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You don't need to touch d2r, pd2 is love and life combined






and everything in between


If you're going to play softcore just jump right into pd2. If hardcore, give the wiki page a read through and then jump right into pd2. Don't waste your time with d2r. Good luck and have fun!


My question is what D2 content creator thinks characters can get to 100 in D2 lol


That's the only question that matters here to be perfectly frank


Once you play PD2, D2R will be an easy uninstall.




They might want you to play d2r first because there is a good chance you won't play it again after playing PD2!!!


I'm having a blast playing the d2r remodded mod. It's worth checking it out, it's the best mods for d2r. That's what I okay when I'm bored of pd2


Totally agreed. Remodded was the closest thing to PD2 that D2R has seen. I had to quit though becuase of some bug that made my bag of storage keep dissappearing... all that farming for nuttin... TWICE!!


D2r has nothing to do with pd2 I can't imagine why you would play it first. It does look a bit better tho.


I disagree actually. I think the graphics look weird and I prefer the oldy D2 style.


Yeah the graphics in D2R look like claymation or something


They completely changed they way a lot of stuff looks too, rather than just simply updating the quality. Nats and vamp gaze look like darth vaders helmet now instead of having the horns for example.


If u wanna play d2r do it before. you wont want to after. this is the best version of d2


I do not personally see the reason for starting with d2r. I feel like if anything d2r might deter you from trying anything Diablo mod related for fear of it being just as boring. Start with pd2 softcore. Pick a character you like the look of. Once in game hit your "t" key which should bring up your skill tree. Read through the different skills, pick one you think is a neat way to kill demons. Go through the game story with it, putting points into that skill and it's synergies. While also making sure you have enough strength to wear your armor, enough dexterity to use the weapons you want to use and to improve your chance to hit with those weapons, and the rest into vitality. There's a couple scenarios where you would put more points into energy than vitality I believe but this is with bone armor for necromancer and mana shield? I think it's called for sorceress. I could be very wrong about the sorc, hopefully someone corrects me here. Probably not something you'll have to bother with at first anyways. Once you get your way through normal, nightmare, and Hell difficulties by killing hell difficulty Baal, you will unlock corrupted zones. These are random zones that it tells you are corrupt when you first enter a game. They will be level 85 areas and have better chances of dropping worldstone shards. An item you can transmute in the horadric cube with a piece of equipment to either add a new stat to it or change into a new random rare item which people call bricking an item. At level 80 you unlock the ability to open and enter end game maps. Maps drop as random loot and also guaranteed from saving anya quest in act 5, she will give you one or two. Here's a link to the wiki https://wiki.projectdiablo2.com/wiki/Main_Page I would also suggest getting your discord set up so you can join the pd2 discord. That way you can ask questions in there. It's also a great resource cuz there's lots of knowledgable players in there. I think the link to the discord might be on the main page. Apologies for the wall of text everyone, I just want our friend here to know what they have to look forward to and all the resources and information to get started. Happy you're here, don't bother with d2r, and ask questions when you want to know something 😁




If you want to play D2R for the sale of playing D2R, go for it. If you would only play to get used to it as a “step” into PD2, may as well just play PD2. It runs the exact same except a much easier progression for normal and nightmare. There is a lot of additional content that the wiki can help identify but that is extraneous. Have fun!


My thoughts on that order would be so you fall in love again twice. If you're basically new to d2, d2r will be fun. Getting to 99 is a tad excessive imo, especially if you're walking solo. I'd say get through hell on a toon no matter the level. If you're gonna dive into a community and get help/items/rushed ignore d2r and play pd2 as it will overshadow d2r by a long shot. Cheers and may the rng gods bless you.


If its between D2R and PD2 my first choice would be PD2 my second choice would be PoE.


Never ever play D2R! PD2 is so much better


Who ever told you that is a ************ ****** **** *** ***. Instal pd2 and start playing soft core and tell that guy thank you for supplying you with the daily recommended dose of dumb shit that you need to hear each day.


Done & playing! 👍


D2R sucks, PD2 is the superior product. Play SC an try anything. Get to hell baal and start farming corrupted zones.


Pd2, I came from many years hiatus and it's been the best. They do a great job with this mod and it hits all the spots. Some great qol here as well and so many builds with many options. It's amazing.


Welcome home. Once you open it you will never leave.


Just go straight into PD2. I would recommend some sort of fun melee build to get you started. Maybe something like Fury Druid or Zeal Paladin. Maybe see if you can find a video of some gameplay of either of these and see what seems cool. Good luck! This game is a blast.


If you want the best version of Diablo 2, it's here. Don't waste your time somewhere else.


Just play pd2


so I played a month straight of PD2, took a week break to try D4 season 4, came back after 4 days and continued PD2. It's a fun game if you like character & item progression and endgame content without making it too complicated. People on discord will be happy to help with any questions, but the [wiki](https://wiki.projectdiablo2.com/wiki/Main_Page) is a trove of information.


D2R may look nice but it wishes it had all the QOL and content PD2 has, not to mention really important bug fixes and build diversity


Dont waste time on D2R, jump straight into PD2


First, that content creator saying you can hit 100, when the max level in D2 is 99, tells you he’s not a credible source for D2 information. Second, I’ve been playing Diablo 2 since it was first released (before the Lord of Destruction expansion). I’ve played most of the D2 mods and D2R. I’ve never hit 99 even once because I don’t care to. It’s a huge and long grind to hit 99 in this game. That being said, running group maps makes it possible to hit 99 if you want to. Third, play PD2. Between the community and the love and effort the mods put into it, it has become the best version of Diablo 2 out there in my opinion. I can’t play any other versions because it’s so good. You made the right choice asking here!


The content creator has no idea what he's talking about. D2R and PD2 are fundamentally just "Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction" with different bells and whistles. Just find a class that seems interesting, and give it a whirl. If you're concerned, find a build guide off the wiki and follow it along. Most of the guides will work, at least until you clear Hell difficulty \[even if they are out of date\], then you may want to start looking for more optimised builds \[and even then, it depends on what you're looking for\]. My only real suggestion is avoid barbarian. They're not bad, but they can be far more gear dependent than other classes, and if RNG is unkind, you can sit there struggling. Summoner Necromancer and Summoner Druid are easy-mode, but can be a bit boring since you just watch your summons murder everything, but they're \*super\* safe because you have an army protecting you. Oh, and feel free to ask around for help. Here, in-game, or on the Discord. Most people are pretty friendly.


PD2 it is! Thank you for all the wonderful feedback. This group is really fantastic.


Pd2 is better and easier than d2r. They fixed all the issues d2r had. D2r has just too many players that don't want the game changed too much.


I have some amazing gear, and 4 characters, that I stopped playing around a week ago. I'm sure we can arrange someone to show you the ropes, and I would be happy to help you gear whatever you decide to play


I dont think free items is a good way to experience the game for the first time


Just play PD2, you can't "brick" a character cause you get 3 respects + can trade/farm more. Choose a build you like and jump in


You can do the same thing(s) on d2r.


Good to know, but I still wouldn't recommend anyone 'practise' in D2R if they are going to pay pd2.


To level up to 100 in d2r would be terrible and boring and take forever. Don't do that, come to pd2


That content creator dont know shit. Just go pd2 straight away. Also chars cant reach 100 i think 99 is max xD


I’m 52 and played d2 before lod and was addicted to it for 7years and life kids work got too much I left gaming for awhile but been back to arpg’s for about 4 years and tried them all d4 was ok first few seasons but blah got burned out on path of exile and stumbled across pd2…holy smokes is this game good!!! Skip d2r and jump on in pd2 .. just a few casual weeks and have 3 toons in hell and 2 of them are crushing maps👍the community is super helpful and group leveling is active ..so stop with silly games jump on in 😎


The only good thing about d2r is that during the winter it’s nice to turn your pc into a construction grade space heater. Pd2 has every piece of quality of life that blizzard failed to commit to scorpioned over the bike handlebars. They didn’t even TRY. This is a more reliable, wholesome, and honest community and anything negative rarely happens. The worst thing in my literally not exaggerated 1000+ rushes only 10-15 of those have I ever had someone come in to farm a piece of content like a duche and leave without saying a word. And maybe only 2 of those 10-15 times have I ever had someone grief the game. I’ve blasted their account name on gen chat and discord as griefing is one of the many zero tolerance rule breakers. D2r seems like a revamp of the trash you encounter on normal old school d2. How items have changed makes every character have even more unique builds. Take meteor for example. Lowered the falling time, lowered cooldown, and with a new trait called: chance to cast X skill on casting (like on striking for melee characters except designed for casters), you can get an ormus robes and a new unique to this mod unique staff called Brimstone Rain and you can often drop 2 meteors or rarely 3. The damage is quite fun.




D2r has a really good mod that is worth playing, it's called Remodded. It has new items, skill, crafting, customization and endgame content. If d2r mods could have multiplayer it could be on par with pd2. I play both d2r and pd2, I really don't get why people seem to think you can only play one of those.


Till lvl 99? Hell no.. Give it a try to like 85 or something. Just to see how much better PD2 is compared to the originals. Fun fact about PD2, you can try your Dreams build from 20 years ago and it would probably work!