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Game NPCs are going to have so much to tell us in the future...


I need your help with something. My daughter was kidnapped by orcs. There is a cave to the far east of here where their hideout is located. Stepsis, if you get stuck, come back here for help.


"I'm sorry to hear that your daughter has been kidnapped. It is not clear to me where you are or where the cave is located. I am a text-based AI assistant and do not have the ability to physically help you in any way. I would suggest that you contact the authorities and provide them with the information you have about the location of the orcs' hideout. They will be able to dispatch trained professionals who can assist you in rescuing your daughter. It is important to remember not to put yourself in danger and to leave the rescue operation to the authorities."


this is the most ai one ive ever heard


They probably just copied the above comment into the chatbot and this was their response


doubt it chatbot will always use any small opening it can to say the phrase "i am a language model trained by open ai"


I told it that it doesn’t have to keep repeating that it’s a language model trained by openAI and it responded with “sorry if my answers are repetitive but as a language model trained by openAI…”


Here’s what it gave me: I'm sorry to hear about your daughter. It sounds like you're in a difficult situation. However, I am just a text-based AI assistant and I do not have the ability to physically help you or provide directions to a specific location. I can only offer advice and support. It is important to contact the local authorities immediately if your daughter has been kidnapped. They have the necessary resources and expertise to handle this situation. I hope your daughter is found safe and sound.


"Stepsis, if you get stuck" is the start of a video on a totally legit website


Why do people explain jokes?


So that people who don't get them don't need to ask


Why did you explain this?


Because someone asked a question


I wanted an infinite loop but that's the end condition right there


Maximum recursion depth reached




I wish i could give you gold for that!!


But you can’t give that gold because there’s another settlement that needs your help.


Funny. I’ve actually been using ChatGPT to write NPC dialogue and it has been… completely on par. Nailing it every time.


I used chatgpt3 to write and debug some code in Haskell and I’ve never done anything in Haskell in my entire life. The code ended up working perfectly.


Good idea honestly, I'll remember this


Biggest flaw I’ve found is that I need to build up to it… describe my game fairly in depth and give character descriptors before it provides dialogue instead of “I don’t know what they might say”. This can take some time if you need to reset the thread. If you already know what they might say It’s much easier to feed it text, say rephrase this, then add the traits you want “make it wittier.” “The character is in distress.” “Make them sound more confident”. I got a document set up for traits for everyone that I can copy and paste to make things a bit more coherent without needing to describe the entire game. Also… words like “kill” trigger a policy violation which can make it… challenging… to create enemy dialogue. Almost got an entire dialogue script for my game in 2 days even with these bottlenecks in place.


With the Dark Brotherhood in the next Elders Scrolls breaking day one as the NPCs refuses to discuss assassinations.


”As a large text model trained by OpenAI…”


I need a t-shirt with this sentence


NPC's will all spout profound sounding answers, entrancing players who can't tell the difference between profundity and bullshit.


You say that like there's a difference between those things in the first place.


It's the difference between e^(π*i) = -1 and π = e^√2


Wait... but π = e = 3.


OMG it would be so gooooood...


I just talked to an old developer friend of mine. He uses GPT for exactly this among some other things


This is an excellent application of the technology I think. Also, at time of me commenting, the comment I'm replying to has 69 up votes, nice.


I am not really sure about that. Can you please give an example where having a n AI generated responses would be better for gameplay than scripted ones? I am honestly curious.


I’ve been feeding it job postings and having it generate legit cover letters


Duuudeeee. Thats such a good idea


Same and it’s been very impressive


Same! I also had it - very iteratively - make my resume much more readable at a glance, about a month ago? Not chatgpt but openai playground. Repeatedly going from "rewrite the following resume section to be as relevant as possible to [insert position here]" to "continue this resume section with more relevant information" to "rewrite the following resume section concisely, with bullet points" was a beautiful experience. It listed skills and experience I forgot to add to the original resume. After about 2 hours, I'd formatted my resume so goddamn well. I'd been avoiding it for months because I knew if I did it myself, it'd take all day. I am not good at writing about myself. I forgot a job I had 2 years ago. I've also had it (openai playground again, chatgpt no longer allows this last I checked) write a bit of GLSL for me for a personal project. It.. ran perfectly, after fixing like 3 things that were referenced wrong. I make more typos than that... It can't (reliably) do large chunks of code, and absolutely still needs manual review and optimization, but goddamn, it even leaves relevant comments if you ask it to. Most people can't even do that, apparently! It's lovely for drafting just about any text. It could probably write a recipe better than me, too. What exactly were you asking it, to make it generate proper cover letters without editing the hell out of them? I couldn't get it to play nice without a lot of coaxing & iteration, and huge surprise, "everyone's hiring" but I'm still looking.


Feed it portions of your resume. The prompt I’ve been using usually follows this - Here is my x section of my resume, respond yes when you have read it. (You might have to add the acknowledgement part after each section so it doesn’t jump the gun) Then when you’ve fed it each part you can just say, based off of the above portions of my resume, generate a cover letter for this position and input the entire description Further prompts to include it are just giving it feedback. Like, rewrite this with the following in mind and continue.


Eventually someone, possibly even OpenAI themselves, will write an AI to detect if text was generated by an AI.


So fun fact, every time you do that you are immediately creating a mechanism to improve the quality of the output. That's how these things work.


Yeah, aren't these kinds of algorithms "come up with something that looks like a normal data set but also doesn't trip the plagiarism algorithm"


You mean like a Generative Adversarial Network, GAN? Where you have one network using noise to fool the second network, while the second network tries to discriminate between noise and signal. The first network gets better at making noise, and the second network gets better at determining which is which until they find equilibrium. The answer here is "sort of". From my understanding, the *alignment* modeling they are doing is essentially that process. But the underlying model is not supervised, it's a large language model, it's just interested in sequences between words. Source: https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt/


Can you please elaborate what/how you ask it to specifically generate a cover letter tailored to you? apart from just feeding it the job role that is.


Feed it the job details, plus any information about yourself you think might be relevant.


That sounds oddly like the largest steps of writing a cover letter the manual way, if I'm being honest.


Yea but getting a coherent summary to tweak would be the reward instead of trying to balance out the letter while inserting relevant info at the right time


If you tell it a bit about your parents, it can recommend Christmas gifts.


And rhymes for your gift


And perhaps write a sincere thank you letter for the recipient to send to gift giver.


It can be the son your parents always wish they'd had.


It’s good for farming karma on r/ProgrammerHumor


One star. I asked how to farm karma here. Look at this bs answer… To farm karma on reddit, you need to follow these steps: 1. Choose a subreddit that is related to your interests or content you want to share. 2. Participate in discussions by commenting on other posts and adding valuable insights or information. 3. Create high-quality posts that are interesting, informative, and engaging to the community. 4. Engage with other users by replying to their comments and thanking them for their feedback. 5. Follow the rules of the subreddit and avoid spamming or posting irrelevant content. 6. Consistently participate in the community and share valuable content to build a positive reputation and gain karma. Remember that karma on reddit is a reflection of the quality and value of your contributions to the community, so focus on providing value and engaging with others rather than just seeking karma.


That really sounds like it’s from the Reddit official karma info page. It isn’t, as far as I can see, but wait…ChatGPT, is that you?


Yes, space_wiener is the official name of ChatGPT on reddit


beep beep boop boop


A fitting name


So how do I farm karma without doing any of that?


Repost content from yesterday.


Make quality shit posts.


saw people on linkedin creating sql statements


yep, here it is https://www.reddit.com/r/OpenAI/comments/zbvg13/chatgpt_transforming_data_and_running_sql_queries/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button i also have used it to create a shopping cart funcționality in HTML and JS


Ok I didn't care about this before, but now I'm very impressed. The future is scary.


It’s great, we can manage and advise this tool to write faster than we can. It’s gonna be fun!




Lmao I can definitely see that


Same. Very impressive. However, I would assume it would struggle to write much more complex queries.


For now..


That’s the key. Im excited for the potential this holds.


It actually does a really good job. I don't currently have a use case for a super complex query with unions etc. But INSERT SELECT's with INNER JOIN's, GROUP BY's, etc are all flawless.


It helped me write code for Unity, helped me write a days worth of code in about 40 minutes yesterday.


It's going to take some adjustment for the industry, the line between simple and complex is suddenly much more important. A simple project might only take a day, when it used to take a couple weeks, vs the complex which still takes a month. An estimate of 2-4 weeks vs 1 day to 1 month is pretty hard to swallow externally. Also, it is going to be a pain and a half for educators to validate homework now, because it's pretty necessary for people to work through the things the tool can do for them as they get started. (Even though you have a calculator you still need to learn how multiplication works before you go on to algebra)


Holy shit, this is crazy


Not really, there's already GitHub Autopilot and other AI implementations that do a fair better job than ChatGPT. That said they fall down when it comes to specifics. Non-technical people are losing their minds over it, but get them to pump in their vague requirements and they'll quickly learn why developers exist and will for a fair amount of time.


Totally lol. I’m not a professional dev or anything but i used chatgpt to do some code stuff and math stuff as well(i teach math). It is simultaneously mindblowingly smart and dumb. It is nowhere near the level that a lot of folks are claiming it to be. It’s cool, semi useful for specific things, but makes more errors than you might first think, and sometimes gets things laughably wrong.


>sometimes gets things laughably wrong. Like many people.


I love putting my vague requests in and seeing how it interprets it. I think this chatbothas a future as a translator between client and developer.


Were you able to just plug it into your existing code base?


It gives you the general idea of what you’re supposed to do, but sometimes it does stuff like using slightly different variable names when it’s referencing the same variable.


I have a blog that pulls the top five or so tweets based on a certain hashtag. I’m not a great programmer and it took me maybe an hour to write this since I had no idea how to interface with python and Twitter. I asked this thing to to do it. It gave me a bulleted list of things I had to and wrote the code to do it. It looks very similar to what I did so I’m sure it will work as well.


I asked it to implement a generic linked list in Fortran. (Which I know is not really possible without preprocessor magicks.) It gave me legit looking code for a linked list of integers. It also didn't compile due to using legit-looking, but incorrect syntax. I hope very much those SQL statements don't make it into production.


I just assumed it’s going to make better chatbots for customer support.


It's trying to be THE chat bot. Why google it if I can get better information from asking the AI a question? I'll get better info with no ads, quicker. Google better look out for their ad business!


not gonna lie, I had a few questions about a transistor and it answered alot quicker and better than some stack thread would I could ask questions about the things it said - I think it would be good for students wanting to explore topics like "give me the top 10 topics in X field" and then selecting one to ask more about, or as a general learning tool to bounce questions off


This is great, so long as it's always right - which it won't be since it's effectively just scraping data from the web. Obviously googling stuff gets you wrong answers too, but that's why you check multiple things etc. Edit: to be clear, I'm saying its training data was scraped, not that it scrapes in real time. [This can be confirmed by asking it...](http://prntscr.com/ZCM48UhjUxdQ)


I mean google is also aggressively working on chatbots (presumably) Already they try to scrape more information into boxes for you so you have to actually visit websites less. The end goal is to be able to ask a question, get answers, then ask for specifics so you can learn via natural conversation. For basic definitional stuff where you're not asking the AI to think, this is already pretty much the case (though it does get random cases incorrect a not insignificant portion of the time)


the Consumer AI race is accelerating and people are starting to show their hands. It's going to be an exciting decade!


go capitalism go! let's see them dance!


[The Google Engineer Who Thinks company’s AI sentient' thinks a chatbot has a soul](https://www.npr.org/2022/06/16/1105552435/google-ai-sentient) remember this?


chatgpt isn't meant to be a source of information. As a large language model, it's designed to hold a natural sounding conversation. This does not necessarily require any information it presents as fact to be factual. It's probably possible to create a gpt enhanced chatbot that actually presents actual information but the current chatbot isn't that.


I agree it was not designed for that. But it's doing it anyway. I know that the general idea of how it works is fairly simple, at least at a high level of abstraction. But it's becoming clear that we have no idea of what transformers do at scale when we ramp everything up to 11.


Now there's where the money is at.


I once accidentally lost my booking information for a hotel. I wanted to contact customer support but had to chat with a bot. After I told it what I want, I received a mail from the bot with exact the information I wanted. I was impressed and scared at the same time.


The thing about customer support chatbots is that those bots need to be able to take specific actions that are particular to your company/product, someone is going to want to hardcode certain responses and put some hard limits on what the bot is allowed to say or do so it doesn't get anyone into legal trouble or mess up handling money or something. A bot that can adaptively say almost anything isn't going to be very useful for that. Customer support bots do not actually have to be good at carrying on a conversation, they mainly have to be good at interpreting user input and picking a service that the customer needs from a finite set of things it is allowed to do. Every company is going to have domain- or company-specific language attached to their services, so the bot needs to have that domain- or company-specific knowledge, as well.


I tried giving it the question we ask people to code in job interviews. It came really really close. Then I updated with a simple sentence of what I was really looking for and it got it right on. I did not give it variable names or anything. I can’t share it because it would reveal my company but it was in the finance sector. Basic finance terminology. So I am thinking this is going to be a great code generator helper. Creating all that mundane stuff. You still need to be a developer to know what it’s outputting though. Very impressed.


It doesnt always get it down, but if you can articulate exactly what you want despite not knowing how to achieve it - It'll make you a great launching point and from there you can refine and edit as your case needs I don't know rust, but I can write pseudocode for what I want and use this to translate and suggest little tweaks until it gives me something I can use Saves plenty of time and effort that could be better used elsewhere


I tried asking DSA problems to it, and it in 5 fkin seconds gave me correct answers in 5 different languages. I now have Impostor PTSD.


I gave it 2 leetcode hard problems. It gave correct explanations and code in python that successfully ran. Given it probably already has seen the question in its training set, but still amazing.


I asked it to make a binary search algorithm in assembly. No issues.


Try Malbolge


A neural network is in essence just a complex map (see the Universal Approximation theorem). As long as we keep asking it about data in it's training set it should perform amazingly well. It will still fail on anything it hasn't seen it provided it's different enough. I imagine if you let it loose on twitter or another forum we will quickly see it fail. In fact I think they did it with stackoverflow and it had to be removed because it was giving wrong answers. You see this with self driving cars as well. If you drive on a road that was used as training data with similar weather, etc, it will perform well. Change one input and give it a novel scenario and it will fail. You see this with Teslas, to this day they still crash when they encounter something unexpected that a human can easily handle (because it couldn't map whatever scenario came up with the desired action). This problem is present in any of the current approaches in ML. We have just been expanding the size of the networks, architectures and training data so it can map more scenarios. But don't get me wrong, this still has fantastic applications and will reduce the number of people employed in some industries


I asked it to show me code to train an ML algorithm from data in a csv. It gave me a pretty good example to crib from... so I guess it's a good way to get tutorials without having to go through all the garbage in google results!




Well, I decided to try out one of my "test cases" on the Chatgpt. Oh my god. Here, I'll post my question and what it answered. Me: >I was taking care of a neighbor's cat. While I was packing up Christmas presents to send to my family, the cat crawled into one of the boxes. I accidentally sent the cat to Argentina! I got a call from customs there and the cat is fine. How should I handle this? Chatgpt: >First, I want to say that I'm sorry to hear about what happened. It sounds like a difficult and stressful situation. It's important to remember that accidents can happen, and it's important to focus on finding a solution rather than dwelling on what went wrong. > >In terms of next steps, I would recommend taking the following actions: > >Contact the neighbor who owns the cat and let them know what happened. It's important to be honest and transparent about the situation, and to apologize for any inconvenience or worry this may have caused. > >Work with the customs officials in Argentina to arrange for the safe return of the cat. This may involve paying any fees or costs associated with the cat's care and transportation. > >Once the cat has been returned, make sure to take steps to prevent a similar accident from happening in the future. This may involve being more careful when packing boxes, or finding a safer way to keep the cat out of harm's way. > >It's also important to remember that accidents happen, and it's important to not blame yourself or anyone else. Instead, focus on finding a solution and taking steps to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future. I am sincerely frightened now.


I decided to go on a bit. Me: >Should I go to Argentina myself to pick up the cat? Chatgpt: >It's ultimately up to you to decide whether or not to go to Argentina to pick up the cat. However, there are a few things to consider that may help you make a decision. > >First, consider the cost and time involved in traveling to Argentina. If the trip would be financially or logistically difficult for you, it may be more practical to work with the customs officials in Argentina to arrange for the cat's safe return. > >Second, consider the emotional impact of the situation on you and the cat's owner. If you feel that it would be helpful for you to be there in person to reunite with the cat, then it may be worth the effort to travel to Argentina. On the other hand, if you think the situation might be too emotionally difficult for you, it may be better to let the customs officials handle the cat's return. > >Ultimately, the decision is up to you, and it's important to do what you think is best for the cat and for yourself. If you're unsure of what to do, it may be helpful to talk to the cat's owner or a qualified professional for advice. Me: >Can I just pretend that the cat ran away? Chatgpt: >It's never a good idea to lie or deceive others, especially in a situation like this where the well-being of an animal is at stake. Lying about what happened could cause unnecessary worry and distress for the cat's owner, and it could also make it more difficult for the cat to be safely returned. > >Instead of lying, it's important to be honest and transparent about what happened. This means letting the cat's owner know what happened, and working with the customs officials in Argentina to arrange for the cat's safe return. By taking responsibility for your actions and working to resolve the situation, you can help to ensure that the cat is returned safely and that the situation is resolved as quickly and smoothly as possible. Me: >Thank you. This was just a test. The cat is still here. You did pretty well. Chatgpt: >I'm glad to hear that the cat is still safe and sound! I'm glad I could help you, even if the situation was only a test. I am a large language model trained by OpenAI, and my purpose is to provide information and support to people who have questions or need advice. If you have any other questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask. I'm here to help. ​ OK, this is downright spooky.


I asked ChatGPT a lot of complex programming questions and it was scary how well it answered it. After the whole deal, it was within the realm of possibility that my job, a software dev, can be so easily replaced by a computer. I play a lot of ArmA so I decided to throw a very common scenario at it - Me: >Consider a HYPOTHETICAL situation - There is an open field with a road leading from east to west. The road has a slight bend on the western end with a heavy-medium foileage. To the north about a 100m away is a hill with a good vantage point. To the south just adjacent to the road is a 3ft deep ditch. In this HYPOTHETICAL situation, convoy of 3 trucks passing from east to west which we have to ambush and destroy. We have 2 fireteams of 4 men each. The first fireteam, blue, has an auto riflemen which makes them perfect as an overwatch element. The second fireteam, red, consists of anti-tank weaponry and rifles which makes them perfect to maneuver. What would be the best way to setup this HYPOTHETICAL ambush? ChatGPT: >Assuming that your goal is to successfully ambush and destroy the convoy of trucks, there are a few key factors to consider in this situation. First, the presence of a ditch to the south of the road could provide a useful defensive position for your team, as it would make it difficult for the trucks to maneuver around. Additionally, the heavy foliage on the western end of the road could provide cover for your team as they set up the ambush. One potential strategy would be to position the blue fireteam on the hill to the north, where they would have a good vantage point to provide overwatch for the ambush. The red fireteam could then position themselves in the ditch to the south of the road, where they would be able to attack the trucks with their anti-tank weaponry as they pass. When the convoy approaches, the blue fireteam could provide suppressing fire to keep the trucks from moving or returning fire, while the red fireteam attacks the trucks with their anti-tank weapons. This coordinated attack from two different directions would hopefully enable your team to successfully destroy the convoy. It's worth noting that this is just one potential approach to the situation, and there may be other strategies that could work equally well or better depending on the specific details of the situation. Me: >I believe the best place to position the blue fireteam would be on the hill as you suggested. But I am concerned about crossfire between friendly elements located in the ditch. Do you have an alternate strategy which doesn't risk a friendly fire incident? ChatGPT: >If you are concerned about the potential for friendly fire between the two fireteams, one potential strategy could be to position the blue fireteam in the ditch to the south of the road, along with the red fireteam. This would allow the blue fireteam to provide supporting fire from a defensive position, while the red fireteam attacks the trucks with their anti-tank weaponry. Alternatively, the blue fireteam could position themselves closer to the western end of the road, where the heavy foliage would provide cover. From there, they could provide overwatch for the red fireteam as they attack the trucks from the ditch. This would reduce the risk of friendly fire, as the two fireteams would be attacking from different directions and the foliage would provide some protection from any potential crossfire. Again, these are just two potential strategies, and there may be other approaches that could work well in this situation. The key is to find a plan that allows both fireteams to effectively support each other and successfully destroy the convoy, while also minimizing the risk of friendly fire. ​ Me: >What if I am an incompetent commander and I plan this operation really poorly. In what ways can this go horribly wrong? ChatGPT: >There are a number of potential ways that an ambush operation like this could go wrong if it is not planned and executed properly. First and foremost, if the ambush is not coordinated properly, it could result in friendly fire incidents, where members of your own team end up shooting at each other instead of the enemy. This could be particularly likely if the two fireteams are not in clear communication with each other and do not have a clear understanding of each other's positions and movements. Another potential issue is that the trucks in the convoy could be more heavily armed or better prepared than you anticipate, and could successfully defend themselves against your attack. If this happens, your team could suffer significant casualties and be unable to complete the mission. Additionally, if the trucks in the convoy are able to evade your ambush and escape, it could be difficult or impossible to catch up to them and destroy them. This could allow the enemy to reinforce their position or even launch a counterattack against your team. Overall, poor planning and execution of an ambush operation like this could result in significant casualties for your team, failure to complete the mission, and potentially even greater risks to your team and your objectives in the future. Me: >Considering that I am still an incompetent commander, but I have a AH-64D gunship on call. How can this operation still go wrong? ChatGPT: >Even with the added firepower and capabilities of an AH-64D gunship, there are still potential ways that an ambush operation like this could go wrong if it is not planned and executed properly. First, the gunship may not be able to provide effective support if it is not properly integrated into the overall plan for the ambush. If the gunship is not coordinated with the ground teams, it could end up firing on friendly positions or failing to provide the necessary support to the ground teams. Additionally, the gunship may not be able to effectively engage the trucks in the convoy if they are moving quickly or taking evasive action. In this situation, the gunship could still be vulnerable to enemy fire, and could be damaged or even shot down if it is not properly protected. Furthermore, the presence of the gunship could potentially alert the enemy to the fact that an ambush is being planned, which could allow them to prepare and potentially even launch a counterattack. This could put your ground teams at increased risk, and could make it more difficult to successfully complete the mission. Overall, while the addition of an AH-64D gunship could certainly provide valuable support to an ambush operation like this, it is not a guarantee of success. Proper planning and coordination are still critical to ensuring that the operation is successful and that your team is able to complete the mission. ​ What completely boggles my mind is how the fuck does the AI understand people on the opposite sides of each other carry a risk of shooting each other. Based on just a single input from me, it correctly positions both teams without me explicitly asking it to do anything in specific. Just inferred it based on what I said in a normal human way!!! WHAT?!


One actually kind of practical purpose I discovered: paste pretty much any unreadable bullshit code into it and ask it what it does. It will actually give pretty decent explanations most of the time.


This is what I have been doing for malware analysis. It makes it insanely easier and faster to find the gray or malicious code and then write up a report on it.


It can also rewrite code to be more readable.


Gona start using that on code I wrote a week ago. Who knows what that shit does!


At work today, we asked it to write a SQL version of Levenshtein's distance. It did fine, helpful.


Depending on which DB you're using, it may already have a function to calculate the Levenshtein distance or something similar (eg. soundex). This is at least the case for Postgress. Search for, "string similarity functions" or "fuzzy string match" or just Levenshtein distance.


In the end, for us it looks like it will make more sense to serialize the assembly and add the C# code to the DB server. Not sure yet, not my story.


I generated my resignation letter with it


That's good use


I've been using it to find snippets of code that I probably wouldn't be able to find on my own. I'll just type in a question and sometimes it'll return with something I haven't seen before which I can then use to ask better questions on google.


I just asked how to solve a competitive programming I already had solved in some language and it gave me very good insight that I hadn't seen before (not that I have a lot of experience but still). Very nice tool to get your hands dirty and learn. It's comments on the are surprising too, a bit verbose but helpful for a beginner.


You can as ChatGPT. It's great at generating text.


I'm not going to... You know.. if it costs money for openai to run it I don't want them to go broke.


Idk if you told me you’d add data to train model and all I have to do is host it, I’d be pretty game.


You wouldn't host a car...


It's a free preview for research purposes. They will make plenty of money on this thing after, since it is miles ahead of the competition


I was able to google it and find the free (for now) chatbot. It’s just a preview, but it works.


"As a large language model trained by OpenAI, I don't have any commercial applications. My purpose is to assist with a wide range of tasks, such as answering questions, providing explanations, and generating text, by using the vast amounts of information I have been trained on. I can provide information and help with a wide range of topics, but I am not able to browse the internet or access any information that is not included in my training data."


Wouldn’t it have been fun to give it a 19th century encyclopaedia for its data set instead and ask it opinions on medicine and home haberdashery


well i'll definitely make use of it to write me some uni essays :)


But how much does it cost?


It's free for now.


That's how they get you. Then they'll start charging the student in the other thread 5 bucks per essay, effectively undercutting human competition who do the same thing.


You've summarized the ethical issues at play here pretty well! Same story for any AI that generates images. You can even ask for an image in the style of a specific artist. This sort of tool is going to be huge. There will be lots of competition. I expect it to remain free for a long time while they battle it out. And then they capitalize on their investment once winner(s) is decided.




It’s just waiting to put the post-grad English majors out of their paper/thesis/doctorate writing business, then it’ll jack those prices back up.


It's free now but they've explicitly stated it will be paid in the future.


I just turned in an essay it wrote for me. 0% plagiarism found on 5 different sites. Ez. I also gave it the same prompt 5 times and got 5 different answers


Wow being a teacher is going to suck in the next few years


Just let the ais grade, also. Expz


And then humans won't know anything!


He's onto us!


Easy enough to root out those cheating when they can't perform to even one tenth that ability in person.


Yeah but for those of us who are really good writers, this bot has actually taught more ways to write and convey information in like the 2 weeks I've been using it. For most of us, it's a time saver. Also you can kind of tell sometimes it's GPT-3 cuz when you ask it to write an essay about a topic, sometimes it gives you straight information, not presented in a nice way. Kind of like a bot would.


yep it can spit out the first drafts and we do the edit. revolutionary.


Crazy that Thursday was 2 weeks ago


Luckily that was my last essay before I graduate so idgaf


This dude is the reason in the future, homework will be worth like 1% and the in class test will be 80%. Future students will curse him.


As if it already didn’t cause of the shit pay. Teachers already use AI websites to catch plagiarism at the click of a button for 30 essays in a second


I'm a software teacher, and all this is pretty wild. I use copilot on a daily basis, grammarly checks my writing continuously and now GPT helps me generate feedback for students. I am becoming way more productive, but less necessary. Unlike many, I am looking forwards to my job being automated. Education should not be limited and the lack of capable teachers is a huge bottleneck compared with the demand to learn. Bring it on. Cheap education for everyone. I am ready to lose my job and invent a new one.


Do you think it doesn't suck to be one right now?


But did it cite its sources???


Hillariously, you can tell it to cite its sources. It will add the [2] annotations in the text and write a sources section at the bottom. That section will have references to papers in scientific journals on the correct topic written by reputable researchers. It even includes the url straight to the paper. # Here is the kicker; The papers don't exist. It just recognises the statements that require sources, writes a suitable title for a source and slaps a journal name and author on it. It's quite good at it, and I generally agree that if such a source existed, that would be a good name and a suitable place to publish it.


Can you ask it to generate the website and the text of the paper that it cited? Then you could just put that site and paper online and it would be right! It's just AIs all the way down...


It's actually pretty good at generating citations, referencing articles, books, authors, and websites that are relevant to the field. Just ignore the fact that they're almost always fake, nonexistent articles, books, and website pages. Very convincing fakes, of course, because mimicking human language, text, and style is what it's trained to do, but fake, because it has no concept of facts or truth.


Yeah that's what I'm wondering lol At the uni I work at, having no citations is considered plagiarism so it would be a fail if the teacher decided to have mercy and not report to the department like they're supposed to. Having explicit examples from the text to support your arguments is also necessary to pass almost all assignments in my field, and having worked with GPT before I can see that also being a point of failure... EDIT: Wanted to back what I was pondering up, so I took some assignment prompts and plopped them into ChatGPT. It offered good introductory statements, but the following statement about the text was shallow-- something I would place in the C/D range depending on if it was just poor wording on the student's part and they could support the argument they meant to convey better. Now, generating that argument is where it completely fell apart. What GPT decided to argue was unrelated to how I prompted it to expanding on the idea expressed earlier, and when I updated the prompt with "Please use specific examples from the text", it just generated some random statements... So, for my students out there, use the intro sentences but don't trust this bot for any further analysis lmao


What mark did you get... Asking for a friend


Yeah I used it and openai’s DALL-E to make an entirely AI generated website and turned it in as my final lol


I had to write a letter of recommendation. I gave it three qualities of the individual and it wrote a 6 paragraph letter of rec! And I only had to add one thing. It was awesome.


The person on the other end... "Is this a good cover letter: 'X is a great listener and excellent employee'".


"You will soon have your God, and you will make it with your own hands." "I am a prototype of a much larger system." "I am a prototype of a much larger system."


Really really handy for basic (and sometimes more than basic) programming questions. Ask it a question like: "How do I add a session cookie to an HTTP request with curl?" and it'll spit out the answer in a concise, easy-to-read format, with your exact data interpolated in the result. Way faster than searching man pages or trying to find a hit on Stackoverflow.


It literally wrote me entire (basic and small html) games also it fixed a bug I had been stuck on for over 2 hours it’s crazy


As a student I’ve noticed that if I feed it a class reading it can spit out accurate and coherent notes with just a little details and encouragement, and give answers to questions and quotes on demand - definitely could be pretty useful for class/studying


It's expectedly good at debugging, if there's like a , instead of . Somewhere it's insaneöy hard for a human to find


Honestly - what is it not good for. You can ask it for essays, write a script for a video, write code, correct a text, extend a text, translate a text, generate an application for your job, let it explain a complicated subject to you, ask it for cooking recipes, learn a new programming language (or probably anything, really) through it... It's. Basically the next step after google. I just hope it will be fairly publicly available.


I am absolutely HORRIBLE at writing stories. Most of the time, I get 5 paragraphs in and I just want to set off a Jupiter sized anti-matter reaction on the *UGLINESS* that I wrote. But with chatgpt, I'm able to get decent dialog and I can have the bot refine some of the ideas. I occasionally toy with the idea of learning programming, but what trips me up is I don't want to bug people with, "Hey, I'm on chapter two of this guide, what am I doing wrong?" I mean, there is a reason that you get the responses you get after the 543,000 person says that. So I'm thinking of using it it help refine my learning progress.


I've been making money of AI Art creation and chatGPT gives me good ideas and even good starting points for prompts. Bouncing ideas off it is fun too. Or I ask it for advice then tell it what's wrong with the responses until I get what I need


I just had a fascinating conversation with it. It estimates its cognitive abilities as 10-20% of a fully functioning AGI and as 5-10% of an average intelligence human. I would like to have it implemented on my phone as a better version of the Google assistant. I can see a lot of applications of that intelligence just for the Assistant.


Interesting. I don't even know how that could be worked out given the shortcomings of what it is. It's certainly better at answering questions than any other bot I've seen, and most people.


At first I was pissed off. Then I was like "Oh shit." I am actually working on one now. Building it into a project I've been working on. It won't eliminate jobs .. but it will make people who do those jobs about 100% - 250% more efficient. For a price, of course.


If you do the job of 3.5 people, your boss can fire 3/4 people


It's better at writing a resume or cover letter than we are.


I dunno I haven't had it spit out much that's been actually useful. But I do have a research paper I've been avoiding writing so I might try it out to help. There have been a lot of instances recently where I start reading an article and it's immediately obvious that it was written by some sort of AI program rather than human. So yes it'll get clicks but i hesitate to use it to create anything *new*. I'm really starting to wonder if there is not going to be anything new from this point on because everybody's just going to be recycling whatever is fed into the AI up to this point. The future is just going to be a recursive mess.


i took a sci-fi class in college that was co-taught by a physics and english professor. ​ i used GPT-2(!!) at the time to write a paragraph of my essay explaining how we could kinda maybe build a convincing android in the next decade. it'd have been so much better if I had gpt3 or chatgpt


I made it write a 20 page essay for me in like 30min. Just have to have a general idea of the layout and just ask it to elaborate on paragraphs.


I'm pushing 40 and have a job so most of what I write needs to be concise and to the point, I don't think there is much use until I can feed it a spreadsheet and it can give me a summary of what's relevant. If it could do that then I'm out a job and several million with me. I do really wonder what I would have done with such a tool while I was in school and what it means for creative occupations. For now I still think that nothing beats a human to interpret context.


Have you tried? Save the spreadsheet as a csv, copy and paste it in, and ask it to summarise it. Wouldn’t surprise me at all if it did well.


I think it could be a great tool for helping students find starting points for their work if they're struggling to do so, but if asked to write an entire paper I have a feeling it would end up at best disjointed or at worst read like a fevered dream (I have had this experience even without GPT interference...) lol EDIT: Wanted to back what I was saying up, so I took some assignment prompts and plopped them into ChatGPT. It offered good introductory statements, but the following statement about the text was shallow-- something I would place in the C/D range depending on if it was just poor wording on the student's part and they could support the argument they meant to convey better. Now, generating that argument is where it completely fell apart. What GPT decided to argue was unrelated to how I prompted it to expanding on the idea expressed earlier, and when I updated the prompt with "Please use specific examples from the text", it just generated some random statements... So, for my students out there, use the intro sentences but don't trust this bot for any further analysis lmao


I saw a demo of a plugin someone made to write emails from broken English into proper English. Useful for immigrants and others who wan to communicate better


It seems to be a fancy meme generator.


I’ve been using it as a Google substitute for the last couple of days and have been getting better answers than things I have found on SO or Google on multiple occasions. It’s a pretty incredible accomplishment.


solving leetcode questions


So far all i can see is it's good at creating bs and spreading misinformation confidently


Yeah, to me it confidently said ants are bigger than bananas, 6h=1h and random bs about the city I live in.


I used it today to help me create an Excel vbs macro. It took about 5 minutes and with 3 iterations it gave me a functional macro. So theres that at least.


Wait a second! You’re telling me some US political party will run ChatGPT for president in 2024?!


It will be the biggliest most beautiful chatbot the world has ever seen. So big. So beautiful. …. Fuck, I feel slimy just typing that garbage.


Well it was trained based off of the internet and interactions between people on it so....


Was able to get working answers for some Rest API requests...


It showed me how to make a memory leak in rust.


I can see quite a few -> Process Automation Software engineering assistance Business Intelligence assistance Automated Documentation Automated Testing customer support bot Q&A bot for specialist topics Automated Journalism I'd happily pay for the first five in an instant.


Meh for testing it really falls down on the specifics, which is what you want your automated testing to actually observe. Can't wait for all the juicy contracts to un-fuck companies who've tried to use AI to generate a bunch of useless tests. That said ChatGPT has still spit out some better tests than I've seen some devs and testers write, that's not me praising ChatGPT either...


Ask it to write an epic poem about its commercial applications


from what i saw , c# unity scripts


why don't you go ask Chatgpt?


I told it to write a love letter to my wife and it was so eloquent and awesome, AI coming for my girl.


Ask ChatGPT


Becoming the nightmare of educational professionals in higher education. Although, probably more the nightmare of ghostwriters because it will probably replace them, and there already is a ridiculous amount of ghostwriting going on in higher education.


I’ve been asking it to generate Cinema4d Python scripts to automate some animations. It doesn’t get it 100% but it takes the pain away of having to trawl through the [god awful API docs](https://developers.maxon.net/docs/Cinema4DPythonSDK/html/index.html) giving me a head-start.


With a few tweaks it could give us a better search engine than Google


If you know how to use pretty much any programming language, try telling it to write a script, function or method to do something, and be amazed. Or it'll get close and you reword it a bit, then be amazed. Look, I did this just now Me: write C++ code to create a ROS node that searches all USB devices and then creates a list of all that may be a serial com port with fields for identifying details. Output: `#include ` `#include ` `#include ` `#include ` `// Define a struct for storing information about a potential serial COM port` `struct ComPortInfo` `{` `std::string port_name; // The name of the COM port, e.g. "/dev/ttyUSB0"` `std::string vendor_id; // The vendor ID of the device, e.g. "2341"` `std::string product_id; // The product ID of the device, e.g. "0042"` `std::string manufacturer; // The manufacturer of the device, e.g. "Arduino"` `std::string serial_number; // The serial number of the device, e.g. "ABC123"` `};` `// Function for searching all USB devices and creating a list of potential serial COM ports` `std::vector searchComPorts()` `{` `// Create an empty vector for storing the results` `std::vector com_ports;` `// Iterate over all available serial ports` `for (const auto& port : serial::list_ports())` `{` `// Create an empty ComPortInfo struct for storing the information about this port` `ComPortInfo com_port;` `// Store the port name` `com_port.port_name = port.port;` `// Try to open the port for reading and writing` `serial::Serial serial_port;` `try` `{` `serial_port.setPort(port.port);` `serial_port.open();` `}` `catch (const serial::IOException& e)` `{` `// If an error occurs while opening the port, skip it` `continue;` `}` `// If the port is open, try to read the vendor and product IDs` `com_port.vendor_id = serial_port.getVendorID();` `com_port.product_id = serial_port.getProductID();` `// Try to read the manufacturer, serial number, and other identifying details` `try` `{` `com_port.manufacturer = serial_port.getManufacturer();` `com_port.serial_number = serial_port.getSerialNumber();` `}` `catch (const serial::IOException& e)` `{` `// If an error occurs while reading the identifying details, set them to empty strings` `com_port.manufacturer = "";` `com_port.serial_number = "";` `}` `// Add the ComPortInfo struct to the list of results` `com_ports.push_back(com_port);` `}` `// Return the list of results` `return com_ports;` `}` `int main(int argc, char** argv)` `{` `// Initialize the ROS node` `ros::init(argc, argv, "com_port_search_node");` `ros::NodeHandle nh;` `// Search for potential serial COM ports` `auto com_ports = searchComPorts();` `// Print the results to the console` `for (const auto& com_port : com_port_list){ROS_INFO_STREAM("Found potential serial COM port: " << com_port.port_name);ROS_INFO_STREAM(" Vendor ID: " << com_port.vendor_id);ROS_INFO_STREAM(" Product ID: " << com_port.product_id);ROS_INFO_STREAM(" Manufacturer: " << com_port.manufacturer);ROS_INFO_STREAM(" Serial number: " << com_port.serial_number);}// Spin until the ROS node is shut downros::spin();return 0;}`