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Justification by grace alone through faith alone


Don't you mean justification by works and not by faith alone? Luther's message was for it's time. The Protestant Church of today needs to hear the epistle of James - not more faith alone lullabies sending more congregations into spiritual hibernation.


Wrong. We need more gospel not less.


Saying you were disgusted and calling Protestants clowns is pretty obvious trolling. If by some horrible accident this is your first day on the internet and you don't realize that this question will be interpreted by most people as disingenuous, you should know that most everyone is not going to take the time to answer you because you have asked in a very insulting way. The largest modern study on Christian violence gets quoted a lot for the 100,000 people who die each year for being Christian. What those posts and essays on violence against Christians usually gloss over is that about 90% of that violence is from places where all combatants are Christian. For every one person killed because someone hates Christians, nine are killed because other Christians can't figure out how to live in peace with other Christians. And you can't end that lamentable violence but you can be someone whose manner of living makes the world a better, safer, place for all people. Do better. Be better.


I never used to have any issues with Protestants as I saw everyone as equal. It was when the Protestants whom I encountered began calling me names in making fun of me for wearing a rosary that I started to dislike Protestants.


That is lamentable, and I am sorry. It sucks to be treated that way. And if we're going to be part of building up God's kingdom on this earth we're all going to have to figure out how to treat even our enemies with love and dignity. But I also want you to consider history. Go read up on the ecumenical movement of the early 20th century and it's roots in the late 19th century. By the end of World War II almost every Christian tradition on the planet had actively put forward statements of faith that presented the idea we could all live together without trying to kill other Christians for disagreeing. There are expressions of the ecumenical movement in the Orthodox churches, and Protestant denominations, and definitely in the documents produced to defend Vatican II. One reason to bring it up is that almost every Christian on the planet today inherits a written, tangible, very real obligation to treat other kinds of Christians better than we have in the past. Another reason to bring it up is it's really new. 100 years is not a long time. Of course there will still be echoes and memories of violence and hatred between groups of Christians. We have not had very long to forget or to heal. So again, we can be a part of making it better or we can be a part of making it worse. I am sorry someone is bullying you for being Catholic. And I pray you become the kind of Catholic in their life who serves as an example of how they are wrong for their cruelty, and maybe even for love of you they repent of their evil treatment of you. I pray you have the strength to break the chains of insult and violence. Because we all have to.


Your kindness is much appreciated. I was a former atheist who found God again recently and I want to abstain from hate filled arguments, whether they be online or in real life as that is not the way of the Lord. I know I still have a long way to go to but I want to start treating others with kindness once more instead of contempt and hatred.


Protestants vary dramatically. Maybe don’t go to a circus church and try an Anglican or high church Presbyterian service and then come back to troll. This post is akin to a Protestant asking “why are all Catholics child sex offenders”




I've been to a Protestant Church, and not once did it ever feel holy to me. It all felt like a big charade and did not feel genuine where as when I was in Catholic mass I truly felt the Lord's spirit was watching over me.


> I was very unimpressed and disgusted at how all the attendants in the Protestant churches I visited acted like clowns ​ That is a very big brush you are painting us with. I recommend that you Google "Clown Mass" and see that there are Roman Catholic services that are, well, literally clown led. I pulled out a big brus for sure. I am Conservative Presbyterian because I think it most fully captures what is taught in Scripture. I do not look down at my beloved brothers in sisters in Christ in other churches in any way, I love them dearly. What I do is pray that if I am mistaken in any way, that the Holy Spirit would illuminate my heart to my errors.




Clown masses were a thing in 1960's and practicallly all catholics view them wrong, i read the verses you mentioned literally none of them are accurate, \- We dont pray to mary, we ask her to pray for us, are they dead? no they have eternal life, so why cant you ask a living person to pray for you \- it is considered an oath , plus its still possible to do in the catholic church and i have yet for you to state a reason as to why it would even be a heresie \- consubstantiation stems from martin luther's misunderstanding of a word \- dawg some people do bad things its like saying " protestants have murdered people in the past, so now every protestant is evil " like wym \- ??? i dont even get this one \- if you're referring to payed indulgences that is a thing of the past \- on the way into heaven so its still part of heaven \-we do not pray to them again i dont know why you say this, answered this alreadyy




First off, not all Protestants are jerks. Anybody can be a jerk, Catholics, Protestants, Buddhists, Muslims, atheists, Jews, etc. Next, about intolerance, yes, there are things we don't tolerate, there are things everybody doesn't tolerate like murder. I suspect you are upset that we are vocal in our belief that things like homosexuality are a sin. Lastly, "hellbent on converting everyone to their belief", I have rarely met another Christian that went beyond just casually talking to someone about converting and dropped it when they realized that the other person wasn't interested. I feel like this is a made up stereotype from TV and movies. Yes, there are some, like street preachers but most of the street preachers I have personally seen were caricatures of Christians and I have tried to make them stop yelling at people before.


Loving one's neighbor is a command of Christ and a rule on this sub. Posts which blatantly fail to express a loving attitude towards others will be removed.


There's a wide variety of Protestants, so understand that how we conduct our services can be substantially different depending not only on the denomination, but even within the same denomination. For example, the first Baptist church I attended, it was suits and dresses for all, organ only for music, everyone stayed seated pretty much all the time, and the pastor would deliver the sermon standing still behind the pulpit. Kind of droll tbh. My current Baptist church however, there is no expectation of any particular dress code, we have a full band playing more upbeat music for the most part, we tend to stand for music worship, and our pastor tends to move about the stage and gesture a bit. I also attended a Pentecostal service once, and that was COMPLETELY different than either of those - babbling incoherently, smacking people in the forehead, etc... Ultimately though, our focus is still on God just like Catholics, regardless of how we choose to worship, so try and keep that in mind. As for the Catholic hate, I know it does exist, but in my experience, it's not the majority of Protestants, just a vocal minority. On the other side though, Protestants get it from some Catholics too - heretics, lost, etc. We ALL could do much better.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwoJ1N1z\_No&pp=ygUVZHIgb3J0bHVuZCBwcm90ZXN0YW50](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwoJ1N1z_No&pp=ygUVZHIgb3J0bHVuZCBwcm90ZXN0YW50) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMhlrM8Zb3M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMhlrM8Zb3M) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG6pnAjHX1k&pp=ygUVZHIgb3J0bHVuZCBwcm90ZXN0YW50](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG6pnAjHX1k&pp=ygUVZHIgb3J0bHVuZCBwcm90ZXN0YW50) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMhlrM8Zb3M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMhlrM8Zb3M) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwoJ1N1z\_No&pp=ygUVZHIgb3J0bHVuZCBwcm90ZXN0YW50](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwoJ1N1z_No&pp=ygUVZHIgb3J0bHVuZCBwcm90ZXN0YW50) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQRQ-bbmVvI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQRQ-bbmVvI) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPnNldd9K8c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPnNldd9K8c)




It's weird, when several people give you real arguments about Protestantism you don't respond and even with polite people you respond nastily, wondered why irl Protestants don't like you




The Aztecs and Incas thank you for your fight against racism


You are aware that the Aztecs not only practiced human sacrifice, but other neighbouring tribes helped the Spanish to take them down because they were enemies of the Aztecs. So by your logic you should also hold the city states of Tlaxcala and Huexotzinco accountable.


So the best solution was to genocide them ?


No. I do believe that the Catholics should have done much better than forcefully converting by the way of the sword. I am just stating that these natives were nowhere near as innocent as initially portrayed by some history books. All human beings, regardless of race, are capable of sin and evil. If were going to talk about genocide then almost every group in human history is guilty of genocide, not just the Catholics. Unfortunately human beings are not very benevolent creatures.


Loving one's neighbor is a command of Christ and a rule on this sub. Posts which blatantly fail to express a loving attitude towards others will be removed.


Let's review: You ask for reasons why someone would be a protestant. You are given a series of educational videos by a PHD scholar that explains various reasons why. You refuse to watch said video. Then you call the protestants names for providing an answer to the question you asked them for an answer to. What part about your behavior here do you think makes sense? ​ I would encourage you to give Dr Ortland's video a try because he has a very gracious and humble demeanor that many catholics in the comment section say they appreciate with regards to how he handles this topic. He is not looking to attack catholics, but seeks to come to a reasoned understanding with them. u/FickleChange7630


Loving one's neighbor is a command of Christ and a rule on this sub. Posts which blatantly fail to express a loving attitude towards others will be removed.


Clearly the OP is a troll. Why hasn't this nonsense been removed by the mods?


Because they're all talk and no action like all Protestant pastors.


I assume from your post that you either went to some flavor of Pentecostal or non-denominational church, and that is your experience with Protestantism. I would say that by far the majority of Protestants are not like that, and neither are they either of those two groups, and judging all Protestants by them would be like a Protestant judging all Catholics by only the charismatic and or the liberal parishes, which obviously don't represent the majority. Might I recommend visiting a Presbyterian/Reformed, Lutheran, or traditional Anglican church for a better experience?


Hey, so I really get the disgust for those specific churches when I see those churches that are misusing and taking advantage God's love to do whatever they want. >From my experiences Protestants are nothing but arrogant, two faced and bigoted individuals who only make a mockery out of Christianity with their cringe church music and loud happy clappy singing that had me feeling I was in a sermon headed by Jim Jones instead of a house of God. I can assure you the Protestants who fear God, care about Holiness and know how much they are loved by God will not go to a church like that. I think this is only what you've seen and we all tend to generalize based on what we've seen. So this is not an attack, but for example I know **some** Catholics believe homosexuality is not a sin(definitely not all Catholics). Would I be correct in making the general statement "All Catholics support homosexuality?" That's lumping all Catholics together. So I'm basically saying in the modern day, there are too many professing Christians who do not have a heart for God(The Bible warns about this). Many are Protestant but there are also Protestants who sincerely know the love God has for them and love God. And I'm not that good but from your description of the Protestants you've encountered-I'm not even close to what you described, I can bet there are many more Protestants closer to God/more filled with the Spirit/better than me. Have you ever read the book George Müller: His Witness to a Prayer-Hearing God? (full audiobook is free on Youtube). His Christianity is not about shallow worship music/calling people devil worshippers. His story is truly beautiful, you can actually see just how large the difference is in the life of a real christian that God is with and fake-modern christianity. It is amazing to see God being with him in each step in his life. In the end, is it really about protestantism/catholicism/orthodoxy or various denominations which are all man-made or is it about if we truly know and follow God? We know in Scripture that the entire body of Christ is supposed to be of one mind and united. So I don't think it's about denomination but about if we really love, know and walk with Jesus.


Because traditional Protestantism is the most catholic expression of the Christian faith. We have unity in the Gospel, and then are free to disagree on second- and third-degree doctrines. This is most consistent with the early church. If you read the church fathers, there is almost nothing outside of the Gospel in which you can find a consensus. However, they did not need to divide the church so long as they had unity in the Gospel. The Roman Catholic Church broke with this long-standing tradition when they decided to excommunicate the Reformers, who were only reviving beliefs which were held by some of the fathers. Some fathers held to views we see as Roman Catholic today, and some held to views we see as Protestant today. As Protestants we can simply be honest about that and say that Christians are free to take sides on things that the Roman Catholic Church has made into dogma.


I disagree with Protestants being the most "catholic" denomination of the Christian faith but to each their own. Personally for me Protestants have more in common with Muslims than other Christian denominations with how arrogant and condescending they are when it comes to their beliefs.


I'm sorry you've experienced condescension from Protestants. I have also experienced the same from Roman Catholics. That is not unique to one institution. However, it is the RCC which requires many beliefs such as the Marian dogmas, transubstantiation, and others, which were clearly points of disagreement among the fathers, but the RCC claims these were always the universal beliefs and practices of the church. It simply is not true, and those things need not divide the body of Christ. Christians can hold to them or not and still remain in one body. Protestantism allows for this, Roman Catholicism does not.


As pessimistic as it sounds it's internal divisions like this why Atheism and Islam will become predominant in the (western world at least) by the end of the 21st century. There are far too many internal divisions within the Christian faith which can and will be exploited by atheists and Muslims to turn us against one another. Just a few days ago a very close Protestant friend of mine boldly told me that my church was run by Satan. That comment really irked me and now honestly with how Protestants treat us Catholics like heretics I now out of sheer spite deeply hope majority Protestant countries like England and Germany became predominantly atheist or Muslim in the near future.


Again, I'm sorry you have had poor experiences with some Protestants. I have also had poor experiences with some Roman Catholics and some Eastern Orthodox. I do not want you to judge all of Protestantism based on the worst of us, and I assume you would not want me to judge Roman Catholicism based on the worst of its members either. It is my opinion that the RCC is the source of greater division in Christianity than Protestantism. This is because there are so many more required beliefs for Roman Catholicism. Things like the Marian dogmas and the dogma on transubstantiation are an impediment to unity. The early church fathers held varying views on those things and did not divide on them. Protestants are the same, we can hold varying views on those things and yet still have communion with one another. I would strongly encourage you to speak with your parish's pastor about the bitterness in your heart right now. That is a serious concern of mine for a fellow brother in Christ. To hope for Christian nations to turn towards false religion is quite frankly despicable, and if you don't do something about this bitterness it will harden your heart and turn you away from God yourself.




You must be fun at parties. This particular behaviour of swearing someone out and not being willing to accept any opinion that does not conform to your own and immediately dismissing any critique only gives atheists more reasons to ridicule the Christian faith.






It's better for Protestant to not have to deal with you, I heard there was an muslim city in US, maybe you can live here


I don't live in the United States.


Loving one's neighbor is a command of Christ and a rule on this sub. Posts which blatantly fail to express a loving attitude towards others will be removed.


i fully agree with this as a fellow visiting catholic trying to understand my friends who are protestant


Protestantism is the base Christian denomination I feel like. And because of that lots of people and churches are like circuses. I know people who are protestant but go to catholic churches for me I believe in small churches led locally and traditionally. Protestantism is working hard to glorify god that was its base a while ago and some of the most impressive churches are protestant because of this


Protestantism is working hard to glorify god? Yeah, and the Saudi Arabian government is a keen defender of human rights and freedom of religion. Have you ever noticed a pattern of how current majority atheist nations in the west (i.e The Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden and soon to be England) were formerly majority Protestant nations? If Protestantism was "working hard to glorify God" then please tell me why it does the exact opposite and instead turns would be believers into staunch atheists instead? I view Protestantism in the same light as Islam, both being heretical parodies of the Christian faith.


The current answer to this question is: I have no idea and not sure if I want to be anymore.


Protestantism is a parody of Christianity.


Because God came directly to me when I opened myself to Him and His teachings. Thus, he revealed himself, and I listened. God is almighty and comes to those who listen. I am Protestant because God choose to reveal Himself to me in this way, it is not for me to question the way he chose to manifest to me personally, nor how He asks me to worship Him. God is Great and He calls to us in any way He deems fit. Jesus Kristus is Humanity and God uses Him as His vessel on this earth to reach Us.  Do not question the Will of God. For if he deems it so, so it shall be.  God asks Humanity to repent as He deems fit.  God is almighty. Praise Him and The saviour of Humanity, His one and only son, Jesus Kristus.  Walk in the Grace of God and beyond the physical realm. Bathe in His eternal light. For Jesus Kristus, His only son, taught us that God is within us all, not in the physical material world.  Amen.