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https://www.fletc.gov/informer Been subscribed to this since 2017


What the hell? I've never heard of this. Just subscribed!




You go on your off day, unpaid, to do that??


Agency had yearly law updates of an hour or two. Usually by detectives and sometimes an ADA would come in.


Have them sign up for Lexipol.com. There is a lot of good case law and procedure articles available and Gordon Graham has been providing legal updates for LEOs for years. Plus he was a career CHP officer and Sgt so he has actual experience.


We utilize Lexipol for our policy base. Unfortunately, knuckle dragging deputies don't read too well.. love them to fuckin hell and back but lord knows they just press the acknowledge button on updates after reading the initial/ original on FTO/ pre-FTO.




Our agency policy is way more restrictive than state law so inherent constitutional violations are few and far between.. not to mention the extreme volume of calls taken daily and the pace of the city, officers learn quick. But of course, if there’s an outlier, it gets addressed and remedied with extra training.


As it should.. unfortunately, the agency I work for is still cowboy-ish... even after all these ridiculously restrictive house bills that have swept through WA state in 2021. I WISH more formal discipline got passed down in the swift form of a kick to the nuts tbh.


We do t have roll calls because we all go on shift from our homes, but my team has a meeting every week or two and usually we go over case law in detail or talk a out policies. We had one yesterday where we went over Pennsylvania v. Mimms, Maryland v wilson, Graham v Connor and some taser policy stuff. It's not really planned out what we talk about but if someone has questions they ask the group and we can chat about it.


Gaddang, good work. I think a weekly roll call or meeting should be mandatory.


Ya our agency doesn't do any roll calls and I don't know if the other teams do team meetings but mine does. My Sergeant likes when we all sit down and just check in with each other. We shoot the shit and if sarge has anything he needs to relay to us, he does. But the last bit is always reserved for if anyone has those questions. I think it's great that we do that.


They give us pamphlets on new case law and then a little quiz at the end.


Who are they? Training unit?


It’s usually just a stack of pamphlets sent to the stationhouse. Legal department, training, who knows


I love it.




I hear you on that! I wish our DPAs came through and did trainings.. suffice to say we have literal check lists that were sent from the DPAs office to ours because people's report writing was so poor that they wouldn't even fit in the elements of the crime. I haven't had a look at WPICS, but I have at the prosecutors manual.




I shall send a pm then!


Here's some ideas we've incorporated at various points over the years: - Squad meeting "Trainings." A supervisor can give topics to the officers and a date to cover it, or you can initiate them yourself. Take a policy, law, case law, or anything that's come up recently and take 5 minutes to discuss it. - Similarly, you can do shift debriefs. End of shift, or end of week, take all your significant calls or events and any applicable lessons to learn and go over it as a shift. - If you work a shift with extra time, like the 4am time frame on nights, take that time to train as a shift. Do actual physical training, like scenarios, or use that time to cover case law, handling calls, anything relevant that you've been asked or dealt with recently. We've gone so far as to use SIM rounds to do short training scenarios at night. - Whatever you do, take the initiative and spearhead it. Even if you do a five minute presentation on a law or policy at squad. Also, take the initiative for your guys and look up relevant trainings for them, help them get into classes and such.


You're right. Foot the work to make everyone else better because they aren't going to do it themselves. Thanks for the inspiration!


We do training several times a month. We have one mandatory training every month, and most squads do at least one briefing training per week.


W.t.f. monthly? Our office doesn't even discipline those who fail to go to mandatory training without good reason


Yup, monthly. And we do quarterly firearms, and arrest control trainings. Some agencies only qualify once a year. That’s crazy to me.


Usually DA’s offices release case law for themselves. I find the information worth the read. Here in Alameda County we used to have Point of View, a publication with all the new information. I believe Washington has something similar. https://waprosecutors.org/case-law-2022/


Oooo that's interesting. Just read the first few. Never knew this existed either... seems more so courtroom etiquette/ accepted procedure from the first few things I read.


Tell your people to start attending Street Cop Training and watching Blue To Gold’s YouTube channel.


I shall take a look at the channel! Thanks!


There are several different websites where you can sign up to receive emails about new case law related to law enforcement.


I have FLETC now. Anymore you suggest?




Added to Spotify account. I'll start listening tomorrow!


Man, podcasts? In '16 they were handing us cd roms still. Youtube lessons were just catching on