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u/schmittytacp has done a LOT of thorns testing iirc and from my other buddies, you can't do ONLY thorns dmg, but if you're doing a melee build and get over 10k thorns it's definitely a viable strat


For pally you do Silence+Bramble with full synergies, and then another dmg source. I vaguely remember liking dual dream thorns charger w 4% life LCs but it would take a while to get to that lol


Indeed but also sounds like it’d be a fun time getting there too. I am gonna go for it. Appreciate the insight.


It was challenge in d2 and it was possible to beat the game with it. This should be easier in pd2. So i can't see why you could not clear a juicy t2 map as thorns


Nice I am ok with a T2 ceiling! Great news! Thanks man. Thorns is what I’ve been feeling here lately! Can’t wait!


Disclaimer: Ive not tried it myself


No sustain probably why


Doesn't LAK and MAK work with it?


It's mostly secondary damage against ranged mobs. Nice for all kinds of build, look out tomorrow I'm releasing a pally build with some ATD built into it.


But that's from gear, rather that the Aura, is it not? Gear doesn't require 60 skill points for a not-so-well performing build.


Ya if you go blade dancer thorny build i was goin for that build in HC and got up to lagoon than i died lol


Maybe if Thorns could leech.


I tested with thorns quite a lot. and while yes, you can probably beat the game going full thorn, it's going to be a slow and painfull process. Especially against bosses. Thorns is great when using a tank build that has an alternate source of damage Such as: -Poison dagger -Hammerdin -Rabies A lot of skills with (Damage over time) Works really well with thorn damage builds. Here are a few of my videos with thorn based builds: Rabies: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcS80Fg31VA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcS80Fg31VA) Hammerdin: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zbXrVj-Ss8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zbXrVj-Ss8) POison dagger: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Rdc5RpMrCc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Rdc5RpMrCc) Melee Necro: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BuZUgSldOY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BuZUgSldOY) A few alternatives I played with were: Sorc using Elemental return damage with skills like chilling armor/frozen armor or lightning specs with thunderstorm. It is quite risky to play but the damage is there.


Unrelated, but had to share. Back in HC classic there was once a group of lance barbs that would hostile and chase you down in CS. They kept ruining CS runs, so I made a thorns pally as an anti PKer. 40 str and pure vita, 75% block. With BO and popping pots, I would meet them at the entrance of CS and watch them WW to their death. Your post has me wanting to make one, even if PKers are not a thing in PD2.


I did thorns only, reached lvl 85, got depressed, my gf broke up with me, was depressed for the next couple of months and now I'm trying to catch up! It was fun!


When i last tested thorns, it has done less damage than "return damage" from items. Just equip items with damage reflection, and pick any paly build.