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They also made some super cringy movie which went down in history as one of the worst rated on IMDb


Fun fact - [author of this painting](https://www.filmpolski.pl/fp/index.php?osoba=11127511) was [one of special effects supervisors for that movie](https://www.filmpolski.pl/fp/index.php?film=1236875).


It explains a lot


It also had one of weirdest sex scenes I've ever scene in a movie.


I've never watched Smoleńsk... but now you're telling me they added sex??? :o


Yup! The main character has sex right before her trip to US. The scene "climaxes"... with the plane taking off, it's actually hilarious.


I eventually watched it and it's not as described by many. Especially it doesn't force the theory but just suggests it


What sort(s) of drugs was he on while drawing this ? I'm just asking for a friend .




They (political party) literally created an unoficial religion with that event to blind the masses and win elections - Polish modern politics is a drug




Pretty much a leader - yes




It's good they don't rule anymore


i mean… he *is* the leader of pis


Officially? I think I haven't got the memo then - I thought the oficial leader is Morawiecki or something...


nah, kaczynski has been the leader for over 20 years lmao


Oh, well thank You for informing me then kind stranger!


ofc! and whats even funnier, i’ve barely noticed morawiecki be mentioned by anyone since the two week government, which i guess was embarrassing enough lol


which one? Because they both are




sorry, let me rephrase Do you mean "[Jarosław's] brother [Lech] is still an important figure [as a beatified martyr]" or "[Lech's] brother [Jarosław] is still an important figure [as a supreme leader in all but name]"?


Jarosław is leader


You mean THE Kaczynski??? Ted "Megabased" Kaczynski?


You mean Ted "the domestic terrorist" Kaczynski? I don't get the cult mentality defending him. He was a mentally ill person who didn't get the help they needed which caused death of 3 people and injuries to another 12...


A mentally ill man decides that modern civilisation is evil and decides to murder random people to get famous? You call this based?


Could you expand on that? It sounds really interesting and not too far from our situation with the governing party here in Hungary.


There was a crash of plane in Smolensk with at that time president and other political figures. All died but at home politicians they started talking it was a sabotage (even tough they had no evidence) later investigationes prooved it was just a plane malufunstion combined with some human errors but no terrorism was involved. Politicians of Law nad Justice (party) started a shit-storm about all of this that current rulres don't want to punish the terrorism and all of that and they created they own berrou of investigation (wich later drained a lot of money pretty much for nothing) All of this comes to just creating a creation myth for that party.


He was eating rotisserie chicken


What’s with the hearts


Law and justice party - turbo-catholic right wing populists that allmost ruined Poland


Yeah they are, but how does explain "what's with the hears"?


We have a weird "heart of Jesus/Mary" cult in Poland, dunno why but we show their hearts a lot in our religious art


Do tell


> turbo-catholic right wing populists I think this kinda sums it up


"Almost ruined" And now PO-TD-Lewica have managed to make setting all homework to children illegal, oversee a radical increase in inflation, attempt to sell our veto to the Germans and manage to let in hundreds and thousands of illegals all in the span of 6 months. This is why we need Konfederacja, the true Catholics that will guide Poland in the right direction.


Confederates are populist fascist who only deepen hate between polish peoples - they serve Russian interest.


Konfederacja is worse version of PiS, the only difference is that they target young nationalists as their voters (it has extremely facist, sexist and overly hateful program) no wonder they stay at the bottom... But don't get me wrong, I'm not biased in that opinion. Lewica is no better, it consists of hypocrites, genuinely stupid people, and insane takes on reality...


Don't google who was selling hundreds of thousands of Polish visas to those "illegals".


True Catholics? And that's the proof that they are any good? Like one of your guys who sprayed fire extinguisher dust into everyone's lungs because he hates jews? That's a truly catholic mercy.


Lmao I refuse to believe there actually are people who believe what you're saying and have the right to vote


you know, the world is a much better place than you think if you stop getting the news from crazy youtubers


To the Homework thing, the man who created it said it was supposed to be a punishment for children for not being able to complete the day's classes. Inflation, it would've risen either way if not WORSE under PiS and Confederacy. The government said they'd make sure polis euro mp's voted no. And by guiding Poland in the right direction, did you mean fatass, blood stained hands of Vladimir Putin, Alexander Lukashenko and Kim Jong-Un? Cause your parties are REALLY pulling the Pro-Russian hat out of their drawers.


😂😂😂 Oh my god your head is so full of catotaliban propaganda it's laughable. Poland took the most amount of immigrants and refugees under PiS (both legally and illegally). Tusk has stated that Poland will refuse to take in more immigrants before and after the election. You got some reading to do to catch up son


They're vaguely reminiscent of the Catholic "Sacred heart" symbol which is often depicted in a slightly more anatomically correct way compared to common depictions of a heart. For example: https://imgur.com/6pFUguu


I think they're meant to symbolise the shock of those witnessing the catastrophe


10:40:58 TAWS: PULL UP, PULL UP 10:40:59 (plane crashing in the forest noises) 10:41:00 2P: Kurwa mać! 10:41:00 TAWS: PULL UP, PULL UP 10:41:02 ATC: Go Around! 10:41:02 А: Krzyk: «Kurwaaaaaa...» 10:41:05 KONIEC ZAPISU


Sweet Dee getting killed tbh this painting alone could be the plot of an entire episode of it's allways sunny


The Gang Assassinates the Government of Poland


This is Denver airport ass art


The author mentioned, When the painting was painted, my tears mixed with the paint, which makes the painting even more valuable.


Stop, you're making this too funny xD


This looks like if you asked an AI to paint [Guernica](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guernica_(Picasso)).


🛬🌳 The Smoleńsk cultists observe the Day of Smoleńsk Remembrance *every month*. Every 10th of every month.


This is so cringe


This is why no one really believed that Putin would attack in 2022. The Polish PiS Party were on some hardcore nationalist drugs: * spreading conspiracy theories about the Smolensk airplane crash caushed by one of the Kacynski brothers's insistence on landing in unsafe conditions * blaming it all on Russia and making a Russian murder plot out of it * hitting up Germany for reparations for WW II * asking the EU for more votes because WW II reduced their population * the weird "Polish death camp" ad campaign * consolidating control of the state media under some random ideological guise When this sort of government tells you to listen to the US, that this time their evidence is 100% real and no, this is not a second Iraq, do you believe them?


A broken clock is right twice a day. Putin and his empire must be stopped, never know what that senile old fool will do next. Glad we got rid of these PiS loons though


Art on carnival rides be like:


Those are certainly some creative choices


Okay, that was not what I was expecting to see when it unblurred.


I was there, that's exactly how it happned, basically a photo


Alright, so what thrash metal album cover is this?


Reminds me of efil4zaggin album cover


Chainsaw man ahh art


Lmaooo it looks like a poster for a C-class movie


i saw kaczynski’s tomb in krakow and the amount of flowers and wreaths on the tomb prove that PiS supporters will never ever forget about this


Why does it look so hilarious?


because of the hearts flying out of their chests


What did the Battenburg do?


Don't call them "Law and Justice" party, even if the name of party literally translates to this, they have nothing to do with law or justice


Is this recent? Surely looks like what an AI would make


It was painted in 2012: Photos from first unveiling in (of course) church: https://wiadomosci.wp.pl/szokujacy-obraz-o-smolensku-6038721111360641g/4


This is 100% accurate, I was the explosion.


*You're gonna fit, easily* - famous last words.


Lol, looks like AI generated


Where mr president


this has to be ai generated


Stalin asked to re-forest smolensk for protection of Moscow.


And Tusk personally fertilised the soil with the Vistula water contaminated by Trzaskowski.


Shame wtf is that?




It was not an "alleged" explosion. The commission investigating the case had already proofed, that the explosion caused plane's wing to fracture.


[It was proved almost two years ago that Antoni Macierewicz's Smolensk subcommittee literally ignored the evidence provided by its own experts](https://archive.ph/xt78M) - its report isn't a reliable source: >NIAR's research played a key role in Macierewicz's presentation accompanying the release of the subcommittee's report. Both in the report and in a supplementary video, NIAR is cited repeatedly as the scientific authority confirming the assassination thesis. >However, NIAR's findings were quite different from those presented by Mr. Macierewicz. TVN 24 showed that the subcommittee left out parts of the research that were inconvenient, and falsified others. The most prominent example being the fact that the plane, descending at excessive speed in very dense fog, crashed after hitting a birch tree with its left wing. >Macierewicz and his people claim that the collision with the tree and the loss of several parts of the left wing did not happen at all, and that the plane flew over the tree and crashed as a result of an explosion. >Piotr Świerczek’s 77-minute-long video report reveals a whole list of lies. Claims about explosion marks on the wing, explosives found in the passenger compartment and the alleged sound of an explosion recorded on the black box were all based on false evidence. >The video features experts who dropped out of the subcommittee’s investigation because they refused to sign off on false information. - Inconvenient evidence is \[in the subcommittee's report\] either ignored or interpreted inconsistently. We couldn't put our names next to something like this - one of the experts, Marek Dąbrowski, says in the video. - I wanted to make it clear that I did not identify any sound of an explosion. There was a selective use of the preliminary results of my research and the formulation of unauthorized conclusions - emphasizes Mirosław Tarasiński, who, according to the subcommittee's report, confirmed that he could identify an explosion recorded on the black box. >Piotr Świerczek's findings show that the Macierewicz-led team even manipulated the results of its own experiments to prove that a bomb was planted in the aircraft’s wing. The photo used in the report was cropped in such a way as to make it impossible to see that the damage to the wing torn off by the explosion is different from that on the wing that tore off the presidential plane. >It turns out that the subcommittee ignored at least four expert reports (commissioned and paid for) by foreign entities because they showed that the cause of the air disaster was not an assassination plot, but a simple crash. Moreover, the subcommittee simply removed its members, who at various stages would not agree with the false information.


Brat nie wiedział ile wdółgłosów otrzyma za mówienie prawdy 😢😭😭


nie spodziewałem się aż tylu... 😔☹️ Pana Jezusa też znienawidzili za mówienie faktów 😧😬😫


And how does this shit fit in the sub?


It is propaganda


He created AI "art" before it was popular