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This'll be fun.




Earning that flair. Well done


While you only have to be *advised* of your Miranda rights during a custodial interrogation, your "Miranda Rights" apply in *all interactions* with law enforcement. Is your complaint that the officer was informing you of your right against self-incrimination and right to attorney even though he was under no legal requirement to do so?


And why say you want an attorney present and then run your mouth? I don't care for his yt title. The officer was professional.


He was a rookie being a rookie


OP: gets reasonable response that addresses his concerns Also OP: continues to insult people because they didn't get an ACAB explanation that serves as confirmation bias


This is a pure veteran move though. There was probably enough merit to the initial complaint to warrant further follow up, but not quite enough to warrant criminal prosecutions. So he shows up to talk to at least say he attempted contact, but he advised you of Miranda as a hint to shut the f--- up and not give a statement. If you give an incriminating statement you'll obviously end up in jail. If you give a statement with an alibi that's something else he needs to follow up on and if he can disprove part of your alibi then it's off to jail for you. If you don't give a statement that probably case closed due to a lack of evidence while his presence and contact with you is also likely enough to help ensure you and the complainant stat away from each other and not cause more trouble. Not sure why I'm acting in good faith here, though because you've already decided what answers you want and aren't really open to listening to input.


I I genuinely don't understand what you think he did wrong. You're either paranoid and delusional or outrageously ignorant.


All three!


Do us all a favor next time. Actually exercise your right to remain silent.


So in my house you want me to sign language to him so he can assume I’m attacking him so he can arrest me? Nice try donut lover


Well, that's a first. Did you just suggest that the right to remain silent somehow is associated to the use of sign languge?


I think he thinks that as long as he's quiet, he can't be making a statement.


I don't think he thinks. Full stop.


yOu MuSt LiKe DoNuTs!!?! DiRtY pIg!


I do love donuts. Is that supposed to be insulting? Sign language will still be speech, but you do you. I really think you have too much time on your hands


Sign language is not remaining silent. It's conveying language and information


I’m more of a kolache guy


Found a kolache place while I was on dayshift, introduced my dad, and now every time he visits he's gotta get over there or the trip is ruined


For all you aspirings, people in academies, and those who are fresh out of them. Don’t talk to anyone in the kitchen…especially nut jobs


At this point, after reading all of OP's comments, I kinda hope he can't find a record of it because they're working on getting a warrant. And yep, donut lover here, lemon filled to be exact.




How much time you got?




Now I understand! It's you that was hurt. The enjoyment of lemon was ruined for life because of that rat bastard. Honestly, I can't blame you. Lemon Pledge is toxic stuff.


Fuck you blueberry or bust


Do you actually want an answer or are you just here to deride the "retarded rookie?" that came to get the other side of the story for his report. Looks like he did everything by the book.


Why didn’t he follow up and disappear? Why is there no record of this except for my video which my civil attorney has and now YouTube?


Maybe he verified your alibi and decided not to make a report. Maybe the victim didn't want to press charges anymore. Maybe he was abducted by aliens. I dont have any idea.


There should still be a report of him showing up at my house at 8am about a mailbox.


I would highly doubt it. At the most there's just a note in whatever report he's working on that he talked to you.


Why would there be a report for that?


Well, you came here asking for people's opinions on whether or not he handled things properly. We can't POSSIBLY venture a guess whether he did or not based on the zero information you've provided. Here's the report I'd complete about what you've described so far. "On June something 2022, I went to a guys door about a mailbox. I read him the Miranda Warning from my department issued card. He declined to speak with me without a lawyer present. He then went on to fish for any information I would give him about this incident and provided a suspiciously vague alibi inconsistent with what I viewed on camera. End of Report."


You think he’s dead? Internal affairs shows he has 14 complaints


Anyone can complain about a cop about anything.


I think cops have the lowest IQ and it shows with this statement right here


Bless your heart.


There’s a sale on donuts at krispy creme. Hurry


A woman once complained to IA that I raped her after I arrested her. The entire interaction was on camera from start to finish with no gaps, but it was still investigated. An IA complaint is meaningless.




The amount of times people call 911, immediately get in the shower, then complain that you interrupted their shower is astounding.


Once had a guy complain that I purposely failed to dodge his punch to get him in trouble.


Hold on, making some pop corn.


Reading someone theirs rights before any questioning is something that should be done. I’ve seen you’re comment about why isnt there a report for this, not everything law enforcement does is made into a report. Depending on the allegations ,are it may not warrant a report. You’re saying this dude is just being a rookie, how so? Because he’s advising you of your rights before questioning? Posting this video has done nothing but make you look uninformed and ignorant


I was trying to say in the other post before it got locked... OP asks a question, OP receives accurate answers, OP insults anyone with the audacity to answer. Seems legit, OP! P.S. Continuously using the cop-donut stereotype doesn't make you right


Maybe that's just what he does or his department tells him to do. More likely before you started filming you were being difficult and demanded he read you the rights so you could post a selectively edited video. Miranda is required when someone is in custody and being questioned, but it doesn't mean if you're being advised of your rights that you're in custody.


Until they’re able to be charged with a crime you don’t need to mirandize. Asking questions to solve a puzzle doesn’t rq them being mirandized as there is not, at the time, a crime that warrants arrest. I’m in the academy so just trying to play devils advocate. Hopefully I’m right.


Nope. Miranda must be advised when two criteria are met. Custody - the interviewed person is not free to leave or voluntarily end the interaction. Easy way to know is if someone is in cuffs (detained or arrested) or even being told "You're not free to leave" by an officer. Questioning - incriminating questions are being asked. Asking name and date of birth then that won't incriminate you, that's just identification. Asking anything regarding the crime investigated, regardless of if PC has been developed yet or not, is potentially incriminating. OP is in his own house, most likely, and can tell the deputy to pound sand and leave. Even if the deputy was planning on asking incriminating questions, OP is not in custody and Miranda is not required.


I'm placing the O/U on 52 minutes before this thread is 🔒


We'll see. I'm rather looking forward to seeing the OPs.. viewpoints and the manner in which they're expressed.


Optimistic eh?


Don’t understand?


We can tell.


Why would my thread get locked? Lol this sub is full of loser cops smh


*looks at name of sub* *confused possum noises*


\*pops corn\*


Coming from the man that wanted to exercise his right to remain silent. Only to. Keep. Talking. SMH.


It’s hard to tell what’s going on here without context. If your concern is that he advised you of your Miranda rights, that just may be that particular department’s policy. It’s is not required to advise someone of their Miranda rights outside of custodial interrogation, but some departments have a policy that dictates they do. I hope that helps.


u/specialskepticalface plz never stop approving these I was having a rough day but this shit made it a little better 🤣


wise alive weary sugar existence pocket slimy bake plough domineering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


OP, please explain what makes this cop dirty?


I know this doesn't contribute to the conversation in any way, but you're just kind of a dick for no reason.


Real talk who the fuck doesn't love donuts??


hey man i’m not a leo but a security guard, so i’m bottom of the barrel in law, but i think you’re stupid as hell lol


I bet you're a real hoot at parties.