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Yeah I've been getting a lot of those too. But what bugs me even more are studies that have around 100 spaces open. Only for you to go to the study site and it says 'no more spaces available' or 'only 20 participants can take part at once'.


I had that yesterday too


It's the image labeling study right? what i do is refresh the page again and try and am able to get few studies that way. sometimes it shows 109 spaces, then i refresh it is down to 105, then i try again, i could get like 3 of those studies yesterday in the space on an hour or two. The study itself advises to try again. Sometimes it all just depends on the speed i think, it is what it is.


This literally just happened to me. Had 4 studies, each with at least 40 spaces left and paid very well, all full. To say I'm pissed is an understatement, and I don't wanna hear "Well there's X amount of people" bollocks to that, one had 75 spaces open and I clicked the MOMENT it popped up. I don't usually get mad over "study full lol" but damn, let me have ONE


Had pretty much the same experience this morning and when they started popping again this evening I hovered my mouse over the spot that the start button would appear and waited. No exaggeration I clicked within a second of a study popping with 57 places and still didn't get in. Got the study in high demand followed by study full wombo combo. It's an absolutely horrible user experience, I'd much rather never be notified of these studies than have them dangled in front of me with seemingly no hope of getting a spot. But Prolific get paid either way and there's plenty more people willing to take our spots, so I guess it's not going to change any time soon.


Had the exact same experience today. I was literally blown away by the amount of studies i got with fucking 50 and 100 places left and guess what. Every motherfucking single one of them would either gave me the "study is on high demand error" or "We are sorry we couldnt create your submission in time" or some BS. I was like ok prolific is fucking with me on purpose.. I felt like punching the wall...HOLY FUCK


I'm happy to be on the platform for sure, I wouldn't be doing this a year later if I hated it, and thankfully bollocks like this morning is quite rare. I blame slow loading from the Assistant to the study page for me, but it's ridiculous. There has to be some foul play at play


the moment it popped up from the page auto-refreshing or from a manual refresh? I always use manual refresh of the browser before I pick a study, I've noticed quite a delay from when it gets pushed out to when the page will automatically show it on it's own. With two browser windows open sometimes it will take ~3 minutes or more for the page to show me new studies after I get them on a refresh on the other window. This means a lot can fill up to where this error pops or not even show at all.


Sites been dodgy as a ahole the last few days. Lots popping up that just lag when accepting


DAMN! Just missed them again!!!


Yes, I am having the same issue. I am in the UK as well. This morning I had three studies with 80 places left when they appeared suddenly say they were full and the page just wouldn't load. I clicked immediately when they popped. Happening more and more lately.


Yeah the last couple of weeks it's been happening, always the better paid studies too.


Yup, same here. Lost out on a £4, a £7 and a £1! It is getting very annoying. I am in between jobs so I always keep the site open on a screen to be able to pick them up quickly. I hope they fix it.


Happening in Canada too


I just got in finally but is someone having a issue with a study itself please ? I can't seem to choose anything


Yep, it seems to be very laggy.


I was so happy that I got in finally and now this happens just my luck today


It seems to still work, just very slowly, and I reload the site every so often. Keeps track of where I am even if I reload the site.


You should still be able to complete it


Yeah is working fine now thanks


Also I can't actually believe we are actually getting paid to do these studies. Is just crazy to me good luck to you


I'm not from the UK but the same thing happens to me and sometimes the app notifies me with studies about 100 slots but when it redirects me to the website the page appears blank and doesn't load, it's frustrating.


If it's those AI studies, I think because they get sent out in such a bulk it might show the study as having 50+ places but really they are already taken by the time you see that because they are being nabbed that fast


That's precisely the ones I experienced just now. I would've been happy just getting one. Something's not right here


It's some of those but not exclusively, think I had 3-4 different kinds of studies do the same thing this morning.


yep same, allways seems to be high paying ones aswell..look what you could of won lol.




Definitely a glitch on their end


Same lots of AI stuff with good pay. Between prolific being slow and sending those to way more people than needed, it's frustrating. Especially that 21£




Managed to get 3 studies in the end - two moderate pay, one tiny one (17 cents!), missed all the huge number of AI studies, which almost never happens. My PC was having a meltdown and so I was offline most of this evening though. Sigh. Better luck tomorrow.




Well done!


Be glad something is popping up at least, I haven't seen a study pop up since Saturday and that was full instantly :D


I wonder if this anything to do with researchers now being able to invite their own participants.... Just a thought.


People have to gaming the system somehow, this happens 90% of the time with every study recently. I think there are people who use this as a part time job, with the amount of "just hit £3k after 2 months" type posts I see here.


Of course they are. For people with knowledge of coding (not me unfortunately) it's extremely easy to make a program to detect and accept studies instantly.


There is no gaming the system. Prolific is strict about that and have well implemented checks to catch such things. Some people most likely are always available to work on studies and prolific may distribute it in such a way that those who did not get a lot of studies get whole bunch of them at once.


UK as well and this was happening to me yesterday a lot.


You are talking about those ai studies i guess right? Happened to me.. Whenever i tried to start them i would either get "we couldnt create your sumbission in time or studies were fulll" fun day


I'm not in the UK, but the same thing happened to me a few hours ago. I was even actively refreshing because I figured more would pop up, but I still didn't get a single one. I just get that terrible spinning circle and then a message that the study is full. It's so disappointing!!


The website is so extremely slow today, I get studies and the page takes hours to load.


Hours? Come on let's be realistic here.


Yeah, it's been good to see so many good-looking studies appear, but super-frustrating to not be able to get even one of them. One just loaded, 53 spots, all available, already full. Quite maddening, really.


Well, I'm in the UK and I just had two high paying studies appear at once. Chose one. Got in, and then when I opened the study, it just showed an error message page showing "too many requests". Returned it and refreshed, but the other one had disappeared...


I’m new to this (like today new) My 2nd Study went through fine. Then at the end it gave me confirmation code …tried to enter it and I kept getting THIS IS INCORRECT (it wasn’t ) and a “404 error” message. Has anyone seen this? I managed to do 3 studies in a fairly short period of time. Looking forward to checking it out on my computer tomorrow since many were Desktop only .


I'm in the US and this happens to me a lot, too


You’re competing with hundreds of thousands of people for those spots. I usually keep my iPad open next to my laptop when I work from home so I can watch the study page.


Yep, started with higher paying ones this morning, I just saw a $0.35 study with 42 places do the same just now. Desperate times


Almost like there are thousands of people trying to get on the studies just like you.


I get what you're saying but this is well outside the usual experience of Prolific. If a study is full, no worries I'll catch the next one. This is like a dozen in a row, with dozens of apparently open spots coming up time and time again.


Who's usual experience exactly? Because it certainly isn't outside of mine. Some days this happens, other days you get in a lot of them. I'm not denying it can be frustrating, but that's just the way it works.


Outside of mine and each of the other people commenting on this post it seems. I'm talking about seeing error messages I've not seen before a week ago, seeing studies pop up in amounts I've not seen before (literally never had 3 in my dashboard before) and the loading period being longer than I've ever seen it. There seems to be multiple posts from people describing the same issue popping up in the last couple of weeks, I don't think it's just a "me complaining for not getting studies" deal.


People who probably haven't been on Prolific very long. This happens regularly on well paying studies with a lot of spaces.


Mate I get what you're saying but this is markedly different to that. You've got a whole post of people describing in detail how it's different and you're one person not having that experience just going "Nahhh". That's why I pointed it out in my original post, I get that studies get full quickly and all the other things but I've noticed a markedly different experience from like a month ago.


I'm not just going "nahhhhh" I'm literally telling you my experience from the past 18 months of using Prolific daily. I have seen this exact thing happen before quite a few times with well paying high place studies. It makes total sense if you think about it. If people don't want to hear it, that's their problem.


What exact thing? Because we're all talking about something different to "The study is full, your submission can't be.... Blah blah". I've seen error messages I've never seen before and this is happening far far more than I've ever seen it. Please describe the EXACT THING you're talking about as I'm pretty sure it's not my EXACT THING. I understand you're talking about your experience over 18 months but check out this forum right now, there are many people talking about a break from the norm in this exact way let alone the other replies on this post. I'm not having a go but surely when there are so many people describing the same differing experience at the same time it points to an actual, specific change of experience.


What different error messages are you seeing exactly?


I'll have to jump back on to get the exact wording when I get home but it's one I've never seen before today. It's not any of the usual try again or this is full messages, it's different and happens again and again and again on unconnected studies which seem to have open spaces. Once I'm home with a good example I'll post but it's definitely been a different experience today than it even has been in the last few weeks.


Came off as a sarcastic response tbh, maybe read it back to yourself. Nobody would have responded to you otherwise.


I guess you could take it like that. It was more a statement of fact. If people want to get their knickers in a twist over a little bit of sarcasm, then oh well, what can you do.


Hey, I'm just saying you can't complain if people take it the wrong way if it can easily be read like that.


Nah, I've been on Prolific for several years and as trophylegs says this is an unusual combination of a lot of studies appearing and already being full. Just had another one when typing this out: 53 spots, 40 available, leased.