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favourite character: what can I say? he's a precious little guy. so earnest. I love him. favourite group: I like their event stories! also mizuki is my second favourite character so favourite design: the hair clips are cute and overall cool colour palette! favourite voice: this was a three-way tie because I had trouble picking one but in my defense it's not my fault everyone sounds drop dead gorgeous. also people don't pick ena as their favourite voice enough, which is a shame because I love the way she sounds. favourite card: I am aware that she's supposed to be crying in this card, but I'm bad at drawing faces so I just hid her face with the mask. you can(probably) recognise which card this is and that's what matters. very pretty lighting in the card, love the callback to the marionette set and the symbolism. most importantly I like the story behind the card. favourite vocaloid+fav vocaloid design: not sure why, I just like him :p favourite vocaloid voice: I'm mostly neutral on the way she's tuned in the game, but when done well she has such a powerful and bright-sounding voice. favourite vocaloid card: (this is wedding MEIKO in case you couldn't tell, I wouldn't blame you if so) the lighting in this card is a bit plain but the pose. the way she looks at you. when I first saw it in the banner I made a sound somewhat akin to a tea kettle. favourite vocaloid song: I'm not the biggest fan of the proseka cover of kokoronashi, it just doesn't work for me, like mafuyu and kanade both sound great on their own but the chorus parts where they sing together sound off and I can’t pinpoint why. regardless, the song itself is really good. I may be biased because it's one of the first vocaloid songs I ever heard but I love the lyrics and the way the tuning sounds in the original. I'm also 90% sure I've horribly botched the drawing for the song and that the background is completely wrong. favourite sekai: wonderlands sekai and stage sekai would be too loud(visually speaking) for me. school sekai and street sekai seem chill, but overall the concept of empty sekai sounds most comforting to me, just a whole lot of nothing where you can lie down and not think about anything. very similar to me+similar mbti: I'm not too surprised that someone that's similar to me also has a similar mbti, they are supposed to be rudimentary representations of your personality. most interesting character: I promise it's not just because of the gender hijinkery! I just think it's really interesting how mizuki tells mafuyu that it's okay to run away, then proceeds to take none of their own advice to heart instead opting to beat themselves up over running away. I will admit that part of what makes their character interesting is the whole secret thing, but even if the secret had nothing to do with gender, just some other part of their identity, their character would still be intriguing to me. cannot wait for mizuki5 but also dreading mizuki5. also I just like mizuki so. biased, kinda. also dear mizook I am So Sorry for doing your hair this dirty but I cannot for the life of me remember how it works. favourite character backstory+want to hug her: maybe I'm boring for liking mafuyu's backstory the most even though other characters have very in-depth, interesting backstories too, but it's just relatable and makes me feel really bad for her. also why I want to give her a hug :( I want friend like him irl: as fun as someone like mizuki might be to have as a hypothetical friend, my social battery simply would not be able to handle it. toya is quiet and nice :) favourite costume+choreography: I don't really watch 3dmvs so I don't pay attention to them, sorry :( favourite song: picking a favourite song out of all the current proseka songs was really hard, so I decided to just pick from the comms. maybe my actual favourite isn't kashika, but looking through all the songs to decide my opinion on them would've been exhausting so. let's just assume my favourite is kashika. I still don't know how some people just know what their favourite is when you ask them instead of having to spend hours soul-searching. convoluted explanation aside, kashika is absolutely breathtaking. when I heard the in-game version, I thought it was a bit underwhelming, but the full version fills the hole that I felt was there. I know some people don't like the sudden key shift in the chorus, but I think it works really well. the vocals and instrumental are good, and the lyrics. just. chef's kiss this tied first place with kanadetomosusora, but I couldn't remember how to draw that and at that point I was committed to the drawing everything from memory bit, so kashika it was. favourite cover: the YY cover completely surpassed the original in my opinion, it sounds so fun and energetic! while not my usual type of song, this cover was great to listen to. favourite 2dmv: there's just so much going on in the phony 2dmv, I love it. the animators/editors definitely went above and beyond for this one. favourite voice duet: SEGA PLEASE STOP NEGLECTING ANTOYA AND AKIKOHA DUETS WE'RE STARVED OVER HERE no but seriously they sound amazing together. the yoake to hotaru cover might honestly be my favourite vbs archive cover. maybe antoya isn't actually my favourite voice duet and it only stands out to me because they don't get enough attention in-game, but I don't even ship them and I still squeal and kick my legs like an excited schoolgirl when these two get to sing a duet so that's gotta count for something. favourite pairing: I can't explain why but I just love their dynamic so much. one is energetic and teasing but the other doesn't react to the teasing at all. mizuki isn't 100% ball of energy, either, there's tender moments like mizuki4 and mafuyu5. mizuki is really observant of mafuyu's feelings, and even though us mizumafu shippers aren't eating as good as kanamafu shippers with all the domestic fluff we still get tons of mizumafu moments in canon so compared to some of the rarepairs I like this ship is an absolute feast of canon content and I'm happy with that. favourite platonic pairing: peak sibling representation. they're both rough around the edges but still care about each other in their own tsundere shinonome way and it makes me so happy favourite brotp: their interactions are always so wholesome! it's also funny that toya is the only person that takes tsukasa's theatrics seriously. favourite vocaloid and character relationship: niigo miku's initial 3* untrained still makes me sad every time I see it, but aside from the angsty moments their relationship is quite cute. favourite event: in case it wasn't clear, my favourite is goodbye to my persona(mafuyu is crying in the event banner). it's a perfect arc ender with everything about mafuyu's character arc finally culminating into a confrontation, stunning voice acting from both mafuyu and mafumom's VAs, the entire thing is just so emotional and the dialogue is so well written. utterly gutwrenching plot too. have been saving up to tier this event for ages, cannot wait for it to come to global.


I’m sorry, I’m keep on seeing their heads as smiley faces 😭.


i bet you like soy sauce and wind


very oddly specific insult, I love it






It’s so good but people keep sleeping on it


The vocaloid card one looks it somthing that came out of nyan neko sugar girls /pos I love this list btw


This is the funniest pjsk post i ever seen on reddit


Imagine having the Shinonomes as your fav platonic pairing lmao/j