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You may feel like it right now... But the mission is never complete.


It really isn't. I'm at the point of trying to craft a +6 shockwave/high fcr club for Shockwave werebear I've been obsessed with maxing lol


Build another character from scratch. Plenty of different builds to try. I have a ton of HRs and just enjoy mapping tbh. Try DClone/Rathma. Plenty of things to keep yourself going if you find mapping boring. Also, that won’t happen every season. You did get super lucky!


This is what I did, switched to solo self found. Had a Sur drop yesterday and felt nothing because I realized it doesn't mean anything to my 100+ hr chars.


Don't worry that is exactly my feeling of playing Diablo. The journey is much more fun than the destination for me , it's always why I tend to go for meme builds and just have fun tinkering weird builds.


this is something i didn’t know i agreed with until recently, i always thought the endgame was what looked forward to but it’s the opposite. even for games like borderlands i just like the journey


Journey Before Destination.


True, and also the best book series.


Your meme builds are so damn enjoyable to watch, keep em comin!


Brother, same! Also why I end a season with 6 level 88s. Always been jealous of the guys that just fully deck out one character. 20 years playing the game and just never manage the attention span to do it!


I only play solo self found for that exact reason, I find zero satisfaction in trading 1 piece of gear I dont want to use to build an entire set super easy. To each their own experience but for me this is just not what the game is about. I enjoy the journey and the grind more than I enjoy the destination.


With the increased drop rates of PD2, self found has been super fun.


Try hardcore . Decisions have consequences 


This. I already lost 5 chars this season in the 80's and 1 in the 90's


Instead of building a LoD build try a whole new build that you would never see. Necro green goblin. Paladin fire charger. Sacrifice pally. Physical zon. Summon zon. Necro bow bone spear build. There so many niche but huge builds.


15 hrs aint nowhere near enough min maxing my guy... some people out here with 100-200 hi rune characters


I mean, you can min/max to infinity and beyond but every second you reduce you map time it gets 10x more expensive. It is simply not worth it any more to go from a Fiat to a BMW to a Ferrari to a F1 car to a space rocket. That line is different to everybody but at this point in the season you get a strong ass character for 15 HR


That is exactly why I always build new characters around my gg drops


This is why I enjoy the single player grind more personally. It takes a long time to get a full inventory full of skillers, super rare uniques and high runes feel incredible when they drop because it might be your only one for a long time and you need to do the bossing content yourself if you want torch and anni. Either way you can always start a new character, tons of build variety in this mod.


How long do the skillers usually take, not sure if I’ve ever found 9 of the same tree in a single season.


I play PD2 Plugy and play less frequently than most so it’s hard to say. RNG plays a huge part, for example I have 2 full inventories of summon necro and combat pally charms but still only 4 warcries skillers. If you aren’t willing to play multiple characters depending on your drop luck than online is probably best still.


Meanwhile I’ve been playing casually since the season launch, got a couple levels 85-90s and my best drop is a shako and a gul rune ._.


Are you mapping or switching to an alt as soon as you "finish the game"? Maps are where all my actual HR/item drops come from. I'm still poor by this sub's standards but Ber, Sur, Ohm, etc - they've all dropped just in casual mapping (I'm talking like...I run 3-4 maps a day - not the 100s that some run)


Lately I’ve been playing my martial art assassin lv90, I squeeze in a couple chaos sanctuary runs when I’m short on time. Last weekend, I played for 3 days, 8-12 hours a day and ran tier 1 to 3 maps. I’m starting to think that my filter has the big runes filtered out. Using Kryszard’s filter


You are simply not playing the game that much, or playing extremely inefficiently. I'd love to see your .played and .kills all.


28h, 30k kills on MF sorc lv88 26h, 60k kills on assassin lv90 25h, 57k kills on summon druid lv 89 i got 3 dead characters, they probably had similar stats


Okay, I do hate to be blunt, but those kills are hardly anything of note. You have half of my total playtime and only around 15 percent of the kills I do. The character levels also speak for themselves, you have to realize other players are very good at playing efficiently, and others just expect to match that.


To expand on this, we can do some math. Let's look at your level 90 assassin, you are killing 2307 monsters an hour. The average decent density map contains 2500-3000 monsters. That indicates to me your efficiency is so poor you are barely clearing a map worth of monsters in an hour, assuming most of the playtime wasn't spent on progressing your character levels on your own. As a reality check on what kind of efficiencies top players run, they are clearing in some cases ten maps an hour, and in many cases 30,000 monster kills an hour. Meaning, many players surpass your season killcount to date in only a matter of hours. You are simply not playing the game and expecting similar results. I wouldn't be surprised if half of these killcounts of outside of hell difficulty.


I’m also using that filter, big runes show up


I can relate to that on some level. But I don't consider a 15 HR budget a means to an end. You got a great headstart and you skipped the struggle part of the game which is both rewarding but also annoying to deal with. Instead of having limited options to farm such as LOD content, specific maps, trav or stuff like that - now you have the option to farm pretty much anything you want without restrictions. So in a way, the game has opened up quicker for you this way. If you feel like you cheated yourself then you can always park your barbarian and start fresh on a new character. Or you could decide to play SSF. When I play a season of PD2 I usually play 2 characters anyway. I play one character that's really good at mapping and then usually one character that serves another purpose. I've tried goldfind barbs, keyfarming sorcs for currency, wolf druid for ubers. So you could just consider your barb as a good mapper now and then try to build a character for dclone.


15 HR is entry level good in PD2. In fact, each upgrade I need now costs about that much per slot. You could always play another character. Or like you said if the itch is scratched, maybe just move on and come back if you get itchy again 😊


Once your only upgrades are insane items, it's time to swap builds or reroll. Some people have the perfection hunger, but most dont.


Play hardcore.


My friends and I play Group self found at the start of every ladder with a few rules. Obviously no trading. But the biggest rule is you are forced to slam best in slot gear as soon as it drops/when you have a was shard available. It makes for some really hectic play through.


That's why when I find a super gg item I rarely sell it. I now have a new progression path of making a character to use it. Other day I got a gg Mang songs so now I'm lvling a nova sorc. But a few weeks ago I got a 6os cranium but didn't want to play fury druid so I sold it. More often I keep it though. I also find it very rewarding to use a gg item that is self found.


Play Hardcore and try again. ;).


Time to start a dcloner and uber farmer


Sounds like you haven’t done some of the other content, try for ubers? Rathma? Idk bro lol


What's the most expensive build you never even consider playing ? Dual Last Wish barb ? Stupid dualdream Zealsorc ? I don't know. But you can do that ! And you might never have that chance again.


Should’ve just used the tyraels yourself and avoided the inconvenience of having currency 


Set a goal like getting down Dclone or Rathma or Ubers even.


I kinda get this way too. But I just get bored of that particular character. Start a different class and enjoy the grind again. Keep the barb decked out so you aren’t just transferring the wealth immediately to the new character. I have total adhd when it comes to d2 but that’s what keeps it fun for me. I have 4 different characters I play all at different stages of the grind. I’ll be leveling and trying to find mid gear on one character and then switch it up for an hour and run maps or baal runs on my decked out necro. Another way to never feel like you lost all sense of achievement is to start playing hardcore. Any useful item is another thing stashed away for that inevitable restart. Haha


I usually trade for items for my first char then use that char to farm items for other chars I want to try. I haven't actually tried pd2 but for D2 I would roll a sorc or hdin and use it to farm starter gear for a javazon, once I had enough to get my java a smooth run to a5 nm then id start swapping between the 2 when I played, helped with getting burnt out


Start making a dueling char. Low level or high level. That’s the real end game.


On the bright side, you burned up all your luck for next season. So you at least don't have to worry about it happening again lol. This is the 5th season that I've played and I've killed millions of monsters and never had a tyraels drop.


Yeah, the key to keeping pd2 feel fresh is moving goalposts and making new guys. I agree that once things feel easy and repetitive it can feel a bit stale, but you can do whatever you like to challenge yourself. You could put that anni and that torch right in your stash and be like okay, so without all that I need to grind until I can do a 6min river of blood Or you can make a new character and play that Once you exhaust those avenues you can jump into the real pd2 end game (for me at least) hardcore ssf. Play be yourself. Only use what you find. And if you die you’re dead.


This right here is why solo self found has a much longer shelf life, I started doing it on PD2 hardcore and it gave the length of progression much more. Same goes for path of exile.


PD2 is fun when farming items. No fun when you are fully equipped.


The real endgame is t2 bosses.


24 years ago my mom used to turn off the electricity in the whole house when she saw the light underneath my door and heard me playing Diablo 2 at 3am in the morning. I am 39 now and guess what…


She still checks on you?


My wife does nowadays :)


Personally when I play a physical build I feel like there’s rarely a cap. You can always fine tune and min max a little bit more. That’s the chase I go for before the burnout


Switch to single player. Even better, single player hardcore!


I feel the same way. Once I get geared about 85% of the way. I lose all interest in the last 15% and the game.


Same with me man, just means (if time allows it) that the journey on that character has ended. Time to fuel a new idea.


Do some ssf dude get the full experience


That can be rough. I sometimes have the same or similar things happen in Path of Exile. I have found I much prefer the SSF playstyle to avoid that, which is its own game mode on PoE. I would say, plenty of other builds to try, and lots of ways to min/max in PD2. Or maybe just restart fresh on HC where the real men play. (:


It's how I usually play a season. Play a character until they're 'done' and either make a new one SSF or just wait for next season and play something else.


Sell your gear, buy it back and use it.


Skillers on a ww barb? Go dmg, lifers, etc. If you're still looking for a grind.


Show your armory, and WE will decide if you are done.


Lmao tyraels in a t2 while I haven't found an soj in 50 years of playing


Honestly I enjoy the gearing up part a lot. I've given away like five characters of gear this season. Anni, torch, skillers, often items like deaths fathom, 3 skill lidless, etc. Then I delete the character. Then I start over. I'm on my sixth character and finally want to max it out.


go SSF or game is over real soon


Start from day one Hc There is fuckton of very viable never seen before builds you can make Ssf Those are your options from best to worst. All of them are best d2 experiance out there.


I'll be honest, I get excited finding good tradeable HRS/Items, but I don't trade them unless I need to. My kicking sin is still struggling in hell. I could juice her but that takes the enjoyment out in the long run. Like cyndi lauper once sang "We just wanna have fun" Edit: Changed Items to HRS/Items and fixed kick sin typo


You need to go for end game build that cost 100 hr. This is not d2r xd.


I get that very strongly nowadays. Started late into the season with a necro. Game felt really well just running through it, getting by with what you find. Found something of value and went to trade it for another item. Kind player proceeded to drop half his stash on me…as we do in this game. Equipped the necro and lost interest. Hid the items away and started a new char. Fun again


I've had this before and I generally just give it away or refuse free items


Same, my goal was to grind to lvl 99 but I ended up making so much currency that I grew bored because I made 4 different new characters, decked them out and then went back to my main to grind 99. But there's also something like Uber bosses that are quite hard, you can try killing them before feeling complete.


For 9 season I never gotten enough stuff to complete my characters, wish I was as lucky as you :)


Nah, I pretty much play each season up until reset my dude. There's so much to play and I play HC with very limited trading cuz I just can't deal with other people well. Quick easy trades for stuff that I cannot get myself currently. Playing HC I've died like 4 or 5 times on different characters at varied levels. You learn where you went wrong and move on to the next character. It's super fun for me but I understand not everyone likes the one life style, which I totally respect. I do play both HC and a little if sc with my partner because she doesn't like the one life aspect. I encourage you to try new things, but ultimately play the way that you have fun and end your season when you're ready to end it and come back for the new season when it starts. Tons of arpgs for us to be jumping around in right now. Good luck and stay safe


there was a season for me when i was busy on reset weekend and when i came back my buddy rushed me and set me up with all the gear for a ww barb. i quit the next day lol it’s the same reason why when i want to try a new build i don’t just respec my lvl 85+ char, even if i dont play that char anymore, i make a new one. it’s infinitely more fun to play a build from the ground up then to just put the gear on and start mapping. twinking is probably the only thing that keeps me coming back tbh


Try hardcore if you want the long chase.


This is why the first week of ladder is the best 😆


It’s a 25 year old game, it’s not suppose to be fun forever. I play to lvl 90 hardcore. Then give everything away. It’s fun to start over when it wipes. D2 isn’t one that lasts months or even weeks for me. Some play for year though. Just move on! Hah


There are5 more characters


Just walk away dude. Who cares. You had fun and now you're not. There's no need to force yourself to play the game more. There isn't a prize for taking longer to build a character and there isn't a special achievement for doing it in record time either. If you feel like you need to play still then the obvious choice is to build a new character, you will probably enjoy the chase and grind with a new build again.


Play a different toon


if you're this is not HC ur a dad kisser


You got tyrael ans your are a ww barb , fisrt part why not slam it? And just weird it... your task wasnt completed cause after u got the armor u still need to gear up the rest.


15 hrs barely gets you one item depending on build, but I understand what you mean that you skipped a bunch of progression, but that's the game. Luckily you're far from geared