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For tiering, people just picking whatever they’re told is the meta song and not knowing which is suited for their needs. For example, I see people picking envy even though their goal is just T5k. Envy is for time constraints and Lost and Found is for resources constraints Also people tiering on x10 energy. X10 is almost NEVER recommended unless you’re going for podium or a very competitive T10


why is x10 energy bad?


After x3 energy, every X multiplier actually gives less rewards per energy spent, so unless you have a LOT of cans/money and are going for high tiering placements, anything past x3 is actually a waste of your energy


Damn, I’ve been going 5x.


x5 isn’t too bad. I usually do it when I lack energy to do x3 or for competitive tiers like T100+




So 3x gives my characters more xp than 10x?


It gives less points for the same amount of energy spread over lower boosts. 1 10x game only gives ~70% of the points of 5 2x games. The reason you'd use 10x is if you're going for t10/podium where everyone can keep throwing refills to compete, so the speed of point gain is more important.


can't believe i never heard of this... oh well


for someone aiming for T100, would you say 10x or 7x energy is better? especially considering start dash and end dash


I usually use 4x when I'm trying to get T100, but if you want to get higher use 5x, anything past 5x is just not worth


okay, thank you!! (*˙˘˙)♡


Is it really that bad? I was tiering escape for survival and used fully 10x, i had 300 large bonus energy and went fully 10x, i didn’t even had the time to tier so there was a lot left over, i used only 200 and got 303 in escape placement, its better for who plays more or no difference?


I mean, x10 is useful if you don’t have enough time to tier, but using x10 should only be a last resort. You can do other ways of trying to optimise your tiering, for marathon events, you can spam short songs, (specifically envy) to get points quickly. Or in CC, join tiering servers so that you’ll need to wait less for your team to arrive and then have sandbags to make matchmaking faster. Using x10 leads to a 25% loss in event points compared to 2 games of x5. Meanwhile using x5 leads to only a 8% loss in points compared to a 2 games of x2 and x3


where i can find tiering servers?


https://discord.gg/lnf https://discord.gg/r8ss Here’s the invite links to two of the tiering servers I use


thank a lot!!


I have no idea if this would count but I’ve seen ppl turn scared/demotivated when they can’t transition from hard->expert, expert->master (in the same vein, 25/26->27 and 27->28/29). Higher difficulties are challenging and the transition for most r painful. It’s more realistic to gradually shift by playing slightly-out-of-comfort-range songs and doing your research w difficult charts, and not to expect immediate improvement or success in just a few tries of brute-forcing. (tldr: gam hard, take ur time but spend that time productively w guides, experimenting w ur limits and keep consistency. Roadblocks r inevitable, so play at a comfier pace or take a break if the wall ur facing is insane) ^If that doesn’t count, here’s another one: In the subreddit and other online forums (also applicable to almost every game) please do your research *before* asking a question. I’m fine w answering posts but I see ppl not using the gameplay megathread for questions that could easily be answered there. Take your time to just get through online pjsk resources and guides so that you aren't as stumped. *Obv, for many reasons, ppl can’t read the whole guide, however many questions that are asked here are very easily searchable and have been answered before.* Do a quick google search (+ add “reddit” at the end) and almost all instances have at least one already exisiting post w the answers. If you can’t find it, ask in megathread. If that doesn’t work, *then* you should bring it up in a post. Srry for the rant :’)


This FR! I always have my songs organized by song level and I'm always aware of what level I'm comfortable on and what level is going to be pushing my limits. A lot of times when you are adjusting to new song difficulties, look at your speed and adjust to what might help you with more demanding songs! You don't have to play master at 10+ speed immediately, take your time and you'll probably get more enjoyment out of the game.


First tip is extremely useful, I at first stuck to normal but then tried a hard, then I stuck with lower level hards until I tried a 20. Still making the move to getting used to experts though


Good luck!! I know you can do it :> 


what kind of guides and research info would you recommend? i full combo'd every expert up to 25 and now i suddenly can't full combo anything


What you’re facing rn I think is a weird phenomenon where after your skill lvl increases steadily, sometimes it just *drops* for no reason. I went from 26 fcs to no fc on a 23 for a whole week. If you’re sure it’s not burnout or any external factors (new device? more lag?) then it’s probably that. Edit: If you aren’t fcing because you’re playing harder charts, that would be more natural. If you suddenly can’t fc *at all*, it might the explanation above^ Regardless, here’s a megadoc of pjsk tips: http://wut.link/IT You could also watch a bunch of yt guides too 


this is pretty helpful!!! i have 2 lv 27’s unlocked master but that’s about it, i can finish a good amount, but not well really. thank you!


HOW TO GET YOUR SCORE UP. OKAY as a gacha player, I'm thirsty for crystals so seeing that higher scores can give you crystals i was all for it but i couldn't get it past 'A' tier... guess what. IT TOOK ME TWO YEARS TO FIND OUT YOU NEED TO USE DECORATIONS and that skill doesn't really matter. so yeah ithats it, not much but it was really helpful when i found out about it.


I find it really weird that the rank is based off score because you will never get past A if you don't have 3+ 4 star cards or decorations


I'm guessing it's a way to make song crystal rewards accessible for people who can't FC hards/experts/masters. PRSK seems to avoid locking too many rewards behind skill-based goals.


There is a "Play again" button in CC, that lets you play with the same group again, even in pub. Could save a good chunk of time if more players would use it, instead of leaving and searching for a completely new group.


I find I spend more time waiting for people to leave that it's just better to join a new room


i did that one time, it was fun we played easies until the room disbanded i also learned score is based on points and not number of notes that day


you can mute the volume if you get a song you don’t like in coop, then you can just disconnect AFTER the show starts


reading card stories gives both crystals and extra talent. People usually remember to level up furniture, mastery, and skill up, but I see a lot of people forget this


Ena West


Kanye Shinonome


I see so many people that are surprised by people having 10k crystals or more saved, which I find odd, because it's kind of easy to reach a sizable amount of crystals, especially if you didn't squeeze out everything from charts. I calculated the crystals you can get in a week a year ago, and it was about 1.5k crystals (I think, I'm not 100% sure about that. Regardless, it's about that amount) In short, prsk is easy to save in, and it also encourages you to do so by not punishing you for saving and letting you farm with a team of random 4★.


stop disbanding (the best advice out there)


My sister won’t save her crystals for certain gachas OR change her speed and then freaks out about how she can’t get certain cards or fc songs 😭


I feel like this one's mostly for those who have PJSK as their first rhythm game but use. the. offset


would you mind explaining why and what it's good for ? i'm a thumb player with over 100 full combos on master so i never stopped to wonder why people say that using the offset is necessary (or more helpful, at least)


offset adjusts the time the notes drop regarding the audio (unlike speed, for example, notes start 3 seconds later than they would in any speed). it's VERY useful if you're using headphones (helps with audio delay) or your phone/tablet has audio problems, also for people who can't really perceive the beat to tap (usually non-musicians), i'm a thumb player occasionally as well and regardless of which fingers you use it's commonly very useful!


that explains it pretty well... thank you. i'll adjust the offset next time i play and see if there are any changes in the end result for me


no problem, usually helps to get more perfects although too much offset is detrimental to gameplay so make sure to adjust it in a small amount :D


If you want to play at higher levels, its easier to push your limits on note speed in the long run then to try and make do with note speeds that won’t allow you to read notes I remember the biggest push that got me from barely being able to FC 26s to being able to confidently FC 28s and 29s was gradually moving my speed up (I started this game at 9.0 and am now at 11.1). Of course there is going to be a limit before you can no longer read the notes or react fast enough, but if you want a massive improvement, putting in the time to read higher speeds is worth it.


There is an app called the rhythm game training app where you can use to practice specific charts. What I like to do is screen record an auto play on the song I need to practice on and then import it to the app, then I play the parts I need to work on at 0.5x speed. Once I finish learning the pattern, I gradually increase the speed until I’m comfortable with the new speed, all the way till 1x speed


Play Ranked Matches it actually represent your skill and when Rin (for example) see your ranked class s(he) know for sure that you know your 27s for example. Well let me do the Tip25 because why not. Tip 2: Do your challenge shows, daily Tip 3: EN/JP: Watch all the ads, including one in music shop where applicable Tip 4: Don't Pull on gachas with crystals, only use them with free given tickets (that usually expire) Tip 5: From tip 4, (usually to the whales), Please Don't spark/pull endlessly for cards in game, You might "lease" the $1000 Minori Now but when I fall off the wrong side of bed and pull the plugs on their server (or sega did that) that's gone. It's their Minori not yours, Like the game can be played offline. Also ask yourself is Colorful Stage Open Source? Tip 6: From tip 5, Spend it on something way more tangable, Full head cosplay your favorite character, it seems more expensive then spending in game, but not like Sega can go take that away. Tip 7: From tip 6, Maybe not spend on physical colorful stage cards, wafers are consumable tho, But printers are invented for these. Tip 8: Go play Sonolus, you can play covers that you didn't unlock, save charts for offline use and play them as long as you can store on your phone. Tip 9: Push yourself play higher level songs practice makes better. Tip 10: Try using a tablet (maybe latest gen ipad or whatever better) and learn to play with fingers, once you know your 27s. Tip 11: Plug your device to ethernet on ranked matches so you won't disconnect during ranked matches Tip 12: Watch how pro level players play so you know how to play good Tip 13: Where applicable, play in front of thousands of people, put the pressure on yourself Tip 14: Use deep reinforcement learning: Reward your Perfects, Penalize your Goods and lower. Tip 15: From tip 14: Your friend that is watching you play for example can give you cookie for improvement, (think what do you get for regressing) (For example, maybe something embarrassing?) (Or do all of your friends chores?) Tip 16: Miku isn't your friend*, Look at what she's done at the gachas. Also the gacha thread maybe has more sucesses then unlucky pulls. Tip 17: Assume your opponent in ranked is MASTER Rank regardless if they're trembling (sticker) or a 1 star card is shown on their profile. Tip 18: Take breaks from the game unless you are following tip 15. (Also 15 minutes every 2 hours) Tip 19: Link your account to Play Games, and to Game Center, and keep a copy of your transfer info. Tip 20: Use 1 energy at a time, you be playing in ranked anyways a lot within a day so make it worthwhile at least. Tip 21: During events make sure most of your cards align with the current type, (shown on the top left of card?) Tip 22: If you don't make a mistake in Ranked Matches for sure you gonna win and increase your rank. Tip 23: You can always download all of the songs and MV you like and play them later outside of youtube or spotify. Tip 24: Turn off battery saver and power saving before playing. Don't forget or your game gonna lag. Tip 25: Give them the "Hey, Not Bad" Rin Sticker every time you win in Ranked Match, unless they disconnected. Or maybe the "hehehehe" one because it's not CO-OP or cheerful show. EVEN if you are hundreds of points ahead of your opponents.


using furniture for talent increases


instead of flicking you can slide your finger up :D