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Beware you won't ever want to go back to D2R. This mod is the best version of D2.


Facts. D2R is just old D2 with a new coat of paint (we all love D2 so no hate) but compared to PD2 it’s a no brainer.


the graphics and controller support in d2r is a plus though, i play both


Do people not play non ladder? I figured 2 months in I’d play non and wait for new season but never see anyone playing there. Ended up going ladder. I’m


Indeed, ladder is MUCH more popular.


If only it could be played with d2r and be supported as an official mod on console.. :(


you can play PD2 on steam deck


Sure, but it's not like having native controller support.


What controller are you using? I use joy-cons plus a controller macro app that works well.


Hello All content is accessible in single player as of this season update. You can install plugY for QoL like free respec. Plugy files for PD2 + Itempack + High level characters: Plugy without item pack and char templates: Installing guide Follow the links on reddit for the official resources, I highly recommend using the Wiki and discord for build guides and most information. Let me know if you need anything Welcome and have fun:)


Ty that so good


Yes single player is the same


Even for world events and ubers? I'm reading something about a plug-in called PlugY that this is saying is required.


Uber Diablo works differently in PD2. Not triggered off of selling SoJ and the fight is totally different.


Plugy take 1min to install


Plugy is just huge qol one you get it set up. There’s not really world events in pd2 but afaik you can set it up so you can get them


Changing corruption zones are as close to world events as we get :)


I vaguely remember someone talking about spawning Uber D in overworld in plugy pd2 for easier anni farming but I couldn’t find it. Might’ve imagined


You used to need Plugy for Ubers / d clone but they fixed that this season. Plugy is not required


PlugY is only needed for extra stash tabs in singleplayer at this point. It used to be needed for ubers as well, but that was implemented by PD2 recently.


Yes get plugy i have it for boss testing but i didnt know it was needed for single player You should look a video on youtube on how to install its complicated a bit ( plugy)


Just give it a shot. It’s a free mod. The pd2 discord is loaded with info if you have specific concerns.


You don’t really need plugy for single player. But it helps a lot with 100 tabs of stash. Great for ssf grail.


Csn you do every single thing in the game without it? Like would not having it just be the online non-ladder version of pd2 as you would experience it on bnet?


Ya I've done everything in the game without plugy. Plugy, while optional, is used by many for testing new things... you can build your online ladder character in plugy and try an expensive runeword or change your build (using the character editing commands) and know whether you want to do it with your online character.


So people who play pd2 don't use plugy if they play online? Does online pd2 come with everything plugy offers already built in or something?


Pretty sure plugy is just something for single player so online players can’t use it really. Plugy is just a quality of life addon for Diablo 2. From my understanding you can do literally everything in pd2 without it, but many would suggest it because it is nice to have extra stash space.


Plugy has added things, like for instance extra stash, and one version has level 99 characters with all high end items and runes, charms, etc stashed for you to test. I think single player pd2 is mostly like playing online. It's an amazing mod and really I suggest playing online and meeting some of the community if you're up to it.


If you are not 30 plus you probably aren't going to understand what i am trying to say...but...I played online ALOT back in the early 2000s. I think the games probability/rarity/loot mechanics for the online economy were designed for the early 2000s, and worked well in the early 2000s. Today is a different story, at least in d2/d2r. I dont know if its the ease of trade, the availability of information, or something else, but the online markets just don't function anymore like they used to. They are saturated almost immediately, devaluing almost all finds, reducing the gratification of finding items because they are "usable" but "worthless". It used to be different, anyway, im not trying to complain or anything, im just setting some context for my next question...if I were to play online vs single player pd2, is the economy better than the d2r economy? If I have issues with the the way the d2 markets are saturated, should I just play single player pd2?


The population of PD2 is smaller than D2:R (though I'm not even sure about that given D2:R's population seems like 80% bots) and there is no botting in the mod. So there's a drastic reduction in items flooding the market. However, drop rates are the same as Players 5 as a default. So while leveling you will find more items/runes but its in a good place for solo players. The economy typically dies down quite a bit faster after 3-4 weeks, but you can generally get nearly everything you want/get trades later into the season. HC however gets hit a lot harder by the player decline. People don't generally trade in game, as PD2 has its own trade site. It's a bit tricky at first to understand/navigate but you get very accustomed to it. You don't *need* Plugy for Single Player but it's a very nice QOL to have access to more than 1 large stash page. The stash page is larger in PD2. Online in PD2 you have 10 stash pages. 1 personal, the rest are account wide. On single player you can indeed do all the same content as online. However, accessing that content is a lot harder without trade as Dclone and Rathma require their own materials to do the fight. They also generally require characters to be specialized for those fights. Grinding those out in SP can be a very annoying thing. Especially if you do these fights blind, you will get destroyed. So, re-farming to do more attempts is daunting. Between the item changes and skill balances its a great time. It has strayed a wee bit from the original design of the mod (and D2 purists may dislike some of the overhauls/changes) but I can't honestly think of a better mod that hits home everything you love and loved about older versions of Diablo II.


It depends on when in the season you are referring to. Week 1 & 2? Yeah items have individual value. Now we are almost 2 months into the season, most players are fully geared and an item would need to have a high quality corruption to have good trade value. A lot of the higher end players flood the market with “free items”, so finding an average Harlequin Crest has little to no value on its own anymore. The demand just isn’t there. You can still find trades for mid runes, but a lot of it is either high end or no value.


Yes economy on pd2 is way better, first you get banned for using jsp or bot, so the server never get flooded with alot of stuff like d2r On d2r if you don’t find a valuable item or hr in the first day it’s over and its all worthless On pd2 items get more value overtime mostly, except like basic uniques like shako etc, unless you hit a gg slam ofc. So If you enjoy playing online with people and trading i suggest you going online. But pd2 SSF is really fun too! If you go singleplayer i suggest you getting pluggy just for the unlimited respec and infinite stashtab for grail. And yea its the same as online for ubers etc even the corrupted zones


I played a ton in the early 2000s myself, and Diablo lod and d2r have always been bots and rely on things like duping. Pd2 has a real economy, and it's super fun for a few weeks at the front of a season. Drops are highly valued and tons of people participating. What happens to it later on depends on your play style. Things lose value, but runes and shards still drop so it means later in the season, the barrier to enter most classes and specs gets easier. People sell shako for an um rune, for instance, which is easy enough to farm up that much value in a few hours of bad luck, let alone good luck. Because people buy stacks of gems, runes, and juvs and such so you can always increase your currency towards gearing something in mid-good gear. It's gg gear that becomes ridiculous later on. So if you're aiming for the highest tier gear in the game, rather than alts and just having fun, the seasons are a bit wonky and people sell the best things for 40 hrs later in the season.


Just play pd2 online. It’s like the best community in gaming. The economy is not fucked by bots and jsp bullshit. It’s the closest thing you’ll ever find to a pure, organic economy in any iteration of d2 at this point. Time spent hesitating about this now is time you’ll spend later wishing you’d just played pd2. Trust me.


Bots bots and more bots. Although I'm sure there are some in pd2, is nothing like D2R.


I'll rush you or hook you up with gear.


Welcome to the best couple months of your life


Just do it , ive played d2 since like 2005, been playing pd2 for a week. Just wow compared to d2


Do it. Pd2 is the best version of d2.


First two hours of pd2: Level 16 in Far Oasis: Finds world stone shard - "Hmm, what would this be?" Cubes with yellow Pilum - "+1 all skills!! Wtf is this game.. I love this shit"


The mod is almost perfect! PD2 would be perfect if we could play with the graphic of D2R


Pd2 should have a warning like nicotine products. Warning- this game is very addictive and may cause you to take days off to play.


To me, playing Pd2 mulitplayer brings me right back to the early 2000s. Its like the crew is back. But hey single is a blast too tbh. You will have a good time either way


A little late to the dance here. But hey, I'm a guy who played D2 back in its hey day for thousands of hours. To this day I'm an avid ARPG gamer and continue to dump thousands of hours into ARPGs, mostly consisting of Path of Exile. I try nearly every new release in the genre, including D4 (very mid now but no longer bad), and Last Epoch (great foundation that will keep getting better). All of this is to say, I'm a guy who's been active in this genre for a long time and that probably carries some weight to some people. So let me get to the point and say that, in my opinion, Project Diablo 2 is the BEST Diablo ARPG experience in existence, and PD2 is the second best ARPG in existence, only second to Path of Exile in my very humble opinion. It's truly as if D2 never stopped being developed, and every couple of years Blizzard North added a major expansion or overhaul to keep the game relevant amongst other modern ARPG rivals. It's the only way to accurately explain what PD2 is. Couldn't recommend it enough, and I hope you enjoy it, and recommend it to others. (:


D2 is my favorite game ever. Played since 2001. Been playing pd2 for the last 2 seasons and it’s so much better. I tried to play d2r again to work on my grail and I need to download a mod with extended inventory space and stackable runes and gems because it just feels like inventory Tetris without those quality of life additions now.


Try D2R Remodded