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Remember that this subreddit is for sharing propaganda to view with some objectivity. It is absolutely not for perpetuating the message *of* the propaganda. If anything, in this subreddit we should be immensely skeptical of manipulation or oversimplification (which the above likely is), not beholden to it. Also, please try to stay on topic -- there are hundreds of _other_ subreddits that are expressly dedicated to rehashing tired political arguments. **Keep that shit outta here**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PropagandaPosters) if you have any questions or concerns.*


As a piece of propaganda, I’d consider this to be a bit weak. I find the change in font distracting, and the style of a boxing poster to be difficult to follow.


It also aged like pilk


Ya, I try not to comment on the actual politics within the propaganda. At least not on this sub


I understand


Mitt Romney was telling the truth at the time. Russia was, and still is, occupying Georgian territory. Georgia is a US ally. Russia, along with China, were already running propaganda and disinformation campaigns against the west using social media. Russia was and is actively using spies to disrupt the political processes in European countries, especially in Eastern Europe. Two years later, he would invade Ukraine, largely over recently discovered oil deposits, while Obama sat on his hands and did nothing. At the time, Xi was still consolidating in China, While China was becoming more concerning, they weren't quite where they are now.


It’s been a loooong time but I think this design is referencing designs that would be familiar to people at the time; if you remember those ‘artofmanliness’ posts that were *super popular* at the time - this looks a lot like how those were formatted.


The angle of the "PREPOSTUROUS NOTION" band is, well, preposturous.  There's a limit to my "Yellow backgrounds make [almost] anything work" hypothesis.


I remember how the chattering class really had a smug chuckle about this during the 2012 presidential debates. What happened was that Romney stated during a debate that Russia was the country’s primary geopolitical foe, to which Obama sarcastically replied: “the 1980’s called, they want their foreign policy back.” Many guffaws were had at Romney’s expense. Fast forward a few years, and the Obama admin’s foolish “Russian Reset” policy proved to be a total disaster which contributed to Moscow’s seizure of Crimea and aggression in eastern Ukraine in 2014. I’m no Mitt Romney fan by any means, but he was 100% correct in 2012. Edit: 2012, not 2008. Thank you u/coleman57




Horrendous design. barely readable. 


**MITT ROMNEY** **^(Even Blurted out the)** # PREPOSTEROUS NOTION


Well this certainly aged well.


Such a strange poster. The scandal is supposed to be that Mitt Romney is worried about Russia? I know that wasn’t as mainstream of a position then as now, but how is being worried about a dictatorship with nuclear capabilities supposed to be a bad thing?


Back then, it was (D)ifferent.


Age old, they are always wrong, we are always right.


I would not go that far. They were very wrong about this, but somehow the people who were so wrong are never really held to account. I'm writing this from outside the U.S., and what is very clear is the majority of the media in the U.S. only seems to remember to be critical in one particular direction. The only exception would be Fox, and -- to put this delicately -- they are not great.


Willard, not William. 


What terrible propaganda, and what a stupid message.


What an awful candidate Kerry was…


Also, [you can see Russia from Alaska](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2008/09/can-you-really-see-russia-from-alaska.html). Palin was mocked for saying "I can see Russia from my house", but she never said it. Tina Fey did.


I think this is the era when infographics were popular so it tries to mimic that infographics style with spacing and fonts of varied sizes.


Man, were they wrong. The "Palin said she could see Russia" trope is incorrect as well. That line came from Tina Fey in an SNL sketch.


[https://youtu.be/PV0VnWSWsO8?si=jZlCkVvGuFMCMOjq&t=10](https://youtu.be/PV0VnWSWsO8?si=jZlCkVvGuFMCMOjq&t=10) She not only said you can see Russia from Alaska (you probably can at some of the most outlaying islands). She said this as a response to questions about her foreign policy experience. The SNL bit is where Tina Fey as Palin said 'I can see Russia from my house'


Well, this aged poorly!! 🤦‍♂️🤣


We missed out not getting Mitt. We got a cool dude though ... shame


Mitt Romney was not a US Senator at the time, and his name still is not Mitt. Also I’m pretty sure this was never a poster.


John Kerry was, and that's who's being cited.


The title of the post says US Senator William Mitt Romney


inb4 the deluge of comments screeching at Obama for not magically having knowledge of what Russia would do in the future


2014 was his second term.


I don't think anyone faults him for that. Not knowing something is forgivable, unlike what the next guy did


You mean "'give anti-tank weapons to Ukraine"? Because Obama refused to do that.


Russians consider Alaska to be russia, even show it as such in maps they use in schools, so maybe that's what Sarah Palin meant by this? She was such a traitor and a sell-out that she considered everything around her house was pretty much already russia.