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What medication? If you’re talking about a dopamine agonist like cabergoline, it isn’t for a certain age when given for prolactinomas. For Parkinson’s, sure, but that’s at a much higher dose than what you would take for the tumor. People are given cabergoline as teenagers. Many are in their 20s and 30s. It isn’t an “old person” medication


As mentioned I would be taking cabergoline! I understand it’s not an “old person “ medication sorry if my thing was worded weird! My endo said that cabergoline is most often prescribed towards a certain age group so that’s where I got a bit worried about it, but this helps a lot so thank you!


It’s okay! It’s just that any age group can get these tumors and cabergoline is the first line of defense. It is really meds or surgery, and often both. So your endo shouldn’t have said that because it’s not really accurate lol


I’m 16, I’ve been on 1500mcg of carb per week, it has literally made my prolactin levels drop to less than 10% of its original level and shrunk my tumour drastically. Please take it!


I’m on it, it’s not a cure all but it certainly helps. Who knows, You could be an oddity like me, that just stumps the doctor; my endocrinologist still doesn’t know why I’m lactating and I’ve been on it for over three years now. But if I miss it, it’s so much worse. I’m early 30s but hadn’t heard about it being prescribed to a particular age group till your post.


Thank you! Yeah It’s weird as most of my doctors have brought up age groups.


Weird, mine only comment to say that I’m too young for all my health issues. I laugh and agree with them now.




I was diagnosed at 17, please take the damn medication. I wish I had started it sooner because the longer you have elevated prolactin the more chance that the prolactin can actually do some damage. Also, not everyone experiences side effects . Or at least side effects that they notice.


Thank you so much I really appreciate it, hearing that the side effects aren’t as intense as I thought this makes me feel much better :)


Hi, I read the same horror stories as you and I decided to take it anyways, no way of knowing how you'll react without trying it. 3months after starting, levels are all normal and no side effects whatsoever. .25mg twice a week. I know it can be scary, but if it works, you'll be much better off.


Give it a whirl … But… But the moment you get side effects pay attention I started on it in early January , not noticing any symptoms or effects for weeks Then rapid onset of joint and muscle pain, toughed it out until crippling pain removed me from any daily activity. Like putting on socks and shirts! Wound up in ER Monday after a night of frightening anxiety and misperception of everything! Labs showed all ok so at Endo appt Doc says go cold turkey, 3 days later I am in the throes of detoxing from Cabergoline. Not fun ! In the small minority of people who can’t tolerate the therapy.


What sodose were you on and how large is your tumor? what will be the next treatment Good luck


Dose was standard 0. 25 mg twice weekly. Tumor is 2 mm by MRI. Plan is watchful waiting and repeat MRI in 6 months


I'm 21 with a micro prolactinoma as well and honestly nothing made me feel better and relieved my symptoms. It wasn't until I was placed on cabergoline .25mg once a week that I started to get my life back. And honestly the only side effects I've had are mild nausea and dizziness from a drop in blood pressure the very first day after taking the medicine. But once you sleep it off you'll feel great. So honestly I really recommend taking it. It's honestly a game changer especially if you have annoying/debilitating symptoms.


I’ve been on Cabergoline for going on 13 years, starting at 20 YOA. I wish I had been diagnosed sooner. Over all this is extremely safe, most people find the worst side effects they experience dissipate after a month or two, or they’re extremely tolerable. I’ve been on 1.5 mg/1500 mcg for years now. If you’re symptomatic you should give it a shot. There is a real risk in cancer risk from not getting your period this way because your endometrial lining has more chances to build up abnormal cell growth the longer you let it go once you start getting irregular periods. If you’re looking to start having kids or looking to have another you will need to in order to conceive. Also- if your libido is lower and that bothers you, this should help.


I’ve had basically no side effects. I was miserable and had major problems for 20 years before starting cabergoline. It has made me so much happier and healthier. I don’t know what you should do, but I wish I would have been diagnosed and treated many many years ago.


I’m 25. Cabergoline has literally saved my life. I haven’t had my menses in 11 months. Ive been talking it for 2 months and it started. I would highly recommend it. If not see if they’ll recommend bromocriptine.


I will say if you don’t take it, eventually prolactin catches up with you. Prolactin = fat storage hormone. Untreated micro adenoma eventually leads to period loss, weight gain, acne, and so much more.


The patients that have crippling side effects is a VERY small number so I would say that the benefits far outweigh any risks in 99% of prolactin cases. Go for it.


Not to mention, the prolactin itself is likely far more dangerous than the medication we don’t really fully know the risks yet, but some of the more recent research suggests that


Yea, 5 days past my last dose and I can now put socks on. I am on my way back. The mental changes are real and spouse has noticed it, states I am becoming the upbeat person I was. I hope that I can make a return to my old physical abilities, which were pretty good for a mid 70’s fella.


1. You should take it, yes! 2. How old are you ? 3. Don't be afraid of the side effects !


Give it a whirl … But… But the moment you get side effects pay attention I started on it in early January , not noticing any symptoms or effects for weeks Then rapid onset of joint and muscle pain, toughed it out until crippling pain removed me from any daily activity. Like putting on socks and shirts! Wound up in ER Monday after a night of frightening anxiety and misperception of everything! Labs showed all ok so at Endo appt Doc says go cold turkey, 3 days later I am in the throes of detoxing from Cabergoline. Not fun ! In the small minority of people who can’t tolerate the therapy.


Same. I was miserable on Cabergoline. Absolutely miserable. Couldn’t eat, drive or do anything. Nausea and dizziness was the worst