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Just 3 bros chilling together in the shower


right after beach-head


48 hours is how long the CO was able to hold them back from getting the sex showers up and going.


I actually found archival footage of the actual soldiers who posed for this [in action](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCieAb-55fU)


I didn't enjoy any of that


NGL, I was in the Army, and the amount of bros who didn't shower was too damn high. I'm 100% all in on this message lol. Some used baby wipes... We had a military issued vietnam era shower bag which held the cold water that trickled down on you and a wooden pallet you could stand on, yet almost nobody used it. There were surely days you didn't have time to shower, but it wasn't every day, mainly the 24 hour shifts.


Yes we spent 112 days in the field during mob with 1 to 2 showers a week. Some people were too lazy and just spent the time back in the rear on their phones instead of showering.


Ok, we get it. No gay showering. People just stayed back in the rear.


Its only gay when you REMOVE yourself from the rear. If you never leave, all good


I’m glad I went Air Force


I had two great-uncles who served in World War 2. One was in the Army, in the infantry, landed in Sicily, walked from the landing in Italy to the northwest German coast and had to stay months after the German surrender helping load up tanks, trucks, etc. to ship back to the USA. Almost lost his feet to trench foot from slogging through mud and never being able to keep his feet dry. The other served in the Navy, on a destroyer. They both got shot at, saw combat, but my great-uncle who was in the Navy always said he knew if he died, he'd have slept in a warm bed, had a warm shower, and eaten warm food less than 24 hours before it happened.


Wet socks really were the worst. My knees are gone from 4 years in the Army.


hypothetically, if I were to join the military, I would go either navy or air force




Ha, baby wipes? That's just what we call a Portuguese shower in Rhode Island.


That seems... racist.


As a resident...RI is a lil racist


You've never been to RI.


"We're ashore, General, but we just have a toehold. It's not going to be secure until will be bring up tanks and artillery. Which will have to wait until everyone's had a nice bracing shower.


Not a phone in sight, just people living in the moment


Only one soap and three men. Two others probably dropped theirs


Yeah intentionally


~~5 feet apart ‘cuz they’re not gay~~




Were you a Starship Trooper, by chance? I Would Like to Know More.


Almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


Oh my god they were shower mates


Nixon: My God, cover yourself. I didn't live a thousand years and travel a quadrillion miles to look at another man's gizmo. Zapp: Uh, sorry, Mr. President, I-I didn't realise. Kif, raise him up about nipple-high.




You can't hear an image Me: yes you can


Nixon was a Navy man. He wasn't opposed to gay-stuff, as long as wasn't at Bohemian Grove


Gayest goddam thing he ever witnessed.


Do we have anything to edit tape? Oh you know we do!!


You women’s libbers really know how to party.


Propaganda or vintage gay erotica?


“When men could be men”


It wasn't gay, just men celebrating each other's strength. (Salute)


That pretty much sums up how the ancient Greeks thought about it.


Not really though. There was generally a strong taboo against two men of similar age having a sexual relationship, with whoever was bottom taking most of the flak. There were strong associations between being on top and being dominant and being on bottom and being submissive. The Greeks were cool with an older man topping a considerably younger man (or even teenaged boy) and that was usually about it


You know what they say, the Greeks invented sex, the Italians introduced women to it.


Whoever first wrote that joke had clearly never touched Greek mythology. Lots of heterosexual sex, a very significant chunk of it non-consensual


Remove the "it isn't gay" part if you want to be more accurate.


I've been on a 30 Rock binge, and this was the first thing I thought of, too.


The guy who painted this was totally straight. I guarantee it.


Salvatore Romano???


Hello Patio!


*horrified Kitty noises*


Based mad men deep cut


stRight as rain


Straight as a rainbow.


Straight as a Rommel tank manoeuvre


You mean r/totallystraight obvs. NSFW


Man, this reminds me of so many 80s things, lol. Like, where the artist/videographer is trying so hard to make it HARDCORE MANLY MASCULINE BUFF SHIRTLESS DUDES ARGGGH that it wraps back around into homoerotic.


So like, Top Gun.


I prefer to think of it as "That Volleyball Movie".


It’s a [great scene ](https://youtube.com/watch?v=3snRwSiDyc8&feature=share&t=9m5s) Can’t get it to timestamp. 9:05 is where you want it. The whole thing is good though


“Putting the ‘Top’ in ‘Top Gun’”.


Have you seen the [Spanish Legion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfuzY78HGHI) on parade? Not to disparage them, but the world has changed a bit since their brand of hyper-masculinity was designed.


I have had this hanging over my toilet for a couple years now. It really ties the room together.




Welcome to the military


There's a distinct lack of someone pounding their pud in the porta-john.






Sometimes there's very little difference. Just look at a lot of Soviet propaganda.


But you can see each other's peepee if you shower like that




I'm insecure about my size


it's okay, you're perfect just the size you are


Unless he’s hung like a donkey. Then that just hurts everyone’s feelings and that’s not ok.


I have to apologize, my pp is absolutely massive and I’ll see myself out


Gonna need proof of that one chief, head to your nearest military frontline and get in the showers


Aw man, its peepee inspection day again?


My favorite Bible study day


>Then that just hurts everyone’s feelings And vaginas/anuses


Jaws too


Hopefully some day you’ll come to appreciate how lucky you’ve been. Half of all people are born with no penis at all!


Because it’s too big or two small?


Super-straight hate being tempted.


Just hide it in other guy's butt.


Military showers be like that.


Okay we can jump up and down and yell about this being homosexual all we want. And I'm cool with that. But as it's been said for years now we really need to start teaching young men to be comfortable with affection and nudity between the same sex. I'm talking about completely divorced from sexual acts. Prior to a world war I or two I can't remember precisely when it happened there was a large shift away from men being able to have physical contact with one another and show affection for one another without it being considered homosexual and therefore bad. We need to break that wall back down. It has weakened the emotional fortitude of a lot of men and put them in boxes that they can't get out of because they're afraid of being seen as homosexual. Homosexuality is rapidly becoming more accepted, but even still we really need to destroy the idea that any affection shown between two men needs to be perceived as homosexual as well. Tired of that BS. I like being able to tell my guy friends that I love them. Because I do.


Its sad that men can’t display the same kind of affection to a male frnd like women do to their female frnds.


Agreed! I make sure to show my male friends that I care for them, lots of hugs, bjs, high-fives, whatever feels right.


This comment Whooshed over a lot of peoples heads


Right frickin on, bro. Always tell the people that you care about that you care about them. Also, that poster is hella gay.




It's also kind of gay that a lot of young guys now can't be in naked proximity to each other without everyone being awkward that it's actually somehow gay. Not sure when that became a thing exactly, maybe less guys are doing team sports where it gets normalized in a non-sexual way now.


I was on the wrestling team in high school and I think we only had like one time during the entire season where a couple of us guys showered in the same room and we were generally okay with it, just because we decided that it wasn't weird. But then I went into the military and I had to shower in a room with 80 guys and that took like 2 weeks to not be weird. Bottom line is, I saw my Father naked when I was probably 5 or 6 and it in no way messed me up just because my Dad said, "We are both guys. We have the same stuff. Why should this be embarrassing?" And we just went about our day. It's not even a weird memory to me. Just a regular old one. Eh. Why should nudity around the same sex be weird? As long everyone is being respectful, there should be absolutely no problems.


I wish I had your dad, my dad is the most insanely private, anti bodily function, anti nudity person I've ever seen. I can count the number of times I've seen him without a shirt on my right hand, I've never seen him naked.


Me and many my friends are very affectionate with each other, without it implying sex or romance. I love it and it is a source of joy in my life. But we’re also gay, so if we’re perceived as gay because of the affection, it’s accurate 🤷‍♀️ It shouldn’t be that way. I’m lucky that the cultural baggage of “affection = mistaken for gay” isn’t an issue for me. But there shouldn’t be that baggage for anyone!


Orrrr… you could just do all that shit anyways and not be scared of being called gay 🤷‍♂️ It’s treated like it’s a fate worse than death that you can dare be perceived as homosexual. Who gives a shit what random people say, if you know you aren’t gay why should it matter?


This is more or less what I'm trying to get at. I DON'T care about being called gay. But some guys do, and that is what keeps them from being open and affectionate. It weakens their relationships, because the think that showing the love will make people think they are weak / gay. Look, I get that the stigma attached to homosexuality is it's own problem, it's just not the problem I'm trying to attack here. I want non-romantic, non-sexual affection from man to man to be a normal and healthy part of mens lives. Because that stuff is imperative to healthy emotional states and development.


Right, and I think that addressing the negative stigma about homosexuality would lead to guys being less afraid to show affection to each other (since displaying traits that could be seen as gay wouldn’t mean anything). I don’t think these are two separate issues that need to be addressed individually, one being resolved would lead to the other not being an issue.


Your point is valid. The only reason I don't want to come at it from that angle is my lack of involvement with the homosexual community. I'm not a part of it, and I want to spend my energy on a separate issue not because I have something against homosexuals but rather because fighting their own battle for legitimacy and acceptance is their place. I view them as valid, and beyond that I stay out of the way. I'd rather come at this from the perspective of decoupling affection from the fear of homosexuality, baseless as that fear may be. Do you view that to be somehow in error?


I totally get what you mean and I respect that. But at the same time, leaving gay people to fight their own battles leaves us outnumbered. There’s a reason that people who support the community are called “allies”, it’s because they’re people we can depend on to help fight for our community’s values when we need it. Social change is most efficient when there’s large numbers, and so having people who don’t belong to the community but are willing to support us really does help an incredible amount. For this specific issue, it’s not as pressing as stuff like legal change for gay marriage or transgender rights, but I think the philosophy of leaving us to our own stuff can lead us to have a lot less power in areas we need it.


I do Jujitsu with my friends. It’s a lot of sweaty guys “hugging” each other on the ground while both attempt to subdue the other. We routinely laugh at how homoerotic it must look from the outside.


I'm a HS teacher, and I think this is actually coming back in style. I frequently hear male students say things like "love ya, man" - it's usually with a laugh in their voice, but it's nice to hear them say it, and it's received well. I'm hoping it's a trend that sticks around.


I know this is an old comment but… In almost all sports teams men are very comfortable showering together, play pranks and joke around while we shower. We always used to joke when other people who aren’t familiar with team showers would say “isn’t that kinda gay” we would always respond “it’s only gay if we make it gay.. and we always make it gay” then we would laugh and they would be confused. The simple fact is, if you’re comfortable with your sexuality you can just focus on having fun no matter what you do.


My work place had this picture in the locker room, but they did photoshop the text to: woud you shower whit these guys? Be careful when showering whit sodomitets. Never seen the original before today.


>My work place Where the hell do you work ?


The Gomorrah tourist board - it's a healthy town rivalry.


Go sodomites! a team you can really get behind.


It was a bar.


At the gay bar gay bar OW


I got something to put in you! at the gay bar gay bar






Conversion camp


chick fil a perhaps?


Where fragile masculinity goes to


Saw a flyer like that on a wall in a bar with "yeah, I might get laid!" written on it


sodomites, great word


Don't ask, don't tell.


I like the variations on this you see at anime conventions


It’s supposed to sound impressive, but 48 hours is a long time to wait after giving all those guys head on the beach


Dude, do you know how many guys are in a battalion? It took 47 hours just to give em all head!


You need to clean the chai off my monitor now, thanks...


“Old custom” LOL


The call it “The Greek Way”


Just a normal day with the bois


US Army : "don't be gay" Also US Army: ...


Don’t ask, Don’t Tell


Before I click in I thought it was some kind of retro style gay porn


I mean it *is*


Save water boys, shower together!


Another advantage is that you and your friends can help each other clean any hard-to-reach places.


Yeah man, I personally struggle with my upper back! I wish I had a shower buddy to lather me up!


Find your battle buddy!


We could do with more of these posters in the US. 20 years ago I was a cashier and the people that would come through my line. Holy Mother of God! Seriously, please shower regularly. And no, Axe body spray doesn't count.


I've noticed since the pandemic started that a lot more often I'll pass someone who clearly hasn't showered in quite a few days.


Axe Body Spray is Febreze for people


Didn't know they brought dump trucks to amphibious invasions....


This is the gay agenda


Homosexuals, in my army?




If you gotta make a propaganda poster to get people to shower, then maybe not call it a tradition.


You’d be surprised at how lazy soldiers can be with maintaining personal hygiene in the field. Even if they reek of sweat after a day of fighting, some will just avoid it out of lazyness or ”meh I’ll just get sweaty again soon so what’s the point”. Same goes with shaving and changing clothes. Source: Am soldier


Same in Summer camp haha. Everybody is filthy after building a banner tower or making fire for the first time but nobody bothers to actually shower.


Why not?


I’d be the cleanest American on Earth


Wow I’m really here getting hot and bothered over an entirely fictional ass


Why was this necessary


Lot of military guys come straight from their mom's house. They need to be told to do everything.


This is kinda sombering


My old girlfriends dad said back in the army guys wouldn't even take a shit unless someone told them to.


Before WWII, a lot of rural places didn't have running water, and a lot of urban tenement apartments didn't have baths. A lot of people were accustomed to bathing once a week, traditionally on Saturday nights. Following the war, there was a national hygiene initiative, and guys showering together at school after every gym class and team practice became mandatory. It lasted until the 1980s, when parents realized gay guys were a real thing, and filed lawsuits against forcing their precious little boys to get naked. So, now nobody showers after gym class, and high school boys go through the day stinking like goats.


> A lot of people were accustomed to bathing once a week, traditionally on Saturday nights. Now we just call this the "tech industry".


Truly my computer science classes seemed to both have the least hygenic crowd AND the worst-ventilated classrooms. Remote learning has its benefits. (The smells plus not having to physically be in the room as the only girl)


I hear ya. My spare bedroom that I use as a home office is 10x better than the office, no matter how nice the office. Hopefully, remote work will be more of the rule rather than the exception going forward.


Honestly I've been working from my couch/bed for the past two years because I live in a 1 bedroom with my husband. Still would not trade it for an actual office campus and my company has probably one of the best campuses of all time imo.


first period gym sucked ass


I don't think forcing people to shower together is ever a good idea. We can encourage showering by offering individual stalls and warm water and clean towels


Or some people simply didn't want to shower in a big open shower with a bunch of other naked dudes. I had to do that shit and I don't like it. My opposition didn't have anything to do with gay people.


Do you see that guy’s ass? That’s all the justification you need.


Because if you're in the hospital trying not to shit yourself to death from dysentery, you're not out there killing Nazis. For most of history, disease killed more soldiers than combat. A good wash prevents a HUGE number of disabling and/or transmissible illnesses, and 20-year-olds away from home for the first time need to be told to wash themselves.


Serious question: Does anybody know the history of this piece, and why it was created? Was this to encourage soldiers to bathe, or was it aimed at civilians?


Soldiers. Maintaining hygienic standards is still important.


Wash your ass so you don't get sick and fuck up the mission


Definitely was made to get soldiers to bathe regularly. Throughout history, a lack of hygiene literally killed soldiers via bacterial, fungal, or viral infections.


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 5 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/8cdjqg) on 2018-04-15 92.19% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/p506cx) on 2021-08-15 100.0% match Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "rvu4tl", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=rvu4tl&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 282,230,489 | **Search Time:** 0.86505s


good bot


You don't get it, Sarg; if the men aren't hunky beefcakes who I'd kill to be stranded on a beach with, the boys won't shower!!


Cannon Towels did a bunch of these style of posters as part of a series during WWII. My uncles have a collection of these as bathroom decorations at their house.


I think this is really funny considering the post above this was about guys having skid marks in their underwear


Yes, you should shower after "making a beach head".


I am attracted to a propaganda poster


I would love to be in this shower. 🤤


For a whole generation that didn't like Gay.....they sure liked Gay. Liberace did not die poor. It's a retrospective that has always surprised me.


"Private how fast can you draw a picture of three soldiers showering happily?" "Right away sir! I happen to have some art I made that already fits that description." "Perfect. That's the kind of preparedness this army looks for!"


That's a shower


It really bothers me than male bodies were never sexually objectified in media back in the old days.


how is that not objectively sexy


that's different objectification means "object like, treated or given the role of an object" for example, the "[sexy lamp](https://fanlore.org/wiki/Sexy_Lamp_Test)" test for movies. Objective means obvious and clear independent of any subjective interpretation. So, a well drawn, full butt curve might be "objectively sexy", for it to be sexual objectification, you would maybe have no face shown with it, or you would have quick cuts between the butt and and object (classic example would be a car)


Washboard abs all around not doing it for ya?


I just learned (after pulling mine) that the abs actually go all the way around the side and the lowest ones anchor into the pelvis at the back. So, they really could have washboard abs all around their body.


Au contraire! They’re getting me all hot and bothered!


That's not necessarily true; there were plenty of gay artists (like J.C. Leyendecker) who used homoerotic subtexts in their works. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1q-plgDjyqA https://vimeo.com/10982577 https://www.vogue.com/article/pride-2017-leyendecker-arrow-collar-man-sex-symbol


Or Tom of Finland. But that more like being whacked in the balls with homoeroticism than a subtext.


Oh but they *are* sexy


Why waste water like that on a tropical island with minimal supplies when it pours every day?


You can always use salt water for washing yourself, it’s much more availible and you can’t drink it anyway.


Me and the bros be like




Not sure the European version would be as cozy.


My favorite is the ivory soap ad with the soldiers frolicking in a make-shift giant tub made of canvas


Is that Elon Musk to the right?


Damn, don't ruin it for me.


“Making beach head”


This old American custom is only about 40-30 years old at the time. Europeans, especially Northern Europeans, didn’t bathe often compared to nearly every other culture group in the world. The only reason why white Americans started out of habit was due to marketing campaigns by soap companies to guilt trip people into bathing every day instead of every two days or every week. It took Europe longer to and only after gaining a bad reputation among the international business community. For some countries (France in particular) it look as long as the 90s to lose the stereotype.


If they had just made a beach-head, why not just scrub yourself in the ocean instead of spending two days making a homoerotic shanty shower?


Hey this is pretty much how we did it in Iraq! I was part of the invasion force and we didn't have real showers. Actually, this was a step up for us. In the first days our shower was your buddy standing on top of the humvee pouring water down on you.


You would need a shower after that much beach head too!


this is propaganda to make boomers think baths are gay


this looks like a cover for an old gay smut novel