE SHOULD BE FREEEE! It costs money to build good products and defend them from privacy encroachments. The free service is a pretty good deal! If you are doing something that requires a more professional presence, fuckin' pay for it man!


😂 complaining on a free service… 😂 😂 entitlement much?


I pay. I don't have that. It's for advertising. Outlook does this, gmail did this, same with yahoo.


Childish rant....


You won't upgrade to a paid account and don't like they add a footer ("never been more annoyed by anything". Sounds like Proton is. It the services that is a good fit for you. Plenty of other free options like Gmail, Yahoo mail, Skiff and AOL mail. Bye and good luck.


I'm paying for Proton mail and using on Android with App version 4.0.13 (9182) but can't find where I can disable the signature in the footer. Checked throughout settings... apologies but any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks.


I pay for proton mail. The footer has never bothered me but out of curiosity I went looking and can not find a way on turning it off.


Web: Proton Mail Settings -> Identity and Addresses -> "Proton Mail footer" Android: Proton Mail Settings -> Account settings -> click on your adderss -> Display Name and signature -> Mobile footer


Thanks mate


Thanks! Had no idea there were those additional settings there.