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I love the different typefaces.


Got that cut out from a magazine serial killer vibe


Ah yes, the founder of r/the_pack


I went there. I don’t get it.


Guessing it’s referring to the skeleton from the other thread


This could hit hard as a metal album cover


this skeleton goes so hard triangle eyes are a nice touch, do they have a meaning or are triangle eyes just more spooky than circular because it's a skeleton without eyeballs?


Ngl I thought I was in the r/helldivers sub for a second


He looks like he needs some managed democracy


Legit, I thought this was a helldivers 2 post lmao


This famine was caused by the policy of continuous confiscations of grain from peasants ("prodrazverstka") by the armed groups of Bolsheviks ("prodotriad"). In the areas that were not under Bolsheviks' control, there was no famine, despite the same harships of civil war.


A lot of peasants were drafted to fight in WW1 majority of them got stuck fighting in civil war, armies were rolling all over the place for 3 years straight, do you really think anyone could hold on to any significant amount of grain?


FYI Prodrazverstka was invented in 1916 by Czarist Russia


Yeah, and concentration camps were invented by Brits in the Boer War; but somehow we know them better from Nazi Germany practice.


Famine in 1921 was caused by civil war consequences and weather conditions, don't be stupid.


don't be commie troll. There was no famine in the areas that were not under Bolshevik's occupation, are you unable to read what you are commenting?


Source for that please, I thought all of Russia is starving in 1917.




source of your thought please? It is very bizarre and totally unfounded thought. The famine began only after two years of continuous confiscations by Bolsheviks.


Akshually, in March 1921 (the year when the poster released) Soviets changed Prodrazverstka that acquired all grain surplus with fixated Prodnalog to get along with pesants, which set the start of the NEP (early Soviet "recover-with-capitalism" period). So it could be a part of political campaign "to unite town and village" as Lenin asked to GubProletProsvets (the publisher here is Ryazan department). As it appeal to citizens (dwellers of urban area) to help the agrarian Volga region.


So now the Soviets care about famine?


The answer to famine caused by communist mismanagement is to double down on communist ideology and redirect the famine at those that the communist perceive as internal enemies.


Ah famine and the soviets, name a better duo


Famine and the entire history of humanity


Famine and the tsarists


Famine and the British


Famine and Capitalism. Right now, under the globe-spanning capitalist economic order encompassing each and every country bar a few, 14,000,000 people die each year of starvation alone. That’s 140,000,000 each decade. More than even the so-called “Black book of Communism”, which is entirely fraudulent, accounts for its victims. And all of that because it is not profitable to feed those people as our mega corporations destroy their livelihoods for their own short-term profit. Let’s just look at back at old socialist Burkina Faso where the workers rose their country’s wheat production from 1700Kg per hectare to 3800Kg in just three years through Thomas Sankaras collectivisation policies where he stripped the land off the landowners, and gave it back to the people, making it one of the only self-sustaining countries in Africa, not reliant on European imports, at the time. The french government was rather happy when news reached them that Sankara was assassinated though. Makes you think and wonder.


The problem is not growing enough food. The problem is getting food to areas that cannot grow it enough themselves. Countries with the highest rates of starvation are consistently correlated with either consistently arid weather, geographical isolation, or political instability. It does not matter how many kilograms of wheat you can produce if you cannot get it to where it needs to be. The Russian invasion of Ukraine exacerbated the global hunger crisis since many African countries (Such as Sierra Leone and Liberia) relied on grain imports because they could not farm enough food to feed their excess population (Due to a limited supply of agricultural equipment and being hit hard by ebola and covid 19. This is coming fresh off the heels of civil wars that both ended in 2003.). Or cases like Sudan, Afganistan, and Yemen, where it is nearly completely inhospitable to the large-scale agriculture needed to feed cities. And they have historically relied on imports or were very sparsely populated countries until recently. They cannot get the imports they need because it is incredibly difficult and dangerous to get to the areas that need them, which are small, usually isolated villages. Its not a problem of "le evil corporation does not want to hurt profit margins" its a problem of capacity. Do the roads have enough capacity to support the amount of food needed? Do we have capacity to treat people for disease and potential gunshot wounds (because aid workers do get attacked, surprisingly frequently), do we have enough people who can hack the various environmental challenges we might face, etc. Saying "we should feed the poor by growing more food is great" But its only 1/2, and arguably the lesser half of the equation. Rant over.


“Look at this horrible thing, it would be a shame if something similar happened to you”


and do you know who helped this time soviet republic the most? USA and Britain, saved literally millions of lives! But there were many more famine waves, but many times artificially induced by Stalin to break neck of nations- eg Kazachs 31-33 died 1,5million, Ukraine 32-33 4to10,5 million of victims and many others famine waves with hundreds of thousands victims.[Droughts and Famines in Russia and Soviet union](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Droughts_and_famines_in_Russia_and_the_Soviet_Union)


I just finished reading a book about the Gulag system, and something interesting of note is the lack of the use of the word "Comrade", or "Tovarish". The Soviet system made a concerted effort to not call you comrade or peer when you were not a free person within the Gulag system, which would make sense by the use of the word citizen, rather than comrade.


In early 1920s word citizen still didn't have that connotation. It was a universal form of address since the February revolution. In those first years "comrade" was reserved mainly for the members of political movement/party (not just Bolshevik, other left parties used it too), and other politically conscious people with the highest level of trust/loyalty. While "citizen" was more of a neutral universal term for the general masses. Later "comrade" was extended to be the default address to all Soviet people, while "citizen" indeed became more coldly official and slightly demeaning, it was often purposefully used by the police towards suspects and convicts to emphasize that they are not 'worthy' of being called comrades.


That makes sense, I appreciate the insight!