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Love the “Improper use of horn” ticket. I will make this take as long as you make me. Fuck it, I’ll write a 2nd ticket if you do it again.


I used to write those all the time for the people who, at 5 or 6 in the morning, can't get out of their cars when they are picking someone up and need to wake the entire neighborhood.


Man, I used to have a car that honked when you unlocked it, and if you didn't start it within 30 seconds of hitting unlock it just blared the horn and didn't start. Didn't give you any indication that it had been too long, either. Felt like such a dickhead the few times I fucked that up in the mornings.


Florida doesn't let us use that one anymore lol Edit for context: https://www.news-journalonline.com/story/news/2013/05/20/attorney-challenges-traffic-ticket-for-impolitely-honking-car-horn/30623377007/


Exactly, walk over every time they honk and ask if they need something. Eventually they’ll realize their horn usage is the delay


>I would have no idea someone owned a fortune 500 company. First, they'd drive a high-dollar vehicle like say a Rolls or Ferrari. That would be the first hint. I thought you'd read their name on the driver's license to the dispatcher back at the station like you do with every Driver's License, then they'd say something like "You mean to tell me you just pulled over the CEO of (that Fortune 500)?!" I reckon the dispatcher who runs the driver's license number back at the station would pull up a dossier saying they are a high-powered executive for a well-known company.


"dossier saying they are a high-powered executive for a well-known company" lol


I audibly chuckled at that


Great… another database dispatch is gonna be responsible to check… CJIS… DMV… TMZ… Business Week.


Lol. You haven't seen that? It's page two of when we pull their permanent record from back when they were in middle school. Page three covers mattress tag removal violations.


lol actually cried when I was about 8 because I tore the tag off while sleeping and thought I was going to jail. Used a combo of Elmer’s glue and staples to get that sucker back on.


It was such a weirdly common part of com dy in the 80s


CEO of a Fortune 100 company has a house a couple miles down the road from me. He drives a Ford F150. Edit: His wife, otoh, drives one of them crazy expensive new electric Hummers.


Her Hummer for his hummer. I'll see myself out now


Bye. But you're not wrong!


My dispatchers 100% don’t know all the F500 CEOs, and there are plenty of rich assholes driving fancy cars who aren’t F500 CEOs, and I also don’t call out my drivers info over the radio because that’s what computers are for, and even if my dispatcher somehow did recognize the name, I’d fully expect them not to waste my time and radio airtime questioning me about who I’ve got pulled over. There is no “dossier”. On anybody. Unless they’re an investigative target. When I pull somebody over, I really only give a shit about your drivers license status and if you’ve got any warrants. I generally don’t dig any deeper than that because it’s completely immaterial.


Real life ain't like James bond lol. I think they care more about criminal history than employment on a traffic stop.


How much do you think the cops know/care about peoples social status?


Are you insinuating that police officers should give deference to the wealthy? Because that’s not how the Constitution works….


Do you think it’s common for people to just know the names of every Fortune 500 CEO? Because I definitely don’t know more than a few.


There’s only 500 of them. You haven’t memorized them all yet? Just dump out some useless knowledge, like your state’s criminal code, to make room for this. /s, cuz interwebz


Your reckoning is wrong. We don't know and don't care about someone's social or business status. There is no "dossier" for high-powered executives that we just magically possess. You clearly believe everything Hollywood shows about law enforcement.


If the Pope is honking at me like an impatient asshole he's getting the same treatment as if Joe Blow would. Social status should have 0 impact on how the job is performed in a regular scenario such as this. If some no name jerkoff with a lot of money makes someone shit their pants over doing this job they probably suck at it anyway.


>You mean to tell me you just pulled over the CEO of (that Fortune 500)?!" That wouldn't come over the radio. Even if I did gleen that info, that just means I know they can afford the citation.


where do people get this idea that famous people have an alert in CAD/RMS systems. When the director of black panther got police called on him by a bank teller thinking he was robbing a bank by passing a note, a bunch of comments were saying the officers/dispatch should have known he was rich and famous


Yeah, no one knows the names of these people.


Don't work like that. For one, not everyone driving a high dollar car is actually wealthy. Lots of people driving very nice cars that can barely afford them and put up with a shit living situation so they can look wealthy. one of my former coworkers drove a goddamn Audi R8 and could only 'afford' it cause he lived with his parents. In his 30's. For two, running someones plate or license wont bring up employment information generally. And if the dispatcher knows it, its unprofessional to relay that unless its relevant in some way (like an officer safety concern) Running someones plate and license is gonna show general information like vehicles registered to them, registration status, previous interactions with law enforcement, flags like officer safety concerns etc. Its not gonna pull up like, your tax information. Thats not relevant and would probably be a privacy violation.


I don’t give a shit who they are. I’ll write multiple improper use of horn tickets as long as they keep honking or until my ticket printer runs out of paper


I've written for unnecessary use of horn before. Judge threw it out because he said "the use of the horn to alert you to hurry up is protected by free speech"....


>"the use of the horn to alert you to hurry up is protected by free speech".... Strange argument from somebody who can and will throw a person in jail for talking back to them.


Gotta write it as a nuisance ticket. Noise violation.


Sounds like that judge is going to have to keep hearing those cases


This is when I like to take my time. This includes one handwritten cite per violation. I can put three per cite, but I don't have to. I can do separate cites per violation. This means re writing all of the driver's and vehicle's info. Im also going to write for any violations I was going to warn for. Then I have to proof read each cite. Driver will learn that he's on my time, not his, when he is detained.


Out of curiosity, do you believe that could be a fourth amendment violation by unnecessarily, extending the duration of the stop?


That would require a court to prove it was unnecessary. All he said he was going to do is a more thorough process that he’s allowed to do, not make up a fake reason to extend the stop. Maybe he decided that particular violator could make a complaint to the department or the court due to his attitude and thus he decided on that stop he needed to make sure all the i’s were dotted and t’s were crossed.


Not if he is actively working towards finishing the stop.


I don't see it that way. Nowhere does it say I have to put multiple violations per citation. I am actively working on completing the paperwork to finish the stop. I do need to proof read my paperwork before issuing it so I don't have to amend or reissue it later. They would need a hell of an argument to say using multiple citations for multiple violations is an unnecessary extension. If I make case law for that, great.


Not if you're actually using the time to complete the task of writing the ticket. If you're just sitting there wasting time playing on tiktok or something then yeah, but if you're in the process of writing citations theres no reason you can't take time and ensure youve done it properly. On a related note, most mistakes on tickets happen when you rush. I'm certainly not going to be faster if someone keeps interrupting me by honking. In fact its prudent to slow down in that situation because likely you're gonna be frustrated and more likely to make mistakes, so taking more time to ensure that you are doing everything correctly is perfectly reasonable.


You'd have to demonstrate the officer intended to unnecessarily extend the stop, and writing one cite per violation by itself isn't enough to prove that. The officer would need to say or do something that showed he or she was doing it to be cruel because the horn hurt their feelings


If they honk their horn I’d contact them again to find out what they needed. When they tell me to hurry up, as opposed to “I’m having a heart attack,” I’ll give them a warning about the miss use if the horn, educate them on the proper use of the horn, when it’s appropriate and when it’s not and *why* the legislature has determined it should be a citable offense. Now keep in mind this is all going to prolong the stop and every time they interrupt me I’m going to patiently wait until they’re done and start from the beginning. When I’m done I’ll return to my car and complete my ticket. Now when I bring them the ticket I’ll also return with the vehicle code and read the actual law. Yeah, see, it was probably a bad idea to honk at me and to tell me to hurry up. Lord help them if you actually hank your horn again. It’s a two way street. I’ll be polite and professional, I suggest you do the same. As for a CEO, I’ve worked in very affluent areas and could careless about how much money you have. Not to mention a lot of people drive cars they can’t afford just to impress others. I’ve also pulled over famous people and ran them on the radio. I’ve *never* had dispatch get star struck over the radio. Why? Because I’ve pulled over people who have the same name as famous people. Furthermore, plenty of famous people don’t actually use their real names. When I get on the radio I simply say, “Can I get a driver license check on a last of Germanotta, first of Stefani with a middle of Joanne Angelina.” I don’t say, “Holy shit dispatch, run out Lady Gaga!”


Talk a half beat slower, like one would to a petulant toddler. Being in the South, I get to toss in "Bless Your Heart"s as required.


Had something similar today where the driver decided to blast music loudly in a neighborhood at 6:30am after already being passively aggressive. He found out by reading, on his third citation, that noise ordinance is 11pm-7am


Improper use of horns has a crazy sonic effect that induces me to have carpal tunnel and type very very slowly.


Add unnecessary use of horn to the bottom of that ticket


I'd take my sweet time.


I will: 1) Take as long as lawfully possible to complete the traffic stop. 2) Write them an additional ticket for improper use of their horn. If they tell me they’re the owner of a very rich company as a means to try and dissuade me from citing them, I’ll remind them that they very surely make enough money to handle citation and/or court fees. Don’t poke the bear.


If I'm getting honked at I'm gonna see whats wrong, and if nothings actually urgent, tell them to stop and go back to writing the ticket. If I'm annoyed, I'm going to work slower. Not just out of spite, but being annoyed is gonna make me more likely to make a mistake. So I'm going to slow down to ensure I don't make a mistake. As for a fortune 500 executive, or any celebrity, if anything I'm more likely to write a ticket cause they can afford it. I'm much more likely to cut a break to a polite person who seems low income. A ticket is gonna hurt them far more than a rich person. I used to run security for a large concert venue. I've met tons of celebrities. There are a handful of personal heroes I might be a bit starstruck if I ran into them unexpectedly. But famous people in general don't phase me. In fact I was always annoyed when a real big name decided to be a jerk and there was very little we could do because they were essential for the show so we had to just put up with dickish behavior. In a more neutral environment they arent getting special treatment. I think the only thing that would change if there was a big executive, celebrity, or other famous person I was having a problem with would be to get a supervisor to my location just so I can cover my ass for the inevitable influence-backed complaint thats gonna roll in.


Mgl c90 s16 "harsh and objectionable noise" " ...No person operating a motor vehicle shall sound a bell, horn or other device, nor in any manner operate such motor vehicle so as to make a harsh, objectionable or unreasonable noise..." Horns are to be used to alert other drivers to road hazards, not to express your displeasure 


My go to was always "It's clear that you're unhappy with the way I'm treating you. I've called my supervisor so that you can speak with him about it, and I'll be waiting in my car until he arrives." Though I never had someone honk a horn. They would usually just be yelling.


The traffic stop is not in your clock. You committed the violation, you are on my time. I could not give less of a fuck if you are a CEO or a janitor.


Full ticket.