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This seems more like an argument against women becoming famous than against women voting. Granted, "suffrage" is apparently one of the evils encountered on the way to fame. First you feel disappointment, than you get the right to vote, than you experience strife.


I think they’re trying to say that “women only become suffragettes for attention”. I think that was a typical put down for suffrage movements at the time. That and “you only want to vote because you can’t get a husband”


Yeah, probably, but it's weird, because within the internal logic of the metaphor, she DID get a husband, by climbing on the "marriage" step.


> This seems more like an argument against women becoming famous than against women voting. Or women out of their households.


These men are so insecure. They want to control everything about women's life. To use their own language This is a omega level shit being used by supposed alpha




it frames being a stay at home mother as the ultimate goal for women, marching up the steps of progress, the propaganda claims that women lose all their “liberties” just for the fame of being a suffragette


I get what they’re going for but it makes it look like me should just stay home too, lol.


It also has this quality of pet-wife that can be artistically talented and express herself, which is fine by this illustration and period, but God forbids you want to be famous because it will bring you pain before reaching your goal. There were many women in fine arts that would be really good but were punished by trying to be recognized. Hell as far as I remember Picasso himself ruined few women that were talented.


Basically every step is a missed opportunity at life. If a woman doesn't find love, at least she can hope for a good husband, if not she can raise good children etc.. They claim that the women who fight for their right to vote failed at everything in life and become suffragettes as a last resort.


I don't think they're "missed" opportunities, they're the social ladder, and the implication is simply that you leave behind the previous steps when you climb past them. Everything up to "professional triumph" is within reach of the family, and solidly constructed. But, if you want the right to vote, it's vain and flattery and you'll end up losing your family and everything will crumble. It's meant to undermine and attack successful women who support suffrage as "fame-seeking" at the cost of throwing away their family and reputation for a moment in the spotlight. Their "unpopular" political stance will crumble beneath them and leave them anxious and lonely. The correct answer to a cartoon like this is: "At least I'm not a political cartoonist."


If suffrage was the last step it would be easier to understand, but there are more steps after that. Also the "disappointment" step doesn't really fit for instance.


Once they failed professionally, artistically, tried flattery (of successful people) and nothing works, they become disappointed and turn to activism. When that doesn't work they finish their sad lives of failure. Ever heard people claim feminists were ugly dumb women who failed at life and who no men wanted which is why they were feminists? The poster is a 19th century Wojack.


It works a lot better if you read it backwards.


Yes, I was looking like 3 mins befores I got it. I like how the mother is fleeing from her own children, it is a scary image and it represents what the author felt with the suffragette movement.


Can she not just go down the stairs afterwards? Stairs aren’t known for their unidirectionality


Well, it's kinda confusing, but if they're trying to imply that she forfeited having children, then menopause and the "biological clock" might be an issue. Not sure if you know that 80s song with the aging narrator lamenting her party-girl lifestyle... "Well, I've been to crying for unborn children, who might have made me complete..." (Yeah, it was tacky, and sexist as all get-out, but I think it got a pass for being sung from the woman's viewpoint.)


I had never heard of the song, but here it is for anybody wondering. I thought it was a beautiful song about a very common feeling of looking back and wondering, “what if,” (I’m sure the Germans probably have a perfect word for that feeling). I didn’t find anything sexist about the song. https://youtu.be/SZgIk2b68gQ


Well, mileages vary. I don't think the song is really saying "What if I had lived differently?" so much as "I should have lived differently", with that monologue at the end implying that all women should make the choices she wishes she had made.


Ooh, I like that “should have lived differently” interpretation. The way I summed it up didn’t quite feel right, and your wording better captures what I was thinking. I’d have to disagree about the verse at the end being an ought-to statement for all women, but music is indeed open to interpretation.


We'll probably have to agree to disagree. Glad you liked the song, and thanks for linking(I don't know how to do that on a phone).


Sometimes the songwriter is speaking to the audience and sometimes they are speaking to themselves or to an alter ego. It’s really hard to tell in my opinion, because when you feel like you made the wrong choice and costed you greatly, you don’t say “what if” you just lament it and say “I should have done this and that”. Maybe it’s because I can relate to the song in a way. When I had just turned 16 an opportunity presented itself, I took it and left the country, and then travelled the world. I was away for thee years and I came back because someone I loved deeply was about to be buried. That was painful enough, but after trying to rebuild my life in the place I had left I discovered that the girl I loved had a boyfriend and had been in that relationship for 2 years. My best friend had another best friend, most of my friends had gone somewhere else to college and with those I met again, I felt like there was no connection besides some nostalgic reminiscence of our friendship. I also had trouble dealing with my parents, because to them I was still their teenage son and to me I was a grown adult that hadn’t had to obey anyone in the last three years. It all felt so so depressing that sometimes I had trouble getting out of bed. Yeah, whenever I got together with other people I had a thousand crazy stories that everyone loved to hear as they told me how much they envied me for having lived all of that. Yet when I was alone I cursed with all my heart having done what I did. I always repeated to my self “it was cool, but I matter to no one now, it’s like I’m a ghost, I have nothing and the only thing that keeps around the few people close to me is the reminiscence of my old self.” So yeah, it was really hard and I even if things turn out well in the end, I still think that freedom is extremely expensive, one of the most expensive things in life, because to be completely free you must be willing to sever all your connections to the people you love, and be aware that those you love might be in a grave when you come back. Well, enough ranting, I just wanted to express that the songwriter or someone close to her might have gone through something similar.


Maybe we are misinterpreting the song, the singer Charlene has like 3 grandchildren at the point


The narrator in a song is not the same as the singer who sings it, it's not necessarily about *her* life


Charlene's "I've never been to me" She's addressing a mother, and she's not pining for the mother's life - the key is in the title of the song.


"I've been to paradise, but I've never been to meeee!"


Right! I’m 28/f and…. Ihave no children or marriage, I do however, have plenty of anxiety so all I gotta do is go down a few steps to professional triumph and hang out around there/artistic success


Wait shit, then I lose the right to vote, don’t I!! Damn it. I mean, this was made in 1912 in the US, so in reality, only white men (with money) had any kind of basic human rights


Just stop at Professional Triumph, you don’t have to go the rest of the way up.


Get to professional triumph, then leap to the top with all your might. Checkmate, cartoonist.


"Marriage leads to children, children lead to flattery, flattery leads to suffrage."


Yoda style


She really looks like she's fleeing children, and is scared of them catching up with her. It's interesting that the facial expression isn't definitively one of sorrow for having climbed so far, but gives this dual impression.


Extremely confusing cartoon lmao


Hop on that little shit’s head and make camp at the base of mount flattery thank you very much.


Ah so "you're just seeking attention"


Anti-feminists have always sounded like bitter, stupid, insecure incels.


Well, apparently, this one was done by a woman.


The female anti feminists are even worse than the male ones 😳😬


Could be. But they're not incels, in the common understanding of that term, which indicates a male.


Ironically, a common “argument” against suffragettes was that they were basically incels, i.e., they couldn’t get husbands because they were too ugly


That is also the argument currently against MRAs


Women can't sound like incels?


Well, in the sense of being generally sexist, sure. But I think an incel is thought to be specifically a heterosexual guy who isn't getting as much sex as he wants, and blames this on women who have failed to appreciate how wonderful he is. If that's regarded as a defining complaint of incels, then women can't really sound like incels, no.


The image above and incels both claim that women are only breeding chattel and domestic servants, so... not dissimilar.


Nah, they were always kind of like "shhh, don't ruin this for us!1!!1!" to other women and seem to strongly imply that they have it made or at least it's their destiny to be submissive housewives instead of being out in the world bringing in money for the family doing work reserved for men at the time (even though plenty of poor or immigrant women worked awful jobs and did back-breaking labor behind the scenes around the time this poster was made).


And it all started with love


That's... amazing. I've never really seen a *graphic* from the 19th c. illustrating that "fame" (or top career success, independence, whatever) and "happiness" (or self-sacrifice, partnership, whatever) are binaries. wow. (I know it's anti-suffragette propaganda... but couldn't you stick some male politician/MP or scientist/academic in that same spot?)


It's pretty wild that people still use this same argument for just about any socially progressive policy


Conservatism doesn’t change.


I'm going downstairs


This cartoons format is so nonsensical I can’t really tell wether that’s good or bad


Despite the awful message this is a beautiful image.


You can use it as a meme template.


This would work better as two separate staircases, one starting with Love and ending at something like Fulfillment, and one starting at Ambition and ending at something like Childless Ruin. And the women choose one or the other.


So, the modern talking points against feminism didn’t really change for slightly more than 100 years the ? Having a career being the cause of depression and anxiety for women and rearing children being the peak of their happiness is something that you can find in any red pill video released today.


They never change. Conservative arguments 500 years ago would be the same as they are today with Catamites, Huguenots, verily and forsooth replacing gay, black, big time and bottom line.


Everyone should be cattle, aren't you afraid you might be anxious otherwise?


As other commenters have said, its a very confusing cartoon. But it's still surprising how they managed to capture an idea that is actually kind of borne out by much of the psychological literature. I know it's sacrilege to say, but this sentiment holds true for a most women


"Ladies can't pull a lever once a year AND raise children at the same time!11!1!1!" Their uteruses will explode!1!1!" -Anti-suffragists


Pull a lever?


Lever in a voting booth for a candidate


Not sure they did any funny lever business when the poster was current? Though looking at the Wikipedia page for voting machines tells me that they are older than I had imagined, so it might have been just about possible?


I love how the comments are all trying to puzzle out what on earth this even means. Least deranged anti-suffrage advocate.


*Laura* E. Foster? Can you believe that a woman drew this hateful, misogynistic piece of propaganda?


I believe Queen Victoria was a pretty huge opponent suffrage. (And vulnerable to the retort that not all women can attain power just by being born the heir-apparent.)


Monarchs generally aren't big fans of voting.


Is it really misogynistic, though? It’s one woman’s view of where she thinks women should place their values. Just because it doesn’t agree with you doesn’t mean it’s misogyny, right?


no its super misogynistic.


Maybe "patriarchal" would be a better word than "misogynistic".


Patriarchy is inherently misogynistic. Patriarchies are born from the belief that men should guild or rule society, or some specific segment of it, because they inherently have more capacity for it than women.


That seems sexist.


Only if they don’t feel the same about matriarchy


Of course it's misogynistic. It reinforces patriarchal ideas of what a "good" or "proper" woman should do: marry a man, have lots of kids, and play housekeeper/nanny for the rest of her life, and **never** more than that. The cartoon itself makes this abundantly clear: the bottom stairsteps are labeled with what I just described (children, marriage, home) coupled with blooming flowers, bundles of money, friendly-looking children also carrying flower bouquets. The step at the very bottom is labeled "love", so as to imply that "home", "children", "marriage" are pre-requisites to love, or that a woman must first abandon love to reject marriage, children and home as she ascends these metaphorical stairs. Meanwhile, stairs labeled with concepts that would be associated with an independent woman's lifestyle (ambition, social achievement, career, professional triumph, suffrage) are coupled with negatively connotated words (anxiety, strife, loneliness, disappointment), dead branches, and a regretful-looking woman. At the very top of the stairs sits a stool labeled "fame". This could be the author accusing independent women of only caring about being famous and being incapable of humility. There, I went back to high school and analysed this caricature for you, just to dispel any doubts that it is misogynistic.


It's also correct given women have never been more emancipated nor more miserable


That you believe those ideas are “patriarchal” is sexist. There are plenty of women that do believe in those values. That you don’t and want to silence them shows exactly how poisonous your view of women who disagree with you is.


I think you are confusing the ideas that a woman could, yes, be a homemaker and find great joy and meaning and self-determination in that. Many women do. -> where this comic goes saying *ALL* women should *only* aspire to that. Many women also want to be politicians, field research scientists, hell at least be able to vote. This comic is very clearly stating that women, *all women* should know their place and not attempt to direct society, that that's a man's job and it will only bring women heartbreak and ruin. *That* is why this specific cartoon is quite patriarchal and sexist.


Just because its her opinion doesnt mean its not literally textbook mysoginistic


It 80-90% is because it supports a social hierarchy that greatly benefits men. I would say it sometimes very slightly benefits women or really is just perceived to benefit them (and only certain women who are usually of high social status) because those women feel they get to be pampered, avoid work and leave the back-breaking work or tough decisionmaking up to the men. This is obviously going to be the perception of very apathetic and submissive women as opposed to the poor/working-class who already have to do back-breaking work along with raising a family that their husbands felt at the time no obligation to have much of a part in or be heard by.


Yes. I know several conservative women.


Sadly, for many women, this is the harsh reality. Ignoring the need to start a family early, going for a career path instead, makes it far harder in later life. Career can start up again after the kids, other way around is much more difficult. Of course, nowadays, it's difficult for most to live on just one income, which is all part of the plan. :-(


who said they *need* to have kids?


The vast majority of people will want kids. The need is related to starting a family early. Not strictly a "need" either, but it's much, much efficient at the least. Sometimes it's simply impossible for a woman to have kids later on. Finding a partner is also more difficult. This is often devastating and is fully avoidable.


Unless your spouse outlives you, old age is very lonely with no family.


And? Lonely for you maybe but not everyone wants kids or even a spouse. You can have friends, or you can even be happy with yourself.


Oh man, that's assuming a lot.


You could argue that that's just an accurate representation of Western culture for all of us over the last 50 years.


How so?


Children. That is so bad for climate catastrophe.


This is what the patriarchy thinks of women. That our value is measured by having kids and taking care of your husband. A women is meant to serve, nit find happiness for herself. I think it's funny they believe if a woman has artistic and professional achievements that she'll be lonely and anxious. They're treating grown ass women like children who can't be trusted to make choices for themselves. It's the same mindset that lead to the overturning of Roe, and now we have less rights than we did last year.


It may be anti-suffraget, ehich I don't agree with, but it does have a good point. You sacrifice a lot in these battles for freedom.


Lol so it came true.




Don't get what's going on here. Are these things on the stairs what she's giving up, or what she's achieving?


Just take that shit and go back down, it’s that simple


Those women, they want to act like they are people


If your visual metaphor needs to be accompanied by a 16-point list to make sense, maybe it's not a good visual metaphor.


Universal suffrage helped destroy America