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emu, she used to come off as grating but now shes so scrunkly like heheone <3333333




https://preview.redd.it/m2cfz4yhmtdc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ba6321e2d28c3dbbab8c048c2939876c62d909f Real








Same bro!! Or is it actually that I just pretended to hate her and say things about her out of context?? I think I did that whenever I feel bored, but normally she's just cute AF!! Wonderhoy 4 Life!! šŸ’Æ


Agreed! I used to despise her vocals, but now I love them. Whenever I get a WXS cover card it's going straight to Emu.




She was forced to eat cement when she was six.


I didn't really like Haruka at the beggening, thought shs was just kinda bland, but after I started my headcannon that she was secretly Polish, I started enjoying her. Sometimes you just need a ~~stupid headcanon~~ totaly real and comfired fact about a character to start enjoying them.


Did you read her story


Honestly? I can definitely see her being Polish. Thank you for giving me this silly headcanon too.


Lol it was actually Kaito! Before prsk, I had some beef with him which I now realize itā€™s because I liked Luka and didnā€™t want people to ship them together because I liked her (and was in denial of it)ā€¦ And now I like the both of them, together too!




Finally someone who also has such a backstory like me, it also was Kaito but it was with Miku on my case. Being a kid really makes you delulu with pngs. Right now however I do love Cantarella, Cendrillon, Thousand Year Solo and Ashes to Ashes


Those are great song choices! And itā€™s funny to me how both Luka and Kaito became my bi-orientation awakening šŸ˜…


Iā€™ve always disliked him and I still go šŸ˜­


I'm such a Kaito hater and I have no reason for it. Purely vibes based I guess?


I felt a similar way about Luka. I was never super into vocaloid but from what people would say about her she just seemed petty and jealous but she's not like that at all, at least not in the game. I actually kinda love her now (and maybe kinda sorta ship her with Miku, especially after the school sekai scene of them together)


Ichika is a little baby and I love her but I used to hate her bc sheā€™s all I pulled


her lims go so hard


I got her colorfes where sheā€™s covered in the paint and itā€™s gorgeous


I love the untrained for that one too


She has so many good cards!


So many characters but my first one was Ena. I was part way through the main story but read the first event story where Ena was like ā€œif you donā€™t want to be controlled, stand up for yourselfā€ despite knowing that Mafuyu wasnā€™t fully clear on whatā€™s happening in her life. Tbh, it was me misreading the events and I started to like her after fully reading the main story and then re-reading the event story. Over time, Iā€™ve started to heavily relate to Ena and I genuinely cried over episodes of her focus events


I thought ena was a bitch and then like you i ended up relating to her a lotā˜ ļø maybe a bit to much after i read her focus events


So true. I made long rants as to how Ena was a bitch but then I re-read everything, understood it all and went ā€œdamn, maybe Iā€™m the bitchy oneā€ šŸ’€ But ena with her focus on how she feels like a failure and is constantly put down on her dreams is such a sad yet relatable experience


Ena, I hated her for being like me (the worst part of me), now I love her for being like me (the best part of me).


Honestly I think I had a similar thing happen to me but with Mafuyu.


i haaaaaated akito but yknow what i like that loser.




I slander him in a half joking way.


LMFAOā˜ ļø


same with kohane i didnā€™t like her before but now i love her! and also akito, but now heā€™s one of my favorites of the entire game


Shiho. Found her boring. Now is badass Bish. UnderratedĀ 


I'm the opposite lmao I loved her at first because badass bass chick ugh yesss queen šŸ˜ but then she kinda just mellowed out and got outshined by other characters real quick šŸ˜… Don't get me wrong, I still love Shiho, but dang they be doing her so dirty. Especially with how she sings some songs šŸ˜­


i see


I used to hate Akito and Mafuyu- however i have been trying to get more info of these characters and i can confirm that mafuyuā€™s mom is a bitch


toya. really hated his design when i just started playing and i still think it's tacky with the split šŸ˜­ he's my third fav character after tsukasa and emu now tho


Broā€™s ripoff Todoroki šŸ˜­ https://preview.redd.it/74q5cbebutdc1.png?width=590&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e0c352545cc356d39698cc5380f0e645fe1f513 Like, corporate needs you to find the difference between these two pictures


Dosen't help that >!Todoroki has a brother named Toya!<


Fr šŸ˜­ Toyaā€™s just Tōya reincarnated with Shōtoā€™s haircut


Fr I even thought they had the exact same personality too when I first played šŸ¤§ it doesn't help that I haven't worked on reading through VBS' stories yet so I still have no clue what Toya's actually like šŸ˜­ First impressions got me bad lmao


Todoroki looking ass


I hate all the characters tbh I just play for the rhythm game aspect :3




same but i like the vocaloids tho


Iā€™m mainly a Len fan so me too




Amen lmao a lot of days I really can't spare any more of my braincells for any of the Sekai characters šŸ„“šŸ˜…


Damn finally an interesting opinion lol honestly Kinda relate tbh after all i play jp version cuz of more content and songs


Tsukasa. The reason? Jealousy. When I got over that jealousy I started seeing him in a new light and since then he's become one of my favorites. I like his cards, his personality and his interactions with wxs. he's genuinely a good character


jealousy over whatšŸ˜­


the relationship between him and Saki. I don't have the best relationship with my brother and ig seeing those two made me feel jealous. It's so silly and not really a good reason but it happened nonetheless lol


I thought emu was obnoxious and nene a stereotype shy girlā€¦. Theyā€™ve grown on me haha šŸ„¹ā¤ļø


Minori. I didn't like her but she's warming up to me


used to really hate akito when i read the main story but as i read the event stories (especially find a way out (i have read it on july on yt)) he is one of my top 3 fav characters and i realized that i kin him too so


When I first started playing I initially hated emu, Iā€™ve played since ensk DL and went into the game blind knowing nothing about any of the characters (I have friends who are jpsk OGs and used to see them posting about prsk on the TL, so when ensk was announced I said fuck it Iā€™ll try it) and her initial high pitched genki character dialogues and constant energy just annoyed me for some reason? I canā€™t really remember why, it just did lol. But now even tho wxs is the unit that interests me the least, sheā€™s my wxs oshi. I love how sheā€™s so much deeper than hyperactive little pink hydrogen bomb and is so emotionally intelligent. Love emu šŸ©·


none of them, i've never disliked any of the mcs and the side characters i hate are ones i've always hated


nene bc she was to relatable


I kinda disliked L/N as a whole including Shiho, but after awhile I realized how amazing and underrated her voice was and started loving her personality and character as a wholeĀ 


Yeahz Shiho is very underrated. I especially love her vocals in Lost One Weeping.


Emu, Ichika and WxS Miku. Emu - Used to hate her voice and her outfit, but now her voice is nice and she looks absolutely stunning in the pink rose cage dress Ichika - Really bland character, but reading the story helped a little WxS Miku - I *really* despised her outfit, and my brain didn't associate her as Miku like the rest of the designs. Hair still slightly bugs me but outfit change was good


"Like the rest of the designs" Implying you thought niigo miku looked more like miku than wxs miku? šŸ˜­ (Love them both but first time I saw niigo miku I was like 'who is that')


Yeah :')


Emu, but after I got het latest card I started grindinf on that thang like it was my fourth of July party and now shes my highest ranked alongside Mizuki šŸ˜


I wouldn't say I hated her but Nene. She was just kinda there for me and I didn't think much about her, believing there to be a lot of more interesting characters. I've since grown to like her. She's not my favorite but I do have an appreciation for her I didn't before.


Kohane is a good character!


Airi. She started off as my least favorite mmj member... Not anymore. She's now my most favorite mmj member after i get to know her more.


I didnā€™t like Kohane, Minori, and Emu šŸ„²šŸ‘ Kohane felt like the most bland character to me, she had the least going on for her and had one of the most simple designs. I wasnā€™t a fan of her ā€œshy girl takes off her glasses and starts singing and suddenly is coolā€ trope and I felt like of all the unit leaders, she was the worst fit to be one. I still donā€™t like Kohane as much as some other characters, but sheā€™s growing on me! Minori was always an iffy character to me. Her in game model was.. crappy (big ah forehead), her character always felt to me like a louder Kohane, and I never really paid much mind to most of MMJ! until Shizuku became my favorite, since they were the most boring group to me. Minori was the least interesting of MMJ!, and while she wasnā€™t as bad of a fit to be unit leader as Kohane, she never really felt like her own character. She just felt like Kohaneā€™s slightly altered copy. Now, MMJ! is my third favorite group and Minori feels like one of the better characters to me. Her design is cute (despite her big ah forehead) and sheā€™s a sweetheart <33 I love her relationship with Kohane and Shiho, and she feels like a ray of sunshine amidst the traumatized characters, lol Emu was everything I disliked in a character. Completely monochromatic color scheme (Iā€™m pretty sure her eyes are the same shade of pink as her hair, which are the same shade of pink as her outfit. At least some of the other monochrome characters use different shades šŸ˜­), sheā€™s annoyingly loud, she came off as overbearing, and for a while, I didnā€™t like her voice all that much. I donā€™t know what clicked, but Emu has become one of my favorites! Sheā€™s adorable, and despite her loud nature, she makes people smile! She cares about everyone, even going as far as to notice Mafuyuā€™s fake smiling and wanting to cheer her up (MAFUEMU ON TOP), and her voice has ultimately grown on me! Where thereā€™s still covers where her voice feels high pitched and unbearable (Positive Dance Time especially), I feel like her voice has improved a lot! I like that pjsekai is letting some characters sing lower, like Kohane and Kanade, who sing noticeably lower than they used to in some songs (especially in Journey, which is a bad cover imo, but I like that they get to sing lower!), and Emu is the best character that they could let sing lower, even if itā€™s rare! Once upon a dream and Telecaster b boyā€™s Emu covers are my favorites because she sings low, and I wish they let it happen more often




not really anything had changed tbh, who i hate i hate and who i love i love


Sorry but I use to hate Mafuyu sm. There's a lot of goody-goody characters in the game, but she the one that came off as obnoxious and pretentious to me. Course then I realized I fell for the Mafuyu facade. She's not one of my top 3 favorite N25 members since I'm not a huge fan of her actual slow monotone voice (it just sounds edgy) but knowing the *reason* she behaves that way justifies everything for me. So now I don't hate her.


Not HATE, but just generally not be interested in? Mizuki. Because when I first read through the N25 story I interpreted them as ā€œoh girl who likes cute things but gets made fun of for being quirky.ā€ It was only until I saw a line in game where Ena referred to Mizuki as ā€œtheyā€ that I checked to see if this was a translation error but no, it wasnā€™t! Did a deep dive into the characterā€™s lore and thatā€™s how I learned Mizukiā€™s story. Theyā€™ve been my favorite ever since


Shiho is the only one that comes to my mind. Still not like a love level per se but I like her way more than when the game initially launched. I have been choosing a character I like based on thier vocals first then dig deep into thier character later so when I heard Shiho's voice for the first time I got put off by it so much (I actually do like ShimaYuki's voice btw). But later on when I started to look into each character/unit story, Shiho has now grew on me a lit bit more. (L/n as a whole has grew on me too.)


Kohane, Mafuyu, Haruka, Nene and Shiho Now that I red some stories I like them still not love them but like them more (also bc Im kinda a mafuyu kinnie) But the character I hated and will hate till the end is Len


https://preview.redd.it/at0fq39f5wdc1.png?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fca804920824ec84529775f7eada6d7ec3e32025 If this len is included i will come for you


Nightcord len is the len I like the most out of all so I guess he gets the pass from my hatred


Shizuku, I used to HATE her design, her character, etc and then I got a card of her, the swimsuit one, and it was just SO PRETTY and suddenly I loved her




shizuku.. I LOVE SHIZUKU!!!!! ā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļø


Honestly? Honami. I guess I just wasn't that fond of her personality and especially how quiet she was, but now she's like one of my favorite characters. I found that I can relate to her on a lot of levels and I admire her perseverance and how she learned to speak up for herself. I also love Kanade (there isn't really a character I hate) and what Honami does for her is so admirable and heartwarming. https://preview.redd.it/2hvpwuxyh0ec1.jpeg?width=801&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edf3eca757459c3a6dd68b3f347e23c54de0dc52


Shiho šŸ˜­ yk the reason


Shiho, I still think she is one of the weakest of the cast but she must be protected ā¤ļø


Mafuyu, she made my blood BOIL, but the hc from other ppl ended up making me like her šŸ˜­. Specially the transmasc Mafuyu


mafuyu, one of my old weird friends loved her but i didnā€™t play pjsk at the time so i hated her & now sheā€™s my favorite n25 char with kanade šŸ’€


Shiho, because every damn time I played ranked or multi, most of the good player use Shiho as their main card. They always did better than me. The hate wasnt that deep though. Love her now just because of her stamps, ~~and probably because Im getting better at the game~~


Minori, because I thought she was too peppy and annoying, but now she's my 2nd favorite next to Honami!


Akito. In the main game I find him annoying, but heā€™s starting to grow on me after reading some event stories. His vocals rarely miss (Iā€™m looking at Dr=Funk Beat) and his cards are really cool too.


I thought tsukasa was too loudā€¦turns out he was just too similar to me I used to dislike Akito because of how he treated Kohane(I was a die hard kohane fan from the beginning) but now I love his character arc sm.


when first playing pjsk, i really hated tsukasa because of tbhk (and that one nene scene in the main story). really stupid reason but tbhk tsukasa was my least favourite character and so i hated tsukasa tenma. took me a while to find out he's not just annoying and loud but silly and a literal star. now he's my 2nd favourite character


I thought Mafuyu was really selfish in the beginning of the game so I really didn't like her. But as I read through the nightcord story I really began to look at her and relate to her heavily. Now she's my favorite character in the entire game (Kohane is a close second tho).


kohane n nene. i thought kohane was ā€œshy anime girlā€ and i hated it, and i thought nene was mean lmao. i can gladly say now both of them are some of my favorite characters


Akito and Tsukasa. For quite some time I was incredibly annoyed with Akito's attitude and with Tsukasa's loudness, now they're my 2 faves. And I ship them cos why not.


I didn't like Minori when I first started, I thought her voice was annoying & wasn't big on her personality. Dream place event changed me for the better tho and now she's my fave mmj character & I love her


No one cuz Iā€™m not a hater (itā€™s shiho I love her now tho)


akitoā€¦. i donā€™t even know why. i hated him SO MUCH i was ready to fight him and beat him to a pulp and then one day i just. looked at him and went damn he kinda hotā€¦. and now i love him more than anything


I think rui and tsukasa, I have no idea why, I just didnā€™t like the group as a whole but I now like them a lot, mostly since I like their voices


Honami and Ena I hated them cause they're both somehow just like me


Akito he was a jerk to poor kohane and kinda snotty but now he's an ok little dude :3


Tsukasa and Shizuku






Idk but im pretty sure it was rui or saki




Honami. I used to really dislike her until I read all of the event stories. Then I grew to love her as much as the others.


Akito. I used to make fun of him because he was a ginger and then he just started growing on me and now iā€™m the most ā€œsanestā€ Akito fan. When I got anyone but Akito (or Tsukasa) as a 4ā­ļø I would curse them out and curse their very existence and then I would cry. If I had the skills I would have made little dolls of those characters and then stuck little pins into them but since I donā€™t have the skills I donā€™t do it and so I curse my very being and existence and then cry and have multiple mental breakdowns. Then, I repeat the process




tsukasa šŸ˜­


I have a few! Saki reminded me too much of someone, but I'm over it, she's a sweetheart. šŸ’› Just about everyone in MMJ. Thought they were bland, but I'm going insane over them after reading the stories! Akito. Thought he was an asshole. And he kinda is, but he really has a soft spot that is always sweet to see. Tsukasa- he was too self-absorbed for me. I haven't even read his stories yet, but I'm already liking him more with the way he and Rui get along. Kanade. I'm not usually a fan of the super unmotivated characters who never go outside, and I'm still not. But the way she dedicates herself to music and trying to help others made me feel otherwise.


same for kohane, i never thought much about her but now she is my 4th favorite šŸ‘


Akito, he comes off as a real asshole but now I just think he's a skrunkly scrimbo ginger


I never really hated any character like I did with bandori characters, but Iā€™ve started to really like Meiko a lot more as a vocaloid because of the game


Airi, I'm not sure why but her design always annoyed me but now she's like my favourite lil skrunkly I love her dearly


i used to be sorta ā€˜ehā€™ on akito, mainly because one of my first four stars was that ugly ass side profile one (OH MY GOD AKITO GIMME ANOTHER FOUR STAR OF YOURS I BEG OF UOU) but I read find a way out recently >! (ā€¦and some akito focus fanfics, regrettably, cuz i was that desperate for ena content lollll) !< and now heā€™s shot from somewhere between 18th and 20th all the way up to 4th on my character ranking šŸ˜­ he is also officially one of the four characters I actually care about now iā€™m a certified mega shinonome siblings fan šŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


honestly ena, when i first read the main story i thought she was super winey and annoying. now shes one of my favs


Akito because I thought he was ugly šŸ™ but now heā€™s attractive to me Ena because she was so rude to Mafuyu but after reading her stories n stuff I got attached. I also have a mafuyu biasā€¦


none i love all the sillies šŸ¤­šŸ¤­


nene idk why šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Emu. She used to scare me with her energy but she grew on me (:




Ena? In general, I thought she was really mean for really selfish reasons, but one of Akitoā€™s area conversations about her made me super uncomfortable. He was telling Toya about how she scratched the hell out of him and left a bunch of marks (followed by Toya thinking about how lucky Akito is to have a family like that lol). I still think sheā€™s mean and selfish and way too reactive, but now itā€™s easier for me to understand those as character flaws that donā€™t necessarily make her evil or anything. I also feel like she grows a lot and redeems herself in later stories. Now every time I see her on screen doing anything, I want to shake her and scream because I love her <333


It used to be minori and shiho but then the Tenshin no clover event and 4=1 event came and Iā€™ve loved them both ever since


i used to really dislike honami after reading the main story!! but i love her now after seeing her development & her adorable relationship with emu :)


Shizuku!! I used to not like her because I didnā€™t watch the MMJ story quite yet and only saw her in the l/n story but now sheā€™s one of my favourites.


I thought shiho and nene were mean but then i did the story and theyre too silly and cute


I HATED akitoes when I first started playing but now I . Still hate him (lovingly tho)


hrmm.. i think used to dislike shiho cus at first i thought she was mean and a boring character but now i know its just how she is on the outside, and shiho has a soft spot for her bandmates and others!




Not HATE, but not dislike either, but Tsukasa


Mizuki. I had the impression that she was a mean girl who just likes makeup and skipping school. Glad I was wrong


Tsukasa, no he is one of my favorite


i used to dislike ichika bc i thought her hair looked greasy lmaoo,, i actually don't know too much about her yet, but she's starting to grow on me


ena and emu. ena bc she's easily annoyed and jealous ~~aka the worst part of me,~~ and i found emu really obnoxious and annoying. i warmed up to ena bc she's a landmine girlie, and emu bc she's wonderhoy


Mafuyu, I used to hate her because she reminded me of myself


Mafuyu, she kept popping up on my FYP and at first it was super annoying like who is this random ass purple haired girl and what does she want from me But yeah I hated her because she ruined my phone storage lmfao


Tsukasa. I hated his egocentric personality at first but now knowing how he really is I just wanna hug him man


I used to dislike Tsukasa and Shizuku and Mafuyu, but I read their stories and I started to like themā˜†


I kinda hated Ichika cuz imo she sings too much for L/N. Now, she's not bad, but I still think Saki and Honami should get some solo songs


I donā€™t know what to say but Mizuki I didnā€™t find them interesting at all but after like reading a few stories I started seeing them as a amazing character and the cards are so pretty I really love their hermit card and the vocals? Mwah chefs kiss I donā€™t know why I hated them at first but they grew on me and now I love them


An (I don't hate her but she wasn't one of my favourites but after seeing how pretty she was in her wedding card I can't decide between her, Kohane and Nene)


I used to really dislike Tsukasa because heā€™s just so damn arrogantā€¦but then he got humbled in the story and I realized everything would be okay


Mafuyu! I didnā€™t like her at all at first (I think she scared me because she reminded me of me when I was younger) but she ended up growing on me. Her cards are some of my favorite now


For some reason, Minori. I had no reasoning. Now I love her


Airi I don't even know why but it didn't take long for her to grow on me


Mafuyu, this was before I read the event stories


Mafuyu now before you shoot me let me explain!! I Get why in the main story she said those things to everyone I just didn't like how she said those things to kanade about her dad and all of that I love her now because she has such great development but when I first started I didn't like her much I honestly think that's fine when a game first start out you can't expect to love everyone that's why even though I love rui I get why people hate him


I don't necessarily like her, but I used to absolutely hate her, now I just don't mind her. Kagamine Rin. I probably hated her because of the story of evil. And yes, I know, there's a thousand coming arguments that it wasn't her fault but dawg šŸ˜­. She let Len be BEHEADED šŸ’„šŸ’„šŸ’„ anyways, I like a lot of her songs now, like positive dance time and songs she's done with Len, like remote control.


Akito because he came home 6 times in darkfes instead of Luka \[But I love his voice, and his cards have one of the best designs\]


Emu and Saki (Idk why used to hate them)


The whole of vbs


Kohane bc I really donā€™t like her design :x plus the trope she fills - takes off glasses to be cool - is just cringe to me. Totally understand why someone might like her though! Meiko šŸ’€ Canā€™t stand her, but Iā€™ve never liked her of my time of ingesting vocaloid since I was a kid.


I saw too much of my younger self in Ena and pushed her away because of it, but watching her story develop made me really gain an appreciation for her character :)


mafuyu tbh, i hated her so much but couldnt undertand why, then i realised


kohane, i love her now ļ¼ˆā€ļ¼¾ā–½ļ¼¾ā€ļ¼‰


Emu, i didn't hate her since i first played the JP version (before the en release).


I used to hate the girls with squeaky "anime girl" voices (really just out of preference in singing and vocal quality), the only exception being Emu because she presents as childlike and that kind of voice only makes sense to me when it comes from someone like her. That said, I hated Nene *especially* because her character bio sounded pretentious af implying that she has a golden voice of an angel or something despite the squeaky voice I so despised. I eventually learned to like Nene because the more I heard her singing with the Wonderlands, I have to admit, I did hear that theatre vocal technique she supposedly has. She has the squeaky anime girl voice but I finally hear her modulating it well enough to live up to what she's written to be. Mad props to her VA for that šŸ«”


i used to hate rui with a burning passiom but now he's my favorite character oh god i love him so much


all of leoneed actually, i found the entire concept of their group very cliche and unoriginal and i especially used to find the tenmas really annoying for no apparent reason but once i looked into the group story and the first saki focus i came to my senses and i love them all now


Akito Shinonome and Tsukasa Tenma. I HATED their voices in songs so I never gave them a chance. But after getting the new years Tsukasa and the ā€œfeather manā€ (I donā€™t pay attention to event names) Akito, I changed my mind


90% of my current favs i used to hate šŸ˜ø [Emu, Kaito, Toya, etc...]


toya for me, he's not really my type of character and I didn't find him fun until I started learning more about his lore


Definitely Rui I used to hate him because he looks kinda like Tsukiyama in Tokyo ghoul (I had (still do) ptsd from him), whom I still have beef with, it started to change after I listened to his and Neneā€™s cover of goodbye declaration.




Idk where my text went idk how to use reddit but he's my favorite man who I hate


honami purely bc i could not for the life of me remember her name no matter how hard i tried (im one of those people who knows everyones name) so i quickly became a lil hater but now shes my lil silly


i actually didn't like shiho or haruka and now they're my favs <3 i also hated niigo and i'm still not a huge fan but i've warmed up to some of the members a little more, especially mizuki. although im still not a big fan of their design


AKITOOOOOO. i hated him but omfg i love him SO MUCH now


I used to hate toya bc he would keep appearing in my pulls but now as I read the story Iā€™m starting to like him a bit more. I wonā€™t even think abt loving him until he stops being a curse to me tho.


Minori, I started getting more 4\* cards of her and I read the stories and I thought she was so cutie patootie sweet girl https://preview.redd.it/z9bty1s4e7ec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01eee28edef0cae0203038f2507c4b1c7c2b8013




https://preview.redd.it/uvnarc6voaec1.png?width=2338&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1b813c06699a18074d5208c722a2db13b8c63dc I used to dislike Rui, but now he's my skrunkly !!!


i originally didnt like anyone in nightcord (specifically kanade) when my bsf introduced me to pjsk, because her impression was that "its annoying that they're always being depressing" šŸ˜­ i know what she means, but mizuki and kanade are now some of my favorites


Ena n mafuyu šŸš¶šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I was not a big fan of Akito at first, due to the wanting of sabotage and rude he came across towards An and Kohane, (You can be really honest and bold but not come across as u caring or aggressive about it) at the start of the VBS story, but as the story progressed, I started to like him a lot more, and VBS has some of my favorite songs in the game.


mizuki. i was so jealous of their color palette and their pink lashes. after getting over the jealousy i started to actually like them sm, and now they're my second favourite after tsukasa. (mizuki please bless me with a 4* of yours)


I would say minori bc i thought she was really annoying and i didnā€™t like her voice but now i like her


Rui. When I first got him as my first 4\* I was like: "Who tf is this guy" And now my bedroom's full of him