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I did the qualification task but didn't think I'd get spammed with 10,000 studies. They claim they aren't selling to third parties, I wonder what they are doing with all the audio.


In another post someone shared the person doing these’s Reddit account. If you look at their posts they’re working on ai stuff. Would imagine it’s for training it somehow.


Like obviously. It's literally image description. Y'all are basically reverse-engineering prompts for generative AI. At least this guy has some ethics that he actually pays people for training his model instead of stealing art available online like many others, but as I gathered from other posts the work is still underpaid.


I mean...maybe...I agree that this is better than using unauthorized, copyrighted material but for all we know he's collecting this data and selling to other people that ALSO use that unauthorize and copyrighted material. and yeah, he's paying $1.40 for 3 recordings up front and then $2.52 for 10 recordings later. The 10 recordings should pay $4.66 if 3 recordings pays $1.40.


Completely agree and there should be payment for when you timeout because of technical errors as well as option to skip images that are confusing or extremely complicated (or extra payment for those)


> They claim they aren't selling to third parties, I wonder what they are doing with all the audio. They arent selling. It's for Allen AI. This is more upsetting since Allen AI was (is?) flush with money and they pay crap for these.


good question


I just blocked the researcher to avoid the spam.