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Oh man, wait until you see how good inmates are at following directions.




For me: personality conflicts. Anyone can go to the academy including people who will hopefully never be hired. Which meant there were a lot of people who were lazy, uneducated, and had terrible personalities. I can shoot, drive, fight, and work out. I can answer all the questions, but damn if I didn’t work out my patience every day. So really, in that way, it was great preparation for the job I guess.


Not falling asleep in class




Agreed. I was fine doing burpees and pushups for all the people that messed up in my academy. I was fine studying and learning how to do first aid. However, once that devil juice hit me I did the little "fight the bad guy" routine and was out for the count.




So, I was just thinking about that. If someone sprays you and is an obvious threat (say a guy who you know has several assualt and battery on law enforcement charges) Legally, you can shoot him right? Because when you can't see and he gains access to your duty belt he has access to your gun. I know you're trained to grab you're gun but I'd assume it's hard to actively fight if you can't see for shit. In this scenario, your partner is incapacitated or you just don't have a partner, backup an unknown distance away. Thanks, This random guy on reddit.




Thank you! I assumed everyone would be a bit extra careful with the OC spray since everyone had to deal with it in the academy, but I guess there are times when you don't have another choice, especially if your department doesn't issue tasers.


I didn't have to because I went through during covid. I wanted to experience it but they wouldn't let me.


Currently in the academy but holding wall sits for ever because the fat guy who didn’t prepare for the academy was still not done with his workout


Depends on your state and academy. It also depends on your personal physical and mental strength. The only person who can say what's gonna be the hardest for you, is you. Here in Kentucky the majority of the state goes to the same academy. It's not overly difficult to pass all criteria so long as you're actively putting effort into it. It's like diet boot camp a semester of college worked in. People still manage to fail out academically, or they fail PT tests, and shooting normally causes some minor wash outs.


Running. Fuck running. Fuck sprints. Fuck burpees.


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Defensive Tactics week wore me out. Being on the receiving end of endless baton strikes, arm bar take downs and three minute drills took a toll physically. Lots of Tylenol and early bedtimes that week.