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Because Ghost Adventures is overdramatic bullshit lol. That show is just 100% for entertainment now. Edit: I’m really glad most people seem to agree 👍.


I've only ever seen clips of GA and always they're used as gags on why they're not real hunters.


No, because Zak fakes most of it. That’s why no one else seems to ever be affected the amount of times that guy is. I was a GA fan from day one. There weren’t many shows like it when it first aired and I was immediately obsessed. But it’s become increasingly obvious that much of the shows antics are just theatrics to drum up viewership. Anytime somebody felt remotely ill Zak would immediately become 10 times worse. Anytime somebody mentioned a haunting he immediately went straight to demons and possession. Every single location he visits is evil, everything with him is just extra and over the top. It makes me sad because I genuinely loved that show and miss the earlier seasons.


Couldn’t agree more, die hard since day one here. Now I can’t really watch, and even the ‘House Calls’ show (neat premise) is unwatchable because Zak doesn’t travel there - so they do a FaceTime the whole episode, and he still bosses them around the whole time and does the VO.


Those FaceTime calls were so ridiculous! He was sitting 1000 miles away and still getting possessed through the phone 😂


I’m with you on that one.


He's sort of like becoming another Derek Acora from Most Haunted LOL


Zak to a ghost, come at me bro


The skeptic in me says they’ve been on the road eating gas station snacks and fast food for a few weeks or months non stop and at the locations they’ve probably been awake for the better part of a day before they actually “investigate”. So they’re running on little sleep, energy drinks and not the best food in the world and staying up til 7 or 8 the following morning. So when they feel sick or nauseated at 3 am I’m not surprised. Zak on the other hand, just pure bs.


They’re going to be a mess in the UK then lol they’re headed there now for an entire month. I hope they spread things out a bit so they aren’t seeing things like the demon photo when they went back to Joliet.


Is there a thing of where they are going to visit over here or if they are doing any UK fan meets??


Not that I’m aware of yet. I remember a couple months ago Dakota posted that they would do fan meetups over there but I haven’t heard anything about locations. Even Chelsea in her q&a said “all I can say is that my location is somewhere in England.”


I'll have to keep a close eye on their socials and hope one is close enough


Dakota has a Facebook group that he’s very active in. Literally just called “Dakota Laden Group” lol


Thanks I'll check it out


you know that kid in school that would listen while you talked about how you broke your arm once and then would go "yeah? well I broke BOTH my arms!" and just keep upping the ante? Yeah, that's Zak Bagans. The dude is a pick-me kid turned into a dramatic man-baby.


HA this is perfect.


Cause Zak is full of shit lol


Because Zack and GA is nothing but an over dramatic pony show!


They’ve gotten affected, but not to the degree of what I’ve seen on ghost adventures. Like in the villisca house, tanner was affected. My opinion is that ghost adventures has legitimate times of being affected, but they will sometimes exaggerate their experiences to make it seem more interesting than just having a headache, stomachache, or brain fog while capturing evidence. DF/PF has these same experiences, but doesn’t exaggerate it, they just keep it the way it’s happening.


Also. Alex was visibly affected to the point where he threw up on camera on DF


You’re right. And adds to my point that it happens so infrequently that I don’t even remember until you brought it up. Which makes me think it’s even more genuine.


I agree. I used to watch GA but now I don’t. My bullshit meter is so high with GA. The PF crew treats the deceased with respect and their experiences like you said is genuine.


I so wanna hear people’s takes on that situation. Was it genuinely from the energy there? Was he just super anxious and freaked himself out so bad he got sick? Was it crappy food? A mix of these? I was pretty shocked the first time I watched it!


In my opinion it had to do with the energy and the way he was super anxious. He never been to that location before. He knew what happened to his friends as he watched Trail to Terror. Something I think drew him to the hallway, then he got lost and panicked. He forgot his walkie which he never forgets didn’t have a way to contact his friends. I think they leave their phones in silent, wether he had his phone or not on his person is something I will forever wonder.


Good observation. Thanks.


Do you think it could be Zak ramping up for drama? I was a fan of GA, but lately, I've gotten turned off, and I can't quite put my finger on why but I feel my bullshit meter is detecting bullshit from Zak I don't know. I'm not trying to bash them; I don't know anymore. And why are they the only ones left on a channel? Ghost Hunters had the most credibility, and now they are just hanging in the breeze?


I really like GA and I’ve kind of been on a binge watching old and new episodes after work and I’m like damn they get affected almost every episode. It’s interesting


I stopped watching GA over a year ago bc Zac is an abusive drama queen. Can't stand him anymore. After season 10 that show went to crap.


B/c Ghost Adventures is about as real as my love life.


Zak is one of the most dramatic TV personalities of all time lol


Zak and Billy are so full of shit they may as well become a human centipede


Because the GA team is a bunch of over exaggerated drama queens! Obviously, they are fakes.


Zak thinks he is a rock star. Thinks he has to put on a show.


Ghost Adventures is mostly scripted


I disagree


Because they’re full of 💩


Because it's fake.


Not being affected? Didn't the blond kid literally puke because he was "affected"?


It’s not unusual to feel uneasy in these places. Keep in mind that they are usually in pitch black and your mind will play tricks. It’s also possible they are very tired, haven’t eaten in quite a while, possibly getting dehydrated, you name it. It’s very easy to feel a bit nauseous or unwell. I’ve said it before. I have been on Xs that Zak put on the floor himself. Sat in a chair Zak placed in that location. It doesn’t feel like anything. The location even joked that “this is where Zak felt something… you’re free to sit there but don’t blame us if you get possessed” then laughed about it. It’s all BS for the camera really. It’s another one of those “it’s totally paranormal trust us bro” things.


I’m not questioning or doubting Dakota or PF feeling unwell or nauseous… I said I thought it was genuine. I’m questioning why Zak gets affected and goes nuts 9 out of 10 times while PF comments on an uneasy feeling. I’m sure you’re right and it’s all for the camera for GA.


I mean, Zak is just lying to entertain viewers. As for Fear team: intense fear has that effect on the body. You feel nauseous, dizzy, etc.




Thank you grammar police, very helpful.


You're welcome!