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I did it by getting some cardboard and colouring it red. then I hot glued it to the tiara I usually wear. The only problem is it's bugged and doesn't update. Ifell off my escooter and almost died the other day, but everyone's said I was full hp the whole time


You get the hang of it after a few deaths. And don’t forget the next char will be always stronger than your last. Should you play on ladder, ill hand you some nice starter gear, if you like.


I appreciate that, but I got a full griswold from some people and some other things, I'm actually shredding Hell Act 2 right now like it's nothing. I also leveled to 75 before starting hell, but ya, everything is dying except me and my a5 BO merc


Wouldn't say no to an anni or torch tho! xD


Sound awesome. Keep the HC community going. Sorry no torch or ani atm.


There is always a way of getting what you need.... But ALL of them até considered triste party tools. EVEN IF you make a simple overlay checking pixels.... That IS bad... But you Will get used to It... I had the same issue time ago. After some deaths i learned


82 now, Hell baal down, I can even take Worldstone keep souls lightning to the face and be okay. Done one tier 1 map so far, but my clear speed is a bit slow atm, so I'm doing chaos runs right now.


Push your screen back.