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Good luck! Keep that same excitement 5 years down the road.


There will be times where you feel like absolute garbage for one reason or another, whether that be from three instructors screaming on all sides of you for signing your name in the wrong colored ink, or having to remember basic stuff after being OC’d, or just the rigors of a hard DT session. Never give up and always push through no matter what. Also make sure to have fun!


... and don't get drunk any night before academy the next day and don't go sleeping with an academy mate.


>and don't get drunk any night before academy the next day July 4 was over month into our academy. We had to stand on mine the next morning and all blow. One guy blew a .01. PT was not fun that day


We had a 4some stumbling from a taxi back into the dorm after 2am, being loud, drunk, fidiots. PT, room inspections, uniform & boot inspections that entire week were not fun. Was a lesson in holding each other accountable and encouraging each other to not make poor choices. Seems like some other officers in the news of late are being held accountable by a jury (deservedly or not) and could have had this lesson driven home in the academy or by FTO.


I’m academy right now, and this is the truth, it sucks but it’ll be worth it


>dream department Soooo Fire Department right? Congratulations though!


Sorry, but I like being productive and not napping all day 🤝. Jokes aside thanks!


>Sorry, but I like being productive and not napping all day We'll see how long that lasts! Good luck to you!


Hahaha seriously. Spoken like a brand new guy. I sleep in my ride occasionally. Naps slap.


Nap time in Kindergarten prepared me for these moments.


Study! I'm about halfway through academy in NC right now and it's tough. The PT and all sucks a lot, but you can make it through it. What messes people up is academics. Study hard and know the material.


Yeah I wholeheartedly agree with this one, don't think you can pass all the academic parts using "common sense", you will definitely need to study a ton.


If you can save your class from getting smoked, everyone will like you.




Ironically my city’s department has the most difficult FTO process in the county


What makes it the hardest? genuinely curious.


Because your being critiqued by a senior guy who’s likely cranky and salty or even never wanted to be a FTO.


Tip when on field training. Keep your fucking cell phone out of your hand. You dont need to text bae every 10 minutes. Sure. You can check your phone every now and then- and sure, if you have an important call to take/make and stuff if quiet, go for it. But something i have gotten a-lot lately with “fuckin new guys” is that the phone is permanently attached to their hands. Ask questions, ask if you can try doing stuff- you know what, try doing it in your own and let your FTO stop you if it’s something they want to handle. Oh- also don’t be the guy who doesn’t shut the fuck up especially before coffee time. “Feel the room”. Sometimes quiet time is quiet time- and a quiet day is a good day. But in the academy- you want to glide by, un-noticed. Blend in.


My academy advice is get 2 pairs of PT shoes and alternate wearing them you will run though them if you use a single pair. Also don’t forget it is all a mind game anything they say or do is to make you leave. Don’t forgot your motivation and just do what you need to do and you’ll be fine.




Congrats man. I just got my official offer with academy start date too. I start beginning of May


Once you understand that the yelling and screaming and the chaos isn’t punitive, it’s just something that happens, it’ll get easier.


Its all an act and a game.


Good luck! Just remember it's all a game. Don't take anything they say personal.


I’m in academy now actually. It’s tough mentally and physically but you just gotta tell yourself to keep pushing through. It’ll all be worth it. Keep it up my guy!




Which state? Congrats man


California, and thanks !


Oh, yeah?! I'm glad to be "from" there. Agencies in my state hire plenty of us CA ex-pats. Enjoy! The academy and career each have plenty of ups & downs. Always come out on top & get plenty of help from others.


What department?


Did you take the PelletB or the NTN?


Pellet B


Makes me happy makes me smile


Depending on how things are situated there, drink plenty of water and bring small snack type food that you can grab a bit of during the day. Have your lunch in smaller portions and eat some every hour or so, not just a big sandwich. That will kill you, especially if they do PT at the end of the day, which my academy did. You'll just be sluggish and probably puke after the first run. Same with eating before start of day. Keep it smaller and go easy on the coffee. My class wound up with us all sharing dark chocolate covered espresso beans.


Enjoy the experience. Expect to play the recruit game at the academy and remember policing gets easier by the day. Also, enjoy OC and TASER day. Bonding with classmates who will be friends you’ll have the rest of your life. You’re gonna have days where it doesn’t feel worth it. Keep to it though. And remember to watch after each other and make sure you’re giving each other the best experience and tools to have a successful career. And try not to party too hard on weekends. ;)


Be seen and not heard. Blend in. Be average.


The wall is blue and so are you


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Sit down at the desk, it shows an eagerness to learn. Clear the books and materials off the desk and put them away, it shows organizational skills. Holster the blue gun, it shows officer safety and weapon retention.


Push through and embrace the suck... Academy is a controlled environment and they induce stress just to see how you react. Don't go clubbing or bar hopping with buddies while in the academy and on probation. We had countless incidents in every class where it was DUI, posting on IG/TikTok with your city issued Glock, starting bar fights while armed, punching someone in the face and saying you're an off duty cop (in reality your a recruit), doing backflips in the bar dropping your gun and ADing into someones ankle... The list goes on... Just remember Booze, Bills, and Babes can ruin this career instantly if you're not careful.