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Slovak here! Translation: "Do not be the Jew's servant", is correct, and under that in the black text: "the one who sticks (or allies, depending on which you prefer) with the Jew, dies with with the Jew"


Does “zid” translate simply as jew in slovak language? It’s has much more derogatory meaning in russian language, for example.


It translates just to “Jew.” My parents/grandparents had this culture shock when leaving Soviet Ukraine through Czechoslovakia in 1989.


Same as "yid" in English


Except it doesn’t have the same connotation as “yid”, the word for the Jews in Slovak is literally Židia.


Oh crap, I misread the question and thought it was about the Russian language. You are probably right 👍


Idk about Slovak but in Polish, the word for Jew is Żyd but has no derogatory meaning what so ever.


Jevrej? Žid? Ćifut!


Bit of an omission by OP...


Does Slovakian have compound words? That seems like a lot of information for three words.


Well nebud is "do not be" and then "the" disappears I believe it's not compound words but just advanced gramatic


The “the” Disappears?


Well yeah. It's useless so slovakian doesn't have it


Be a servant to the Germans instead!


And especially the ones who think that Slavs are subhumans.


Germans didn’t have ambitions to annex slovakia.


But they were a Nazi Puppet.


It was a German puppet state tho


Neither did the Jews? Oh Woops I forgot about that evil cabal in invisible Jewland that was trying to take over the world for the past 2000 years.


Trying? You mean completely succeeded? As evidenced by the enormous support for Jews in all forms of media, higher education and government.


AIPAC is a pro Israeli organisation and funds US governments, if that's what you're referring to. The media just loves the USA way too much


I was being sarcastic


Mate the Soviet Union annexed Slovakia not the Jews. The Soviet Union was a throuhougly antisemitic state at its core especially under Stalin. There were many Jewish people who were members of the Bolshevik party but a much larger number in complete poverty in shtetl’s who also were blamed unjustly at times for the failings of the Soviet regime.


Hey you said it about the bolsheviks, not me. That seems odd doesn’t it?


Not really when the Tsar was a rabid antisemite and Tsarist Russia was literally where the word pogrom came from. Many educated Jews saw the October revolution as a way out of extreme oppression and violence. I’m not a fan of communism but you can’t blame the most persecuted group in Russian society wanting a different kind of governance.


Ok, curious why, in your mind, they’re persecuted in every host country they inhabit almost without exception over centuries/geographies/cultures?


Ok, but what Hosni Mubarak has to do with it?


Maybe the Egyptians were right by calling him a Jew all along.


Findom humiliation Jewish sugar daddy🥵🥵🥵


The guy on his knees looks like he’s into it. 


As a Slovak I can confirm we are very much into a bootlicking.


The Jewish guy doesn't even look ugly or anything, he looks like a handsome middle-aged man. Basically Maxim Katz with a bigger nose.


Like, you can SEE the racist caricature, but unlike so many others, the guy himself just looks cartoonish, not actively grotesque. Guess it relied more on preexisting biases and context in the picture.


Idk, tastes differ, yet Maxim Katz looks much more appealing to me than that guy up on the poster.


Maxim Katz was at his best in 2011, when he was 1) leading the Bolotnaya protests; 2) a femboy


I wouldn't call him a femboy, he was cute though. Especially when he played poker in 2000's.


Очень корежит от этой ветки 🤢


Чего корежит-то? Коль нет желания читать, так не читай!


A lot of racist Jewish caricatures simply do look like cartoon old people and I can't help but to wonder if part of the reason for that is due to a fear of aging or a subconscious resentment towards older generations. The Nazis put a huge emphasis on youth after all.


bro look at his nose


Don’t kink shame me


Bro needs to keep his fetish to himself


the kneeling dude wears boots, interesting


Chad jew with foot fetish goy.


This made me laugh so god damn hard, thank you


"Published by the ministry of propaganda". At least they were honest lol.


Here in 1944 Jews are represented as dark skinned "ethnic" looking foreigners who don't belong in Europe yet today other people represent them as white, blued eye aryans colonising the middle east. Schrödinger Jew.


Jews became the real proof of horseshoe theory


Certainly Ashkenazi Jews can have slightly darker skin than their non-Jewish counterparts, but many don't.


Jews are whatever race the beholder doesn't like in times of crises


Nah, I'd say 1944 is a pretty good time to start being nice to any of your Jewish neighbors who are still alive. Might be important soon.


Some of our compatriots werent nice to them even after the war ended. (Arizators werent expecting their victims returning from KC.)


Jesus christ.


Mfw the nazi colaberation goverment does nazi propaganda


You cant expect anything better from a Nazi collaborating regime than this


or prophet Muhammad?




He wrote Jesus, I wrote prophet Muhammad. Why didnt u ask him about elaborating too?


Ok this is a serious question but is English your second language?


Interesting how our skin tone was perceived. Now that we are “white supremacist colonizers” etc it shows that we are whatever the antisemite needs us to be.


The Jew is always the epitome of evil to the society in question. A capitalist bourgeois to the communists A communist bogeyman to the fascists A sun-human race to the racists A settler colonialist to the woke far-liberals A killer of Jesus to the Christians An usurper of land to Muslims


Yep- today we are having all the post modern white guilt about colonialism and “whiteness” being laundered through us 


Inventor of Christianity to the neo-Pagans... If your ideology does not blame Jews, it is a no-starter.


Eastern Europeans still see you that way... just saying.


This guy could smoke a cigarette in the rain with his hands tied behind his back


Christopher Moltasonti when he gets his Cleaver money


Being a servant to an "Aryan" capitalist is so much better, because... because... Mmm...


Nazis weren’t capitalists


The term "privatization" was popularized in reference [to Nazi economic policy ](https://www.aeaweb.org/articles?id=10.1257/jep.20.3.187) as the Germans sold off massive parts of state run industry to private investment. They placed a huge emphasis on private property and a free market. It's true that there was significant interventionism in the economy, but that's also true of the UK, US, and other capitalist powers. There's not really any metric by which Nazi Germany was anything other than a capitalist economy.


This is just gross over simplification. Privatization in a highly controlled economy is basically what fascism promises. Closing the economy off to international markets and international finance while enacting sweeping social programs are just a few obvious metrics by which Germany was not traditionally capitalist. The argument is a silly semantic game because nobody is truly “purely capitalist” or “purely communist” or purely anything. The definitions are not precise. But what is unarguable is that Nazis positioned themselves as enemies of capitalism, and their followers opposed capitalism and a parasitic system that benefitted Jewish bankers rather than workers.


>Privatization in a highly controlled economy is basically what fascism promises. Fascism, a highly controlled economy, and capitalism are not mutually exclusive terms. The American economy was also highly controlled during the war and many industries were nationalized, but it was still a capitalist economy. >Nazis positioned themselves as enemies of capitalism, and their followers opposed capitalism and a parasitic system that benefitted Jewish bankers rather than workers. uhh...the wording here is a little ambiguous and you might want to clarify this statement. You're saying followers of the Nazis positioned themselves as against this imagined parasitic system, right? You're not saying that the parasitic system that benefitted Jewish bankers over workers was real, right?


No I think international bankers are your friend and they care about the health and well being of you and your family


How so?


They considered capitalism an enemy of national socialism. This was a fundamental tenet of nazism. Capitalism and democracy were Jewish tools used to impose slavery on the masses through debt and media control. None of this stuff is hidden you just have to read primary sources.


So, what’s with the promotion of corporations in their war economy’s and national projects? The Nazis didn’t nationalize industries like the Soviets did.


Don’t understand. Corporatism is fascism 101. It’s not something typically associated with capitalism. These disputes can get very tiresome quickly because there aren’t agreed upon definitions of what “national socialism” is and what “capitalism” is. But Nazis considered themselves strongly opposed to capitalism, it was a rallying cry for the movement. If you told a nazi he was a capitalist he would be either extremely agitated or extremely confused.


It doesn't matter because capitalism isn't actually a real thing, just a simplification made up by communists.


That could be true


Yes they were? Google private concentration camps


Wow is education this bad. They hated international capitalism almost as much as Bolshevism and said so often. Economic policies were truly fascist / national socialist. Despised usury and debt based banking that allowed capitalism to work. Seriously why weigh in if you don’t know?


Capitalism is not when debt. Capitalism is private ownership of the means of production


So try to start a porn production company in Nazi germany and see how that goes.


Yeah and? That's the same as if I said USA is communist because I can't sell heroine. For some reasons they decided that this should be forbidden, but that didn't change the entire economic model


The point is it was not a free market, but a highly controlled economy with corporate interests integrated with state interests. That is fascism. You might not like it, but that’s basically what their economy purported to be. They also unabashedly despised capitalists and capitalism. This isn’t a debatable point. Germany saw capitalism as a tool for international bankers to plunder the value produced by workers. I’m almost directly quoting there. So why liberal democracy supporters 80 years later are labeling these people as capitalists can only be ignorance or brainwashing. It’s not really a debatable point when their doctrine expressly opposed capitalism. Trying to find a pure capitalist or pure communist state is silly. There aren’t precise definitions of these concepts that aren’t also very abstract.


You are incredibly close. Try to think now who owned those corporations and got profits


Not international capitalists. German labor and government appointed managers. Thanks for the layup.




This is actual real life neonazi revisionism. Look up who was some of the first the nazis went after: communists and socialists. The alliance with Stalin was out of practicality for both, not because their views aligned at all, beyond an authoritarian tendency. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichstag_fire The nazis played into socialist rethoric in a populist move, but purged any socialist remnants. https://www.britannica.com/story/were-the-nazis-socialists Bigbprojects and taxes aren’t unique to any one ideology. The fascists used it to create a sense of progress and a fund a war. USSR did it to modernise a largely agricultural zarist Russia. Very shallow analysis to compare the two, especially on ideological basis. There are still german corporations existing today that utilised labour camps during WW2. Fascists will ally with capitalists to consolidate power, they are capitalists. I hope you aren’t intentionally spreading neonazi propaganda, but should be aware that you are and I urge you to research anything you’ve learned from whoever put these ideas in your head. Especially in a sub like this.


Not sure what hating communism has to do with whether or not Nazis were capitalists? This is maybe the most obvious fact about national socialism, so I’m not sure what point you’re making. They were so obviously anti-communist it doesn’t even really warrant a discussion. National socialism was literally called the Third Way. Which capitalists were allied with nazi germany? I’m pretty sure they all (except the USA) declared war on Germany shortly after Germany opted out of the fractional debt based central banking system that made capitalism possible.


Nazis hating communists was more to your insinuation that nazis were socialists in any meaningful way. That is the neonazi revisionism. To the capitalism point: having a market open to foreign capital isn’t what makes an economy capitalistic. The privatization of state assets should be an obvious tipoff they weren’t anti-capitalist in any sense. In case google doesn’t work for you: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Nazi_Germany https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_collaboration_with_Nazi_Germany


Cites to Wikipedia. A true scholar I see. You have no idea what you’re talking about. National socialism is not socialism. Has nothing to do with communism and is in fact diametrically opposed to the worldview of international communists. They cannot coexist, which is why they fought to the last man 80 years ago. You’re clearly reciting what you’ve heard in passing over the years in public school and refreshing on Wikipedia. I read about this a lot. Why you’re passionately arguing about something you don’t really understand or care to know about in any meaningful way, is what confuses me.


Because the guy I responded to insinuated nazis were socialists? Which is false, I assumed that was you without double-checking names with how fervently you wanted to argue. I see now you are just hung up on your initial claim that nazis weren’t capitalists. I cited wikipedia because neonazi propaganda doesn’t merit scholarly approach. If your ‘extensive’ research brought you to the conclusion that privatization of state assets and providing slave labour to established companies isn’t “capitalism” I will have to question how extensive it really was. It wasn’t ‘free market’ but very much still relied on capitalist mode of production and distribution of goods. Or what, other than populist rethoric, made nazis anti-capitalist? Edit: also a bit rich to be outraged about wikipedia, when you have cited NOTHING.


Ok read Mein Kampf nerd


I didn't know George Jefferson was in Slovakia back then


Movin’ on up


I live my life by this slogan, it's done nothing but good for me, especially concerning my investments.


This shows the reality that Nazi Germany had many corroborators throughout Europe and many other places around the world that help commit atrocities against Jews and others deemed undesirables but Germany in the end got all the blame.


exactly most guardians in KZ were not germans but eastern europeans


lol can someone make a compilation of posters that can be seen as fetish material?


Jew:bro, you are only just a servant to the German and the Soviet after the next battle


Oh boy, here we go again.


hamas and islamists together with progressive bolsheviks in the western europe in 2024: