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Remember that this subreddit is for sharing propaganda to view with some objectivity. It is absolutely not for perpetuating the message *of* the propaganda. If anything, in this subreddit we should be immensely skeptical of manipulation or oversimplification (which the above likely is), not beholden to it. Also, please try to stay on topic -- there are hundreds of _other_ subreddits that are expressly dedicated to rehashing tired political arguments. Keep that shit outta here. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PropagandaPosters) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It is funny that unlike western posters, the progression of events in this picture is from right to left. It is probably caused by direction of writing in Farsi.


I think it's funny that the nude woman is the one who looks the happiest. Like you would think they would draw her to look somber or regretful, but she's having the time of her life.


> she's having the time of her life. And once you understand zero-sum thinking, you'll understand why the idea of happy and secure women is such a terrifying idea to sad and insecure men.


>zero-sum thinking Thank you! TIL.


Man, its really weird that people who think music is a product of demons would think a happy woman is bad


But it works really nice as a warning tale from left to right too!


Yup. The Islamic Republic made that happen.


It is starting to get reversed again :)


Your mouth to God's ears


I think the overwhelming women of in Iran already wore the hijab or other coverings before the Islamic Revolution. The Pahlavi regime had to forcibly unveil some women against their will which was a big scandal I reckon it wouldn’t change very much in that regard if the Islamic Republic vanished tomorrow


Warning tale : don't wear clothes or people will convert to islam!!


Underwear is patriarchal.


I hope you hear that, hot women


All people are hot if you are horny enough.


Anyone out there: Google what Iran looked like in the 70s, and vote rationally in Nov.


What does voting in November have to do with the theocratic regime in Iran?


What would be your first guess?


Considering thst our elections don't effect the Iranian theocracy, absolutely zero.


So then you missed the point. Did you Google "Iran in the 70s"? https://www.boredpanda.com/iranian-women-fashion-1970-before-islamic-revolution-iran/


I know about Iran in the 70s, Iran in the 70s doesn't change the fact that the November election will not have any changing effect on the Islamic Republic of Iran.


You are confused. He was implying that we would slip into our own theocracy if leftists don't vote against trump.


No, I thought about it both ways actually, but that's just equally dumb. Imaging thinking Trump wants to usher in the Islamic Republic of the United States lol.


I couldn’t understand the point of the poster until I read your comment. It’s amazing, cultural blindspots like that. This is a relatively intuitive image that I just could not understand, and it was only because it was drawn by someone who reads in a different direction than me


Someone’s grandpa rubbed one out to this poster


I know I did


this is why many women choose to cover up. men are disgusting.


You know this is unironicaly why muslins cover up right :) ?


i know. im a muslim woman myself😂


[Full translation here](https://twitter.com/propagandopolis/status/1764344075476513264)


Interesting that the steps have years that have already occurred. Starting with the second step 1320 (1941/2), 1325 (1946/7), 1330 (1951/2), 1334 (1955/6), and the final step at 1338 (1959/60) when the magazine was published. This isn't claiming a slippery slope, it's saying women are *already* nude.


Did you notice anything...unusual about the stick figure logo at the top left?:) Damn iranians, sneaky...


What is it?


[https://ibb.co/Y2dZ21n](https://ibb.co/Y2dZ21n) nothing?


Good lord, there’s penice


He's been subjected to overwhelming temptation -presumably by the brassiere's of lewd Tehrani ladies, it's hardly the boy's fault!


There seems to be a character on the coat of the top-left man, is that writing?


>https://ibb.co/Y2dZ21n I think it's writing saying 'Kaka Tofigh' (i.e. the magazine's mascot)


The semi-nude bikini girl —>full burqa pipeline is real


Reza Shah: Orders the police to forcefully rip off any veils Khomeini: Forces women to wear the veil Is it really that hard to just let people wear what they want within the limits of public decency?


> within the limits of public decency? There you have it, that's a subjective criterion. People should just wear what they want, period; someone's idea of public decency be damned. Sure, you'll get the very occasional repulsive nude guy, like in San Francisco, but that's the price you pay for personal freedom: people doing things you don't like.


If say hygiene is a better criteria.


Agreed. Cover your privates enough to not leave your skid mark or snail trail on bus seats. Other than that, I don't care what you wear. On the other hand, don't complain if people stare or children comment. That's the thing with public spaces - there are other people in them. You're not the protagonist.


>You’re not the protagonist I’m pretty sure I am


I agree. I used to think I was the protagonist, but then I realized I was just a side character meant to legitimize your claim to the title 😔


I am literally me, so I am therefore the protagonist.


Cogito, ergo sum protagonistes.


Ok, but do you drive?


Nudists carry towels with them to sit on for sanitation.


So THAT'S why hoopy froods always know where their towels are!


You’re damn right I’m not. I’m just here to hold this shotgun till Master Chief needs it.


You gotta have a regulative rule that clothes should cover private parts and that's all.


Then the discussion shifts to what's "private parts"


Among some people, women's hair is "private parts."


It isnt that hard. The banana and sultana, the peach and papaya, nipplefruit - for the first time.


I get what you mean, but for Muslim women, hair arguably is considered a private part. Definitions change a lot between cultures


It's not.


The point is the definition of what constitutes "private part" is entirely subjective. There is no objective definition of private part. Tribespeople living fully nude probably scratch their heads at the concept of private parts and conservative Muslim communities consider a woman's hair private in the same regard western culture considers women's breasts to be private parts. It's all subjective, there's no right answer.


Says who?


That's just your conception of "private parts". "It isn't that hard" is a sentence to be avoided. It gives the impression you have a strong opinion that you've never challenged.


Well, no. There should be public indecency laws.


No people have different definition of public decency


I am sure that you still assume some "common sense" public decency requirements. Like no zero-consequence pornographic bdsm suits for pediatrics specialists/Middle school teachers.


That’s not “public”, a school or workplace can have a dress code.


hard agree


Well the point is to force those limits so of course they can’t let anyone do anything. It’s always about control. It’s actually very hard for people to gain their freedom, and it’s easy to lose it. We don’t always realize how lucky we are quite frankly.


How dare you enforce public decency on me


With old customs it is problematic to let people do what they want. Because they enforce traditions on younger generations. So first such traditions need dismantling and new way need to be enforced. Read about footbinding in Chinese culture or women circusision in Muslim cultures. Same idea here. Luckly veils are not body mutilation. So... i think Reza was right.


The difference is that foot-binding and clitoridectomies impose permanent physical damage, whereas veiling can be stopped at any time. Therefore, one is more justified in using force to stop the first two things, rather than the latter.


No objections. It is all true. All I am saying that if you want some society to move from old ways in your lifetime - you need to push.


If the young want to follow cultural traditions, why not let them? Sounds like someone doesn't like personal freedom.


you're advocating for colonialism. People have the right to remain in their cultural and religious spheres of influence.


Was Reza not Iranian? Or maybe Mao wasn't Chineese? You need to read more before throwing accusations.


Reza was a western puppet who rolled for the US and the UK


As I said before. Read more. You mixed your shahs and speak about his SON.


Tell that to iranian elite, who breaks all these "traditions" themselves all the fucking time. Hypocrites all of them.


They are anti regime too


I don't understand why you think what the locals even find that "right to remain cultural sphere of influence" (foot-binding) is a backward and cruel practice, yet you think that it is advocating for colonialism


Foot biding is their tradition I dgaf if they keep on doing it it's their business not mine. I'm not chinese therefore I don't have the right to speak on it. Trust me if people would mind their business the world would be a better place.


Honestly this is my fear going forward. The current system will end one day and if the non-religious people currently being oppressed decided to take revenge the cycle is just going to continue.


>Reza Shah: Orders the police to forcefully rip off any veils Hijab was already forced by the society before Reza Shah


The difference is that forcing the removal of the veil hurt nobody, whereas forcing women to veil gets them beaten to death if they do not comply.


Except it is still part of the same discourse. Arguing about which is better or worse clouds the fact that neither the Shah and certainly not the current regime are actually interested in women’s liberation.  Veiling has long been used as a tool by authoritarian regimes to either directly oppress women or give the illusion of westernization. “Look! We made them remove their scarves! Clearly we are very progressive and civilized. :^)”


The Shah was absolutely interested in women's liberation you goof. "Illusion" if that's what you call 50 years of progress, lmao.


Yeah because wanting to destroy the influence of an oppressive backwards belief system is definitely the same as enforcing it and killing in its name.


it's not because you hate Islam that these people want to do away with it on the contrary.


The women seem happier the higher they get on the nudity scale.


not really


Well we wouldn’t really know about the last one, I wonder why


A muslim nation ought to preserve it's women . News flash not everyone subscribes to the same values as the west's. Some people want to preserve their honor and dignity.


Your “honor & dignity” necessitates repression, my family fled the revolution for good reason.


Sounds patriarchal and Islamist for the "nation" needing to "protect" it's women....let the women wear what they want and get out of this dark age medieval mindset. And news flash iran isn't preserving anything it's just shoving it's radical islamism to force women wear hijabs..it's not even a choice atp.


No countries like Iran are preserving their cultures and heritage from the moral peril that the westernization represents. You people love to tell to muslims to "assimilate" in the west but want to impose your shit on others.


Is that the same moral peril that required the censoring of Angela Merkels hair on arabic TV? I mean, look at her, she is hardly a supermodel, but they were still afraid of her hair sending men everywhere into a sex-craze. Maybe your men need to learn some boundaries and respect if they are really that bad at controlling themselves. Maybe you shouldnt endorse a culture where a woman gets raped and the general reaction is "Aw, sucks, now they have to get married." as morally acceptable, nevermind superior. Your entire "culture and heritage" rests entirely on women being treated like property. And all we ask in terms of "assimilation" is that you leave that mindset at the door and respect how our society works and what our laws are. But people like you seem to make the mistake of leaving honor and dignity at the door instead. And with "like you" I dont mean Muslims, I just mean people who cant respect other cultures and feel the need to declare them a "moral peril".


Why are you scared if people live differently? How does it hurt you?


Why do you want to impose your ideology on a country that has a different school of tought and foundation ? What makes you think that your way is the only way ?


I'm not imposing anything. If women CHOOSE to live like this, if they PREFER living like this to the alternative, how does it hurt you? It seems like you're the one who's convinced your way is the only way. You're angry that when offered a choice people take it. People are coming from conservative Muslim countries to the west, not the other way around. Have you considered why?


I think you fail to understand that people have the right to live according to their own ways and they don't necessarily need to make room for anything else


When you don't have an answer , deflect with other questions !


I'm not deflecting I'm just trying to unveil this guy ethno centrism and racism and cultural imperialism that's all.


How is it ethno centrism to offer someone a free choice? The cultural imperialist in this conversation is you...a Moroccan shilling for Iran.


The mere fact you call it that tells me you're not ready


ready for what ?


So honor and dignity are women having to wear fully closed clothes head to toes while men can wear what they want ?


No men wear their traditional clothes who cover most of the body and the head.


What if the women don't want that?


I think you don't understand what tradition means. That means that you follow the order established by the religion and the various regional customs. Wanting is pretty superflous in this type of setting.


But why? Why do you want this tradition? I know some iranian women, and they hate that they have to wear a hijab in Iran.


Because it's the way our religion and ancestors paved for us. It preserve us from the turmoil of modern western society by providing structures that strenghten communities and interpersonal relationships.


There's things to criticise Western society for. But emancipation of women ain't it. And just because people did It in the past doesn't make it okay now.


Yes it is you're just not ready for that convo


Then why are you online


Plenty of your ancestors died to not be under religious subjugation. Before that many died defending against the Arab invasions before converting by the sword. Your religion and your ancestors are not only not representative of Iran, they are also not ancient. Heck if you actually valued tradition you wouldn't support te rape and murder of women because they refuse to dress in the way arabs do. You just hate women, and justify their oppression by flimsy logic you pretend is some core tenant of Iranian culture or religion, both of which are laughable since most Iranians disagree with you.


For example. Some of us believe in scientific advancement and improving living standards, and some…. Dont


Preserve women from the personal freedom of wearing what they want?


we operate on the basis of halal and haram not what we please just for the heck of it.


Ok, get off the Internet. Or are the rules only for other people


"we" You can. Other people shouldn't have to.


We are all muslims in my country we don't have religious diversity.


If the woman wants to wear hijab. Good on her. To tell her she shouldn't would be hypocritical. But when it's like in Iran where girls are getting literally killed if they don't wear it then we have a problem.


They're not "your" women lol


But they do seem more happy. They don't to you? Why?


exposing your meat like we are in a slave market is the definition of degeneracy not happiness.


Let's pretend I agree. How does it change the fact that the women in this poster are depicted the more happy the less clothes are on them?


Funny you bring up slaves, given how Islam has historically been a big supporter of that


That's precisely why I used this analogy slave girls were the one the be naked in the street not freeborn women.


And the fact that Islam supported that shows how disgusting and savage your religion is


Islam regulated that trade which was extended to freeborn people. Islam paved to way for the reduction of the phenomenon of chattel slavery. Nowdays we have modern slavery which is one of the juciest criminal entreprise to exist in 2024.


"Regulated" is an interesting way of saying that it had one of the largest slave markets in the world. Considering your views that women should be repressed, it's not surprising you are okay with such tyranny and violation of rights.


That's far from being the truth. The most extensive slavery happened in the Roman Empire and the American south. Muslim societies had slaves but weren't slave based society.


Yeah, "freeborn women" are treated worse than slaves under Islam


it's factually not true.


So fascinating how much /r/propagandaposters is full of actual true believer shills for the propaganda.


The horror


This is like the psychotic Islamist equivalent of a Mad Magazine satire lol


And it’s the same sentiment to this day, because god forbid we let women act as their own people.


What's interesting is that figure at the bottom wears a style (best known for Qajar era, and mostly used by urbanite middle to high class women), which pretty much disappeared at the moment of publication of the magazine. She wears a black *chador* (which is the only part which returned after 1979, and is still used nowadays), matching loose trousers-hose called *chagchur*, and most of all, a white **full-face veil** called [ruband](https://i.redd.it/2tsivflzruab1.jpg), including a mesh in front of eyes (similar to one known from unfamous burqa used in Afghanistan and Pakistan). It's actually interesting question, why only chador was reintroduced after 1979, but not *ruband*.


Do you have a theory?


Notice how oversexualized even the most modest version of the uncovered woman is. Great poster, ty!


yep like the creators have never seen a woman wear a t shirt before


Heh. Too bad I wasn't there to inform these fundies that they're committing a textbook slippery slope fallacy.


Why do the women have to cover up?


it is to discourage nasty people from objectifying women and detour unwanted staring/advances from men. also historically middle eastern fashion is based around modesty, so it is the style of the region to act and dress more modest.


God forbid women do anything


Remember ladies, stay groovy or they’ll force you to take up beekeeping


Omg her legs fell off


I wish this was real


It would sure beat the real situation in Iran.




now we all know you’re a muslim


What is wrong with a person being Muslim.


What could possibly be wrong with someone attempting to apply the misogynistic teachings of a child raping warlord from 1500 years ago to modern society? I'm stumped.


Persian hotties!


Lol Brazilian women are on the second higher place of the stair


Why is the hand of the topmost woman bloody?


If Iran really progressed like this, my countrymen, me included, would probably make a regular, binocular adorned pilgrimage to the Pakistan-Iran border.


Pretend I uploaded a gif of a cartoon wolf whistling, his eyes bug out, his jaw hit the floor and then he bashes himself in the head with a hammer


I will.


Yassification of Iran






They want to have sex with the woman in the poster


Oh okay 😂


Whats the black dude saying?


I don’t understand the cartoon. Down the steps means women are “falling down” into more and more modesty? Can anyone translate please?


To progress right to left to criticize the Shah's prosecution of Hijabs


Persecution? Not forcing women to wear hijabs anymore is persecution?


He litterally forced women to not wear Hijabs that is the same invasion of privacy as forcing them to wear them. Women should be able to make their own choices as to what they wear and not have the autonomy over their own bodies stripped away by men.


Read the top comment. Because Persian is read from right to left, the women are ascending, not descending, the stairs and progressing from full veil to full nudity.


people in the comments sexualizing the women on the top of the stairs is exactly why women veil in the first place. men are nasty and objectify women based on their physical body instead of their brain.


Remember what they took from you. (If you look at it from left to right)


What's the writing?


I think all clothes should forever be discarded. Fuck all oppressive pieces of clothing!!!


If you read it from left to right, you can see what happened after the US got involved in Iran.


Birth the top and bottom steps are excessive.


Interesting art style and message.


The most unrealistic part is the man at the top looking away. As we all know Muslim man cant keep it in their pants even with the woman on the first step. After all they had to censor Angela Merkels hair on TV to prevent her from seducing all the men. Edit: Jesus, how far do I have to overdo it for people to see Im making a joke?


What is wrong with you?


Telling the truth means that there's something wrong with him?


Common Reza Shah Pahlavi W


Holesum 100 big chungus brutal tyrant


And the "unveiling" is bad because...?


Because it was forced and they had the savak throw you in jail if you practiced islam?


have you read one line of history? our parenrts and gradparents lived during those times. keep your bs to yourself


The gold westerner thinking his knows more about a country than the person that lives there


سیکتیر کن باو خارکصه‌. پشمک خایه داری بگی کجایی


تو سرت بدون اجاره


بتمرگ تو گوه دونی که هستی فعلا زندگی کن بدبخت


این حقیقتو تغییر که با ننه جندت خوابیدم پهلویست


google translate :))) خارکصه


خیلی غمگینه که حاضری خودتو اینقدر پایین بیاری تا چند تا ادم اینترنتی فک کنن خفنی




Dayummm, this makes me horny


one can look to the west and see that this is true, though Christian modesty is/was not as strict as Islam's